Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Great interview, thanks very much, Doctor Garcia. It is sooo rational I've bookmarked it to send to a few people I'm trying to wake up (a thankless task).

I didn't realise you were American or what your background was, so it was good to get some context. I live in a bubble of family who don't want to know, which is depressing. On the subject of doctors who are trying their best not to face the truth, I may have mentioned already that I'm married to one. He's 69 and a part-time out-of-hours GP, so not involved at all with jabbing anyone (which to me would make it less unpalatable to accept the truth, as there would at least be no guilt). I'm astonished and frustrated by his attitude. I'm also not a little annoyed because I took the first two jabs really because of him. I felt I was balancing two risks. He said (from nattering to people on doctors' blogs) in December 2020 'I won't be touching it and I think most other doctors won't either'. By January 2021 he had been jabbed! I asked if his colleagues at work and on the docs' blogs thought it was safe (I knew literally nothing back then) and he said yes, he thought they did. I was also concerned he'd bring covid back from work, and I felt at risk because of age and a couple of other risk factors. So I basically trusted their instincts and presumed competence over my own.

I found out what was going on by July 21 and took no more jabs, but he took the booster in December and collapsed unconscious a week later on our kitchen floor, followed by a 45-minute ambulance visit and a trip to hospital. He came home the same day but was referred to a cardiologist. I had to speak to her on the phone during his first visit because he'd been unconscious and I laid it on thick about the jab a week before. No response - they simply will not take it on board. It's almost like you haven't said anything.

When Ed Dowd's book came out I bought half a dozen copies, to spread the evidence around. There's one beside my husband's side of the bed, that I put there. He said he'd read it (after I said his father would be ashamed of him for his attitude). Then he reneged. Even though he knows what's going on really (he hears lots of interviews - which he'd rather not - and has just involuntarily been exposed to yours now!) and has stopped taking boosters, but he simply will not acknowledge it and, if I push it, he still calls me a conspiracy theorist and pulls the 'who's the doctor here?' line, which is unbelievable. I've done almost 2 years of research now and he knows nothing about these jabs because he doesn't want to. The book remains unread because he is literally afraid to read it. I've never come across anything like it in my life. I don't consider myself courageous in any way, but I need to know the truth, however bad it is.

Good luck and please keep going. Sorry that was so long.

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Thank you for your rich commentary -- no, not too long at all, I'm honored to have inspired your observations.

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Thank you, SheilaB, for your courageously vulnerable candour in sharing your intimate story. I have been listening to many family stories as yours and reading again on cognitive dissonance and self-deceit to better understand. This favorite quote helps me and maybe it will help you too: “We heal ourselves by giving others what we most need.” Sherry Turkle. Stay safe and free.

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Yes, my family members are the same. I'm a 64-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK, and have been 'awake' for 40+ years.

Right from the start of this global scam/hoax/fraud/Crime Against Humanity, I've been providing family members and friends (in different parts of the UK) with a great deal of trustworthy information re. what's really going on, from HONEST doctors, nurses, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors & embalmers [the latter two, from shortly after the injections were 'rolled out'], and even from a few [rare!] honest politicians around the world.

And yet none of my family members or friends (apart from two already 'awake' friends) would take any notice of the masses of high-quality information I've provided them all with. They chose to (oh so wrongly) ridicule and abuse it, and chose to still 'believe' what they're 'told' on their beloved TVs. More fool them...

They've all had either three or four injections... I'm the only one in my family who absolutely refused to submit to any of the injections. The last 'vaccine' I had was when I was a kid of 12 or 13, ie, more than 50 years ago. Ie, when I knew nothing about the fact that 'vaccines' are indeed a medical scam. There were plenty of properly-informed doctors and scientists 150+ years ago who knew that: that 'vaccines' are a medical hoax (they'd not have used the word 'scam' back then!). And they wrote and spoke about that. Their words are still to be documented.

I've been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years, and am very proud to be so, too.

There are many books on the subject; one excellent one is "Dissolving Illusions: disease, vaccines, and the forgotten history", by Dr Suzanne Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk. The data/evidences in that volume absolutely PROVE that 'vaccines' have always (right from the outset) been a medical scam/hoax/fraud.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Terrific interview. I enjoyed your candid comments. Keep up the good fight. As an American living in Berlin, I avoided all the Covid BS except the masking on transport and in shops. The big issue now facing the world is the consequences of the shots. In Germany, the all cause mortality rate is 37% above the baseline. Anecdotal reports have been coming to me from various sources. One friend's wife got sudden pneumonia and had to go to the hospital. She was treated in the corridor for five days before they could find her a bed. There are sudden reoccurrences of old diseases like psoriasis and sudden soaring of high blood pressure by those who got the shots. A friend's neighbor had to wait nearly a month to bury her husband because all the funeral homes are too busy.

When I saw Jacinda Ardern telling the public that anything not on the NZ website was misinformation and that they could only find the truth on the official NZ website, I began to call her Big Sister. This propaganda campaign about Covid is right out of Orwell's 1984. For those who haven't read it, Big Brother is Joe Stalin and the London in Orwell's novel is Moscow circa 1950. Everything is in keeping with Animal Farm, for those who have read that book.

New Zealand is a lovely country. I've been five times and visited and hiked the fjords and always idealized the Kiwi nation, but Big Sister and the guy who replaced her as PM are straight from the totalitarian state. It's sad to see.

Keep up the good work.

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Thank you very much for your kind words and for your very informative observations, which are much appreciated!

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

An additional note, I listened to Jordan Peterson last night interview Dr. Scott Jensen. Jensen has been a Senator in Minnesota and recently ran for Governor. He questioned the narrative and prescribed Ivermectin to his patients and thus has been subject to no less than 5 board reviews in which they threatened to take his medical license. Peterson is currently challenging a review of his license in which he is accused of spreading misinformation on social media. Peterson is a fighter and has the means to challenge the Canadian system and is doing it now. His letter reminds me of struggle sessions during the old Soviet Union where the group would attack one person as not being a proper socialist comrade, a kind of humiliation and degradation of character and personality by groupthink. The interview is worth listening to from the perspective of two exemplary practitioners who've had their licenses threatened by the state for not conforming. A lot of practical advice as well for those who might face scrutiny in the future.

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Thank you for this. I have followed what's happened to Jensen for quite a while, it is execrable, and yes, we need to learn how to fight effectively.

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I listened at work this morning and I really thought it was a great interview. The interviewer was great, I ended up listening to a few more of his interviews. Thank you for being a Mensch, wishing you all the best in your fight against tyranny! From a fighter in Canadastan🙏💪🏼

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Thank you so much! Canadastan ... sigh, what are they doing to our countries???? Stay strong.

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Emanual, note you did not make your link active, you know how to do it? I have to copy and paste.

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thank you, I think I just did it

merci beauboup

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You are welcome, listening to your interview and discovering how courageous you were as a doctor to ask questions about the ScamPlanneDemic narrative, good for you. I interviewed Simon Thornley who you might know very early on in Covid1984, June 14, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKzLj80xbWI When did you start pushing back?

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I started pushing back very early in 2020 -- I have a substack where I list the letters I began to write to the government and media, and I also wrote something in defence of Simon who was a pioneer -- remember Plan B? Thank you!

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