Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

Your concluding statement NZD should be read & re- read by some of the self proclaimed freedom fighters, who STILL think they can negotiate with these creatures.

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

“...phantoms spewed out from their trusted oracular Media creating the warm illusion of governmental kindness and caritas and good” reminded me of a beautiful piece in American Thinker by J.B Shirk in which he says:

“Totalitarianism is the warm bath in which civilization slits its wrists. It envelops the people with petty rules, strange dogmas, immoral duties, and forced sacrifices. It warms its victims with intoxicating promises of the government’s false love. It leaves the citizen naked - stripped first of his free will, then the thoughts in his head, and finally anything he once called his own. It slowly dispossesses each person of his personhood, until the population withers into frail, colorless facsimiles of the bleak, omnipresent State. Without the courage to act, the desire to think, the wisdom to pray, or the conscience to object, human purpose disappears. Society is exsanguinated of its vitality, creativity, spirituality, and mirth - until it slips beneath the water and stops breathing”.


This is where we are, and we'd all better understand it.

They were deadly serious when they said there will be no going back to the old normal.

We are locked in a stranglehold with psychopaths.

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

The NZ mindset requires tall poppies to have their heads chopped off.

Most people try to avoid pain and will run and hide from it for as long as possible. Seems to me this isn't going to end until people open their eyes, which is quite the painful experience.

The cave-dwellers don't realise how good life can be outside of their tiny shadowy existence, it's just that blasted transformation that is so scary, like the idea of death when the reality is peaceful.

We can blame the banksters and governments and medicine men etc., but the enemy is our own fear. There was a good line that suggested the difference between the devil and an angel was nothing but perspective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt3Ny_BG3yQ

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I wonder just who could it be inflicting this terrible evil upon us ... with no conscience ... no empathy ... and such absolutely ruthless 'lawlessness' ....

You're getting there Doc ... and you are dead right about the 'sleep walking masses' being unable to 'see' the crimes being inflicted on them ... because of their sheer enormity ... but I suggest this affliction is almost universal ... after failing, once again, only yesterday .... to impress on NZ MSM ... the 'enormity' of the situation we are faced with ... yet nobody is facing - I got over 50 views on my Substack posts ... but unless I send out a few more emails tomorrow ... those numbers will dwindle down just as quickly as the average attention span of Kiwis always does these days ... my email would have woken a 'dead elephant' ... but the reaction to my Substack posts is probably the usual ... 'this just couldn't possibly be true' ... yet ... you and I both know ... that those who do actually 'take the journey' ... find that 'enormity' ... is very real ... and very true ....



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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

You are so right and I’ve no idea where to get the strength and wherewithal that I might help move things in the right direction. I thought there would be some progress made talking to our family and friends but they ‘know it all’ and don’t want to know. All I’ve got is peaceful non-compliance and exiting as many systems as possible, any other ideas???

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

Excellent newsletter!

it has been such a long wait for more to climb out of Plato's cave,...

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

I am starting to see people around here in Canada beginning the process of awakening, but they are not recognizing what it is. The need for mental health treatment and addiction counselling is growing, but where does one go for it? We have had to muddle through it on our own as this small group of “weirdos” that see things differently. It has been the hardest thing I’ve gone through. Substacks and podcasts were the only place to at least see others in our situation and to experience our mutual shock and disbelief together. I didn’t even consider seeking professional help since I have lost trust in all professions. The provincial health care system is in chaos and most can’t afford private care. We need to create alternative supports for when these people do start to wake up or it will get desperate I’m afraid.

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Re “86.6 percent of persons 12 and older have received the primary course of covid ‘vaccination’ — which is a positively staggering number.”

Yes, a positively staggering number…and NO VALID CONSENT.

For an Australian perspective, see: Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination. There has been no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccination: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/coercion-intimidation-and-mandates

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Dr Emanuel beautiful as always. In my humble lived experiences of suicidal rebirthings (Dabrowski/Tillier - positivedisintegration.com explains, and much more) we better know that there are no answers nor questions nor shortcuts for interpreting or conveying whatever realities actually are, and also whatever actually human consciousness/subconsciousness are. There are only vibrations and ethereal dimensions of spiritual existence beyond the physical realm; and when we have 'died' and been reborn a few times is how we embrace and love our mortality, that we will die; moreover that we exist as souls and aether or 'plasma' or simply spinning energies and frequencies, beyond Einsteinian and entanglement theory and other rather useless attempts to explain the inexplicable. The ancients (aboriginals without written languages) understood it all better than ever we can, except our songs, dancing, nature and the rhythms of our souls, and much else we are rediscovering about realities and energies, are how we and everything are connected and 'one', in one moment of what we mistakenly believe to be time and space. Anyway, infinite love, gratitude, forgiveness, abundance and peace. It's now. Just close your eyes and make it real :)

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I love the Plato's cave analogy! It is so apt in regards to what we are seeing.

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

I realised there was to be no respite from this madness 3 years ago and it astounds me that after all the discussion I still get admonished to accept flu jabs each year. Needless to say it has all been ignored as much as possible. I am left with a seething impotent anger but resign myself to the thought that all things resolve into chaos.

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

Perhaps not "bow" to this horrid truth, but to lift it up as a torch that kills the darkness. Especially the darkness inside.

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The scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda is a depopulation agenda.

But they also have skypainting sic to spread the shadows and concentration camps ready when the rest of us resist being murdered, whoever remains....

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

Well said, Manny. How do we make it more attractive to leave the cave than to stay in it? I guess that has ever been the question.

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Nice work Dr Emanuel, speaking about the unspeakable. I think people have become deluded enough to believe that if they control the narrative with enough kind words and virtue signaling, than they are right. It is like a self reinforcing delusion that if you feel more important, than you are more right, and is fertile ground for narcissists. I can see it is how my GP Doctor thinks, and her 2000 patients make her feel important enough to be right, even when she is wrong, and I am sure she is not just stupid. She has made no effort to discuss or explain her failure with me, and has instead tried to discredit me and take control of the narrative, instead of needing to be right. She had to get rid of me though, and passed me on to her colleague, because her other colleague told her I said I didnt trust her. That is what happens when you get 4 female doctors in 1 clinic, if I expressed concerns about one Dr to another Dr at an appointment, they would go and tell the other Doctor. So much for confidentiality. And now they want me to sign a legal letter of compliance before they will be kind to me again. Just like on TV2 Shortland St had some carefully scripted dialogue by a Doctor about a patient "My time is too important to give them any further consideration", and was just like my GPs way of avoiding being wrong. Not all Doctors are like that though. I think when world leaders get together the some thing plays out, and they are all trying to be the most important, so they can control the narrative, and if that doesnt work they will just Veto it.

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Apr 9Liked by NewZealandDoc

Good stuff as always, Manny. Let me know when you're up for a beach walk.

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