It seems that all peasant rebellions end the same way. The government is able to muster its forces against opposition and to "divide and conquer." People are sometimes able to unite briefly to defeat a common enemy, but eventually the various factions fight among themselves. We saw all Afghans unite against the Soviets, but as soon as the CCCP withdrew, they went to war against each other and finally the Taliban won. It can hardly be considered a victory for Afghanistan. In 1381 in England, the Peasants Rebellion arrived in a field outside London, and the King promised to address their grievances, but as soon as the peasants laid down their arms, they were slaughtered.
I would surmise, as in New Zealand at the moment, those who oppose repressive government far exceed those who support repression, yet somehow repression seems to win no matter how large the opposition. In the UK, for example, the British public is fed up with the Tory Government for both its lies and ineffectiveness to bring a positive result to the Brexit vote, and so it appears that the British public is going to vote in Labor which adamantly opposes the idea of Brexit. In the US, it appears that one party infuriates the American public so much that they vote in the other party, which is essentially the same thing. For years, I have referred to the Democrats and the Republicans as two sides of the same wooden nickel. What is needed is something other than the duopoly, but that same duopoly has rigged the system to keep out third parties.
I was once heavily involved in a movement to protect the right to buy vitamins and herbs as an alternative to allopathic medicine. Our mini-rebellion against the FDA took us to the Washington bubble, where all the Congressional aids were focused on a budget conflict with the opposing party and knew almost nothing of our concerns for medical freedom. At the time I owned a shop and I hooked up a separate phone line to the local Congressman's office and I encouraged anyone shopping in my store to push one button and voice their complaint against the established narrative. I espoused only one principle through all this. Freedom of choice. I can tell you that the Congressman didn't like it that his constituents were phoning his office to complain about an issue that he didn't care about at all. He told me so at one meeting.
Now, consider what has happened this week. The WHO has announced the formation of a digital health network, soon to be converted into a digital health passport which prevents anyone from traveling unless they have the mandated vaccinations and other medical interventions proscribed by the WHO. Many governments are looking forward to this mechanism so that they can enforce mandates but take no responsibility for those edicts. They can blame the WHO while at the same time enforcing rules that they want to enforce.
In the EU, over ten years ago, the German drug companies got the EU courts to rule that supplements are illegal in the EU. The rules of the EU are that they should always choose the minimum standard, not the most extreme, but the lobbying efforts funded by German drug companies pushed the law through the court system. Even the top lawyer for the EU said that the law was illegal, but they did it anyway, and some countries like Germany and the UK gleefully made basic supplements illegal. It goes back to the same basic issue as the Covid pandemic response. Governments want to make decisions that control our future. One size fits all, even though each person is individual and different from all others. They want to impose their rules on all of us. No dissent is allowed. No informed consent is permitted. You will do as you are told. It's for the greater good.
The majority of people I believe oppose this type of governance. In the EU for example, the Dutch farmers who the Dutch government is trying to put out of business have won huge support in regional elections and look to replace incumbent and WEF stooge PM Mark Rutte. In Canada, the Conservative party is now leading against the ruling party of Justin Trudeau. In last week's elections in the province of Alberta, the conservative party won a substantial victory over the Canadian NDP party which is in coalition with the liberals under Trudeau. In Sweden, the Sweden Democrats are taking about leaving the EU because of EU policies on immigration. The same is true of Poland, Hungary, and Italy. In France, Macron like Joe Biden, has sunk in popularity so that the opposing party would win if elections were held today. But will it bring about meaningful change?
This is the question in New Zealand. Will this coalition of opposition parties lead to change that will actually help the peasants, the little people, the pawns, the peons, the people at the bottom? The thing that I learned from the Covid crisis is the left despises ordinary people. They are snobs who look down on the unwashed as mere chattel. They know best and they will rule us all for the greater good and their version of the greater good is whatever they think it is at the moment. I worry about the state of humanity. I worry about the freedoms lost, the ability to actually have a free conversation. It's not just repression of public freedom of speech, but the ability to freely have a conversation with another person without anger and dismissiveness. Even people that I respect now cannot hold a conversation. I must be careful what I say because so many people have become intolerant of differing opinions. That's unfortunately the state of the world today.
I think you are largely right, but I have met some very good people seeking to work for the people, and we must strive. My 'leftie' friends (former friends I guess) are arrant elitist snobs whose degrees don't equate with true intelligence. Thank you for commenting at length.
This is the big problem with science.. human nature.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
A couple of jobs I have recently applied for, with Air NZ and Genesis, have mentioned vaccine status. They both asked for permission to get a third party to affirm vaccination status. I agreed. They are welcome to employ a third party to attempt to determine that my vaccination status is negative. How would one go about this, I wonder?
I was recently invited to an event at Google. I could not go because Google requires proof of vaccination to enter their building.
I am currently interviewing at Facebook. Facebook requires all employees to provide proof of vaccination. If I receive an offer I will try and get an exemption. Our governor Newsom has banned 8% of the MDs (including my MD) from providing medical exemptions to vaccines. I will try for a religious exemption.
Some of my local running groups require participants to be vaccinated in order to run with the group.
Let's swap a vowel for a consonant, just for the sake of truth. That evil dame who is totally confused as to the real meaning of the word kindness, shall henceforth be known as that Damn Jacinda Adern, forever & eternity.
Slightly off topic but nevertheless important. Please pass this info onto anyone and everyone especially those involved in litigation against the gov with respect to jab tyrannies.
NZ has a very secret committee called the Media Freedom Committee. It is private. It consists of only newspaper editors, tv and radio top bosses. In the past when the gov doesn’t want something in the news, this is the committee they convey their orders to.
It would be of huge interest to know of communications between the PM’s Office and this Media Freedom Committee.
The censorship and propaganda these entities have pushed upon us has stymied any beginning of debate or courteous discourse. This is an episode of Red Dwarf about a ship on which no one is allowed to criticize anyone else. It's brilliant for what it shows, a world much like the one we are currently living in.
Thanks, Klaus Schwab puppets have destroyed Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK, France, Germany, Bill Gates said we have to depopulate, and we will do it with a vaccines.
I’ve been a debater for my entire life and, in my opinion, we are past the time for debate.
If some truly difficult subject matter needs to be understood, it takes a level of investigation that far surpasses what can be accomplished in any debate. And so a debate can only serve to provide a cursory introduction to whatever topic is of interest. Of course, if you are going to do it, by all means, be polite.
But what can any debate, now, accomplish? I see so many in the health or health-plus freedom movement who are convinced that they have the global power brokers acting out of desperation, because their acts have become so brazen. No, it is not desperation, it is the knowledge that the power of the general population is so diminished, in all its aspects, that nothing can be done to turn the tide, regardless how brazen the action of the power brokers might be. They flaunt their contempt for the public, while They the People, who are so fond of referring to themselves as a proper noun, are clueless in their false confidence. They the People will not prevail in this world, so I urge them to pay attention to the world that we encounter after this life. The only thing I see is that everyone’s mind is made up, and has been for quite some time. The power brokers watch and add to their Big Data collection and Game Theory applications. And if The People are not deceived by The Elite, it seems The People are managing to deceive themselves, with no outside help whatsoever.
If it is not a time for debate, then what time is it? I would suggest that it is a time for deep introspection and the development of internal fortitude with respect to one’s own core beliefs. This is not done in intellectual isolation - because texts need to be studied, but it is primarily a solitary endeavor. It is a focusing of the intellect, soul-searching with respect to one’s values, and that old-fashioned concept of examination of one’s conscience. It is a time, I would argue while no one listens, for everyone to examine their beliefs and subject them to the greatest possible scrutiny (as opposed to the greatest possible group affirmation), because unless those beliefs cohere with the dictates of the global elite, they might very well become the source of the loss of one’s life in the not-too-distant future. With so much at stake, one had better get it right this time. Yet all I see is surface analysis, the repetition of sound-bites, celebration over some transient victory regarding a particular low-calorie beer, and the dismissal of any serious challenge to dearly held beliefs (that often make no sense and have little internal logic) with worn-out retorts and a compulsion to tack on the words “in your opinion” to every carefully elucidated argument.
Once upon a time, substantial uncertainty did exist with respect to the trajectory of world events. That is no longer the case. Perhaps it is not possible to predict events to the very day or hour, or to see all the minor setbacks that will come up along the way, but in my opinion little question remains about the forces that will determine our future and how events will play out. The world has lost its wonder. Perhaps my lack of appetite for debate is matched by my conviction that little of importance remains a mystery, at this late stage in the game.
Fair enough ... but as a curious person who is an expert in hardly anything, a clear presentation of data and viewpoints, courteously done, can work wonders. I still have hope that we people may be able to assert our rights, though I acknowledge that the road is a stee one and time is not on our side .... Thank you for commenting at such rich length.
Although I've lost my interest in debating with others for the purpose of altering their views, challenging inputs are still very important to me. I learn when intelligent, thoughtful people like you express views that disagree with mine. So thank you, again. I much prefer understanding how others see the world to hearing others say the same things I'm already thinking.
I totally agree that we need to have regular debates and defy this misinformation agenda. Healthy debates can offer alternatives and open ones eyes to other perspectives. Thank you for your stance.
In Victoria, (Aus), same situation for most of (not sure, maybe all of) community sector, also all local government council jobs. They differ in whether they want 2 or 3 jabs (because they are all immunologists and virologists now, those OHS people) but I know from a friend who recently got a librarian job that she had to provide the vax status. There is a legal requirement that all Covid vaccine proof records that were collected need to be destroyed before Aug 2023 but that's another issue. Doesn't mean they won't still want to see it in future I guess. It will be interesting to find out what is behind this continuation of the mandate outside the government requirement. Is it politics? punishment? Where are the unions on this?
It seems that all peasant rebellions end the same way. The government is able to muster its forces against opposition and to "divide and conquer." People are sometimes able to unite briefly to defeat a common enemy, but eventually the various factions fight among themselves. We saw all Afghans unite against the Soviets, but as soon as the CCCP withdrew, they went to war against each other and finally the Taliban won. It can hardly be considered a victory for Afghanistan. In 1381 in England, the Peasants Rebellion arrived in a field outside London, and the King promised to address their grievances, but as soon as the peasants laid down their arms, they were slaughtered.
I would surmise, as in New Zealand at the moment, those who oppose repressive government far exceed those who support repression, yet somehow repression seems to win no matter how large the opposition. In the UK, for example, the British public is fed up with the Tory Government for both its lies and ineffectiveness to bring a positive result to the Brexit vote, and so it appears that the British public is going to vote in Labor which adamantly opposes the idea of Brexit. In the US, it appears that one party infuriates the American public so much that they vote in the other party, which is essentially the same thing. For years, I have referred to the Democrats and the Republicans as two sides of the same wooden nickel. What is needed is something other than the duopoly, but that same duopoly has rigged the system to keep out third parties.
I was once heavily involved in a movement to protect the right to buy vitamins and herbs as an alternative to allopathic medicine. Our mini-rebellion against the FDA took us to the Washington bubble, where all the Congressional aids were focused on a budget conflict with the opposing party and knew almost nothing of our concerns for medical freedom. At the time I owned a shop and I hooked up a separate phone line to the local Congressman's office and I encouraged anyone shopping in my store to push one button and voice their complaint against the established narrative. I espoused only one principle through all this. Freedom of choice. I can tell you that the Congressman didn't like it that his constituents were phoning his office to complain about an issue that he didn't care about at all. He told me so at one meeting.
Now, consider what has happened this week. The WHO has announced the formation of a digital health network, soon to be converted into a digital health passport which prevents anyone from traveling unless they have the mandated vaccinations and other medical interventions proscribed by the WHO. Many governments are looking forward to this mechanism so that they can enforce mandates but take no responsibility for those edicts. They can blame the WHO while at the same time enforcing rules that they want to enforce.
In the EU, over ten years ago, the German drug companies got the EU courts to rule that supplements are illegal in the EU. The rules of the EU are that they should always choose the minimum standard, not the most extreme, but the lobbying efforts funded by German drug companies pushed the law through the court system. Even the top lawyer for the EU said that the law was illegal, but they did it anyway, and some countries like Germany and the UK gleefully made basic supplements illegal. It goes back to the same basic issue as the Covid pandemic response. Governments want to make decisions that control our future. One size fits all, even though each person is individual and different from all others. They want to impose their rules on all of us. No dissent is allowed. No informed consent is permitted. You will do as you are told. It's for the greater good.
The majority of people I believe oppose this type of governance. In the EU for example, the Dutch farmers who the Dutch government is trying to put out of business have won huge support in regional elections and look to replace incumbent and WEF stooge PM Mark Rutte. In Canada, the Conservative party is now leading against the ruling party of Justin Trudeau. In last week's elections in the province of Alberta, the conservative party won a substantial victory over the Canadian NDP party which is in coalition with the liberals under Trudeau. In Sweden, the Sweden Democrats are taking about leaving the EU because of EU policies on immigration. The same is true of Poland, Hungary, and Italy. In France, Macron like Joe Biden, has sunk in popularity so that the opposing party would win if elections were held today. But will it bring about meaningful change?
This is the question in New Zealand. Will this coalition of opposition parties lead to change that will actually help the peasants, the little people, the pawns, the peons, the people at the bottom? The thing that I learned from the Covid crisis is the left despises ordinary people. They are snobs who look down on the unwashed as mere chattel. They know best and they will rule us all for the greater good and their version of the greater good is whatever they think it is at the moment. I worry about the state of humanity. I worry about the freedoms lost, the ability to actually have a free conversation. It's not just repression of public freedom of speech, but the ability to freely have a conversation with another person without anger and dismissiveness. Even people that I respect now cannot hold a conversation. I must be careful what I say because so many people have become intolerant of differing opinions. That's unfortunately the state of the world today.
I think you are largely right, but I have met some very good people seeking to work for the people, and we must strive. My 'leftie' friends (former friends I guess) are arrant elitist snobs whose degrees don't equate with true intelligence. Thank you for commenting at length.
Socrates is one of my heroes.
A man who knew a simple truth.
Assumptions are often dangerous.
The more you think you know, the more you probably don't and the more you actually know the more you don't think you know enough.
Unfortunately, the world seems to have forgotten this message.
Google everything.
Wikipedia says.
Today it seems like debating is a popularity contest.
About who can generate a craze.
Now imagine if Copernicus...
The Wright Brothers...
Gregor Mendel...
And many others were simply ignored because their ideas went against the grain of the consensus of the time.
Without gravity. Without flight. Without hereditary biology. And with the sun still circling the Earth.
That just seems silly.
It seems ludicrous.
Yet here we are watching people shove their heads in the sand instead of trying to understand whatever is going on.
Bless their ignorance.
But damn them for damning us all to hell for it too.
Thank you, Conway
This is the big problem with science.. human nature.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
excellent comment ... human nature is indeed the major problem with human development
A couple of jobs I have recently applied for, with Air NZ and Genesis, have mentioned vaccine status. They both asked for permission to get a third party to affirm vaccination status. I agreed. They are welcome to employ a third party to attempt to determine that my vaccination status is negative. How would one go about this, I wonder?
I recently received a job offer I could not accept in the United States because they required proof of vaccination.
that's awful, I'm sorry to hear this
I was recently invited to an event at Google. I could not go because Google requires proof of vaccination to enter their building.
I am currently interviewing at Facebook. Facebook requires all employees to provide proof of vaccination. If I receive an offer I will try and get an exemption. Our governor Newsom has banned 8% of the MDs (including my MD) from providing medical exemptions to vaccines. I will try for a religious exemption.
Some of my local running groups require participants to be vaccinated in order to run with the group.
This is phenomenally reprehensible and I am so sorry to hear this and I hope you can find a way to counter this disgusting imposition
please give us an update on what occurs ... I can hardly believe this continues to go on ... Stay strong, and thanks for sharing.
Well, I didn't get either job. But my feeling is that in practice nothing would have happened. But they seem to be wanting to keep their options open.
Let's swap a vowel for a consonant, just for the sake of truth. That evil dame who is totally confused as to the real meaning of the word kindness, shall henceforth be known as that Damn Jacinda Adern, forever & eternity.
haha, very good!
Dear NZ Doc,
Slightly off topic but nevertheless important. Please pass this info onto anyone and everyone especially those involved in litigation against the gov with respect to jab tyrannies.
NZ has a very secret committee called the Media Freedom Committee. It is private. It consists of only newspaper editors, tv and radio top bosses. In the past when the gov doesn’t want something in the news, this is the committee they convey their orders to.
It would be of huge interest to know of communications between the PM’s Office and this Media Freedom Committee.
The censorship and propaganda these entities have pushed upon us has stymied any beginning of debate or courteous discourse.
An OIA has been submitted thanks to you
that is fascinating and helpful, thank you so much!
I’m so pleased!!
Canada is a lost cause controlled by the Klaus Schwab WEF. Trudeau and Ms. Freeland are Puppets to this cult!
Indeed, it's awful over there from what I hear .... but the story isn't over!! Stay strong. This is an episode of Red Dwarf about a ship on which no one is allowed to criticize anyone else. It's brilliant for what it shows, a world much like the one we are currently living in.
Thank you for this ... what a fascinating framework with which to devise a story, much appreciated.
Thanks, Klaus Schwab puppets have destroyed Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK, France, Germany, Bill Gates said we have to depopulate, and we will do it with a vaccines.
It's not over yet ... we have a strong contingent who will oppose them. Stay tough.
I’ve been a debater for my entire life and, in my opinion, we are past the time for debate.
If some truly difficult subject matter needs to be understood, it takes a level of investigation that far surpasses what can be accomplished in any debate. And so a debate can only serve to provide a cursory introduction to whatever topic is of interest. Of course, if you are going to do it, by all means, be polite.
But what can any debate, now, accomplish? I see so many in the health or health-plus freedom movement who are convinced that they have the global power brokers acting out of desperation, because their acts have become so brazen. No, it is not desperation, it is the knowledge that the power of the general population is so diminished, in all its aspects, that nothing can be done to turn the tide, regardless how brazen the action of the power brokers might be. They flaunt their contempt for the public, while They the People, who are so fond of referring to themselves as a proper noun, are clueless in their false confidence. They the People will not prevail in this world, so I urge them to pay attention to the world that we encounter after this life. The only thing I see is that everyone’s mind is made up, and has been for quite some time. The power brokers watch and add to their Big Data collection and Game Theory applications. And if The People are not deceived by The Elite, it seems The People are managing to deceive themselves, with no outside help whatsoever.
If it is not a time for debate, then what time is it? I would suggest that it is a time for deep introspection and the development of internal fortitude with respect to one’s own core beliefs. This is not done in intellectual isolation - because texts need to be studied, but it is primarily a solitary endeavor. It is a focusing of the intellect, soul-searching with respect to one’s values, and that old-fashioned concept of examination of one’s conscience. It is a time, I would argue while no one listens, for everyone to examine their beliefs and subject them to the greatest possible scrutiny (as opposed to the greatest possible group affirmation), because unless those beliefs cohere with the dictates of the global elite, they might very well become the source of the loss of one’s life in the not-too-distant future. With so much at stake, one had better get it right this time. Yet all I see is surface analysis, the repetition of sound-bites, celebration over some transient victory regarding a particular low-calorie beer, and the dismissal of any serious challenge to dearly held beliefs (that often make no sense and have little internal logic) with worn-out retorts and a compulsion to tack on the words “in your opinion” to every carefully elucidated argument.
Once upon a time, substantial uncertainty did exist with respect to the trajectory of world events. That is no longer the case. Perhaps it is not possible to predict events to the very day or hour, or to see all the minor setbacks that will come up along the way, but in my opinion little question remains about the forces that will determine our future and how events will play out. The world has lost its wonder. Perhaps my lack of appetite for debate is matched by my conviction that little of importance remains a mystery, at this late stage in the game.
Fair enough ... but as a curious person who is an expert in hardly anything, a clear presentation of data and viewpoints, courteously done, can work wonders. I still have hope that we people may be able to assert our rights, though I acknowledge that the road is a stee one and time is not on our side .... Thank you for commenting at such rich length.
Although I've lost my interest in debating with others for the purpose of altering their views, challenging inputs are still very important to me. I learn when intelligent, thoughtful people like you express views that disagree with mine. So thank you, again. I much prefer understanding how others see the world to hearing others say the same things I'm already thinking.
I totally agree that we need to have regular debates and defy this misinformation agenda. Healthy debates can offer alternatives and open ones eyes to other perspectives. Thank you for your stance.
Thank you
We must all speak to one another. Then we can have democracy. The Prince says to divide and conquer. Ee can’t invite Macchiavelli in the room.
You are so right ... thank you for commenting
God bless you and the free people of New Zealand.
Thank you -- and blessings to you too!
In Victoria, (Aus), same situation for most of (not sure, maybe all of) community sector, also all local government council jobs. They differ in whether they want 2 or 3 jabs (because they are all immunologists and virologists now, those OHS people) but I know from a friend who recently got a librarian job that she had to provide the vax status. There is a legal requirement that all Covid vaccine proof records that were collected need to be destroyed before Aug 2023 but that's another issue. Doesn't mean they won't still want to see it in future I guess. It will be interesting to find out what is behind this continuation of the mandate outside the government requirement. Is it politics? punishment? Where are the unions on this?
Is there an email address I can use to communicate less publicly? Regards.
I try to avoid putting out email addresses over the web because of spam etc., but you can try
on the google mail platform if you get my drift, I'm sure you'll figure it out