If he is the second smartest guy in the world,

Then the rest of us are tied for first place.

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Thomas that's hilarious!!!


Emanuel - once again I just skimmed your piece.

For a community that is fighting for free speech banning and blocking are really amped up.

I'm shunned by both my kids. Banned for 100 years as well, when I expressed concern to the author about some regular's talking about murder. (I thought the author was pushing too hard)

I was blocked by someone else, well... for a sad manipulative thing by the author. (personal in nature)

I was banned temporarily for telling another author I would not kill someone over a can of soup. (I can be rather blunt, never name calling, but definitely stubborn)

And then banned again by another (still too fresh and ugly) He kind of did a hit piece on me on his feed.

It is amazing we are not all totally insane.

I've been noticing really reactive behavior, which I think is really pushed forward by the idea of the other and controlled opposition.

I've been stepping away and doing the work of it. But feel pretty raw and quick to assume as well. Which is why I'm stepping away and only skimming.

May we all hear the silent screams and dig deep for compassion.

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I think as a colleague told me this morning, living under a totalitarian system breeds division.

Thank you for your comment. And no, I wouldn't kill for a can of soup either!

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It's definitely being fed.

Thank you.

And of course you wouldn't!

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Possibly would depend on how hungry you were (the Holodomor is a hideous example), but God Forbid! Let's not go there.

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I think it's a decision. A moral decision? Just as we choose how to behave. What feels right and in alignment. In all of what we are going through there is the choice to stand in integrity or not.

I'd rather hand out cans of soup, or better yet make a big pot of and invite others in.

What is life without integrity?

There are so many messages of fear being pushed. (and yes this is all so ugly, the damage and devastation) But in the end we will all die. Human life is just a moment. There's nothing to grab onto that will change that, not even a can of soup.

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Hi Elizabeth,

You are always welcome at my stack any time and I haven't banned nor censored anyone even if they have a go at me. I might not be the 2nd smartest guy around, but I don't agree with censorship in any form, particularly if they ask hard questions.

Regards, matt.

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Thank you Matt you're very kind.

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So am I. Most of the time.

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I think you've hit on at least one reason why substack exists. I am fairly sure by this point it's a psyop. I studied who the frontmen and women are and where the money is coming from (and it ain't subscriptions...) and what they're doing with said funds. Also the swirling around the drain of many stacks to keep people caught in the sink endlessly swirling.

Then there is the fomenting of violent reactions and hatred or misanthropy (should anyone like the fancy name for it) that many stacks are turning to which I suspect was their mission all along.

Killing for a can of soup is insane. We are not animals regardless of how many attempts to turn us into one are made unless we allow ourselves to swallow that putrid lie.

Anyone who sincerely challenges any of this platforms' "mission" is persona non grata and increasingly so.

Wise as serpents and harmless as doves. As long as it lasts. Stay frosty.

Love your call for compassion. Keep sounding it from the rooftops.

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Was this to me Pirate?

There was someone on another's feed who kept speaking to murder and mayhem. He might have been messing about, but I couldn't stay silent.

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It was to you and to everyone who is being banned. The last sentence is for you.

The "stay frosty", etc., is a call for cooler heads to prevail. I have seen the same. People calling for murder and mayhem and stacks provoking and supporting sickness.

I don't mean don't speak out when you come across someone spouting evil intent. I'm talking the intentional provocation of civil war. I think that's the aim not only on this platform but across the world.

Speaking out is a very good thing IMO and will help people to see the lunacy of their misdirected rage. I hope.

Your call for compassion is right on and those who are promoting evil need calling out. That is a form of compassion. Keep up your good work. Even if it leads to banning.

I was banned from Sage Hana's stack for speaking out about a post he/she made about an old woman who fell down the stairs and died and her dead body lay undiscovered in her house for so long her cats began eating her. So many people thought this was hilarious and took it as an opportunity to say the most cruel things assuming the old woman had been vaccinated. When I said I didn't think any of it was funny at all, the attack was on from many flying monkeys. Finally a person calling herself Heidi Heil (what?) wrote of people enjoying "dark humor" and recounted a grotesque series of jokes, one being a joke Bob Saget told about sodomizing a little boy until he threw up and died and she left a link for everyone to watch Bob Saget telling this joke. I didn't watch the link. It was all sick enough as it was in writing. I stood my ground and finally Sage (in all caps) kept calling in long paragraphs for me to die. Over and over. I was warned if I kept standing my ground I would be banned and then he/she banned me.

This is the kind of sickness going on and that's why I say thank you for your compassion.

I urge everyone to stand their ground whether it be New Zealand Doc calling out inflammatory lies or other base provocations that are attempting to turn people into animals. Which is a lie itself and self-evident.

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The reason I asked is that it didn't come to my inbox, which was odd.

Thank you for sharing that rather brutal account. Horrifyingly sickening. I personally don't like any humor at another's expense. The man speaking to murder and mayhem was on S's feed as well. Yeah S banned me as well. Someone told me you got into trouble on S's feed without any details.

My most recent ban was by a very beautiful man who went off on me in private in very ugly way. It wasn't unfamiliar behavior to me, but it was unfamiliar coming from him. I'll probably be reflecting on it for some weeks.

It's like I am witnessing a split, a splintering with some. Different sides of a person not integrated together. It feels pushed forward, amped up.

I think we have to be careful to stay really grounded and not step into it. Draw boundaries absolutely. Walk away when needed, most definitely.

But also wonder at what else is being expressed like with the man on Kyle's feed. I've never seen him behave that way before.

Man are we being called to step up.

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Regardless of personal beliefs I see this is exactly what God spoke of when he said there will be a dividing of the sheep from the goats. A harvest of the wheat from the tares. We are all being exposed as who we really are and it's not comfortable to go through or witness.

I used to be the kind of person that gave others miles of acceptance. I even married a few that I should never have married because they are harmful malignant people. But I felt everyone is human and to err is human, right? And God knows I've done my share of awful things, so who am I to draw lines in the sand? I suffered a lot of harm with this belief and it's taken some time to see I do have to draw that line in that there sand. I now see everyone has the right to say what is acceptable to them and what is not and to stand by that declaration.

I think Sage and her followers found themselves in more trouble than I ever did. After the initial attacks, I just stood my ground. As the attacks increased, I called the entire channel out for what I saw as endemic problems that led to people thinking horrific child abuse and murder are "funny". IMO Sage is up to no good. He/she is a trap.

I'm sorry you got ambushed by what sounds like a covert narcissist who is covert no more. People with that personality can be so very damaging because they hide themselves until they attack. Like the horned sand viper. An animal worth studying in these times.

You are doing good work. I hope it doesn't cost you too much. I pray it doesn't.

Everything evil that relies on the cover of darkness to perpetuate it's evil works is being revealed. So everyone can see it for what it is and choose.

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that's a brilliant witticism!

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Short and sweet, well said!

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Ginger here -- We need a higher tolerance for discussion, disagreement and debate.


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We certainly do, thank you!

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Congratulations on being banned by the thin skinned 2nd smartest. That's a badge of honor!

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2nd posted UR/were rude.....

"Still, I'm disappointed you would ban the NewZealandDoc from commenting. Seems like a civil discussion between the two of you would be the best way to ascertain the truth".

author > 2nd Smartest Guy in the World 10 mins ago Author

"He was rude. Very rude."

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Here it is, you be the judge:

Janet Erskine liked your comment on SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 Politicians Received DEATHVAX™ Exemption.

and it's not 11,000 politicians ... that's blatantly incorrect. These exemptions were granted to healthcare workers and it's quite complex, as I have already written. There's no need to spread falsehoods -- the other side is known for that.

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and here are the other two comments, so we have them all for all to see.

Comment number 1:

liked your comment on SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 Politicians Received DEATHVAX™ Exemption.

I wrote about this quite some time ago: https://newzealanddoc.substack.com/p/secret-jab-exemptions-for-healthcare

Comment number 2:

liked your comment on SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 Politicians Received DEATHVAX™ Exemption.

and here's more on a podcast I did with the lawyer whose group did the Official Information Act Requests: https://newzealanddoc.substack.com/p/new-zealands-secret-jab-mandate-exemptions-11c

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I would guess 'blatant' and 'falsehoods' likely pushed his buttons?

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Yes we certainly do.

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yes, the division and nick picking is astounding.....unity for the win

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Just know who and what you're uniting with. Discernment is a useful skill.

When people foment hatred for others and say they will kill for a can of soup, I have no desire to unite with them.

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He wasn't saying he would kill for a can of soup. In my memory he was saying anyone would. When I said that I wouldn't, he thought I couldn't know. That it could only be in theory.

Of course I disagreed.

Then I think communication broke down completely. He said I was trolling. I said disagreeing with you does make me someone who is trolling.

That was the end of little girl!!

I think we are living in the middle of a He said, She said nightmare.

He told me later that he was getting it from a lot of places. Which I would guess is true for many writers.

Everyone is on edge. Dangling over the edge of... ?

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Good luck with that

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The doctor was rude, accusing me of willful disinformation. He was banned.

My house, my rules.

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It's not "your house". It's a free and open platform provided to you to add content. You are a someone who pays no rent in someone else's house.

If you want your own house with your own rules, go build a website.

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Hi Pirate, You just gave me a good laugh over a very valid point. Thanks.

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looks like he was correct about the healthcare workers getting the exemptions though. It's understandable to be upset if you thought he was accusing you of purposefully being incorrect. I'd think it's also important to correct things if they're shown to be incorrect.

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Agree, it's a humbling experience to admit you're not 100% correct. I do it quite often! I notice people who have difficulty accepting they made errors find it easy to repeat them. My own observations only, but i think i learn best from my mistakes as i don't want to make them more than once

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Still poisoning the masses eh!

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"Pride is before a crash, And a haughty spirit before stumbling." Proverbs 16:18

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Yes indeed. Sorry to hear that has happened. -Ginger

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I think the issue is more that we are all fighting for free speech and we are all on edge.

Banning someone is taking their voice away. It's also deleting them completely. Blocking is a little less brutal.

And maybe telling the other you are going to block them for a specific time period. A time out. More humane.

There are going to continue to be disagreements always. If we can't step away and then come back in good faith what are we fighting for?

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I've stopped reading him a few months ago because there was some bullshit in his feed and he didn't want to debate the point.

Now I see what he does when facing someone like you who has first hand experience , as you live there!

Shameful and ignorant by choice.

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thank you for this very much! I know it's difficult to keep an open mind, but really ... without freedom of speech and thought where are we? And yes, I'm the guy who brought out the exemptions story, so I should know a little -- actually Liz Lambert and Erika Whittome are the real experts here, and I'm hoping to interview them both together soon.

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Looking forward to that. Your work is very important.

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and likewise yours, you are amassing a critically important historical record that will prove to be invaluable

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Thanks, I just keep cranking 'em out. I'll keep at it for a while into 2024, I've got a bunch in the pipeline, and there are some areas / personalities to fill in, but I am planning to keep it focused on 2021-2023. "From Jabs Roll Out to High Noon OMG Horrible Mess," that's the working title-- just kidding, a little. (It is a free online archive. In time, backup files and print-outs will go to a number of institutional archives as well.)

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I stopped reading his sub after he posted some info that I knew to be untrue.

I think he may have corrected after Sasha Latypova weighed in, not after my comment.

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thanks for sharing that!

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You are in a good club.

I too was banned for questioning contaminants in their petmectin and fenben products. I think that 2nd smartest guy is a group of people who are mass poisoning without liability due to the fools believing that the same labs that said the jabbs were safe and effective have inspected their products and said the same.

Further, its a great strategy to get those who didn't take the jabbs as they have no liability because people are taking a vet product.

After my questions they offered to send their products to anyone who wanted to inspect them. I took up their offer and just received veiled threats in reply.

Then they deleted my comments but left their nice reply up. Sun Tzu would be proud.

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I wouldn't touch big pharma products with a barge pole. Anyway I take screen shots of anything that might be controversial and could be deleted. One then has evidence. That would make Sun Tzu proud!

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great strategy!

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That is indeed incredible .... I have been tempted to buy those products to see if they are legit. I am deeply appreciative of your sharing this, thank you very much!

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If you do I am happy to have a very close look at it.

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Thank you!

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I was subscribed to #2, but for similar reasons I unsubscribed maybe 1.5 years ago. No great loss. There are many, much better informed writers on Substack that not only don't ban people for voicing an opinion, but are unafraid to tell the parts of the story he refuses to cover.

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Well, thanks very much for this ... I appreciate it. I have never banned or deleted any comments on my essays and am not planning to change this. Appreciate your comment.

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He has banned several, you're not the first! I can't imagine you being rude at all.

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"They" are so humble they should get an award. Have a dig into who manufactures for them and who "independently" says its safe and effective.

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It's disappointing, I read a lot of substacks and thats a behavioural red flag.

No doubt your kiwi politicians were the same as our Aussie ones, no need for exemptions because they're constitutionally protected

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Thank you very much ... yes, the politicians probably did whatever they wanted. I tend to think most of them were dumb enough to have been jabbed over here, believe it or not.

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I well remember the rollout, people were desperate to get jabbed, they couldn't wait, they truly believed the jabs were safe & effective, and on top of that, in the cities especially, the social pressure to be jabbed and boosted, and then "fully boosted," was enormous. The people I know (in the US and also other countries), if at that time they'd been handed the opportunity for an exemption, they would have ignored it, like a coupon from the supermarket for something they didn't want. Add to that, most doctors were urging their patients to get jabbed, and most people I know, at that time, they would do whatever their doctor recommended, without question.

UPDATE: All that said, not everyone viewed it that way, of course. What just came to mind was the bitter, really bitter, testimony of NYC police detective Daniel Crerend, who lost his job to the mandate, even while NYC Mayor Eric Adams allowed athletes and perfomers to work unjabbed.


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It was an intelligence test and most people failed.

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I wont call them dumb but certainly average covers most.

Is it my bad sense of humor? Knowing they may have avoided increasing and exacerbating the existing tech inside them with the jab, that they all have it regardless as we have shown via the mass screening at the NZ Drs conference, and by thinking they are "purebloods" wont mitigate it.?

That goes for all the exempted, politicians, health workers and no doubt those paid to monitor sites like this.

Any real inquiry the government does better include very up to date info as it will show that its not only the jabbed getting sick or dying now. That calamari or polymer is in all now and growing rapidly.

Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute is right and presents solid evidence of what we all have had done to us.

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Hope so, too many parasites in the world and NZ appears to be a captured country due to its political corruption

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yeah ... captured is correct, but we minions are fighting back!

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As yes, we may look cute and yellow with blue dungarees but there are one hell of a lot of us.! :)

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Definitely mate, f them and their bugs.

Whats your take on the whistle blower? Didn't like the drama but any help in a storm is good help

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I think you've summed the whistleblower situation up well ... I'm waiting for confirmation of the data.

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"... People are people."

I hear you Emanuel. That's why I often wear my favorite T-shirt that says "I used to be a people person. Then people ruined it."

I have my very close circle of friends and family, and that's about it. I do try to keep an open mind when I meet new folks, but I'm always on my guard with them.

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Ok. I just updated my picture so you all can see the actual t-shirt. LOL

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Great shirt.

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Thanks for the LOL du jour! Totally hear you.

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My opinion is that he’s using Sandler’s Negative Reverse Selling strategy on you just to peddle his Virex snake oil. Isn’t 2nd Smartest the 1st dumbest?

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I have as notches in my 100 & 1,000 year bans.

Frances Leader

Sage Hana

2nd Smartest

& a few others I forget. They're clearly scared of being out argued Emmanuel.

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You make them look bad they lose subscribers. Simple as that.

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They're also capable of trying to cannibalize your subscribers. They ban you from their Substack and then turn up on yours. Like 2nd has here.

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2nd Smartest has something to sell, so I think it's primarily about the money.

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I have read across many substacks since Pierre Kory started his, and I find most writers either respond with a post when many commenters have a particular issue, or they are incredibly lenient and welcoming even to outrageous claims or bots. New Zealand is so much in the forefront these days, with the data revelations, the governmental objection to the WHO pandemic tightening totalitarian cinch, etc., so I wonder if there are efforts at obfuscation and smoke and mirrors afoot. It seems odd to me that substack has never come under the kind of fire individuals and media have been subjected to, particularly with the new cottage industry, globally, of policing "hate speech" and mal and dis and whatever information.

It seems peculiar, too, that the fact that you live there, and have covered these issues over the course of the pandemic, is not recognized as being salient. I just loved your last essay, and I think Michael Shellenberger (sp) is right, that we are up against an anti-human death cult, and, I kid you not, I think those forces want to destroy all that is beautiful, the language itself, literature, and contested but scholarly histories.A character in the Weight of Ink describes describes Spinoza as wanting to confront a mob with a sign that said "You are the greatest of barbarians." We can only stand in transparency and what we know, in good faith, to be right, despite the mob, wherever they may gathering.

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what a beautiful and eloquent post ... yes, the anti-humanists want to destroy language too ... but we are lovers of language here. Surely they will try to come after Substack -- so we should all make sure we have hard copies of anything worth saving. Thank you so much.

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I must admit I dropped the 2nd smartest guy a while ago as there was too much hyperbole and doom mongering. There's enough lies to go around as it is.

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I couldn't imagine there would be nearly enough grift to feed 11,000 politicians in New Zealand, thus "2nd Smartest Guy's" error is both obvious, and elementary... 🙄 That said, Dr. Garcia, if it's any comfort to you at all, some time ago I was banned for 99 years from Steve Kirsch's website. Of what I posted to justify this, I haven't a clue... He wouldn't answer my email questioning it...

I guess some people are just touchy... 🤔💩

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You were fortunate -- you could have been banned for a 100! LOL

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G'day NZD, everyone is the smartest guy in the room but only when they're on their own & he's only the 2nd smartest, how bad is he going?🤣Banned for 100 years, why not a ban for a gazillion, bajillion years? One good thing & there is always an upside, at least he's backing you in to live that long.

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oooh, I don't want to live that long -- the psychological burden would be too much! Thanks for the comment, which made me laugh.

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As you would well know Doc it takes humility to admit you’re wrong about something, particularly something one is so vehemently passionate about, like The Second Smartest Guy in the World is. He puts a lot of effort into his posts, as you do, and I can only imagine the embarrassment of being wrong about something so important has shaken his cage a bit too much. Pity really, he’d have a lot more credibility and garnered more respect if he’d concurred and not reacted in such a temperamental way. The last thing we need is allegiances splitting when we should be acting together to further our cause. It’s that damn ego to blame yet again.

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an excellent comment -- we are all prey to emotions and biases and impulsive reactions, especially when we invest in something -- and it's constantly necessary to pull oneself back from the abyss of rushing to judgment. It's all compounded by a social media news cycle that never stops and drops 'bombshells' every few minutes. We will stay the course. Thank you.

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2nd can hardly blame his / her / their? error on ignorance surely?

It would be more likely to be a purposeful misrepresentation in my view to discredit the information that's coming out, even if there are a few minor errors in the data's statistical interpretation methodologies.

Anyone who claims that level of intellect surely knows 11k politicians in any country is unreasonable.

Pretending to take offense at "rudeness" was just an excuse to use a ban to shut down the discussion asap. Must have got the order to do so which is a good sign of panic. I like that... If there is a more logical reason that someone can come up with, I am all ears for it.

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well said, thank you!

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As you say, we are all only human (excepting AI bots of course) no matter which side we support. Blinded at times by pride and even exaggeration to ensure even more subscribers rally to our sensationalist discourses.

I think many have run ahead of the experts, inaccurately interpreting the MoH data, excitement clouding judgement perhaps.

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well said! thank you

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Good for you, Manny, thank you for standing up for the Truth whose supply always far exceeds the demand.

Telling Lies for Truth is never acceptable, although many "intellectuals" in the so-called "Freedom Movement" do so to augment their agendas and egos, not to mention as Orwell put it:

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

So let us repair to and practise Goethe:

“Wisdom lies only in truth.”

Get free, stay free.

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remember though that in the narratives that are at present dominant, truth is used to tell lies.

and ( inapplicable, I hope not inappropriate, in this case ) those with the creative power to do so, do use lies, or the power of invention to engage with truth, sport with it, in such a way as to reveal and/or serve the truth: anyone who reads the Bible, or Shakespeare, knows that . . . .

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I am not sure what to make of your “use lies, or the power of invention to engage with truth, sport with it, in such a way as to reveal and/or serve the truth”—but is this close to understanding what you mean?

Not only in the present narrative of those who would dominate, but throughout history, unfortunately, this has been the case that "truth is used to tell lies" if by this you mean dissemblers who would control other minds, use some information that is provable true to reality but do so in a way that makes it a lie--e.g., taking it out of context so it means something completely different.

Get free, stay safe.

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"and oftentimes to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence" -- Macbeth

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Smile. The Bard should have read Hoffer and Trivers.

“Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true.” Eric Hoffer

“Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.” Eric Hoffer

“We are thoroughgoing liars, even to ourselves. But why self-deception? Why do we possess marvelous sense organs to detect information only to distort it upon arrival? Evolutionary biology provides the foundation for a functional view of the subject—in this case, we lie to ourselves the better to lie to others.” Robert Trivers

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