For a community that is fighting for free speech banning and blocking are really amped up.
I'm shunned by both my kids. Banned for 100 years as well, when I expressed concern to the author about some regular's talking about murder. (I thought the author was pushing too hard)
I was blocked by someone else, well... for a sad manipulative thing by the author. (personal in nature)
I was banned temporarily for telling another author I would not kill someone over a can of soup. (I can be rather blunt, never name calling, but definitely stubborn)
And then banned again by another (still too fresh and ugly) He kind of did a hit piece on me on his feed.
It is amazing we are not all totally insane.
I've been noticing really reactive behavior, which I think is really pushed forward by the idea of the other and controlled opposition.
I've been stepping away and doing the work of it. But feel pretty raw and quick to assume as well. Which is why I'm stepping away and only skimming.
May we all hear the silent screams and dig deep for compassion.
I think it's a decision. A moral decision? Just as we choose how to behave. What feels right and in alignment. In all of what we are going through there is the choice to stand in integrity or not.
I'd rather hand out cans of soup, or better yet make a big pot of and invite others in.
What is life without integrity?
There are so many messages of fear being pushed. (and yes this is all so ugly, the damage and devastation) But in the end we will all die. Human life is just a moment. There's nothing to grab onto that will change that, not even a can of soup.
You are always welcome at my stack any time and I haven't banned nor censored anyone even if they have a go at me. I might not be the 2nd smartest guy around, but I don't agree with censorship in any form, particularly if they ask hard questions.
I think you've hit on at least one reason why substack exists. I am fairly sure by this point it's a psyop. I studied who the frontmen and women are and where the money is coming from (and it ain't subscriptions...) and what they're doing with said funds. Also the swirling around the drain of many stacks to keep people caught in the sink endlessly swirling.
Then there is the fomenting of violent reactions and hatred or misanthropy (should anyone like the fancy name for it) that many stacks are turning to which I suspect was their mission all along.
Killing for a can of soup is insane. We are not animals regardless of how many attempts to turn us into one are made unless we allow ourselves to swallow that putrid lie.
Anyone who sincerely challenges any of this platforms' "mission" is persona non grata and increasingly so.
Wise as serpents and harmless as doves. As long as it lasts. Stay frosty.
Love your call for compassion. Keep sounding it from the rooftops.
It was to you and to everyone who is being banned. The last sentence is for you.
The "stay frosty", etc., is a call for cooler heads to prevail. I have seen the same. People calling for murder and mayhem and stacks provoking and supporting sickness.
I don't mean don't speak out when you come across someone spouting evil intent. I'm talking the intentional provocation of civil war. I think that's the aim not only on this platform but across the world.
Speaking out is a very good thing IMO and will help people to see the lunacy of their misdirected rage. I hope.
Your call for compassion is right on and those who are promoting evil need calling out. That is a form of compassion. Keep up your good work. Even if it leads to banning.
I was banned from Sage Hana's stack for speaking out about a post he/she made about an old woman who fell down the stairs and died and her dead body lay undiscovered in her house for so long her cats began eating her. So many people thought this was hilarious and took it as an opportunity to say the most cruel things assuming the old woman had been vaccinated. When I said I didn't think any of it was funny at all, the attack was on from many flying monkeys. Finally a person calling herself Heidi Heil (what?) wrote of people enjoying "dark humor" and recounted a grotesque series of jokes, one being a joke Bob Saget told about sodomizing a little boy until he threw up and died and she left a link for everyone to watch Bob Saget telling this joke. I didn't watch the link. It was all sick enough as it was in writing. I stood my ground and finally Sage (in all caps) kept calling in long paragraphs for me to die. Over and over. I was warned if I kept standing my ground I would be banned and then he/she banned me.
This is the kind of sickness going on and that's why I say thank you for your compassion.
I urge everyone to stand their ground whether it be New Zealand Doc calling out inflammatory lies or other base provocations that are attempting to turn people into animals. Which is a lie itself and self-evident.
The reason I asked is that it didn't come to my inbox, which was odd.
Thank you for sharing that rather brutal account. Horrifyingly sickening. I personally don't like any humor at another's expense. The man speaking to murder and mayhem was on S's feed as well. Yeah S banned me as well. Someone told me you got into trouble on S's feed without any details.
My most recent ban was by a very beautiful man who went off on me in private in very ugly way. It wasn't unfamiliar behavior to me, but it was unfamiliar coming from him. I'll probably be reflecting on it for some weeks.
It's like I am witnessing a split, a splintering with some. Different sides of a person not integrated together. It feels pushed forward, amped up.
I think we have to be careful to stay really grounded and not step into it. Draw boundaries absolutely. Walk away when needed, most definitely.
But also wonder at what else is being expressed like with the man on Kyle's feed. I've never seen him behave that way before.
Regardless of personal beliefs I see this is exactly what God spoke of when he said there will be a dividing of the sheep from the goats. A harvest of the wheat from the tares. We are all being exposed as who we really are and it's not comfortable to go through or witness.
I used to be the kind of person that gave others miles of acceptance. I even married a few that I should never have married because they are harmful malignant people. But I felt everyone is human and to err is human, right? And God knows I've done my share of awful things, so who am I to draw lines in the sand? I suffered a lot of harm with this belief and it's taken some time to see I do have to draw that line in that there sand. I now see everyone has the right to say what is acceptable to them and what is not and to stand by that declaration.
I think Sage and her followers found themselves in more trouble than I ever did. After the initial attacks, I just stood my ground. As the attacks increased, I called the entire channel out for what I saw as endemic problems that led to people thinking horrific child abuse and murder are "funny". IMO Sage is up to no good. He/she is a trap.
I'm sorry you got ambushed by what sounds like a covert narcissist who is covert no more. People with that personality can be so very damaging because they hide themselves until they attack. Like the horned sand viper. An animal worth studying in these times.
You are doing good work. I hope it doesn't cost you too much. I pray it doesn't.
Everything evil that relies on the cover of darkness to perpetuate it's evil works is being revealed. So everyone can see it for what it is and choose.
I've been exposed to narcissistic abuse from the get go, unfortunately. It has cost me so much. But I seem to be able to look it square in the eyes and do the work of it. Which I am incredibly thankful for.
I am also thankful for my solitude. I can lean in and listen deeply to myself.
Which is my work right now.
I'm glad you understood what was happening on S's feed. You are solid.
Yes we do have the right to draw that line in the sand. It's imperative.
I do believe there are reasons why people become the way they are. Often trauma of some sort. But there are choices to be made as well, which path to choose. And that's the curious part.
Even as a small child I said no. I think I was the only one that could.
Lord 'O Mercy! Elizabeth, the same is true for me. I am in solitude to heal as well, though it took me a long time to understand what you know - to be thankful for it. Now I am.
It's so very hard to be the chain-breaker, but God chooses his instruments with care. He knows who can do this most necessary and difficult job. So life can go on and more abundantly. Now I am thankful for being this tool as well. Though I'm hated for it, but having broken it in my family, it's much easier to do when called to do it elsewhere. I only wish I made less mistakes, but that' improving, too.
I feel I'm moving into healing in order to move into the next phase or level of work. Kind of like a security clearance. Since I'm am crystal clear that the information is given to me on a need-to-know basis and as I'm capable of handling more responsibility, I am given more wisdom to carry the work through.
The work you speak of is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage. The difference between bravery and courage (as I understand it), is that bravery rushes into the fray without a thought for personal safety, while courage knows a personal price will likely be paid for doing the right thing, but does the right thing anyway. While I applaud bravery, courage touches my heart with a bittersweet joy that I can't describe.
"...while courage knows a personal price will likely be paid for doing the right thing..." I think that's what integrity is as well. But it's what feels right, deep inside.
I came across a title for a book, this past year. (I haven't read the book) "The Courage to Be Disliked". I thought to myself this is it, the piece I need to move towards. It's hard though, I get snagged on it a lot.
But in my view, and I know we've spoken to this before, I just have to feel it. And I make lots of mistakes, wanting it to look different, digging my claws in. Just wanting to scream. Being human is messy and challenging and damn painful. Stepping out of boxes, scrapping off the tar and glue.
And from my perspective, abuse left me stranded on the surface of myself with no access in. Being a dancer likely kept this balanced a bit.
Another title I like, from a film, but it's the title I like, "Stealing Beauty", speaks so simply to this.
I know what it is to fall to my knees in emotional pain. I think we are pretty miraculous beings.
Thank you for your acknowledgement ❤️
I'll be sixty six on the fourteenth. It's been a long road for me too.
Integrity - all of one piece. When you consistently do the right thing regardless of cost (which takes courage) you have integrity. Golden.
"The Courage to be Disliked". Great title. Big price. So worth it.
"Stealing Beauty". Stepping out of boxes and scraping off the tar and glue while being stranded on the surface with no way in. I think I understand this dilemma.
You were a dancer? I was assumed to be a dancer by many.
Okay...we are truly in the realm of the impossible odds of eeriness.
I am sixty-six today.
Have you heard of the thirteenth constellation of Ophiuchus?
I am not a big follower of astrology as it's traditionally practiced, but the heavens have meaning. When the Gregorian calendar was instated, the thirteenth month was removed and with it the constellation that dominates the sky in the deleted month - Ophiuchus.
You and I are born under this constellation. Nov. 30 - Dec. 17
If he is the second smartest guy in the world,
Then the rest of us are tied for first place.
Thomas that's hilarious!!!
Emanuel - once again I just skimmed your piece.
For a community that is fighting for free speech banning and blocking are really amped up.
I'm shunned by both my kids. Banned for 100 years as well, when I expressed concern to the author about some regular's talking about murder. (I thought the author was pushing too hard)
I was blocked by someone else, well... for a sad manipulative thing by the author. (personal in nature)
I was banned temporarily for telling another author I would not kill someone over a can of soup. (I can be rather blunt, never name calling, but definitely stubborn)
And then banned again by another (still too fresh and ugly) He kind of did a hit piece on me on his feed.
It is amazing we are not all totally insane.
I've been noticing really reactive behavior, which I think is really pushed forward by the idea of the other and controlled opposition.
I've been stepping away and doing the work of it. But feel pretty raw and quick to assume as well. Which is why I'm stepping away and only skimming.
May we all hear the silent screams and dig deep for compassion.
I think as a colleague told me this morning, living under a totalitarian system breeds division.
Thank you for your comment. And no, I wouldn't kill for a can of soup either!
It's definitely being fed.
Thank you.
And of course you wouldn't!
Possibly would depend on how hungry you were (the Holodomor is a hideous example), but God Forbid! Let's not go there.
I think it's a decision. A moral decision? Just as we choose how to behave. What feels right and in alignment. In all of what we are going through there is the choice to stand in integrity or not.
I'd rather hand out cans of soup, or better yet make a big pot of and invite others in.
What is life without integrity?
There are so many messages of fear being pushed. (and yes this is all so ugly, the damage and devastation) But in the end we will all die. Human life is just a moment. There's nothing to grab onto that will change that, not even a can of soup.
Hi Elizabeth,
You are always welcome at my stack any time and I haven't banned nor censored anyone even if they have a go at me. I might not be the 2nd smartest guy around, but I don't agree with censorship in any form, particularly if they ask hard questions.
Regards, matt.
Thank you Matt you're very kind.
So am I. Most of the time.
I think you've hit on at least one reason why substack exists. I am fairly sure by this point it's a psyop. I studied who the frontmen and women are and where the money is coming from (and it ain't subscriptions...) and what they're doing with said funds. Also the swirling around the drain of many stacks to keep people caught in the sink endlessly swirling.
Then there is the fomenting of violent reactions and hatred or misanthropy (should anyone like the fancy name for it) that many stacks are turning to which I suspect was their mission all along.
Killing for a can of soup is insane. We are not animals regardless of how many attempts to turn us into one are made unless we allow ourselves to swallow that putrid lie.
Anyone who sincerely challenges any of this platforms' "mission" is persona non grata and increasingly so.
Wise as serpents and harmless as doves. As long as it lasts. Stay frosty.
Love your call for compassion. Keep sounding it from the rooftops.
Was this to me Pirate?
There was someone on another's feed who kept speaking to murder and mayhem. He might have been messing about, but I couldn't stay silent.
It was to you and to everyone who is being banned. The last sentence is for you.
The "stay frosty", etc., is a call for cooler heads to prevail. I have seen the same. People calling for murder and mayhem and stacks provoking and supporting sickness.
I don't mean don't speak out when you come across someone spouting evil intent. I'm talking the intentional provocation of civil war. I think that's the aim not only on this platform but across the world.
Speaking out is a very good thing IMO and will help people to see the lunacy of their misdirected rage. I hope.
Your call for compassion is right on and those who are promoting evil need calling out. That is a form of compassion. Keep up your good work. Even if it leads to banning.
I was banned from Sage Hana's stack for speaking out about a post he/she made about an old woman who fell down the stairs and died and her dead body lay undiscovered in her house for so long her cats began eating her. So many people thought this was hilarious and took it as an opportunity to say the most cruel things assuming the old woman had been vaccinated. When I said I didn't think any of it was funny at all, the attack was on from many flying monkeys. Finally a person calling herself Heidi Heil (what?) wrote of people enjoying "dark humor" and recounted a grotesque series of jokes, one being a joke Bob Saget told about sodomizing a little boy until he threw up and died and she left a link for everyone to watch Bob Saget telling this joke. I didn't watch the link. It was all sick enough as it was in writing. I stood my ground and finally Sage (in all caps) kept calling in long paragraphs for me to die. Over and over. I was warned if I kept standing my ground I would be banned and then he/she banned me.
This is the kind of sickness going on and that's why I say thank you for your compassion.
I urge everyone to stand their ground whether it be New Zealand Doc calling out inflammatory lies or other base provocations that are attempting to turn people into animals. Which is a lie itself and self-evident.
The reason I asked is that it didn't come to my inbox, which was odd.
Thank you for sharing that rather brutal account. Horrifyingly sickening. I personally don't like any humor at another's expense. The man speaking to murder and mayhem was on S's feed as well. Yeah S banned me as well. Someone told me you got into trouble on S's feed without any details.
My most recent ban was by a very beautiful man who went off on me in private in very ugly way. It wasn't unfamiliar behavior to me, but it was unfamiliar coming from him. I'll probably be reflecting on it for some weeks.
It's like I am witnessing a split, a splintering with some. Different sides of a person not integrated together. It feels pushed forward, amped up.
I think we have to be careful to stay really grounded and not step into it. Draw boundaries absolutely. Walk away when needed, most definitely.
But also wonder at what else is being expressed like with the man on Kyle's feed. I've never seen him behave that way before.
Man are we being called to step up.
Regardless of personal beliefs I see this is exactly what God spoke of when he said there will be a dividing of the sheep from the goats. A harvest of the wheat from the tares. We are all being exposed as who we really are and it's not comfortable to go through or witness.
I used to be the kind of person that gave others miles of acceptance. I even married a few that I should never have married because they are harmful malignant people. But I felt everyone is human and to err is human, right? And God knows I've done my share of awful things, so who am I to draw lines in the sand? I suffered a lot of harm with this belief and it's taken some time to see I do have to draw that line in that there sand. I now see everyone has the right to say what is acceptable to them and what is not and to stand by that declaration.
I think Sage and her followers found themselves in more trouble than I ever did. After the initial attacks, I just stood my ground. As the attacks increased, I called the entire channel out for what I saw as endemic problems that led to people thinking horrific child abuse and murder are "funny". IMO Sage is up to no good. He/she is a trap.
I'm sorry you got ambushed by what sounds like a covert narcissist who is covert no more. People with that personality can be so very damaging because they hide themselves until they attack. Like the horned sand viper. An animal worth studying in these times.
You are doing good work. I hope it doesn't cost you too much. I pray it doesn't.
Everything evil that relies on the cover of darkness to perpetuate it's evil works is being revealed. So everyone can see it for what it is and choose.
I've been exposed to narcissistic abuse from the get go, unfortunately. It has cost me so much. But I seem to be able to look it square in the eyes and do the work of it. Which I am incredibly thankful for.
I am also thankful for my solitude. I can lean in and listen deeply to myself.
Which is my work right now.
I'm glad you understood what was happening on S's feed. You are solid.
Yes we do have the right to draw that line in the sand. It's imperative.
I do believe there are reasons why people become the way they are. Often trauma of some sort. But there are choices to be made as well, which path to choose. And that's the curious part.
Even as a small child I said no. I think I was the only one that could.
You are courageous and strong person. Thank you so much for this!
Thank you so much Emanuel. That means a lot to me. ❤️
Lord 'O Mercy! Elizabeth, the same is true for me. I am in solitude to heal as well, though it took me a long time to understand what you know - to be thankful for it. Now I am.
It's so very hard to be the chain-breaker, but God chooses his instruments with care. He knows who can do this most necessary and difficult job. So life can go on and more abundantly. Now I am thankful for being this tool as well. Though I'm hated for it, but having broken it in my family, it's much easier to do when called to do it elsewhere. I only wish I made less mistakes, but that' improving, too.
I feel I'm moving into healing in order to move into the next phase or level of work. Kind of like a security clearance. Since I'm am crystal clear that the information is given to me on a need-to-know basis and as I'm capable of handling more responsibility, I am given more wisdom to carry the work through.
The work you speak of is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage. The difference between bravery and courage (as I understand it), is that bravery rushes into the fray without a thought for personal safety, while courage knows a personal price will likely be paid for doing the right thing, but does the right thing anyway. While I applaud bravery, courage touches my heart with a bittersweet joy that I can't describe.
All I can say is - your work is showing.
"...while courage knows a personal price will likely be paid for doing the right thing..." I think that's what integrity is as well. But it's what feels right, deep inside.
I came across a title for a book, this past year. (I haven't read the book) "The Courage to Be Disliked". I thought to myself this is it, the piece I need to move towards. It's hard though, I get snagged on it a lot.
But in my view, and I know we've spoken to this before, I just have to feel it. And I make lots of mistakes, wanting it to look different, digging my claws in. Just wanting to scream. Being human is messy and challenging and damn painful. Stepping out of boxes, scrapping off the tar and glue.
And from my perspective, abuse left me stranded on the surface of myself with no access in. Being a dancer likely kept this balanced a bit.
Another title I like, from a film, but it's the title I like, "Stealing Beauty", speaks so simply to this.
I know what it is to fall to my knees in emotional pain. I think we are pretty miraculous beings.
Thank you for your acknowledgement ❤️
I'll be sixty six on the fourteenth. It's been a long road for me too.
Integrity - all of one piece. When you consistently do the right thing regardless of cost (which takes courage) you have integrity. Golden.
"The Courage to be Disliked". Great title. Big price. So worth it.
"Stealing Beauty". Stepping out of boxes and scraping off the tar and glue while being stranded on the surface with no way in. I think I understand this dilemma.
You were a dancer? I was assumed to be a dancer by many.
Okay...we are truly in the realm of the impossible odds of eeriness.
I am sixty-six today.
Have you heard of the thirteenth constellation of Ophiuchus?
I am not a big follower of astrology as it's traditionally practiced, but the heavens have meaning. When the Gregorian calendar was instated, the thirteenth month was removed and with it the constellation that dominates the sky in the deleted month - Ophiuchus.
You and I are born under this constellation. Nov. 30 - Dec. 17
that's a brilliant witticism!
Short and sweet, well said!