as a person in your field you must notice how a vast amount of people have been swept up by what I consider mind control, mk-ultra etc. Cognitive dissonance to the MAX. Friends I used to think were balanced and intelligent enough to see and feel what has been evolving in the media and in the general public with the falling on the knees and accepting the mask and distancing plus toxic "health care". instead of the 100 monkey concept I see them as the three monkeys with their hands over their ears, eyes and mouth. I do hope that the light shinning on the darkness exposing the corruption and deception will re-awaken and strengthen the positive resolve to return to the Love and Nurturing of our potential.

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So well articulated thx.

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Like you, I thought I knew what was going on, but I fell short by miles. I Lived in Argentina for 10 years and I knew the peronists were bad guys. Pretty tame compared to what I now understand. I made steps pretty gradually. By the time I saw 9/11 live on TV before they erased the flashes on every floor during the collapse of the 2 main targets, and began reading extensively, I was little by little, wised up tp certain facts. The things is, it takes a long time to go from believing in "The land of the free and the home of the brave", to other more current and realistic concepts. Some people are farther along the road to understanding than others.

Thank you for your steady and thoughtful communication on all of this.

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Beautifully put. We are each on our own path (of the soul).

Thanks for your loving heart and lovely wise words.

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Oh wow Doc! Another wonderful article ! I could put myself in there too…not that I’m as educated as you, just a Mum and admin person, now retired…having been woken up to all that’s been going on for all of our lives - and still seeing so many thinking life is back to normal - it’s still pretty unbearable with what’s happening here in NZ! You’ve given me some hope again for today and I sure am seeing the amazing things happening which I know is taking down the swamp- hopefully, all over the world and here as well! Thank you 🙏

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What A Breath of Fresh Air!

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The possible benefits of the current Trump offensive - which may or may not bear fruit - and the ostensible reasons for its necessity, are still largely lost on the same cohort that bought into the Covid scam. In other words, a majority. We shall see, but it would be wise not to hold one’s breath. As noted by the lack of immigration crises in Russian and China, the global West is presently complicit in its own ongoing deconstruction on a number of levels. With some kind of demonic and fluid cabal orchestrating the sorry show for their own purported benefit. Yet the entire project contains the seeds of its final failure, though the suffering is already immense and will only get worse. But it is ultimately a spiritual ordeal, however that is another notion not favored in this time of profound secular blindness. As a culture, we seem to have come to our proverbial Eye of the Needle, a sorting process that will be ruthless in its unfolding. Be prepared.

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Good comment

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imo, We’re missing the “whole point” :

GOD Blessed the Good people of this planet and proved his existence to the agnostics by willing the movement of Trump’s head to just the perfect angle to draw blood without splattering his brain all over live TV, which would have resulted in riots, rebellion and Martial Law, including Globalist recruitment of 25 million military age illegal migrants already in the U.S. (and around the world) into an ad hoc UN authorized uniformed and armed “peacekeeping force” against American citizens (and citizens of the free world), resulting in the authoritarian end of ALL freedoms in the USA and therefore, the world, and thereby ushering in the nefarious New World Order and a millennium of Darkness led by the most Evil Cabal ever assembled on Earth. That, for sure, would have been our fate (of course, after a considerable period of slaughter, bloodshed, & misery) had the assassin succeeded in traumatizing the world.

The would-be assassin, having diligently honed his marksmanship for many months at a nearby shooting range (“coincidentally” also used by FBI and other government agents), had somehow managed to bypass Secret Service and police “protection” for Mr. Trump, and ended up in a clear line of sight prime location; he had his high power scoped rifle perfectly aligned with Mr. Trump’s head, when without a hint of warning, IN THE VERY SAME NANO-SECOND that the shooter’s finger committed to pulling that trigger, Mr. Trump tilted his head ever so slightly, resulting in nothing less than A MIRACLE in broad daylight, broadcast worldwide on Live Television.

The “whole point” is that Divine Intervention is not just a phrase to be bandied about as a “coincidence.” Do the math!

It’s impossible to do the math and come up with any other answer than “We Witnessed A Miracle” —-

Divine Intervention saved not only Trump’s life, but saved our species from a millennium of misery and suffering. And just as important, that MIRACLE let us know that GOD chose Mr. Trump (though not a perfect human being) to lead the world to fulfill its potential and help us forge a new path upwards towards His Light. GOD gave us another chance to save ourselves by not being lazy and cowardly. He wants us to take action against Evil and destroy it completely, so that only Love and Virtue remain.

We must wear our hard won Armor of GOD, and Fight, Fight, Fight until we obliterate Evil and its minions from our world. THIS Planet, of all the Planets in our Universe, is Sacred. It is GOD’s Gem, and OUR PURPOSE is to protect it and banish all Evil from ever again gaining a foothold here.

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Thanks for the article! I, too, somehow missed the memo that docs are now uninterested in actual science and practicing medicine. Once you lower standards, it’s all going to shite. The level of stupidity and grift in the system is mostly the outcome of selling the system to venture capitol. Why would you pay a competent, local nurse poorly yet pay an out-of-state travel nurse twice as much?

This is both economically null and directly damaging to care, but it’s now the standard. It’s a bit like giving workmen spoons to dig a trench because that will mean less unemployment.. intentionally creating an artificial need in order to justify an unnecessary service. Medicine is rife with such scams that destroy the quality of care and US docs don’t speak up or object? It’s vile.

US docs had little credibility before covid, now it must soon reach negative numbers.

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Prosperity isn't just a barrier against physical misery, Doc, it's a cognitive buffer as well.

Mental health professionals, however well-intended, can rarely avoid at least some degree of projection and routinely fall prey to category error in determination of what is maladaptive.

Prosperity facilitates mobility in one direction; toward a more benign circumstance. It required a level of intrusiveness rarely experienced by the prosperous, to engender the realization that entropy cannot be denied, only forestalled.

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Dr. Peter Breggin has a good website & substack also...much live, doc!

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Beautifully expressed! I’m a coal miners daughter and grew up on the West Coast when socialism was the norm. I know that my father and his colleagues who fought hard for acceptable working conditions would be appalled at how the current ‘left’ has degenerated.

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Dr Manny thank you for your beautiful positive energies - light from the dark.

Your positivity has energy beyond physical matter.

Physical matter (particles) becomes energy (waves) when observed.

'Lightworker' is an apt term (which Wikipedia refuses to list).

Love, gratitude and peace,


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Dear Manny,

WOW, again for the delicate decisiveness of your thinking, the grasp of historical events and the fluidity of what emanates from your pen.

Thank you, my friend,


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I could not agree strongly enough. You are so right about the sad situation the world has allowed itself to be so damaged and corrupted by very wealthy and powerful minority mostly US or European oligarchs.

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Eustace Mullins has what looks to be a most interesting and illuminating book on the take down of America with medical tyranny...."Unbekoming" - also a most informative and prolific researcher of many subjects has a write up on this today -along with side links of interviews that are riveting to read.

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Brilliantly refreshing thank you Doctor.

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Good reporting! These people shouldn't stay scot-free... for all the sufferings they submitted us to.

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Accountability is rolling down the tracks like a loaded freight train!

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