My political awakening came relatively late in life — in my middle twenties — and it came as a consequence of my psychoanalysis. Hitherto I had eschewed all things political, sneered at them, dismissed them and focused instead on the majesty and glories of art, principally literature and music. These were my havens.
Havens they may have been, but I nonetheless was required to live in a real and practically driven world, a world shaped by ‘City Hall’ and the chaotic clamor of individuals attempting to maximize their personal gain, most times at the expense of others. On the rough and tumble streets of Philadelphia one learned quickly about the various personalities and their wiles engaged in self-aggrandizement. And one also learned about the consequences of such personalities on political office.
When Frank Rizzo served as mayor it was common knowledge that favors had been doled out to his supporters or friends or friends of friends. I knew, for example, a classmate of mine who got a job thanks to the mayor, which required nothing more than picking up a pay-check every two weeks.
The vastly larger realm of world politics was, mostly, a mystery. I grew up being worried about Russia and nuclear war, about the murders of JFK, MLK and RFK; about the Vietnam War and the draft which I luckily and narrowly escaped; about the oil crisis that, for the first time in my life, created lines at gas stations; about Oliver North and Nicaragua; and sky-high interest rates during the presidency of Ronald Reagan that essentially doubled the tuition I borrowed to attend medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. These were, I am sorry to say, parochial concerns at the time.
My personal inclinations and, frankly, a wish to be removed from the sordid terrain of political activity, kept me ignorant of the larger and vastly more encompassing influences shaping the world I inhabited. But gradually, as a result of my psychoanalytic treatment and the widened vista I acquired about myself and, consequently, my surroundings, I learned. Thanks to the brilliant essays of Gore Vidal, which combined ancient history — something I liked and studied — with American history, I came to recognize the enormous corrupting power of the modern United States and its virtually limitless thirst for war.
When 9/11 hit I was prepared to see beyond the spectacle and the insipid but effective propaganda that spawned the Patriot Act and forever changed air travel and resulted in a declaration of a never-ending ‘war on terror’. By then I had fully understood that the forces of a state that had already conspired to murder a president, his brother, and a religious man who not only sought to eliminate structural racism but also to protest war and poverty, could be capable of anything.
By anything I mean exactly that: anything. Which includes both selective and widespread murder of its own citizens.
You see, the greatest obstacle to persuading the sleep-walking masses about the enormity of the covidian crimes is precisely that: their enormity. It beggars belief. Surely no government could ever seek purposefully to sicken and kill its peoples. Surely these governments had our interests at heart, and all their lockdowns and masks and inoculations were but the signs of their benevolent, if sometimes stern, compassion for our welfare!
Here in New Zealand where the coronavirus was never a danger, our ‘single source of truth’ managed to convince the population of its correctness in sequestering us, ignoring and suppressing treatment, and insisting on the gene-altering inadequately-tested panacea otherwise known as the Pfizer Jab. I understand that 86.6 percent of persons 12 and older have received the primary course of covid ‘vaccination’ — which is a positively staggering number.
Harping on the sudden deaths and early deaths and excess deaths and all the adverse events as a consequence of the jabs seems to do little to dent the majority’s naivete, because they simply cannot and will not believe their government could be so astonishingly and despicably evil. Yet the evidence is there for the taking, if only one would take the time to look, and take the time to listen to the creeping stories of recurrent illness and strange cancers and early strokes and other cardiovascular events.
Like the famous prisoners of Plato’s cave in Book VII of The Republic, the shadows they observe flitting in front of them — not the objects casting these shadows nor the world of sunlight above the cave — define reality. Their world has been defined by what they were raised in: the phantoms spewed out from their trusted oracular Media creating the warm illusion of governmental kindness and caritas and good.
We here on the ground, for whom covid has served as a window into the unspeakable depths of governmental malfeasance, deception and destruction — we here who see an attempt to maim, cull, murder and terrify, who reject the scam of climate change, the push for universal digital IDs, the elimination of privacy, the eradication of gender, and the rejection of anything spiritual in favor of a material digitalism — we have the courage to face the evil before us, at least.
And the masses who cannot face it will become willing executioners of their Masters’ designs, and then, eventually and inevitably, hapless victims.
From the street it looks an awful lot like a bunch of transnational war-mongering banksters have been pulling strings. They no doubt fight and squabble among themselves, but they certainly achieved enough unity to have shut down our world and purposefully to have wrought medical and economic devastation genocidal in scope upon us all.
It is the job of those of us who have cast away our chains to show the shackled that there is indeed a different and far better world than the one they have been prostrate before.
However, to do this we ourselves must recognize fully that our opposition is lawless and that they are hell-bent. We are up against an enemy that won’t be won over by niceties or our good will or irrefutable logic or appeals to conscience. Unless and until we bow to this profoundly dark truth we will have no chance.
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
April 2024
Your concluding statement NZD should be read & re- read by some of the self proclaimed freedom fighters, who STILL think they can negotiate with these creatures.
“...phantoms spewed out from their trusted oracular Media creating the warm illusion of governmental kindness and caritas and good” reminded me of a beautiful piece in American Thinker by J.B Shirk in which he says:
“Totalitarianism is the warm bath in which civilization slits its wrists. It envelops the people with petty rules, strange dogmas, immoral duties, and forced sacrifices. It warms its victims with intoxicating promises of the government’s false love. It leaves the citizen naked - stripped first of his free will, then the thoughts in his head, and finally anything he once called his own. It slowly dispossesses each person of his personhood, until the population withers into frail, colorless facsimiles of the bleak, omnipresent State. Without the courage to act, the desire to think, the wisdom to pray, or the conscience to object, human purpose disappears. Society is exsanguinated of its vitality, creativity, spirituality, and mirth - until it slips beneath the water and stops breathing”.
This is where we are, and we'd all better understand it.
They were deadly serious when they said there will be no going back to the old normal.
We are locked in a stranglehold with psychopaths.