I have thought for a long time about summing things up. Not being a news reporter and having a constitutional aversion to hysterically impulsive responses to microcosmic political developments, I’ve waited.
I have in addition known full well that smart as I may think I may be it is impossible to know the ins and outs of the arcane, occult and labyrinthine realm of geopolitics, graft, the manipulation of peoples and the exercise of power among and between those who have amassed riches, those who trade in blackmail, and those whose quest for control is matched only by their delight in sadism.
Let’s start with JFK.
Even as a kid I sensed a jolt, a shudder in the tenuous tissue of my country’s stability, which was followed by repetitive shocks as RFK and MLK were killed and patently dubious stories about the perpetrators were purveyed. For anyone interested a remarkable series about these assassinations is being developed, Four Died Trying, which I heartily recommend.
And Vietnam.
I was fortunate enough to have been just young enough to miss the draft, but I knew kids who weren’t and I had glimpses of the wounded when they returned to the Naval Hospital not far from my neighborhood, the amputees in their wheelchairs on the grounds of the facility. I read about the kill tallies occurring in a land far, far away and never understood the motivation for such a mobilization of troops, such a waste of lives. When Saigon fell it wasn’t Armageddon, proving that everything before had been one vast deception.
Until Covid, as I was wending my way here in New Zealand, I had little inkling that the WEF and WHO and the UN and the same occult rogue powers in my native USA were working hand in glove to enslave us all. Having styled myself as a kind of anarcho-socialist — you know, the kind of person alert to the rapaciousness of unbridled capitalist exploitation, the kind of person who thinks sharing things equitably is good and decent — I had little appreciation for the dark side of the socialist agenda, the obverse of a coin whose head touted ‘the greater good’. Sure, I knew about the depredations of Mao and Russian Communism, but in my naivete I hadn’t bothered myself with what the ideal of a ‘greater good’ implied: the extinction of personal liberty. Now I see that this ‘greater good’ is itself a construction of the Few to be used against the Many, a neat little trick conjured by a Committee or Cabal, take your pick, who have taken it upon themselves to shove their greater good upon us at our expense and for their aggrandizement.
While I was plying my trade here in New Zealand as a psychiatrist I somehow missed the ‘revolution’ in Medicine that had resulted in turning a mostly independent-thinking bunch — doctors — into slaves of algorithms, not coincidentally also decided by some kind of Higher Committee within the field.
I had left the States before the madness of DEI had taken hold and infested virtually every institution available and before I was aware of the issue of illegal immigration, which only hit home for me personally when on a trip to Italy around 2010 I found myself harassed by a migrant in a cafe — and surprised that my objections to being hounded were frowned upon by the proprietors of the cafe, as if to say ‘you can’t do this, just let it be’.
The devastating invasions of Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries by an unbridled American War Machine surely resulted in an outpouring of migrations throughout Europe, but I hadn’t divined the nation-destroying purpose behind it all. I was also, I am ashamed to admit, ignorant about the aims of the devastation of Yugoslavia during the Clinton years.
In short, I’ve been slow to a political awakening, having tried to avoid the sordid world of politics for most of my life, though having been cognizant of a system run mostly by a One-Party Bunch in America with two slightly different factions, Republican and Democrat, feeding from the same trough and enriching themselves at taxpayer expense.
Then came Covid, and because I have written extensively about many facets of this brilliantly devious and ingenious perpetration of misery upon the world, I will say only this: it pulled the curtain and allowed us all to see what we have been up against, an adversary willing to murder in ways large and small, covertly and transparently and, most important, on a global scale the likes of which had never occurred.
Those who continue to support the Global Lockdown and the Planned Reset and the Jab — those of us little people, I mean, the ones who didn’t question a Vax Apartheid, for example — are those who cannot believe the Enormity of Evil inflicted upon us. Strokes and turbo-cancers abound and yet they will never, ever implicate their beloved Jab despite the ubiquitous and insurmountable evidence of its lethality. Why? Mostly because, I conclude, they cannot accept that the Forces of Governing Authority would actively and purposefully kill its own citizens, its own peoples.
And yet they do, and even a superficial reading of the history of humankind shows that they have often done so, but never with such a concentrated global reach because they didn’t have our technological means.
The Green New Scam, the Great Reset (fortunately averted by a hair), the Transgender Craze, the flooding of illegal migrants into countries of the West, they all go together, undermining our sense of self, our perception of reality, and what little patriotism we retained — in service to a nationless Ideal. But this is an Ideal not decided upon by us, but by our ‘betters’ in the organizations that recruit our charitable inclinations to serve their own ends. Meanwhile populist leaders are attacked, pacifism is derided and we are harangued constantly by Central Authorities — perhaps most exemplified by the European Union — about how to behave, how to sacrifice basic national interests for proxy wars, and how, most of all, to give up any silly ideas about personal liberty.
I note too that migrants are not seeping through the borders of China or Russia: it is the West under assault.
With Trump and the resurgence of a populist movement holding dear the principles of the American Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Bill of Rights, a battering ram is being taken to the Globalist Gate. In two weeks by the sheer exercise of audit — you know, following the money — we can perceive the waste and the rot and the bribery, the buying and selling of News and the foisting of Propaganda to support the general enterprise of Globalist Control.
These revelations have not only exceeded expectations, but they have vindicated us. What we have said for years now about the legacy media has been dramatically shown. What we have said for decades about corrupt double-dealing traitorous politicians has been dramatically exposed.
And it has only just begun, this Offensive against the Benevolent Globalista Oppression
Before I wrap this wayward excursion up, let me make a few more points about Power and Empires. First, no populist revolution has ever occurred without the help of people in power, ever. Second, a geopolitical landscape of Empire is inescapable, and it behooves any Nation to protect its interests.
I believe we are entering an era where several Powers are jockeying for position: China, the US, Russia, possibly India. They should accept a World of Several Poles and strive for peaceful coexistence, rather than the One World of Unipolar Dominance.
Based on what has transpired I am very very hopeful that this more beneficent organization may be achieved, and that the Greater Good Illusions about climate, health and digital surveillance will wither away to a wisp, and very soon.
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
February 2025
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as a person in your field you must notice how a vast amount of people have been swept up by what I consider mind control, mk-ultra etc. Cognitive dissonance to the MAX. Friends I used to think were balanced and intelligent enough to see and feel what has been evolving in the media and in the general public with the falling on the knees and accepting the mask and distancing plus toxic "health care". instead of the 100 monkey concept I see them as the three monkeys with their hands over their ears, eyes and mouth. I do hope that the light shinning on the darkness exposing the corruption and deception will re-awaken and strengthen the positive resolve to return to the Love and Nurturing of our potential.
Like you, I thought I knew what was going on, but I fell short by miles. I Lived in Argentina for 10 years and I knew the peronists were bad guys. Pretty tame compared to what I now understand. I made steps pretty gradually. By the time I saw 9/11 live on TV before they erased the flashes on every floor during the collapse of the 2 main targets, and began reading extensively, I was little by little, wised up tp certain facts. The things is, it takes a long time to go from believing in "The land of the free and the home of the brave", to other more current and realistic concepts. Some people are farther along the road to understanding than others.
Thank you for your steady and thoughtful communication on all of this.