My father was a doctor raised with the cult of Pasteur so we had our shots (thankfully not too many in the 60s) and I didn’t question vaccines until the authorities went rogue with their vaxxine - one that I didn’t want injected in me as I understood it was not at all a real vaccine. At first it’s the only one I rejected; then I read the other side of the story and now I’m a full antivaxxer (and proud of it). There are 3 conditions that’d need to be met for me to accept any injection:

- the disease must be very severe/deadly

- the product must have been rigorously tested for at least 10 years

- the vaccine manufacturer must be fully responsible if there’s any change in my health following the injection.

So it looks very likely that I will never see a syringe again. I’m not afraid to die and will tackle a virus rather than take a chance with a pharmaceutical poison.

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You are singing my song. I would add that, assuming they "rigorously tested for at least 10 years," I would not have grounds to even believe that the testing was "rigorous"-- not any more, not after what they have done-- "they" being the governmental authorities and so many pharmaceutical companies-- and also, after seeing how many prescribing doctors just went along with all the criminal and even absurd nonsense like sleepy shrimp in a stream.

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you said it!

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Love your last sentence in particular!

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Wonderful, thank you for reading and sharing your observations!

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Phizer billionaire to his servant: "Jeeves, prepare me a warm milk bath right away" Jeeves: "Yes Sir, would you like the milk to be pasteurize?" Phizer billionaire: " No thanks Jeeves, just up to my neck will do."

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very good! Thank you

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Right. I am in your camp, ever since a flu vaccine laid me low at age 19. Fauci was a great book. Gotta read Turtles.it is on my shelf. Thank you for laying out the situation so clearly.

I am so concerned about those who regret the jabs. An antidote must be found.

My ex, a neurosurgeon said: gene therapy never. New medicines? Wait till they have been out for at least ten years. Don’t be a guinea pig.

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Absolutely on the new meds!!! Wait at least for ten years before agreeing to take any!!! The problem is that doctors, not our doctors but "their" doctors, push the new meds relentlessly until one caves in or steadfastly remains firm and out rules the doc. I am speaking from personal experience. Consequently, the patient is labeled as a trouble maker which invalidates the trust between patient and doctor. Whom are the breed of new docs representing? Is it the patient, or are they glorified sales reps of the drug companies?

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Nothing new about drug companies. Find a wholistically minded doc. No sense taking stuff that suppresses symptoms as the side effects can be important. Diet and lifestyle are better solutions.

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and thank you for your comments and thoughtfulness ... I think people are working on things to counteract the jabs. I was recently contacted by a local small restaurateur who regrets having taken the jab and is now often sick. The Frontline Critical Care people have recommendations about post-jab protocols, and also The Wellness Company I think ...

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Dr. Garcia,

This is a very thought-provoking article, and I think I'm going to have several responses. The first is that I'd like to propose the clarification that the line-turned-wall is not a real phenomenon, exactly. It can be best characterized as the "two" in a "one-two" knockout punch administered by the Corona War Aggressors.

Punch number "one" is, as you say, the genius of tapping into the massive potential of the submissive response. And here, another clarification is in order: The Corona War did not create this potential, nor did it create the dividing line that is the theme of your essay. That potential can be traced way back to the origins of multicellular life, if you like. That's a different essay. What's important is that the Corona Aggressors would have been delighted had the entire human population of Earth responded to their attacks with submission. Game over, they win. But it ain't that simple. Think of the attack as a kind of "centrifuge" (since we love virology stories) such that the submissive ones gravitated to one density band, and the non-submissive ones to another. This was an unintended yet fully anticipated outcome.

Now, what is the difference between a "line" and a "wall"? A line can be crossed, while a wall cannot? A single-move strategy to capitalize on human submission instinct would be strong, but imperfect. What's worse, since submission is not the entirety of the capacity of those who submitted, there is a danger of "reverse infection", in other words, those who resisted being captured contain the seeds of liberation for those who were unable to resist, provided the groups are allowed to mix. Therefore, they must not be allowed to mix.

Hence, the "wall" is a device of the Aggressors; it's the "two" punch. It's there if we let it be there. Here is how it works. Those who are hypnotized by fear are in the grips of a parasympathetic response. (They may be unusually predisposed to this state, but that's a different essay.) But they are still capable of a sympathetic response, a response of self-assertion and anger. The second half of the Evil genius at play is to turn that second response against those who did not, in the first phase, submit. This achieves two important goals: 1. it puts their sympathetic circuitry to a use so that it is unavailable for a more adaptive use (against the actual aggressor), and 2. it serves to push back and intimidate and force submission of the more stubborn subjects.

Is this what's happening? I believe so. Is it the "perfect storm"? I believe not. You and I, and many who read here are the counterexamples that prove the game is not won. Moreover, if we dare to plot our own joyous survival, reject the wall and cross the lines, we will invent an ending they could not ever have anticipated.

So let's get busy and do that!


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A wonderful and rich commentary, an essay of its own -- thank you!

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Pleased you self-educated rather than other-medicated on the vaccines, another silver lining in the dark cloud of Totalitarian Covid-1984. That is what I did as well and never let the needle near me since and never will. Suggest you read, if have not, Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter Duesberg. I dived into AIDS (Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome) deeply and saw/see it as pretest version of Covid-1984. Read Celia Farber on AIDS here on Substack, a brave battler. Stay safe and free.

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I have indeed read Celia Farber and others on the HIV fraud ... and as for self-education -- is there any other kind? Thank you for your comments!

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This is what is so rare and welcome about you, Emmanuel, that even though you are ostensibly part of the Status/Statist Quo, the evidence of your You shows me you were self-educated, and thanks for that. Keep that poetry and protests against the psychiatricK/pHarmaceutical Mafia coming.

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The dividing “line has become a wall” -- yes, thank you.

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All good NZD, sometimes you just have to laugh.

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That's a whole lotta 'no science'!!!!

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Human Vaccine Inserts https://vactruth.com/vaccine-inserts-human/

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Thank you for this

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"The emerging genius of our Resistance lies in the appeal to living life, whose preciousness and value are all the more enhanced by its inevitable end."

I'm not trying to be contrary, I am trying to share my honest reaction. This sentence creates cognitive dissonance for me. If life has value, if it is precious, I wouldn't want it to end. If it ends, that would seem, to me, to be a tragedy. How does one live with such tragedy?

"He has put eternity in their hearts" writes the preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes. We were created with the ability to recognize that we die and we fight, in our natural state, against what seems to be inevitable. Those who have everything in this world will gladly trade whatever preciousness and value is wrought by the fact that life ends for the ability to live on in perpetuity. They try to muscle their way into a perpetual existence - eternity in their hearts, distorted. We were made to search for eternal life, not create a false version of it. The search leads us to our Creator, who holds the gift of eternal life in His hands. We are given the assurance that death will not be our final state, when we find Him.

I would not let the knowledge of eternal life be torn from me. What could replace it? If I die, I do not lose my existence. Rather, I am finally able to rest from the work of this life to be with the One to whom I am devoted, and with those I love, who have gone before me. This is not a fiction, it is trust in a promise by One who has kept all His promises. They are not promises that I imagine in my mind, they are documented in a book that is unlike anything else humanity has in its possession. They are promises to me as a believer, but even more, they are promises to and about the world. They are objective, and can be verified by history. I do not have blind faith, I have faith in One I know.

It is axiomatic, for me, to refuse all mandated physical interventions. This is not because I am asserting my right of bodily autonomy. It is because God has not delegated, to the governments of this world, the right to breach the physical integrity of those He has created or, through coercion, to force substances into their bodies. To accept this mutilation, without repentance, would be to submit myself to a mark of ownership by others and deny that I belong to my Creator. It would be to risk forfeiting my relationship with the One who holds eternal life in His hands. That would be unconscionable. They are trying to steal the promise I have, of eternal life. They cannot take it from me.

I saw the fear, but I was never afraid. Even before the coercion began, I refused to participate in a system that preyed on human emotions, substituting fear of death for fear of the Lord, substituting salvation from our Creator with salvation by injection. The battle is spiritual, and its nature was evident from the beginning.

Too many people are celebrating. They believe they have identified the problem as their own fear. I fear they underestimate what is in store for humanity. I expect that what we have recently experienced was only the beginning. They are not prepared. In the face of what can become a terrible trial, I will not be torn from my Creator - not because of my ability to hold on to Him, but because He will hold on to me, until I rest in peace and enter into eternal life, through Jesus Christ.

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Thank you for taking the time to read and to respond so fully. I suppose what I had in mind was a brief essay by Freud, "On Transience" wherein he counters the response of a poet with whom he is walking who laments the fact that spring will end and the flowers will no longer bloom. In other words, the end of things in this physical world. A general feature of our opposition seems to be rank materialism, by the way. Your thoughts are much appreciated.

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J. P. Kerber, this is an amazing post because it resonates totally with me. Perhaps for different reasons. Unfortunately the first church I went to was a disaster and I didn't know it. I was brought up an atheist, converted all alone in a paddock, and then didn't know what to do.

And it seemed natural to think that people who knew and loved Jesus, would be able to help, so went to the first church that presented the opportunity. My gut knew there was something not right but my brain did not. Long story short, the church descended into the chains of command and covering teaching, to which everything in me revolted, so I started asking unwelcome questions based on scripture and received unwelcome treatment. Two years later, the birth of our first child (1981) resulted in emotional and intellectual burning, and after illogically blaming God I walked away from Him, deciding to bury myself in the medical literature to protect my family against what God could not. (Yeah, right!)

Ironically it was the medical literature which brought me back to God, but it took until 2005 for that to happen. Looking back, I can see His hand constantly guiding me in strange ways no human could conceive of. But I'm glad that the core of my first knowing came from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, because that is what cemented part of my faith, until I got to "know" Him.

To this day, I find Pubmed fascinating, because if you know the right terms and start to see the right combinations of words to search with, then you can find, in their own science, the proof that the vast majority of the provaccine science is manipulated crafted dross, whereby the answers come from leading questions which have only one outcome. The answer the sponsor wants. And it's the understanding that actually, the "emperor has no clothes", which gives all the more ooomph to knowing and trusting Jesus.

And yes, this was just the warm up. I very much worry about those who imagine that everything is back to normal, because it's evident to me from what is in Pubmed, that this was just a preliminary test balloon.

It could be that many who resisted this balloon will not have the resilience to cope with what is to come. And it's ironic that some within the system can see that and have inferred it in preprints... https://zenodo.org/record/8216373/files/Tanaka%20and%20Miyazawa%20Unnaturalness%20in%20the%20evolution%20process%20of%20SARS%20CoV-2.pdf?download=1 And though Miyazawa, as far as I know, hasn't a biblical understanding, he's taken to the street on the basis that he foresees the potential destruction of his own people.

Yet most can't see that this was a dummy run ( lol perhaps literally... ) and that what is to come will really test what they are made of.

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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and thank you!

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If nothing else, the last three years have exposed the intrinsic human tendency to seek refuge in a dominant group, no matter how silly and obviously weak the premise. “How could the Germans let that happen?” is a question that has now finally been answered, and the answer is not flattering. The end of all this, if there is one, will require successfully navigating through a very dark epoch. Buckle up.

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So much I was going to share, but the website refreshed and poof, gone… so I’ll make it short for now….. vaccines like antibiotics in that they can be potent, powerful, life saving technology. Just like fire can be be so helpful, but also terribly destructive. Technology can be used beneficial or harmful. I still believe there are times and places vaccines might be called for. There is no one size fits all…. The biggest problem I see is that we do not have the actual science or data of the risk to benefit ratios, so parents can’t make informed choices. And not all diseases have the same risks. Chicken pox vs. small pox for example. We need real science, real data, but who will pay for it??? The Pharma industry won’t, and the gov regulatory agencies have all been corrupted in the US, so who will fund the research? Can’t find what we aren’t looking for.

Things aren’t necessarily so black and white, and that there are a lot of moving parts and variables. This shows how complex it all can be, based on gender, live vs. attenuated, etc.


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excellent points .... yes, a hammer can be used to drive a nail to construct a building, or to smash someone's head. I'm not opposed to vaccination per se, but I'd like to know exactly what is in anything I take and right now I have no trust in the companies that manufacture them. During the Revolutionary War I understand that George Washington had his militia injected with attenuated doses of smallpox ... I'll have to do more research on that, but it suggests that aside from the probable bacterial contaminants the vaccination was relatively clean. Thank you for reading and commenting!

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Another interesting essay, thanks doc. Like yourself and many here I was a proponent of vaccines in general, but sceptical of mRNA. With further reading I've come to similar conclusions as Natalie.

A tangent - you mention you're a psychiatrist and psychanalyst. Are you a member of the associated professional bodies? A major jaw-drop for me during lockdowns etc was the way all of the websites of the psychological/psychoanalytical professional bodies during lockdowns mentioned Covid only in terms of physical measures such as masks and distancing. These were bodies who must implicitly have understood the psychological stresses imposed by mandates and the highly manipulative techniques being used to enforce them. And yet they remained silent in the face of it. It was only rare individuals within those bodies who spoke up.

I'm keen to hear your thoughts and takes on that at some point.

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Thanks for reading and commenting! No, I'm no longer a member of any professional bodies ... I have been aghast at the attitudes of the official psychoanalytic and psychiatric organizations during this mess. I wasn't surprised, however.

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Thank you for directing me to this post.

I am a New Zealander, and when I first started looking at vaccines, it was a very isolating experience, because everyone basically "did it". Rather than talk about that, the "wall" is a very interesting wall, because for the same reasons as everyone basically did it, it's possible to say that they did it, because at the core, people do want to look after each other and help one another.

Which is why the authorities have ALWAYS down through history, weaponized that. In the decades I've ploughed through Pubmed it's always been the core weapon. "you don't love your child if you don't...." or "You don't care about your community if you don't..." and "you don't care about granny/baby/ compromised if you don't..." ... "Your mother doesn't love you because she put NO on the Gardasil consent form - she wants you to get cancer..." I've read and heard it all and more besides... But the advertisement always infer , "If you love your child you will." The **if** is always directing the reader to the opposite..... it's mental manipulation.

So actually by default they aren't weaponizing love. They are weaponizing hatred, because it's innate to hate baby murderers, granny murderers, society underminers etc.

And when people with good intentions, are lead to believe that those who don't vaccinate are horrible evil people, and that if you do vaccinate, you are part of an intelligent, smart, kind "team of 5 million" (choke) listening to the "sole source of truth", then people who chose the default position of thoughtful caution based on actual knowledge, become the ENEMY against whom it is legitimate to hate.

So what I see is people who suddenly get this inflated sense of pride in their intelligence and smartness, failing to realize that **IF** the sole source of truth was RIGHT, then the raft of soundbites about the vaccine means it would protect, and the actions of anyone else don't matter.

These people with good intentions, have an inability to think logically when confronted with an authority who clearly states that the unvaccinated will be hunted down..... After all, everyone else is on the same page, right? So the good people must be right, right? And those who have actually researched the science must be wrong, and evil, and spreaders to death to the vaccinated.

There ARE actually a whole lot of New Zealanders who know that only around 317 have died in the unvaccinated, and well over 4,000 in the vaccinated, YET they blame the still alive unvaccinated for the deaths of all the dead vaccinated and boosted good people.

My take, is that the WALL is created by a fear-driven neurotic, paranoid combination of Dunning Kruger effect, Cognitive Dissonance, Abilene Paradox, Baader Meinhof Phenomenon and Stockholm syndrome. Which is a mouthful. And basically could be summed up as carefully crafted, and programmed (via TV/media etc) daily brainwashing, particularly the 1 pm daily narrative.

So far, it's rare for those individuals to pull down that wall. the majority who have woken up, had it pulled down for them when they reacted to the vaccine, though many of them are only awake to this jab and no others..... Many are starting to have long term vaccine effects and are starting to see through the holes, but still can't see the bigger picture.

But most people who escaped the above, dismiss the above, and stopped listening and just got on with life, still believe that their good intentions are what everyone should have done, and those who didn't are still criminals.

It's very good programming, because those people could well become the sole source of truth's best adherents the next time.

It would be interesting to hear your thoughts from a psychological perspective. It would also be interesting to hear a discussion on this from Jordan Peterson as well. I'm sure the planning from all the "nudge" units was predicated on this exact concept.

Maybe you, or someone could organize such an interview somehow..... because this would seem to be the target of weaponization, and the core facet of manufactured consent and compliance.

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My story is not unlike yours, had all my childhood vaccines, in the most part pro-vax until about 10yrs ago, i was working at Akld City Hosp and felt pressured to take a flu jab. Was and is the only year laid low with the flu. The messaging was that we (the clinical staff) were irresponsible if we didn't have the flu jab, got the flu and had to take a few days off. Was my first experience of feeling manipulated into feeling shame and guilt.

With the Covid jab, well it's probably fair to say i knew a bit more than Joe Bloggs about mRNA gene therapy, having completed a project involving reviewing the literature on this therapy for a govt agency just prior to the pandemic. I was well aware that in the 20 odd yrs of research into mRNA therapy, there was a reason (or many) why not one single product had made it to market.

So when, a few months into the pandemic Dr Fauci proclaimed we had not just one but two mRNA products that were safe and effective, i asked myself what are the odds of that? Well, the rest is history in the making!

Oh, and i'd love to know what your thoughts are as to why not one single (vaccinated) friend or family member has ever shown any interest in why i said no. It puzzles me, as if they'd shown a bit of intellectual curiosity i would've told them. But they didn't and still have not asked

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Much of my research was done at Philson medical library. I stole, and still have, a 9 March 1998 announcement to all medical people, that staff needed to line up for the flu shot. It was on the public notice board on the landing in the stairwell to the library (which is now relocated elsewhere....)

In it was this sentence. "The vaccines are accepted as being effective, providing the great majority of staff are vaccinated."

What a great testament to their own disbelief that the vaccine on it's own, doesn't work.

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