I think TV watchers were far more susceptible, the MSM literally brain-washed and programmed people. It was a Global Psy0p. God knows I tried to steer as many as I could away from the shot, but they simply refused to listen, read links I sent, or believe that our gov't could be so corrupt or cruel. Their fear was just too great. And oh my, the mask ordeal, that really peeved me and caused so many battles. Those people can go pound sand.
For me, I am just a stubborn hardheaded Scot-Irish-English American that does not like to be told what to do. You can offer suggestions or ask me to do something, but one cannot tell me what to do even during a pandemic. Just my DNA.
I'm a 64-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK, and have been 'awake' for 40+ years.
Even prior to the horror that began, worldwide, early in 2020, I hardly ever watched the TV (my longtime partner passed in early 2019, and he did watch quite a lot of the 'telly', but not me). And in May 2021, I said to myself, "Why continue to pay £150+ a year for the TV licence (which is, despicably, charged to people here in the UK for watching TV), when I literally hardly ever watch the thing....?". And so I decided to cancel my licence, and put the actual TV in the store-room.
A year or so ago, here in the UK, it was reported that 1 million+ households had decided to cancel their TV licences, because they 'd 'woken up', & realised that what was being given out on their TV sets was merely (false) propaganda, and very far from the truth.
I've not bought nor read a newspaper for more than 30 years.
I'm a passionate reader of non-fiction books, covering a multitude of different subjects. Have been a researcher of many big subjects in life, ever since the tender age of ten!
you are an inspiration! I remember that when I first read of Boris Pasternak's decision in Soviet Russia not to read the newspapers, I was a little taken aback. I have followed his example. You were ahead of me!
(When we were kids [in the 1970s], our parents were considering emigrating to New Zealand, from here in the UK! But decided not to. I'm glad about that now, for if we had, I'd not have met my longtime partner, Jim. He passed in March 2019...)
I've not bought or read any MSM newspapers for 30+ years, that's true, but I wonder whether you [and your readers, on this Substack site] are aware of an excellent online paper which exists to disseminate the truths re. what's going on, worldwide, right now...? It's called 'The Light' paper, and can be accessed at the following link:
Online, one can access all the back copies, going back a couple of years.
The publication can also be bought in hard copy, but I access it online. It contains excellent articles. If the masses knew of its existence, and read it regularly, they'd realise very quickly that the MSM truly is deceiving them.
Yes, and I am working on the internet, trying to at least reduce the time on it. I no longer listen to talk radio, just music.
What irked me is the powers that be still put up signs, billboards, flyers, stores were covered in propaganda w/all their markers of where to stand and to hand wash. You really couldn't get away from it. Everything was infiltrated w/their garbage.
Never owned a TV in my adult life. Never subscribed to a newspaper. Internal BS detector was operating below surface awareness before my conscious mind figured out [their] agenda(s).
(However I did subscribe my elderly mother to print version of Epoch Times and glad I did, then leave the copies at a local café where like-minded souls and 'normies' congregate)
“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
"If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed." ~ Mark Twain
“Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.” ~ George Orwell
I enjoyed reading this and it stirs up a lot of new thoughts and perspectives.
It summarizes some complex ideas into simpler ones too.
And it says a lot without actually having to say it.
There is a lot the newbies need to learn about. There is a lot of emotion to process too. There is also a level of frustration, watching this go on for as long as it has. Frightening even.
For once you see the enormity of the evidence... Everything. Everything was a lie. And they kept on lying. They stopped listening and they lied and lied some more.
“Why were you such cowards? Where was your common sense?"
One more question to add to your above two questions... "What happened to your critical thinking skills?"
Oh that's right, most no longer have critical thinking skills (as if they ever had them to begin with) because TV, radio, newspapers, social media etc. have propagandized them. And don't get me started on government schooling.
In my case, all it took for me to reject the developing narrative was hearing the word "experimental" that described the so-called "vaccines" when they were first introduced. In addition, I also began listening to the likes of Drs. Vladimir Zelenko, Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough, along with Dr. Joseph Mercola. Their advice made sense... up your immune system by increasing vitamin D3 blood levels, take vitamin B1, magneseum, zinc, and by all means, get sugar out of the diet. Smartly, I stopped eating sugar-based process foods years ago after watching a series on YouTube called "The Skinny On Obesity" by pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig.
I started opening my eyes back in 2004 when I left the US and went to Canada to visit relatives in British Columbia. During my 10 day visit, I watched Canadian television news each night. During that time, I did not see one fear mongering news story on TV what so ever. Not one.
When I returned to the US, I stopped in Seattle for an hour for a plane change and watched CNN in the terminal during my wait. After watching all the peaceful Canadian news stories during the past 10 days, I couldn't believe what I was seeing on this American TV network... one fear mongering story after another. The Iraq war, murders in Chicago, Baltimore, car wrecks, etc..
That's when it dawned on me that this kind of "news" was all for a purpose. To keep us fearful, which keeps the military budgets flowing, and the ad revenues coming in for the mainstream media, and in the case of COVID, generating Big Pharma profits based on untested, damaging gene therapy innoculations.
For me, the best thing I've done is quit looking at mainstream media, getting off social media, and finding substacks such as this one.
After thinking more about this topic, I want to share a couple of stories with you and your readers, which concerns the so called "news".
During the '80s, I worked as a photojournalist for a small-to-midsized "news"paper before moving on to the Associated Press and United Press International. One afternoon I was hanging out with the reporters in the paper's "news"room when in walked the Director of Advertising with a bunch of high school students.
In front of all of us, he told the students, "The job of the people in this room is to write the words that go around all the ads." The "news"room personnel were stunned, including me, and we were all pretty upset. Words??! Is this guy kidding? Really?? We write the words?! No, we write the NEWS, which is why the people buy the paper. We actually thought that we were the straw that stirred the drink. Well, we were partly correct. People did buy the paper for the news, but it was the advertising dollars that paid our salaries.
That was my first wake-up call about what drives the media.
My second wake-up call came six months later when I was assigned to take a picture at some business for an advertisement the business was going to run in the paper. On the way to the assignment, my car broke down and I had to have it towed to a garage. Of course, I missed the assignment.
When I finally made it back to the paper, I was called in to the managing editor's office where I was royally chewed out for missing the assignment. I remember the editor yelling at me about how I had just cost the paper money by missing the assignment, even though I was telling him that my car broke down and couldn't get to the assigment. He didn't care, because, as I found out later, he was getting his butt chewed out by the publisher.
Bottom line? It's about the money. And it's still about the money today. I mean, look at CNN's ratings. Its rating have plummeted. And now CNN is making changes to boost its ratings and try to regain the trust of the viewing public. Why? Because as its ratings tank, so do its ad revenues. IT'S ABOUT THE MONEY.
Why are no mainstream media outlets today exposing what's happening with the vaccines and the damage they cause? Because it's about the huge ad revenues Big Pharma will pull if the media outlets start exposing the truth. Can't have that, now can we?
Paul Craig Roberts, who I also follow, refers to the mainstream media as "presstitues" and "media whores". I believe he's correct using those labels. Why? Because the MSM is ABOUT THE MONEY.
I too am guilty, as probably many of us are. Why? Well, in my case, I left the media business in 1989 for the computer industry, because the computer industry paid much, much, better.
thank you for this really wonderful contribution ... I have always maintained, that any media dependent upon advertisers could never be considered objective.
I agree, which is why I really like Project Veritas and everything James O'Keefe is doing. That organization is not dependent on advertising $$s, which is the reason I contribute $$ to them whenever I can.
I will also say that now that Project Veritas has officially kicked James O'Keefe out, any future donations to PV I was going to make are now off the table... FOR GOOD!
I was a pressman at a tiny rural weekly in the late seventies, and the content invariably spared the advertisers. I was critical about it then, but I understand now that the publisher wouldn't have had a paper without that revenue. I was fed and housed because of such curation.
You have pointed out a fact that underscores all endeavors that require any sort of funding. We cannot escape economics.
Okay, so NPR was supposed to be a way of mitigating perverse incentives, and we can see how poorly that worked out; it made the simple and obvious prospect of good old-fashioned yellow journalism into an intractably wicked problem (I know, redundant, but it's evocative, ain't it?)
You're an honest and knowledgeable person, got any suggestions? I see nothing but antitrust as a redeeming force, but I was a mere pressman.
Ted, the only suggestion that I can think of is to just turn it all off. The national "news", that is. If it's all about the money (which it is), we know we're not getting the truth, so now it's just propaganda. And as a result, in my mind, I just can't be bothered with any of it.
By the way, nice to know you were a pressman.
When I was at the "news"paper in the early '80s, I worked the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift. After giving the pictures I made during my shift to the city editor, instead of going home for the night, I'd go into the paper's pressroom to wait for the press run to start, which began at midnight. Watching the press as it printed the daily editions of the next day's newspaper was the coolest thing I'd ever seen - those humongous rolls of paper going through the press at what must have been the speed of light was incredible.
a wonderful exchange for which I thank you. I think that we -- yes, we -- are the journalists today, the real truth-tellers and truth-seekers. When we err it is not a result of corruption, but of unconscious bias. Nobody pays us.
Thank you. I would love to hand deliver this to one of my oncologists, my head and neck surgeon and my former infectious disease doctor as well as countless friends and relatives who gloated to me about firing and segregating the unvaxxed.
As of last month my oncologist still had the hutzpa to ask if I got the flu and COVID vaccine. As of last month, my quadrupled vaxxed engineer brother in law still asserted that lockdowns, firings and mandates were necessary.
At least my oncologist didn’t drill down to lecture me, like she and the other two doctors did in 2021 and 2022. I suppose that’s an improvement. Yet, I’m still here. No one, I know to this day had the integrity, the courage and humility to acknowledge to me that they have been misled and sinned against their fellow man. Humility leads you to true contrition, wisdom, truth and freedom.
What’s so terrifying about admitting ones faults? I do that when I confess my sins to my Lord through my priest. This was a pandemic of fear.
Yes, it really is interesting how the world was split into two camps. Unfortunately those of us who could smell a rat were in the minority, and quickly labelled conspiracy theorists for questioning the insanity.
As government responses rapidly became more ridiculous, I kept thinking, surely people must start to wake up soon. Then evidence quickly mounted that the jabs were not only useless, but actually harmful - yet STILL huge numbers could not see the truth.
As Mark Twain reputedly said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." I have certainly found that to be the case in my circles.
remember that the campaign to brainwash was immense, probably the largest in history ... as someone once said, people loss their wits in masses but regain them singly ... thank you for your comment
The ones that faithfully went back for multiple boosters really got to me. I can understand getting the first one if you are the mindset, but not repeated boosters.
the repeated boosters -- seeing this is very painful, but it shows how effective the mind manipulation was and how it played upon fear and how fearful so many people seem to be, of their own shadows
The "mind manipulation" has at least a 100 year professional history. Look into the sordid works of Edward Bernays, a sleazy manipulative nephew of Sigmund Freud, and his two infamous books published in the... 1920's (!)
Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and in recent years has come to be known as 'The Father of Spin'. In this very rare first edition copy Bernays "...tries to set down the broad principles that govern the new profession of Public Relations counsel... This profession in a few years has developed from the status of circus agent to what is obviously an important position in the conduct of the world's affairs."
Sections include: Scope and Functions; The Group and Herd; Technique and Method; Ethical Relations.
The landmark work by the man who has come to be known as "The Father of Spin."
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of….In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of society. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind." - from page 9.
…“The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the group leaders who dictate the public's thoughts and actions is likewise expensive.
For this reason there is an increasing tendency to concentrate the functions of propaganda in the hands of the propaganda specialist. This specialist is more and more assuming a distinct place and function in our national life.”
Chapters include: Organizing Chaos; The New Propaganda; The New Propagandists; The Psychology of Public Relations; Business and the Public; Propaganda and Political Leadership; Women's Activities and Propaganda; Propaganda for Education; Propaganda in Social Services; Art and Science; The Mechanics of Propaganda.
Absolutely! And here in Oz they're still pushing boosters, using one of their favourite mind manipulation strategies to get people to clamour for the shots - suggesting there's a shortage, and that in a few weeks only those 'at risk' will be able to get them.
yes, they have the strategies of manipulation down pat ... but many more people are onto them; I understand that only 31 percent of those in the USA are now considered jabbed ... despite the onslaught of propaganda
I am from the French working class, my grandparents were In the resistance, the hid British soldiers during the war amongst other things, some needed up in working camps for doing so, my 3 great uncles were shot against a wall (3 brothers). I think non compliance and bravery and a great instinct is genetic. I also knew back them that the H1N1 was a scam, as it turned out officially, it was.
My 89 years old grandmother refused the jab, told all the doctors and nurses to go to hell. Is were I get it from.
To quote you, NewZealandDoc, "Some of us simply listened to our own autonomous good sense ..." Yes, some of us had sense from the very beginning. It was so easy, so very easy, to question the official narrative. I am sorry for those who suffered disproportionately for having good sense. THEY ARE HEROES!!!
I'll say a few things concerning someone who was a friend: I still wince when I remember the dressing down I got around June 2020 from this dear, dear friend and former co-worker. Our friendship has been fractured, and although we have exchanged a few perfunctory greetings since then, for all intents and purposes we're done. There is too much of a divide between us to patch things up. This person, a dedicated nurse, upbraided me for calling the lockdown unnecessary and for believing that the CDC and the media were misinterpreting and manipulating the covid statistics. What hurt was being told I lacked perception and had lost my compassion. Indeed, my (former) friend believes that the government's explanations are the one and only resort in relation to the truth. And that's how the government wants it. I don't belong in that camp. In their eyes I am a pariah; hence I am ostracised. I can accept it, but they are in the majority, which means that by excluding me, for many situations, I've lived in an apartheid world.
This has been a war against humanity, and a civil war between us, who are the resistance, and them, "the crowd." To quote another friend of mine, Soren Kierkegaard, " 'The Crowd' is untruth ... since a crowd either renders the single individual wholly unrepentant and irresponsible, or weakens his responsibility by making it a fraction of his decision." As the crowd, the herd, mutilates itself by getting vaccinated, and as the two sides engage in this civil war, what will the outcome be? Perhaps one day, this civil war will end. However, the two warring sides have lost trust in each other. Once lost, trust is not easily regained. The divide will still be there, it will just be patched over by a thin surface. The amazing wish that every human being should honour every human being will not be fulfilled.
What a beautiful commentary ... and, may I add, that you have some very distinguished friends! I visited Copenhagen and visited the church where your friend was baptized, by the way. Yes, every human being should honor every other, and to hear that you were upbraided and accused of lacking compassion is execrable. Will the divide be healed? I don't know -- maybe it shouldn't, in the end. Thank you.
I wonder when Bergquist and Lowe will have their licenses revoked for "stepping beyond the evidence base?" They belong in prison, but revocation may be sufficient to prevent them from doing further harm.
We Yanks have more than our share of arrogant, totalitarian bureaucrats and elected officials, and we surely outpace you Kiwis with our percentage of murderous quisling citizens. Force of sheer numbers guarantees that, but viewing the simpering smugness of your homegrown "angel of death" Ardern with her "Yep, that's exactly what we're doing" answer to the two-tier society question was...... well, I'll just say that my heart went out to all of her victims.
Perhaps it was the media blackout, but I was puzzled that there were so few demonstrations of cold rage by your citizens that such corruption could manifest itself so blithely and heedlessly.
There was plenty of evidence about the risks involved with mass human trials of an experimental gene-expression therapeutic. There was no excuse for "stepping beyond" and ignoring it. Unlearned citizens are extremely vulnerable to medical misinformation, and Hipkins signed the death warrants for many of the most vulnerable people in New Zealand.
May the good citizens of New Zealand bring their bureaucratic and medical criminals to justice. Ardern and her cohort were are content to watch your people die, provided they can continue to avoid any responsibility or accountability for it. That, after all, was the reason for lockdowns everywhere; those elected and assigned the duty to balance risk to the public could see that they were facing the classic trolley problem and knew that they had accepted responsibility for the very existence of the switching lever. Whether they pulled that lever or not, whatever lives were lost would be the result of their decision.
So they deflected, hoping to have benefited from the power and privileges of their office while avoiding the inevitable consequences of even the best decisions that would have resulted in loss of life.
You're quite correct to brand it cowardice, but we do not expect relentless courage from ordinary citizens. It is the cowardice of elected officials and unelected bureaucrats that is unconscionable.
One "mea culpa" here in the states, that of Scott Adams saying "you won" to those of us saying that we should pay attention to the research, entirely missed the mark. No one has "won" from all of this, with the exception of those who engineered the response and have escaped justice for the lives they have taken.
We have our own cohort of murderous psychopaths, the Faucis, the Whitmers, Cuomos and Newsoms who condemned the oldest and weakest among us to death. It will be a miracle if we can bring the full force of our laws, those meant to protect us from conscienceless psychopaths, to bear and prosecute them lawfully as we must surely do to prevent them from killing again.
Best of luck to you folks with your criminals. I hope you can obtain justice through your legal system and bring peace to the souls of your dead and injured.
A beautiful commentary, very rich and for which I am most grateful. The people of New Zealand have a generally naive trust in their government, and I will add that when I spoke on the steps of Parliament during our protest, I invariably asked Parliamentarians to come down and engage with us. Not one of them ever did.
Bravo! It was a good test wasn't it? I mean in how compliant people can be? Across the pond from you on Oz I would have thought we'd be way less compliant than we were but alas, it's not the Oz we thought we had but closer to the land of Oz of wizardry control fame.
The question is, will there be enough people now at the awakened party to stand against the next inevitable onslaught from the unelected powers that be? Let's hope so.
Yes. I was astonished that Australians bought the lies.
My heart sank like a stone the day our illustrious fascist Premier here in WA arrogantly said on radio, “Western Australians are very compliant people and navigating COVID-19 has been relatively easy.”
Based on the videos I saw, Doctor, the compliance was a testimony to the brutality of your police. Watching them choke out young women and arrest mothers in their homes at threat of great bodily harm was..... instructive.
I certainly hope so - but fear the awake will still be too few - as governments are now happily handing over control of future 'pandemics' to the corrupt WHO.
And the brainwashing has already begun. My husband happened to catch an ad on Al Jazeera, promoting the WHO as the best qualified to handle future pandemics. I guess they realize some of us have already raised objections with our governments about their willingness to sign our rights away, so they're getting in early with the propaganda.
The people in the west are materialistic, selfish, egocentric and unable to think for themselves - and even if they finally paid attention to the feeling creeping in over time that something is fundamentally wrong - they can not believe that their own government is killing them deliberately, destroying everything (to build back better...) on orders of a small group of people who have planned this for a very very long time and that all they believe to know is wrong, fake and leading into the world wide genocide. What is happening all over the planet is a suicide mission - and we need to wake up in much larger numbers and focus on a world we want not the one we do not want.
Thoughts create reality and the movie "Matrix" was a documentary and not entertainment
Wake up, understand who you truly are and let's build a new world
Spot on. I'd like to link this blog in one I wrote a few days ago, if you don't mind. I break down my observations about why so many believed the lies, perpetuated the lies and refused to use their own common sense. Very few held the line, as you describe so fiercely above. I've come to the conclusion that two characteristics seemed to define those of us who held the line - high trauma response and low hypnotizability. https://neveragainisnow.substack.com/p/civilian-soldiers-in-5th-generation
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
It is pretty interesting how so many fell for all of it hook, line, and sinker vs those that never believed from day one that any of it was the truth. Apparently the Rockefeller Foundation would like to know the reason for it. I would like to know what they came up with in their study. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/rockefeller-foundation-wants-behavioral-scientists-come-more-convincing-covid-vax
I think TV watchers were far more susceptible, the MSM literally brain-washed and programmed people. It was a Global Psy0p. God knows I tried to steer as many as I could away from the shot, but they simply refused to listen, read links I sent, or believe that our gov't could be so corrupt or cruel. Their fear was just too great. And oh my, the mask ordeal, that really peeved me and caused so many battles. Those people can go pound sand.
For me, I am just a stubborn hardheaded Scot-Irish-English American that does not like to be told what to do. You can offer suggestions or ask me to do something, but one cannot tell me what to do even during a pandemic. Just my DNA.
and a great DNA it is! thank you
“TV watchers and Newspaper readers”... LOL
I dumped both decades ago. Little did I know how good a move that was for my mental and physical health.
I couldn't agree with you more, thank you for your comment and your wise good sense
I'm a 64-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK, and have been 'awake' for 40+ years.
Even prior to the horror that began, worldwide, early in 2020, I hardly ever watched the TV (my longtime partner passed in early 2019, and he did watch quite a lot of the 'telly', but not me). And in May 2021, I said to myself, "Why continue to pay £150+ a year for the TV licence (which is, despicably, charged to people here in the UK for watching TV), when I literally hardly ever watch the thing....?". And so I decided to cancel my licence, and put the actual TV in the store-room.
A year or so ago, here in the UK, it was reported that 1 million+ households had decided to cancel their TV licences, because they 'd 'woken up', & realised that what was being given out on their TV sets was merely (false) propaganda, and very far from the truth.
I've not bought nor read a newspaper for more than 30 years.
I'm a passionate reader of non-fiction books, covering a multitude of different subjects. Have been a researcher of many big subjects in life, ever since the tender age of ten!
you are an inspiration! I remember that when I first read of Boris Pasternak's decision in Soviet Russia not to read the newspapers, I was a little taken aback. I have followed his example. You were ahead of me!
Thank you for your kind words!
(When we were kids [in the 1970s], our parents were considering emigrating to New Zealand, from here in the UK! But decided not to. I'm glad about that now, for if we had, I'd not have met my longtime partner, Jim. He passed in March 2019...)
and I think that Britain, for all its faults, is actually less totalitarian than here ...
A short note, to add to my post of 3 hours ago.
I've not bought or read any MSM newspapers for 30+ years, that's true, but I wonder whether you [and your readers, on this Substack site] are aware of an excellent online paper which exists to disseminate the truths re. what's going on, worldwide, right now...? It's called 'The Light' paper, and can be accessed at the following link:
Online, one can access all the back copies, going back a couple of years.
The publication can also be bought in hard copy, but I access it online. It contains excellent articles. If the masses knew of its existence, and read it regularly, they'd realise very quickly that the MSM truly is deceiving them.
Yes, and I am working on the internet, trying to at least reduce the time on it. I no longer listen to talk radio, just music.
What irked me is the powers that be still put up signs, billboards, flyers, stores were covered in propaganda w/all their markers of where to stand and to hand wash. You really couldn't get away from it. Everything was infiltrated w/their garbage.
Never owned a TV in my adult life. Never subscribed to a newspaper. Internal BS detector was operating below surface awareness before my conscious mind figured out [their] agenda(s).
(However I did subscribe my elderly mother to print version of Epoch Times and glad I did, then leave the copies at a local café where like-minded souls and 'normies' congregate)
“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
"If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed." ~ Mark Twain
“Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.” ~ George Orwell
Brilliant. Powerful.
Very well written.
Poetic. Punctual and accurate.
I enjoyed reading this and it stirs up a lot of new thoughts and perspectives.
It summarizes some complex ideas into simpler ones too.
And it says a lot without actually having to say it.
There is a lot the newbies need to learn about. There is a lot of emotion to process too. There is also a level of frustration, watching this go on for as long as it has. Frightening even.
For once you see the enormity of the evidence... Everything. Everything was a lie. And they kept on lying. They stopped listening and they lied and lied some more.
you are so right about these lies, kind sir, and I am deeply grateful for your response, so eloquently put, Conway: thank you!
Well..... sociopaths do, as sociopaths are!
“Why were you such cowards? Where was your common sense?"
One more question to add to your above two questions... "What happened to your critical thinking skills?"
Oh that's right, most no longer have critical thinking skills (as if they ever had them to begin with) because TV, radio, newspapers, social media etc. have propagandized them. And don't get me started on government schooling.
In my case, all it took for me to reject the developing narrative was hearing the word "experimental" that described the so-called "vaccines" when they were first introduced. In addition, I also began listening to the likes of Drs. Vladimir Zelenko, Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough, along with Dr. Joseph Mercola. Their advice made sense... up your immune system by increasing vitamin D3 blood levels, take vitamin B1, magneseum, zinc, and by all means, get sugar out of the diet. Smartly, I stopped eating sugar-based process foods years ago after watching a series on YouTube called "The Skinny On Obesity" by pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig.
The Skinny On Obesity
I started opening my eyes back in 2004 when I left the US and went to Canada to visit relatives in British Columbia. During my 10 day visit, I watched Canadian television news each night. During that time, I did not see one fear mongering news story on TV what so ever. Not one.
When I returned to the US, I stopped in Seattle for an hour for a plane change and watched CNN in the terminal during my wait. After watching all the peaceful Canadian news stories during the past 10 days, I couldn't believe what I was seeing on this American TV network... one fear mongering story after another. The Iraq war, murders in Chicago, Baltimore, car wrecks, etc..
That's when it dawned on me that this kind of "news" was all for a purpose. To keep us fearful, which keeps the military budgets flowing, and the ad revenues coming in for the mainstream media, and in the case of COVID, generating Big Pharma profits based on untested, damaging gene therapy innoculations.
For me, the best thing I've done is quit looking at mainstream media, getting off social media, and finding substacks such as this one.
a most wonderful commentary and a wise strategy to retain your independence -- thank you so much
After thinking more about this topic, I want to share a couple of stories with you and your readers, which concerns the so called "news".
During the '80s, I worked as a photojournalist for a small-to-midsized "news"paper before moving on to the Associated Press and United Press International. One afternoon I was hanging out with the reporters in the paper's "news"room when in walked the Director of Advertising with a bunch of high school students.
In front of all of us, he told the students, "The job of the people in this room is to write the words that go around all the ads." The "news"room personnel were stunned, including me, and we were all pretty upset. Words??! Is this guy kidding? Really?? We write the words?! No, we write the NEWS, which is why the people buy the paper. We actually thought that we were the straw that stirred the drink. Well, we were partly correct. People did buy the paper for the news, but it was the advertising dollars that paid our salaries.
That was my first wake-up call about what drives the media.
My second wake-up call came six months later when I was assigned to take a picture at some business for an advertisement the business was going to run in the paper. On the way to the assignment, my car broke down and I had to have it towed to a garage. Of course, I missed the assignment.
When I finally made it back to the paper, I was called in to the managing editor's office where I was royally chewed out for missing the assignment. I remember the editor yelling at me about how I had just cost the paper money by missing the assignment, even though I was telling him that my car broke down and couldn't get to the assigment. He didn't care, because, as I found out later, he was getting his butt chewed out by the publisher.
Bottom line? It's about the money. And it's still about the money today. I mean, look at CNN's ratings. Its rating have plummeted. And now CNN is making changes to boost its ratings and try to regain the trust of the viewing public. Why? Because as its ratings tank, so do its ad revenues. IT'S ABOUT THE MONEY.
Why are no mainstream media outlets today exposing what's happening with the vaccines and the damage they cause? Because it's about the huge ad revenues Big Pharma will pull if the media outlets start exposing the truth. Can't have that, now can we?
Paul Craig Roberts, who I also follow, refers to the mainstream media as "presstitues" and "media whores". I believe he's correct using those labels. Why? Because the MSM is ABOUT THE MONEY.
I too am guilty, as probably many of us are. Why? Well, in my case, I left the media business in 1989 for the computer industry, because the computer industry paid much, much, better.
thank you for this really wonderful contribution ... I have always maintained, that any media dependent upon advertisers could never be considered objective.
I agree, which is why I really like Project Veritas and everything James O'Keefe is doing. That organization is not dependent on advertising $$s, which is the reason I contribute $$ to them whenever I can.
I will also say that now that Project Veritas has officially kicked James O'Keefe out, any future donations to PV I was going to make are now off the table... FOR GOOD!
In a slightly different arena, same can be said for Judicial Watch. Warriors!
Of course it's about the money.
I was a pressman at a tiny rural weekly in the late seventies, and the content invariably spared the advertisers. I was critical about it then, but I understand now that the publisher wouldn't have had a paper without that revenue. I was fed and housed because of such curation.
You have pointed out a fact that underscores all endeavors that require any sort of funding. We cannot escape economics.
Okay, so NPR was supposed to be a way of mitigating perverse incentives, and we can see how poorly that worked out; it made the simple and obvious prospect of good old-fashioned yellow journalism into an intractably wicked problem (I know, redundant, but it's evocative, ain't it?)
You're an honest and knowledgeable person, got any suggestions? I see nothing but antitrust as a redeeming force, but I was a mere pressman.
Ted, the only suggestion that I can think of is to just turn it all off. The national "news", that is. If it's all about the money (which it is), we know we're not getting the truth, so now it's just propaganda. And as a result, in my mind, I just can't be bothered with any of it.
By the way, nice to know you were a pressman.
When I was at the "news"paper in the early '80s, I worked the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift. After giving the pictures I made during my shift to the city editor, instead of going home for the night, I'd go into the paper's pressroom to wait for the press run to start, which began at midnight. Watching the press as it printed the daily editions of the next day's newspaper was the coolest thing I'd ever seen - those humongous rolls of paper going through the press at what must have been the speed of light was incredible.
Thanks for the memory <grin>.
a wonderful exchange for which I thank you. I think that we -- yes, we -- are the journalists today, the real truth-tellers and truth-seekers. When we err it is not a result of corruption, but of unconscious bias. Nobody pays us.
NZD, have you seen this breaking story yet?
Report: James O’Keefe Placed on Paid Leave from Project Veritas
I have a meme, suitable for bumper sticker mass production, which reads:
Critical Thinking –– The Other National Deficit
That's AWESOME!!
Thank you. I would love to hand deliver this to one of my oncologists, my head and neck surgeon and my former infectious disease doctor as well as countless friends and relatives who gloated to me about firing and segregating the unvaxxed.
As of last month my oncologist still had the hutzpa to ask if I got the flu and COVID vaccine. As of last month, my quadrupled vaxxed engineer brother in law still asserted that lockdowns, firings and mandates were necessary.
At least my oncologist didn’t drill down to lecture me, like she and the other two doctors did in 2021 and 2022. I suppose that’s an improvement. Yet, I’m still here. No one, I know to this day had the integrity, the courage and humility to acknowledge to me that they have been misled and sinned against their fellow man. Humility leads you to true contrition, wisdom, truth and freedom.
What’s so terrifying about admitting ones faults? I do that when I confess my sins to my Lord through my priest. This was a pandemic of fear.
you are so right, thank you for your wonderful comment
Yes, it really is interesting how the world was split into two camps. Unfortunately those of us who could smell a rat were in the minority, and quickly labelled conspiracy theorists for questioning the insanity.
As government responses rapidly became more ridiculous, I kept thinking, surely people must start to wake up soon. Then evidence quickly mounted that the jabs were not only useless, but actually harmful - yet STILL huge numbers could not see the truth.
As Mark Twain reputedly said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." I have certainly found that to be the case in my circles.
remember that the campaign to brainwash was immense, probably the largest in history ... as someone once said, people loss their wits in masses but regain them singly ... thank you for your comment
The ones that faithfully went back for multiple boosters really got to me. I can understand getting the first one if you are the mindset, but not repeated boosters.
the repeated boosters -- seeing this is very painful, but it shows how effective the mind manipulation was and how it played upon fear and how fearful so many people seem to be, of their own shadows
The "mind manipulation" has at least a 100 year professional history. Look into the sordid works of Edward Bernays, a sleazy manipulative nephew of Sigmund Freud, and his two infamous books published in the... 1920's (!)
Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and in recent years has come to be known as 'The Father of Spin'. In this very rare first edition copy Bernays "...tries to set down the broad principles that govern the new profession of Public Relations counsel... This profession in a few years has developed from the status of circus agent to what is obviously an important position in the conduct of the world's affairs."
Sections include: Scope and Functions; The Group and Herd; Technique and Method; Ethical Relations.
The landmark work by the man who has come to be known as "The Father of Spin."
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of….In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of society. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind." - from page 9.
…“The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the group leaders who dictate the public's thoughts and actions is likewise expensive.
For this reason there is an increasing tendency to concentrate the functions of propaganda in the hands of the propaganda specialist. This specialist is more and more assuming a distinct place and function in our national life.”
Chapters include: Organizing Chaos; The New Propaganda; The New Propagandists; The Psychology of Public Relations; Business and the Public; Propaganda and Political Leadership; Women's Activities and Propaganda; Propaganda for Education; Propaganda in Social Services; Art and Science; The Mechanics of Propaganda.
Absolutely! And here in Oz they're still pushing boosters, using one of their favourite mind manipulation strategies to get people to clamour for the shots - suggesting there's a shortage, and that in a few weeks only those 'at risk' will be able to get them.
yes, they have the strategies of manipulation down pat ... but many more people are onto them; I understand that only 31 percent of those in the USA are now considered jabbed ... despite the onslaught of propaganda
“There are three classes of people:
Those who see.
Those who see when they are shown.
Those who do not see.”
~ Leonardo da Vinci
Hear hear!! Two different words and indeed, they were gutless cowards
I am from the French working class, my grandparents were In the resistance, the hid British soldiers during the war amongst other things, some needed up in working camps for doing so, my 3 great uncles were shot against a wall (3 brothers). I think non compliance and bravery and a great instinct is genetic. I also knew back them that the H1N1 was a scam, as it turned out officially, it was.
My 89 years old grandmother refused the jab, told all the doctors and nurses to go to hell. Is were I get it from.
What a beautiful comment and what a pedigree you have!!! Thank you so very much.
To quote you, NewZealandDoc, "Some of us simply listened to our own autonomous good sense ..." Yes, some of us had sense from the very beginning. It was so easy, so very easy, to question the official narrative. I am sorry for those who suffered disproportionately for having good sense. THEY ARE HEROES!!!
I'll say a few things concerning someone who was a friend: I still wince when I remember the dressing down I got around June 2020 from this dear, dear friend and former co-worker. Our friendship has been fractured, and although we have exchanged a few perfunctory greetings since then, for all intents and purposes we're done. There is too much of a divide between us to patch things up. This person, a dedicated nurse, upbraided me for calling the lockdown unnecessary and for believing that the CDC and the media were misinterpreting and manipulating the covid statistics. What hurt was being told I lacked perception and had lost my compassion. Indeed, my (former) friend believes that the government's explanations are the one and only resort in relation to the truth. And that's how the government wants it. I don't belong in that camp. In their eyes I am a pariah; hence I am ostracised. I can accept it, but they are in the majority, which means that by excluding me, for many situations, I've lived in an apartheid world.
This has been a war against humanity, and a civil war between us, who are the resistance, and them, "the crowd." To quote another friend of mine, Soren Kierkegaard, " 'The Crowd' is untruth ... since a crowd either renders the single individual wholly unrepentant and irresponsible, or weakens his responsibility by making it a fraction of his decision." As the crowd, the herd, mutilates itself by getting vaccinated, and as the two sides engage in this civil war, what will the outcome be? Perhaps one day, this civil war will end. However, the two warring sides have lost trust in each other. Once lost, trust is not easily regained. The divide will still be there, it will just be patched over by a thin surface. The amazing wish that every human being should honour every human being will not be fulfilled.
What a beautiful commentary ... and, may I add, that you have some very distinguished friends! I visited Copenhagen and visited the church where your friend was baptized, by the way. Yes, every human being should honor every other, and to hear that you were upbraided and accused of lacking compassion is execrable. Will the divide be healed? I don't know -- maybe it shouldn't, in the end. Thank you.
I wonder when Bergquist and Lowe will have their licenses revoked for "stepping beyond the evidence base?" They belong in prison, but revocation may be sufficient to prevent them from doing further harm.
We Yanks have more than our share of arrogant, totalitarian bureaucrats and elected officials, and we surely outpace you Kiwis with our percentage of murderous quisling citizens. Force of sheer numbers guarantees that, but viewing the simpering smugness of your homegrown "angel of death" Ardern with her "Yep, that's exactly what we're doing" answer to the two-tier society question was...... well, I'll just say that my heart went out to all of her victims.
Perhaps it was the media blackout, but I was puzzled that there were so few demonstrations of cold rage by your citizens that such corruption could manifest itself so blithely and heedlessly.
There was plenty of evidence about the risks involved with mass human trials of an experimental gene-expression therapeutic. There was no excuse for "stepping beyond" and ignoring it. Unlearned citizens are extremely vulnerable to medical misinformation, and Hipkins signed the death warrants for many of the most vulnerable people in New Zealand.
May the good citizens of New Zealand bring their bureaucratic and medical criminals to justice. Ardern and her cohort were are content to watch your people die, provided they can continue to avoid any responsibility or accountability for it. That, after all, was the reason for lockdowns everywhere; those elected and assigned the duty to balance risk to the public could see that they were facing the classic trolley problem and knew that they had accepted responsibility for the very existence of the switching lever. Whether they pulled that lever or not, whatever lives were lost would be the result of their decision.
So they deflected, hoping to have benefited from the power and privileges of their office while avoiding the inevitable consequences of even the best decisions that would have resulted in loss of life.
You're quite correct to brand it cowardice, but we do not expect relentless courage from ordinary citizens. It is the cowardice of elected officials and unelected bureaucrats that is unconscionable.
One "mea culpa" here in the states, that of Scott Adams saying "you won" to those of us saying that we should pay attention to the research, entirely missed the mark. No one has "won" from all of this, with the exception of those who engineered the response and have escaped justice for the lives they have taken.
We have our own cohort of murderous psychopaths, the Faucis, the Whitmers, Cuomos and Newsoms who condemned the oldest and weakest among us to death. It will be a miracle if we can bring the full force of our laws, those meant to protect us from conscienceless psychopaths, to bear and prosecute them lawfully as we must surely do to prevent them from killing again.
Best of luck to you folks with your criminals. I hope you can obtain justice through your legal system and bring peace to the souls of your dead and injured.
A beautiful commentary, very rich and for which I am most grateful. The people of New Zealand have a generally naive trust in their government, and I will add that when I spoke on the steps of Parliament during our protest, I invariably asked Parliamentarians to come down and engage with us. Not one of them ever did.
Bravo! It was a good test wasn't it? I mean in how compliant people can be? Across the pond from you on Oz I would have thought we'd be way less compliant than we were but alas, it's not the Oz we thought we had but closer to the land of Oz of wizardry control fame.
The question is, will there be enough people now at the awakened party to stand against the next inevitable onslaught from the unelected powers that be? Let's hope so.
Yes. I was astonished that Australians bought the lies.
My heart sank like a stone the day our illustrious fascist Premier here in WA arrogantly said on radio, “Western Australians are very compliant people and navigating COVID-19 has been relatively easy.”
Based on the videos I saw, Doctor, the compliance was a testimony to the brutality of your police. Watching them choke out young women and arrest mothers in their homes at threat of great bodily harm was..... instructive.
Yes, their stormtroopers here in New Zealand against the peaceful protesters at Parliament were terrible. I was there.
Yes, very sad across the entire country.
I certainly hope so - but fear the awake will still be too few - as governments are now happily handing over control of future 'pandemics' to the corrupt WHO.
And the brainwashing has already begun. My husband happened to catch an ad on Al Jazeera, promoting the WHO as the best qualified to handle future pandemics. I guess they realize some of us have already raised objections with our governments about their willingness to sign our rights away, so they're getting in early with the propaganda.
we must be prepared to fight relentlessly at every step
Agreed - round 2 will be much more fierce on both sides I suspect.
Well.... BillyBoi GatesOfHell did coyly, smirkingly say on camera that "the next pandemic will really get your attention". So there's that.
Nice. Lots of memory in this.
The people in the west are materialistic, selfish, egocentric and unable to think for themselves - and even if they finally paid attention to the feeling creeping in over time that something is fundamentally wrong - they can not believe that their own government is killing them deliberately, destroying everything (to build back better...) on orders of a small group of people who have planned this for a very very long time and that all they believe to know is wrong, fake and leading into the world wide genocide. What is happening all over the planet is a suicide mission - and we need to wake up in much larger numbers and focus on a world we want not the one we do not want.
Thoughts create reality and the movie "Matrix" was a documentary and not entertainment
Wake up, understand who you truly are and let's build a new world
Spot on. I'd like to link this blog in one I wrote a few days ago, if you don't mind. I break down my observations about why so many believed the lies, perpetuated the lies and refused to use their own common sense. Very few held the line, as you describe so fiercely above. I've come to the conclusion that two characteristics seemed to define those of us who held the line - high trauma response and low hypnotizability. https://neveragainisnow.substack.com/p/civilian-soldiers-in-5th-generation
Thank you and please feel free to link
Done. It’s linked in my blog. Thank you. 🙏
I would love your thoughts and comments when you have time to read it too. 🙏
From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
In the US, the VA will deny medical care to any veteran not wearing a mask.
I want this insanity and mistreatment to stop.