As someone with a background in linguistics, I appreciated and enjoyed your analysis very much.

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thank you very much!

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Anyone still working for the NYT has proven their complete lack of humanity and intelligence. Functionally dead, mouths still flapping. Dross is an appropriate word.

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I can remember when the NYT didn’t have typos. Abe Rosenthal would read an early edition at breakfast, every word, and then heads would roll. Our dark troubled times are tortured by sloth.

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there really has been a sea-change over there ... what a pity. Thank you for your comments.

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Honestly, I was especially shocked by the New Zealand government response to Covid. When I watched a video of Jacinda Ardern telling the public that only the official New Zealand website contained the truth and everything else was misinformation, my respect for New Zealand plummeted. I began to call her Big Sister, as in Big Brother from 1984. The London in 1984 as described by Orwell is Moscow circa 1945 and Big Brother is Joe Stalin. Justin Turdo and Ardern were two of the worst tyrants in the entire phony pandemic. Now, Ardern has been rewarded by a fancy new job working for the global elite.

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At this point I would welcome typos if they just mentioned the genocide and why.

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Well, we’ve got an abondance typos but we’ll never get the truth out of these monsters. Now - as we learn or experience new horrors and abominations everyday - it’s entirely and eternally impossible in their sinister cloud cuckoo land.

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me too!

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What do you make of people who still read and mostly believe what’s written there...? (That’s my husband.... SIGH)

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well, what can I say? I was brought up with the adage 'don't believe everything you read' and I'd modify that to 'don't believe anything you read' -- unless you can confirm it yourself. We should always be curious, skeptical, and open to fact. Thank you for commenting.

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Viruganda and warmongering coercive bullies rule the day, soon to be night

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So elegant, so true.

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thank you

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G'day NZD, if RFK jnr becomes the POTUS ( although in my opinion he'd be better off creating a third party, the current Democratic party has leaned so far left it fell over, time for a change, The DOI 1776 party) ALL of those slimy leeches in government positions WILL have to re -apply for their position (s) & far too many of them are of the Peter Principle type to survive that carnage & boy don't they know it. Simple advice; keep your wits about you JFK Jnr, they WILL come for you, if you gain traction & ironically he will via the very tabloids that are trying to discredit him. They really are so stooooopid.

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They are out to get RFK Jr ... I think the litmus test for him will be whether he runs as an independent. He'll make a great Secretary of Health and Human Services by the way.

Thanks for commenting.

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They are so afraid of Bobby Kennedy Jr that they are turning themselves inside out trying to discredit him. It is appalling.

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you are so right ... it's the deep state uniparty against anyone who wants to stand for the people

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By the way, I never read any news articles about the war. I get all my news from sources within Ukraine, sometimes from the battlefront directly. I know people with families who are in Russian held territories, and their reports are direct experience. I've put up refugees from the war in my flat, and my Ukrainian daughter sometimes brings home refugee kids that she meets in the Ukrainian groups that she has joined. Most of the news reports are nonsense. There is so much propaganda and the intent is to sew confusion across the globe, especially coming from the Russians because it's in their interest to distract and misinform. I've been following Putin's careen since he was appointed Prime Minister of Russia by Yeltsin, and I knew of him when he worked in St. Petersburg in the 90s. What we see and hear is mostly propaganda, KGB tactics designed to frustrate and trigger the outside world. Most people don't realize this but Putin's team has been using Nazi tactics for two decades, all carried out and orchestrated by Vladislav Surkov, his one-time propaganda minister. Russia uses the same tactics as the pro-vaccine crowd, demonizing the enemy. Even yesterday, the Russians accused Ukraine of blowing up their own dam, and the problem is that most people can't see the truth.

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Part 2

Today, as we now know and have had confirmed, media readily accept narratives to simply repeat, or happily respond to requests from Governments, advertisers to restrict, take down and even cancel content considered anathema to their own agenda and narrative, we saw this via the Twitter Files and understand from Congressional Hearings recently held that not only Twitter but that Google, it’s subsidiaries Facebook, You Tube, whilst other media entities Reddit, Telegram etc… all were likely compromised as Twitter had been shown and proven to be.

Indeed we acknowledge that the Grey Lady, the venerable NY Times, WAPO- Washington post, L.A Times, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Reuters etc… all seemingly as widely believed act for and on behalf of governments to disseminate preferred narrative and perspective.

The result being, that many people realising and seeing through the facade of what is today passed off as being truth, fact, non propaganda have simply tuned out, cancelling subscriptions to Cable, with the outcome for media so targeted and suffering the backlash of the loss of trust in efficacy of the media relative to honesty, is that CNN, MSNBC, Fox, PBS the former mainstays of U.S televised news have seen viewership especially in the Golden demographic 25 - 50 for the prime time audience 7.00 - 10.30p.m slot, drop precipitously, indeed CNN in a recent demographic survey by which advertising revenue is measured and calculated for selling slots, saw total viewership in this demographic for a week average less than 499,000 souls tuning in a far cry from its hey day as an arbiter of balanced fact based debate and news vs the politicised offerings viewers are and have been subjected to.

The slack now being taken up by new offerings such as The DrewHernandez show, Glenn Beck, the soon to be broadcast on Twitter, Tucker Carlson show, Megan Kelly, Redacted, the Duran, Judging Freedom, The Jimmy Dore Show, Joe Rogan, Brian Berletic, former CIA paramilitary Col Tony Schaffer, Frmr CIA Senior Intelligence Analyst Larry Johnson, Former U.K Ambassador Alistair Crook, Stephen Gardner Show, U.S Army Col (Ret) and PhD Doug MacGregor, Marine Maj (Ret) and former U.N Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, U.S Tour of Duty, Sean Foo, Amit Senghupur, who are all qualified commentators on U.S National, the Geo Political and International Finance and Economics providing a better balance of commentary than you are likely to ever receive or be subjected to on Mainstream Media, they are all part of the new Social media take up, Podcasters, who together with a host of others including non U.S and U.K domiciled mainstream news outlets, despite as anticipated their being vilified and derided by mainstream Western Media and their governments, comprise the Hindustan Times, WION, Firstpost, R.T, Al Jazeera, The Cradle, Global Research, Lifesite News etc.. are all universally recognised as offering better balance and programming that is at acknowledged of being at the very least, predicate on truth and provable fact, than the atypical buffet and force fed diet of propaganda that is obtained and offered from today’s Western outlets.

So how did we get here? I have alluded in part above to the “soft” capture and manipulation of our traditional media, however the true construct lies and is found in the despicable CIA Co-ordinated and managed Operation Mocking Bird, an operation admitted to by the CIA before the U.S Congress in the 1970’s, that the U.S Congress ordered closed down, that the CIA undertook to terminate, but that we know still is being run to the present.

Look it up, it is real, it is evil, it is the programme that orchestrated the media capture in the U.S across every sphere, before being rolled out and applied globally. It is not, as per the term acknowledged as having been formulated and coined by the CIA post the JFK assassination, a “Conspiracy Theory” but is a reality, the true story behind how our media became captured to the degree it has become and resembles today…. Look it up, there is plenty of ascribed evidence detailing Operation Mocking Bird, it’s best you discover it for yourself, the program, it’s implementation, the operation, the end goal, where it is at presently, after all surprise and disdain coupled ultimate discernment is best left to the individual to discover and experience.

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Thank you for your very comprehensive responses ... Yes, I know about Mockingbird and MK Ultra too and a number of other programs. Evil it is, and evil they are. Your essays are very much appreciated.

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This is so true

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thank you

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“these media are both irrelevant and dangerous”

Excellent analysis. I would only suggest that they are actually highly relevant to our situation, in a very dangerous way.

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yes, you know, I meant irrelevant as in 'irrelevant' to truth seeking, but I agree that they are indeed very relevant and dangerous -- thanks for that!

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The fact that They are unhinged is encouraging!!

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I appreciate this breakdown. It is becoming increasingly cognitively draining to interpret and sift through the propaganda. I have to analyze every word! Just imagine if you are a somewhat dimwitted individual who doesn't bother to THINK about what you're reading, but instead believes it all at face value? It's no wonder we (the United States where I live) have slidden so far down.

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well said, and thank you for commenting and for your kind words.

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It's the same here in the UK. Most people 'blindly believe' what they get 'told' on their beloved TVs and what they read in the newspapers. They don't think, they simply 'believe', not realising that 99.99% of it is false propaganda/blatant lies.

Ever since the start of this global coup d'etat in early 2020, I've been providing my family members and friends with trustworthy information from HONEST doctors, nurses, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors, embalmers, economists, and even a few [rare...] honest politicians, re. what's really going on, and re. just how dangerous the injections are, and are proven to be.

But do they take a blind bit of notice of the facts? (rhetorical question...) Of course they don't.

They simply continue to 'believe' what they hear on their 'Tell-LIE-Visions'.

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Once you can see it, it's no longer subtle.

Subconsciously manipulating

Subtly penetrating the minds of those too busy being busy.

They're not aware.

They sit in their chair.

Six o'clock programming rolls on year by year

The faces change slowly, weathering with age.

The messaging of the time, whether drama or rage

Not always lying, but often it's implied

Bolstering ignorance and burying it in pride.

How proud to be free.

How great to be tolerant.

Look how we have the least corrupt government

Awarded, ceremony, rebranding the trash

As they take away privacy, thought and your cash.

Cha' ching.

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I used to teach at one of the Universities in Kyiv, several years ago. When the war started in 2014 with the invasion of Crimea, I stopped reading the New York Times because they got everything wrong. I knew of the bar where their reporters used to hang out. They in fact knew nothing, often repeating the stuff told to them by others. After this, I cannot read the New York Times at all because all their news articles are shaped by some twisted narrative.

I do want to point out that all this Nazi nonsense about Ukraine is just that. It's nonsense. I lived in Russia for several years, but didn't want to stay because I didn't like Putin and moved to Kyiv. I saw skinheads and Nazis in Russia regularly. In fact, they murdered an Azari watermelon seller outside the apartment of a friend during my last summer in St. Petersburg. I spent nine years in Ukraine, and I never once saw any evidence of Nazis. I knew some right wing people, nationalists from Pravii Sector, the most popular far right party in Ukraine, but Pravii Sector never got more than 3% of the vote in any election in Ukraine.

I'm now living in Berlin, and I can tell you that there are Nazis here. A lot of them. There are Nazis in the US, there are Nazis in the UK. If any country is intolerant of Nazism, it has to be Ukraine. I've seen stories and interviews about the Azov Battalion,. but so what? I can find some Nazis in California and interview them to make California look bad. Does that make California a hot bed of Nazim?

When I first moved to Ukraine, nobody knew where it was located. They didn't even know it was a country. Now, people who know nothing about Ukraine, are repeating nonsense about Ukraine. It drives me crazy, because it's like the great garbage patch in the Pacific that doesn't exist or the Polar Bears that are dying in the arctic. Nobody has seen this mythical garbage patch? Who exactly is going to the middle of the Pacific to look for it? Who goes to the arctic to count polar bears?

I lived in Ukraine for nine years. I now have family there. I've been all over the country. I know people from every part of the country, and when I read news articles I shudder at the lack of knowledge and the complete ignorance of those who have never been there, but consider themselves experts.

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Thank you for reading and commenting at length and reminding us of the importance of first-hand knowledge. I try to write only about what I myself can verify first-hand -- sometimes it's not always possible and I have to rely on others. Like most people I have formed opinions about world politics and the like, but I mainly keep them to myself as this is beyond my expertise. I do follows a variety of on-the-ground reporters, and I receive conflicting opinions about Putin, Zelensky, Russia, Ukraine and other parts of the world. I wish to high heaven that people would stop killing each other anywhere.

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My daughter has been traumatized by the war, primarily because her homeland is being torn apart by this stupid war. It makes no sense for Putin to invade Ukraine, and I can attest to the fact that Ukraine was no threat to anyone before the invasion of Crimea. It had an almost non-existent army and was bucolic, almost as lovely a place as New Zealand. It's hard to attribute any rational explanation to Putin's invasion, and I think we have to state that it was Putin's decision alone because it caught all the Russians by surprise. I feel that it is a shame for all humanity that one individual can cause the deaths of so many people, senselessly. Friends have been killed, lives have been uprooted, and in many ways I feel that the best men in Ukraine are being killed every single day for no reason. Of course, Ukrainians are going to fight because if they don't fight, they will lose everything. Putin wants nothing less than the extermination of Ukraine, but this is a culture and civilization that existed more than 7000 years ago as Trypillian culture which is little known outside the former Soviet space. When I was teaching at the University, teaching Shakespeare by the way in English, my students organized an excursion to Trypillia, a small village on the Dnipro river south of Kyiv. At that time, there were two museums, largely dormant. After doing some research, I found that in Trypillia there were large cities, more than 20,000 people, and this was 5000 years ago, before the flourishing of the Egyptian civilization. Putin insists that Ukraine is not a real place, but Ukrainian peasants have been farming before the proto European language was formed.

It's hard to know the truth about certain issues. I have found that I can't know everything, but some topics fascinate me and I delve into them, but I rarely trust sources. I have to investigate and read multiple visions in order to come to an understanding. When the whole Covid thing began, I read Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe about the 1660 plague in London to get a sense of background. Then I read about the Black Death, the Plague of Justinian that hit Constantinople, and I read a 220 AD book by Dr. Zhang, Cold Induced Disorders, which came out of an epidemic in China during the Han Dynasty. It gave me a huge perspective. I did all that in December 2019 and January 2020, because I felt something big coming.

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The Household Physician is also a good book to read. Full of useful information.

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Thank you for these recommendations!

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If you need additional details for the household physician, I'll get them for you. I found it online. The language takes a bit of effort to decipher as it is language that is from the 1900s, but if I can do it, you can. I'm a basic medical research support person with no credentials. I shared one section with a physician regarding the skin being a part of the respiratory system such that when the skin is blocked (e.g. use of polyester clothing) from adequate respiration, the lungs have to work harder.

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that is very kind and generous of you, thank you so much -- I will be in touch if I can't get hold of them. :)))

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You may enjoy "Classic Descriptions of Disease" by Ralph Major, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of Kansas School of Medicine. 1932 First Edition. I have 2 copies.

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Thomas Pierce, what are you trying to say? That there are skinheads i.e. nazis all over the world with the exclusion of Ukraine? Or are neo-nazis no big deal but simply misguided souls that can be rehabilitated? nazism (I never capitalize that infernal word nor should anyone else as far as I am concerned), nazism is a dangerous, lethal, infectious cult with a cure rate close to zero. In fact, nazis, including the ones that YES, live in Ukraine, have global ambitions of a unified nazi party.

All this nonsense as you call it, is really not nonsense and not easy to dismiss. Currently, skinheads may not be as ubiquitous in Ukraine as they are in Germany or the US, however, the Ukrainian fascist mentality is alive and well. There has been international condemnation of the comparatively high degree of neo-nazi violence tolerated in Ukraine. This condemnation has forced the concealment of Ukrainian allegiance to nazi ideology.

Historically, Ukrainians align themselves with political movements that are anti-Russian/anti-communist. To that end, during World War II, they collaborated with the Germans, committing crimes against humanity both on battlefields and in concentration camps. Today, ultra-right national socialist parties are a factor in Ukrainian politics: Svoboda, the Pravii Sector, The Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, all these parties may not get a large percentage of votes during elections, but let’s remember that likewise, the German national socialist party, aka the nazis, never achieved an electoral majority.

The threat of nazism exists whether it’s visible or not. The most dangerous nazis are not the thugs who shave their heads and don ridiculous uniforms before they proceed to beat, torture or kill their victims. The most dangerous nazis are the ones who work behind the scenes directing and controlling what goes on in the field.

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You are repeating Russian propaganda. Please try to provide something like evidence that is not Russian propaganda. All that nonsense about the UPA is just Soviet nonsense. I lived in Ukraine for ten years and never saw any evidence anywhere of any Nazis, so it must be pretty well hidden or non-existent.

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Let's call them ultra conservative nationalist socialists because, after all, that's what nazis are. If you lived in Ukraine for ten years there is no way you could have missed them. As for the thugs in the countryside or in the military who identified and/or continue to identify with nazism, I prefer to take the word of Amnesty International over any Russian, Ukrainian, or Western propaganda.

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It doesn't matter where you got your information, it's Russian propaganda repeated again and again. There are definitely nationalists in Ukraine, as for Nazis, I live in Berlin and there are more here on the streets than I can even imagine in Ukraine. Please don't waste my time by repeating nonsense. I hear this garbage from a lot of sources, but it all comes from the mouth of that little prick, Putin. And of course his Soviet KGB buddies.

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so all information that contradicts your opinion is Russian propaganda? That doesn't sound right to me. Pardon me if I disagree with what you espouse.

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Look, this is not my opinion. I lived in Russia and in Ukraine. I first went to Moscow 30 years ago. I know lots of Russians or knew them. We're no longer friends, so I am familiar with the lies. It's pervasive and has infected the west so I hear this nonsense repeated again and again. If there is accurate information then I accept and embrace it. But many people repeat Russian propaganda without thinking about it because they don't know it's propaganda.

I will cite for you two examples. My daughter is in high school in Berlin and she is a fluent Russian and Ukrainian speaker, and in her Russian classes, they have been showing programs from RT. That's the Putin propaganda channel and the stuff that is shown on RT is KGB fiction. I say KGB because those guys still run Russia. My daughter comes home livid after being subjected to these lies. The thing is that even the Germans don't know what is propaganda and what is not, so they are teaching this crap in school to students of Slavic origins. I could go through this with step by step detail, but there is no point to repeating it.

I watched an interview with Robert Kennedy Jr last week, speaking to Jordan Peterson. Kennedy stated at the end of the interview that Ukrainians are being slaughtered at a 7 to 1 ratio to Russian troops. I have discussed this with my sources, people actually on the front lines and people connected to the Ukrainian government. Ukraine does not report causalities, and I know that I see posts every day about good decent Ukrainian men who have been killed at the front, but there is no possibility that the casualty rate is 7 to 1. That is Russian propaganda. Period. The thing is morale among Ukrainians is very high, and if they were getting slaughtered then I would know about it. I knew several men serving in the Ukrainian defense forces and they are upbeat and hopeful. Kennedy wants to stop the war because he says that the west is killing Ukrainian troops. It's true and I worry about the men who are exposed to combat and I worry about the future of Ukraine, but not one Ukrainian wants to make peace with Russia. Not one.

It has nothing to do with my opinion. It's what I know. I am suspicious always of anything that comes from Russia, but I know when it is counter to the truth. If you tell me something about Russia or Ukraine, I can tell immediately where the source of it comes from. The internet Research Agency is located ten minutes walk from where I lived in St. Petersburg. The IRA is a Russian troll farm. They hire tech savvy types to corrupt the chat rooms, the comments sections of even Stubstack, to confuse, disrupt, and divert people from the truth.

You know about the crash of MH-17, the plane shot down over Donbas? The Russians put out a dozen phony stories or more about what happened. Well, I didn't know, but I rely on a friend who does research and spent months in Ukraine figuring it out and of course I read the report from Bellingcat. This is how I get my information and this is how I often find out about the latest Russian propaganda., like the Russian FSB assassin who shot and killed a Chechen/Georgian enemy of the state in park ten minutes from my flat. The Russians denied everything. That's what they do.

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Part 1…

Nailed, another outstanding contribution alerting us as to the reality now lived and being experienced by each of us who once, so blindly and unquestionably accepted at face value the writings and opinions opined by many comprising our media.

Our reality as now so glaring and obvious is that media as we once knew and now know it, no longer are purveyors of fact and truth.

In todays world media, such as exists, representing our mainstream (Print, Network, Cable, Social, Radio, Advertising) as well as the soft media to which we are equally subject through in the main, movies and contemporary music, assaults us almost as a constant with a litany of lies, half truths and facts distorted but resembling a semblance of the truth, of the fact as we find laced into and indispersed amongst the tirade of words to which we are subjected, that today, media qualifies and represents to us, as being and comprising the news article we either read, listen to or view.

Indeed, the fourth estate, as media from the late 19th century onwards until recently, colloquially became synonymous as, has we know, ceded the moral authority that once upon a time and until not so long ago, endowed those entities comprising that estate, reputations that had been hard won, a status by which they became both recognised, revered and accepted as being representative of truth, has now in our present, become but a fraction of the ultimate status theses same entities covet…. trust.

The malignancies that sadly have led us to this relinquishing of the public trust, have metastasised into a true scourge, our trust and truth in media eviscerated, trashed and resulting from the delinquency by those in control of or who do own our media, having in exchange, as now so widely known and recognised by what comprises the media’s readership, viewership or listening audiences have literally sold out.

Many of our once independently owned media outlets irrespective the strata of media they once operated in have seen long held family interests sold in many cases for princely sums, into private equity, publicly traded corporate media behemoths or as trophies to members of the billionaire class.

Indeed many formerly privately controlled media entities, long held intergeneration-ally, as noted sold to Billionaires who ubiquitously as with the predilection many we have seen had for collecting professional sports franchises, have started the trend of acquiring media as a must have status symbol.

The indictment against this take up following divestment by many former privately held interests of media, is and has become as we have had to suffer, the resulting reshaping of our media landscape, a landscape that in virtually every jurisdiction and nation around the earth has changed and resulted in mainly contrived outcomes, changes that exemplify the glaring losses of journalistic integrity and of editorial and journalist independence.

Consequently we are left with media that either parrots the leanings in now more overt ways being representative and a true reflection of ownership or, most insidiously of all, have with the owners blessings become advocates for the fifth estate…. The organs of government and by default Governments political masters.

We witnessed this first hand during the recent Scamdemic whereby it is widely known media received outsized advertising contracts to perpetuate the contrived agenda and narrative that government backed and supported big Pharma wanted disseminated.

We know in the U.S for example this bending of the media will, of hijacking media independence was achieved on two basis, by those with an agenda simply dominating the media advertising revenue outreach e.g Bill Gates acquiring USD$450million of advertising across media the past 3 years, Pharma similarly doing likewise whilst the U.S Government supported by special interests, initiated outsized over market rate contracts to acquire advertising “time” once again across all media.

Obviously in joining the dots it is relatively easy to see how it is we came to lose what little of media integrity and independence we thought we had retained from the independence recognised as being lost that resulted from the sale and rationalisation of so many of the once independently and or family owned media entities, that once as noted, had comprised a nations media or fourth estate.

The acquisition of or making available to acquire these outsized advertising contracts with media, coupled with many governments in the West, adopting, seemingly contemporaneously as measured across many Western nations, the same policy enshrined via change laws passed, created what became known throughout the West as Media Welfare, whereby under the guise of “Protecting” media, statutes were enacted to legitimise governments provisioning aide and or below market monetary support for Media Companies said to be struggling and or at risk of financial duress resulting from the attack to conventional media by Social and Electronic media forums.

This widely adopted initiative we know was truly set up, contrived, in order to provide those (Governments and Lobbyists advocating on behalf of their clients ( Read … WEF, Globalists, WHO, etc..) wishing to ensure a specific narrative or agenda became widely dispersed, understood and promulgated amongst the public.

In regards to those who equally perniciously acquired outsized advertising commitments, buying from media columns of print space, time slots etc… ensured that by paying outsized rates above the norm that they would ultimately be buying and acquiring control of the platforms amongst whom they’re largesse had been spread.

All in all the consequences of both the legislated Media Welfare, the outsized Advertising Contracts and the change to ownership of media from the previous independently owned and inter generational ownership model has been the loss of true media independence as we once had enjoyed and known.

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