Years ago I interviewed for admission into the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine with a much-beloved and much-admired cardiologist. He conducted the session with grace and kindness, and somehow we eased into a spontaneous discussion, which was rare on those formal occasions, about Medicine.
It went beyond the usual questions about what motivated my decision to try to become a doctor and actually veered into this eminent clinician’s revelation of his own influences, chief of which was Vallery-Radot’s biography of Pasteur. I recall that the distinguished doctor specifically mentioned Pasteur’s discoveries in vaccination and their enormously beneficial effect for humankind. Soon thereafter I searched for and found a copy of the biography in one of Philadelphia’s treasured antiquarian bookstores and read it avidly. I have it here in New Zealand on the bookshelf within the study where I write.
Like most everyone I regarded vaccines as preeminent in the history of medicine, a majestic achievement resulting in untold benefit. I myself still remember the sugar cubes through which the Sabin oral polio vaccine was administered when I was a child, and when my children were born they received the usual shots.
During medical school I learned virtually nothing about vaccination, but I availed myself of the flu vaccine twice. The yearly flu injections were in a different category from the bedrock of the childhood vaccination schedule: we knew they wouldn’t be completely effective, but we took them anyway for the promise of partial protection. But both times, two years in succession, I was bedridden after having contracted a severe case of the flu. Thereafter I avoided this particular vaccine, preferring to take my chances with vitamin C and natural immunity.
Until 2020 I will confess that I really didn’t think about vaccines: I assumed they were good, I knew nothing about the adjuvants within the injections, and aside from avoiding the yearly flu jab, I was firmly in what some now call the ‘pro-vax’ camp.
The advent of the Corona War changed everything. Even as a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist I could discern that the liberticidal measures adopted to ‘manage’ the ostensibly lethal pandemic were groundless. I was greatly disturbed by the lack of virtually any governmental or institutional encouragement of early treatment and prevention, and when the emphasis on a vaccine solution emerged as the only way out, I realized that the fix was in. As a consequence I was compelled to educate myself with a less hagiographic and more realistically informed history of immunization and vaccinology.
The eminently useful (but horribly titled) book edited by Zoey O’Toole and Mary Holland, ‘Turtles All the Way Down’, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s magnificent ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, probably contain within themselves the highlights of my new-found understanding of vaccines and their enormous influence on the practice of medicine.
But my purpose here is not to write about these medical treatments and interventions so much as to emphasize the dividing line the Corona War propaganda has created. It is a line that separates those who accept a gene-altering injection as a bona fide vaccine, when it prevents neither infection nor transmission of covid, from those who do not. A line that separates those who sanctify all childhood inoculations from those who have concerns. A line that divides proponents of jab apartheid from those who assert inviolable autonomy over body and soul.
In fact, the line has become a wall.
Anyone who dares to raise questions about the association of childhood vaccines with autism and other reactions, anyone who hesitates to line up for yet another covid booster, anyone who is bold enough to forego the imposition of the covid injections even at the cost of losing his or her livelihood – well, these folks are clearly designated ‘anti-vaxxers’, an appellation that earns them ostracism, ridicule and scorn.
Thus the world, in keeping with the dry digital dualistic logarithmic ‘logic’ of globalist technocrats, may be conveniently divided into two: the virtuous and the selfish, the clean and the unclean, the good and the bad, the pro-jabbers and the despicable anti-jabbers.
These kinds of divisions ignore subtlety, scholarship and complexity, of course, which is why, for propagandists, they are so useful.
Personally speaking, I have no intention of taking any vaccination, legitimate or illegitimate: that’s my unalienable right. If I step on a rusty nail, so be it.
And as far as choice goes, I choose not to define myself by decisions about vaccination or any other medical treatment for that matter. I prefer to be defined by what I do to contribute, in whatever measure, according to my abilities, to the prevailing goodness within our human potential.
The genius of the Corona War propagandists has been to arouse the dormant hypochondriac within us all, to appeal to profound universal fears of sickness and death, fears that motivate submission, the acceptance of control and the relinquishment of fundamental rights – selling one’s soul for a bowl of potage, as it were.
The emerging genius of our Resistance lies in the appeal to living life, whose preciousness and value are all the more enhanced by its inevitable end.
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
May 2023
My father was a doctor raised with the cult of Pasteur so we had our shots (thankfully not too many in the 60s) and I didn’t question vaccines until the authorities went rogue with their vaxxine - one that I didn’t want injected in me as I understood it was not at all a real vaccine. At first it’s the only one I rejected; then I read the other side of the story and now I’m a full antivaxxer (and proud of it). There are 3 conditions that’d need to be met for me to accept any injection:
- the disease must be very severe/deadly
- the product must have been rigorously tested for at least 10 years
- the vaccine manufacturer must be fully responsible if there’s any change in my health following the injection.
So it looks very likely that I will never see a syringe again. I’m not afraid to die and will tackle a virus rather than take a chance with a pharmaceutical poison.
Phizer billionaire to his servant: "Jeeves, prepare me a warm milk bath right away" Jeeves: "Yes Sir, would you like the milk to be pasteurize?" Phizer billionaire: " No thanks Jeeves, just up to my neck will do."