Thank you Emanual . I get your despair; I agree we are facing very uncertain times. As I read your very articulate writing I feel the rage coming up in me. My choice to not get the Covid vaccine cost me dearly, lose all my employment ( 3 positions) , struggling to find new income with my “antivax label “ . Relationships with neighbours and some friends under real strain but working hard to rebuild. I fear the rise of a global totalitarianism. I have almost zero trust in the medical system. I want to retreat , go fully off grid , protect myself and those I love.

What now ?

Fear is a powerful thing to be sure but it just does not feel enough. It was a global manufactured fear that got us herein the first place. I sense my response has to be more than fear , but what? Do I dare to have hope? Rather than fight is there an otherwise rising up.

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There is always room and necessity for fight, we will fight, we will not give up.

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fear is a reaction. courage is a choice.

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And you can have both simultaneously

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Fear of real danger is an important tool for all living beings to survive However if fear is aimed at the wrong or non existing target we get what we got in the last four years . Not for one moment did I fear the covid more than I would fear to get a cold or flu .In fact I did not get even a runny nose in the last several years . Of course I did hate the Gulag like requirements forced on all ,except the elite running the mega crime ,and I still do ,always will . They have several pandemics lined up for us .The bird flu is next ,after that it's the fish flu .This time a few more people may hesitate to be shot ,will forced shots be mandatory this tome ??

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Yes real fear of real danger. I have experienced that, when death looks you directly in the eye and says "now ?' and every cell in your body says no... not now. That is not the fear that turbo charged the pandemic. Like you I had no fear of another virus but so many people panicked, out of... Fear? Why did the propaganda work so well? On so many

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Our govt collected the worst images and the worst news about the Covid pandemic, and played it to the NZ public over and over. That is why the indoctrination worked so well.

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Have your read Mattias Desmet's work on mass formation. He added a few nuances to indoctrination aside from the shear volume. Eg the promise of social connection, the Team of 5 million.

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I recently became aware that they passed a law in Western Australia that allows medical staff to vaccinate a patient under general anaesthesia without the patients consent..... it should be unbelievable

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Holy fucking shit... Hospitals are truely just death camps in disguise.

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It is in fact beyond the limited scope of my rational belief in human decency.

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I'm not worried... They dropped their mask of sanity because they couldn't create a real pandemic.

They had to hype up the friggin flu.

If they really had bioweapons that worked, that would have ended up like was explained in the movie V for Vendetta.


We got the hard sell on a product that didn't work instead.

If they were smart, they would have made the first few shots great. Nope, they went straight for the toxic brew and now they're trying to cover it up with spike protein or whatever pseudo-science... Just like polio, caused by ddt but blamed on a virus...

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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Solzhenitsyn...."They lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them"- Solzhenitsyn

"Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me."

‘“We have so hopelessly ceded our humanity for the modest handouts of today we are ready to surrender up all principles, our soul, all the labors of our ancestors, all the prospects of our descendants—anything to avoid disrupting our meager existence. We have lost our strength, our pride, our passion.

“But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not ‘they’ who are guilty of everything, but we ourselves, only we! …

......But it will never come unstuck by itself, if we all, every day, continue to acknowledge, glorify, and strengthen it, if we do not, at the least, recoil from its most vulnerable point.

—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not by Lies....

“We know that they are treasonous, they know that they are treasonous, they even know that we know they are treasonous, we also know that they know we know they are treasonous too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are treasonous too as well, but they are still treasonous. In our country, the treasonous has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

Robert Kennedy Jr.... "There are things worse than death"

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Thank you again for your direct and practical observations Dr Garcia, I love your approach.

Regarding protesters, here in Oz, they actually shot us with rubber bullets for doing this, in Melbourne...Unforgivable!!

Regarding transplants, again they had the audacity and the inhumanity to do this here as well, under the pretext (surgeon at Melbourne Hosp) that anyone who wasn't jabbed was putting a perfectly good organ at risk...I actually wrote to these people and advised that it was the donor or donor family who, if necessary, would make that call, not the 'authorities'...

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It is beyond disgrace, what they have done and are still doing. We need to dig in and fight back in whatever way we can. Thank you for your words.

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Thanks, Doc! Transhumanists in power just don't realize not everyone wants to be transformed into a hybrid human machine (Cyborg 2.9) via nanorobot injections of mRNA

hydrogel. See Dr.Ana Mihalcea, darkfield microscopy of self-assembling nano bots in injected human blood. And Dr.Carrie Madej's video embedded in Dr.Joseph Mercola's article "The Transhumanist Agenda Behind Biden's Executuve Order on 'Advancing Biotechnology.' " (9/26/22, "The Defender").

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The Vaccinated Are Already Programmed.

Based On What They Did To Themselves.

What’s A Couple Chips ?


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"Maybe that’s been their plan all along." ... absolutely. To kill the human spirit and capture human souls.

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To convince people they "have no choice" which is a lie. We always have a choice even if we don't like the consequences. Free will is freedom. Never give it up no matter what.

God BLess.

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you said it! No, we won't give up.

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Great article. Thanks, Doc. I'm watching the diminished expectations in real time. My fully vaxxed and boosted brother was diagnosed out of the blue with glioblastoma multiforme (deadly brain tumor) a few months ago. like many other vaxxed people, and is now headed toward hospice. His doctors offered nothing in the way of treatment much less any form of diagnosis that included causality. No suggestion of mitigation. Just go home and die which is exactly what my brother is doing. He refuses to consider any alternative treatments. He's on pain meds and that's it.

Divine intervention is his only hope (which I do not discount) as any medical hope was never explored, offered of even spoken of. More or less like a sick dog sent home to live out his last days.

We don't have "doctors" anymore, we have "veterinarians". This is what happens when you buy into the (entirely unproven) Theory of Evolution. We are nothing more than animals and will be treated the same as other animals. Euthanasia is right around the corner. Godlessness is a bitch.

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You have most eloquently described this deplorable state of affairs ... my blood boils. Thank you.

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My blood boils as well as my heart breaks. God Bless, you, and keep up the good work.

Thank you.

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Thanks, Emanuel, for your impassioned post, well penned as usual.

As a Voluntaryist (ALL governments—morally legitimated coercive rulers--are unnecessary and sufficient evils), I hope, paradoxically and ironically, your concluding statement

“…in a few more short years I fear we will expect absolutely nothing [from “our” governments at whatever level].”

will come to pass even sooner—as I consider ANY “expectation” of overall good coming from ANY government is a vain (etymology, “empty”) one and should never be held in the first place; and if held, which is the Statist indoctrinated case for almost all, then relinquished in the face of the overwhelming evidence to do so (see Covid-1984 as the latest evidence).

A few quotes to reason you towards Voluntaryism:

“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs

“Statism: the brilliant idea that we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, steal from, and kill us, so that we can be ‘protected’ from people who kidnap, steal from, and kill us.” Author Unknown

“There is only one political sin: independence; and only one political virtue: obedience. To put it differently, there is only one offense against authority: self-control; and only one obeisance to it: submission to control by authority. Self-control and self-esteem vary directly: the more self-esteem a person has, the greater, as a rule, is his desire, and his ability, to control himself. The desire to control others and self-esteem vary inversely: the less self-esteem a person has, the greater, as a rule, is his desire, and his ability, to control others.” Thomas Szasz

“No one rules if no one obeys.” Author Unknown

Get free, stay free.

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Wonderful commentary! Thank you!

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My hope, along with Voluntaryists who mainly came from the "strange attractor":) www.voluntaryist.com, is that persons will discover that "democracy" is the equivalent of "free range chickens" compared to say China's CCP’s "barn" or North Korea’s "caged" chickens.

The point is to LEAVE THE FARM (see my FFF#10 Voluntaryism below).

For me the only "silver lining" in the dark Covid-1984 storm cloud is that it is finally slapping a few more awake from "The Nightmare of History" which for Voluntaryists is the moral legitimacy afforded to the State by the voluntarily enslaved masses. Goethe is apropos here:

"The most hopelessly enslaved are those who falsely believe they are free."

I invite you and your readers to join us at our Free Friends Forum


An Open Forum for Naturalists, Humanists, and Individualists and their Opposites for Argument’s Sake


and here is our FFF#10


Advocates of Non-Political, Non-Violent Strategies to Achieve a Free Society


And by the way Emanuel, Camus and I thank you for saying NO to the NZ government on their Covid Coercion of NZ doctors—you were among the few courageous ones.

“What is a rebel? A man who says No; but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says Yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion.” Albert Camus

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Got to get over that Stockholm Syndrome !

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Help me create ways to help these indentured servants or voluntary slaves consider this? :)

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That is a very big ask, because people are essentially tribal, and want to be led by someone with Mana and authority. People are now so domesticated that they will follow any orders uncritically. In our mainstream news about vaccinations, a male in 40s said he has caught Covid 4 times now, but he has done everything right, and has had 7 Covid vaccinations. He is a follower. I am unvaccinated, and think I have had Covid once. You need more charisma than all the rest, and see how Brian Tamaki does it, with the help of Christianity.

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Mark, yes, agree, a very big Ask but one which we few Voluntaryists must continue to choose as our big Task.

For we are born into the Family/Clan Authoritarian Collective and we must be very fortunate to extricate ourselves from the Matrix/Pattern of heteronomous control into autonomy and Responsible Freedom.

This is the Human Condition—and only we can understand its two main Conditioners (Fear of Death/Abandonment/IdentityLoss and Lust for Sex) to take control of them and become our own Authority.

About Tamaki, who while I can support on his anti-Covid1984 stance, I do not trust as I do not trust any “charismatic” would be leader.

Regarding Charisma, a very important subject to study scientifically to get free of Gurus and Governments, here is one book I recommend



A quote from the opening of the book by one of my favorite anthropologists:

“If we understood the function of cults we would probably understand the function of cultures. Every established ecclesia of the majority began as a minority crisis cult of one, in historic, not supernatural time; and his cult spread and diffused historically, sometimes until it became the Established Religion, whose priests (as opposed to visionary shamans) are merely the nonecstatic journeyman officiants of routinized established cults.” Weston La Barre

Get free, stay free.

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Slavery, jail, killing off all of Womanity, the not so good nor too old days....and the future ahead, ...it seems hard to fathom even as tis happening. More empty storefronts every day....just a coincidence...

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I have been pondering a visual essay of the vacant storefronts in Wellington here ... they are everywhere .... Thank you for your comments.

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Yes, I was thinking about Union st., Marina district SF.

They want so much dammm money for a bunch of empty spaces in the most arrogant part of town. The landlords haven't figured out that their places will just sit empty or don't care. The obvious takeover of business by digital enslavers, like bozos scAmazon and other scammers, means their model of being able to even have a business is gone, and the digital dominance and destruction of prior modalities is a one way trip, a bad trip for all .... except the Bozos

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I grew to love SF in the mid-2000s, having visited there several times. But how that spectacular city has fallen ... what a great pity.

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Wow! They're still denying those procedures???

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Indeed, it beggars belief ... they prey upon the weak and the helpless, these creeps.

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"When Alexander Solzhenitsyn languished in the gulag he was aware of a better place somewhere else."

This might have something to do with faith in a better world elsewhere, which is quite reasonable as consciousness is both local and non-local. Any deep dive in to doctrines of an esoteric nature will make that clear and scientism is dragging its sorry feet to the same conclusion.

"I learned a few days ago that here in New Zealand people who have not received covid jabs are being denied transplants by a health system that is funded by tax-paying citizens."

Then they must find the correct alternative to surgery and be grateful to be forced to use their brains as they did with the injection. The priest class used to oversee all health-related matters including psychology, because it was once known that all illness stemmed from a problem within the psyche FIRST.

(Not talking about obvious biological wounds from accidents etc.)

The very idea of an organ transplant is grotesque and psychotic from this point of view.

Ryke Geerd Hamer was able to link the soul's problem through the brain via a CT scan which was evidence of the souls shock hitting the brain, following its relay to the corresponding organ.

If the problem is in the lungs, it is a death-fright conflict.

If the liver - one is angry and frustrated somehow.

It begins in the soul or psyche. Ha, look whose comments I say this on...


If one is unable to remove the trigger of the problem it can create a chronic organ issue.

Chopping physical bits out and replacing them with other peoples is chimerical doom. The body is our friend, it's telling us there is a problem in the SOUL which must be addressed so that the organ can heal.

This can be reverse engineered so to speak: if one's shoulder becomes painful, one can trace it to an issue with ones mother, child (left shoulder if one is right-handed) or spouse or business partner if the pain radiates from the right shoulder (and is right-handed).

Hamer created a huge, profound body of work on these natural human and spiritual laws. If the soul's problem can't be resolved easily in time, it becomes a chronic issue. It's intuitive, elegant and very true. https://learninggnm.com/SBS/documents/sbs_index.html

Surgery is butchery. They say there is a fine line between a surgeon and a psychopath...

and we all know by now the world is run by psychopaths.

The plan is to have us taking care of ourselves - our own physical, mental and spiritual health. Knowledge is the only true power there is so we do what we can with what little knowledge we've been given. Www appeared for this reason!

To govern is to control. Ment is the mind. They are dissolving governments so we can relearn how to govern our own mortal selves from within, no longer lead by the nose by some external racket.

The alarm goes off - do we hit snooze or wait till the next alarm?

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Well we had a situation in Alberta Canada where a woman was denied a lung transplant because she wasn't vaccinated. Sadly, she passed away.. 😪

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How can this be allowed?????????

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Why would anyone have surgery in a hospital that is using blood taken from people who have been jabbed, if a transfusion is required?

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I certainly wouldn't!

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Here in America they have started tampering w/Medicare denying patients drugs they have taken for years, changing out their medications, taking away certain promises in their coverage plans. They really want us dead. Illegals get everything for free. Odd that.

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Beyond disgraceful ... We will know how far they have gone by next year this time. And we will fight, we have to. But we need help from the highly visible and influential in our quest.

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I also would like to know is there a test to see if a person has been injected against their will, say like when they are getting a surgery?

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It would be helpful if all the Medicare people would start calling and putting on the pressure, LOUDLY. Parents need to call and defend Gramma and Grandpa because what they are doing is no different than injecting them in the nursing homes.

I called my Representative, the gal on the phone admitted it is a problem but nothing they could do. Of course the Congressman is in a battle of his life for his seat, so we aren't important to him right now, the campaign trail is where his mind is. I will probably be dead before any changes, if ever, occur.

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