Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

G'day NZD, Apparently Pfizer is now selling a pill that treats skepticism.

But I'm not buying it.👍🇦🇺😀

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good judgment!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I had similar thoughts early on about the reliance on "The Vaccine" as the Answer, especially after I discovered that there had never been a successful vaccine developed against a coronavirus. At that point I was still not a complete anti-vaxxer, but I was aware that developing a truly safe and effective vaccine was not quite the done deal that they were making it out to be.

So that in itself was a trigger for my BS detector.

The confusing and illogical nature of all the lockdown rules also set off a warning signal. (For example, in our first lockdown in late March here in Australia, Scomo initially put hairdressers in the "non-essential" list, but after getting an earful from his wife, he came back next day and said that hairdressers were allowed, but only for a 30 minute appointment.)

But the complacency of people now, with legislation being put into place in every country to stifle free speech as disinformation and to give governments more emergency powers, is a bit discouraging. I would have thought that people would be more aware of government lies and gaslighting after the past 3 years - but no, it is too much of a stretch outside the comfort zone to believe that our governments might be not working in our interests (to put it mildly).

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Thank you for your observations and reflections ... yes, they have it in for us, but we are not so powerless as they believe.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I’m an Aussie as well and I am thoroughly disgusted at peoples inability, post event, to even talk about what the govt did during the plague and after, particularly those same people not even mentioning the current censorship laws after what we’ve been through in the past 3 years. I am utterly shocked at their moral cowardice and glaring stupidity. I never in my wildest dreams had any idea that we could be so pathetic. These are strong words, I know, but the more time that goes by the more the deafening silence from the jabees.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I agree. It’s very difficult to not be bitter and resentful.

Not one “friend” has ever so much as acknowledged their rude and judge mental assumptions, putting their own notion of personal safety (despite evidence of the contrary) over life long loving, relationships... same with family.

Not to boast but I wouldn’t do that to a loved one even if the jabs were the correct thing to do! When they obviously were not! How can people so blindly trust these criminals , give me a break. Do they not know anything? Pharmaceutical companies are so corrupt it’s ridiculous not to mention governments - do they not read history? It’s absolutely maddening and mind boggling . I have lost many friends because frankly.. I had to let go of them...

Most of them are insane in my opinion anyway.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

It’s an interesting position the jabees are in. Do they realise they’ve been had and as such can’t walk back their positions to those they opposed because they feel shame or embarrassment or are they simply still in the dark and have no idea? I’d love to know but I doubt I’ll ever find out.

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Why do you doubt you’ll ever find out? I often wonder the very same thing; sometimes I truly believe everyone will know the Truth ... it might take a few years more, but evidence is mounting and jabbees are getting sick, cancer is on the rise, many are dying...

The data is coming out in other countries (like the UK) showing the rise in mortality rates and other adverse events. It’s going to get tougher to hide the truth. I notice

that jabbees aren’t speaking so confidently on social media these days.

Also , apparently they’re coming out with more pandemics and they’re going to push more shots ... won’t people be like, wtf? Somethings up with this.

If people keep rolling up their sleeves after all the information that has come out -I’ll be surprised .

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Gosh I hope you’re right. Normally I’m a very positive person but with the censorship laws being pushed it means the ‘truth’ could be concealed and lost. Also, cognitive dissonance allows people to conveniently ignore the elephant in the room. If people are willing to be truthful with themselves then the job will be easier. Doctors, particularly those who have participated in the genocide, will try to cover up their malfeasance and rank stupidity, thereby making it harder for their patients to believe the truth. What an incredibly well thought out plan the evil doers orchestrated. Like I always say, nobody regrets not getting the vax.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I’ve had all of those thoughts.

I know what you mean.

However the people fighting for the truth are very tough and determined.

And when push comes to shove I sense there could be a sea change a wave a tsunami of warriors breaking through this veil of darkness .

It’s in the stars...

We will have some casualties but I don’t see them winning. Maybe I am in denial but my faith and even my logic and common sense tells Me NO.

This cannot succeed .

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Totally agree, I lost everything standing for what I believed, it has been the most traumatic experience of my life. A 20yr career, my livelihood, my home, friends and family, they were so vile towards me both verbally and emotionally on top of all the other social covid crap. NOW not a single apology, no contact at all and yet I worry for them, they took this bio weapon, willingly without question. I pleaded with some of them not too and a couple have already died, but I am the stupid one WOW, just WOW! I don't want to be the one that laughs last, that is not me but that is sometime what I think, especially at the moment while going through an employment court case, that I WILL win and then will be able to restart my life. I never thought in a million yrs I would be homeless, one thing I do know is that the gods have definitely smiled on me and there is a silver lining in all this for me. There is still a deep sadness for humanity that I feel and can't shake.

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It grieves me profoundly to read this and learn of what you have suffered for standing up ... yet you have your integrity in the truth and in what is moral, which makes you noble no matter what. I hope you win your court case, and as for the cowardly others, well, let them sleep in the bed they have made for themselves. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Fabulous reply.

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Thank you

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

You are incredibly strong Delores and the gods will help you again. I too feel a sadness for humanity right now. It’s as if we’re being terrorised and punished for something we haven’t done. But in fact we have. Too many of us took our attention away, for too long, from what is right and proper in society. I think we have to literally go through a collapse to be able to rebuild a better society. The worst is not over, not by a long shot, but we are on the right side of history and I, for one, am proud of it.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you, and agreed, we are on the right side of history and definitely I too feel there is alot more to come, sadly. And yes, we’re being terrorised and punished for something we haven’t done.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

My body. My choice.

My sacred soul has a voice.

They can stick the jabs up their arse.

I'm not buying their pharma farce.

For I'm a pureblood thinking man.

I reject their neo-feudal plan.

They will never needle me,

for I am strong and I am free.

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you said it!!!!

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In fact the lockstep viruganda lockdowns and the unprecedented wave of uniformity of socalled response to the scamdemic, In short the loss of freedoms, or did we ever have any?, Were the gigantic clue not to comply with any part of the Harmacide, especially the koole aide needlerape.

Since, I've lost every fake friend, and have zero folks to play music with, except in my imagination, where I rock out with my band the cluster musicians, who sound great, but only I can hear

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Keep making music ... you are your best audience. Yes, I have lost many friends over the past three years, in fact, some of my very oldest. Well, c'est la vie.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I'm a 64-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK, and have been 'awake' for 40-45 years.

Right from the start of this global coup d'etat, back in early 2020, I began providing family members (and all bar two of my already 'awake' friends) with masses of trustworthy information from HONEST doctors, scientists, lawyers, [and, after the 'roll-out' of the injections] funeral directors, embalmers, and even a few [rare...] honest politicians.

But my family members all chose to ignore the info. I'd provided them with, chose to continue to 'believe' what they're 'told' on their beloved TVs. And that is what they're still doing...

I've been ridiculed and abused by some of them, and especially by my younger brother [now 57].

A couple of months ago, he had the audacity to say that he and his wife refuse to communicate with me UNLESS I stop telling them what's really going on, worldwide...

Ie, they have their heads in the sand, are choosing to pretend it's not happening. They choose to continue to watch the mindless fiction on their TVs...

And at least two of them have health issues, due to their having submitted to the injections. Four each... (and two of my friends have each rolled up their sleeves five times...).

I'm the only one in my family who refused to submit to the evil 'jabs'.

Well, none of them will be able to say I didn't warn them.

As you say, c'est la vie.

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I well understand ... hang in there, you have shown good judgment and courage. Thank you for commenting and sharing!

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

You’d think by now some of those old friends of yours could see things more clearly, recognise that you didn’t die of the plague, despite being unjabbed, and offer some sort of rapprochement. Ego is the culprit. The same lunatic ego that led them barreling down the wrong road towards injury and possibly death.

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Well, I'll confess that one of these former friends was a dear friend for over forty years ... and he can't see beyond his myopic nose and the MSM. It hurt but then again I have met some wonderful new friends too.

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The fraud in medicine which gets programmed into doctors, nurses, and other health professionals is being questioned.

Blaming viruses for diseases while ignoring other huge factors is the name of the game which promotes toxic vaccines and antivirals/antibiotics.

Some examples in history:

-smallpox, thought to be caused by a cow disease, was really eradicated by sanitation/clean water. Leicester and Cleveland chose to stop the toxic immunizations and focus on sanitation and they had much better results than the cities and towns that high immunization rates.

-Spanish flu, which couldn't be transmitted in experiments with prisoners, was caused by multiple factors. There was a world war going on and nutrition was reduced. Aspirin was over prescribed, leading to pneumonia, which was the main cause of death.

-COVID was linked to low vitamin D, just like the flu. Ever wonder why seasonality of the flu doesn't exist at the equator? They get much more sun exposure and they're outdoors much more than in the first and second world nations. Despite that, it's still believed that some invisible bug causes the flu, cold, rsv, COVID etc....

-ebola and marburg sound very scary and have a high rate of death... However years ago when Americans were "infected", half of them got better before treatment, and the other half got better quickly under treatment. These diseases are caused by environmental toxicity caused by mining, industry in Africa that commit gross pollution.


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Thank you for your excellent remarks and links

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you for this. I very much agree, the focus needs to be on defending our rights, starting with bodily autonomy and freedom of speech.

Take the masks, for example. I still transcribe the occasional testimony on masks, because I'm aiming to assemble an archive of some use for future historians, but personally, I don't care a fig, pig nor twig about this mask issue. It's obvious to me that masks things don't work, a child could see that (and a child wouldn't want to wear one, either), that the masks are just a psy op-encouraged anxiety pacifier / virtue-signal, and therefore I don't have anything more to say about masks except that I AM NOT WEARING ONE. It's my right. And if someone disagrees, well, I also believe in free speech, so as far as I'm concerned, that person can blather on about how wonderful masks are, that other people should wear them, blah blah blah, that all day and all night and on 1,792 Twitter accounts as they please. Still, I'M NOT WEARING ONE. It's my right.

Of course my just saying, "I'M NOT WEARING ONE. It's my right" so doesn't make my right be respected by others, but it's the first and most necessary step.

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Keep taking that step ... I feel your disappointment and chagrin with the mask-wearers, and today I saw a family of four with 'n-95' masks exiting a food court here in Wellington, and I was tempted to rip them off.

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Totally understand!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

The Eternal Battle for Autonomy & Freedom will go on forever. An enduring characteristic of life on Earth, apparently, and now the latest iteration in all it’s magnificent malevolence. The sleepwalkers on the other side of the fence, large in number, have already found their “freedom” and social cohort. It won’t be easily given up. Just look at how the fractious political camps behave in other contested areas of policy and belief. It’s all bigger than Covid itself, and headed off the rails fast. We’re moving into the realms of eschatology.

Buckle up.

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eloquently put! Thank you so much

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Another excellent article Doc. I think you are absolutely correct about focusing our energies on bodily autonomy and human rights. But, there’s a small problem with regards to the issue of basic human rights as far as I can tell. Some people don’t know or can’t see what they are, even when it involves the invasion of their own body. This is what I found so confronting during covid. It absolutely astounded me that so many were not outraged by the coercive line the govt took. That should have been a reg flag right there. What’s happened to people? Have we been so systematically abused, psychologically and emotionally, over the years, that we now can’t recognise what is morally and ethically unjust and repugnant?

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Thank you ... well, yes, I agree, that most people, driven by fear and ignorance, had no conception of their human rights ... they will have to learn the hard way. I too was astounded by the complacency and submission, especially here in New Zealand.

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That's quite right, most can't. Not even if they were locked in a room for two months with experts telling them precisely how the operation worked against them.

There was a soviet insider called Yuri Bezmenov who said; “As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore,” said Bezmenov. “A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it[...]. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.”

As for me, it took an intensely painful series of circumstances to wake up. I'm grateful now but at the time it almost killed me. This is why 'they' use this technique. It works, and sometimes it's the only thing that will work, so accustomed to comfort's casual lies we have become.

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Thank you for your wonderful commentary.

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Thank you for your appreciation of my wonderful commentary on your wonderful post. :))

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I am humbled by the commentaries my essays generate

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They're pretty good. I love the poetic responses and the realisations.

NZ would be an emptier place without your input.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Great synopsis of the state of mind you quote from Bezmenov- thank you- it perfectly describes what we are witnessing. I guess it clearly demonstrates how many humans are guided or controlled by emotions of fear given a very challenging situation, particularly regarding their health, instead of taking the time to calm down and think rationally. (I get the impression that most fears boil down to a fear of death, ultimately).

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I am very happy that you brought this central issue up, the fear of death ... a fear so great that most people would choose to live in abject slavery, a 'death in life' without realising it. I append here a quote from the Tao Te Ching which I think is relevant to our struggle:

Can you coax your mind from its wandering

and keep to the original oneness?

Can you let your body become

supple as a newborn child’s?

Can you cleanse your inner vision

until you see nothing but the light?

Can you love people and lead them

without imposing your will?

Can you deal with the most vital matters

by letting events take their course?

Can you step back from your own mind

and thus understand all things?

Giving birth and nourishing,

having without possessing,

acting with no expectations,

leading and not trying to control:

this is the supreme virtue.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Brilliant. Love it. ‘Can you deal with the most vital matters by letting events take their course..’ - this is a thought I have had repeatedly over the last 2 years. Pushing the ego to one side as best as possible at all times in all situations never backfires. The outcome confirms and clarifies the wisdom of the concept.

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It is the difference between having family in ones life if only on their terms; one must keep silent and cheer on from a distance. Allan Watts had some great takes on how to be around all types of people of varying degrees of consciousness, he was a Zen practitioner, straight out of the Tau too.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

The event that's termed 'death' is not, actually, what it merely seems to be...

And no, I'm NOT any sort of a 'christian' (I never fell for it).

However, for the last 29 years (I'm a 64-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK) I've been a properly-informed Spiritualist. Spiritualism is the only 'religion' that is able to absolutely PROVE what it says: that we all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body 'coat'.

There are literally countless millions of spiritually-enlightened people around the world, who know that we do all survive that event [I reiterate: we survive it in our immortal spirit body form: that being the thing which literally animates our physical body, in each of our eternal soul's many, many lifetimes. People around the world who possess the spiritual gift of what's termed clairvoyant vision, when present at someone's 'death', literally see, with their clairvoyant sight, that person's spirit body literally emerge from the physical body, and return to the very real Spirit dimension of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos.

And amongst the countless millions of spiritually-enlightened people on Earth are numerous properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.

There have been many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books written on the PROVEN survival of 'death' truth, and quite a large percentage of them have been written BY the properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.

Since I first discovered the survival of 'death' truth (there are 20+ different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which PROVE that we all survive that hugely-misinterpreted event,...), I've read 1500+ [fifteen hundred+] high-quality books on this vital subject.

Here are just a fraction of them; you might be interested in looking into this.

"Your Eternal Self: Science discovers the Afterlife", by R Craig Hogan

"The Afterlife Experiments: breakthrough scientific evidence of life after death", by Professor Gary E Schwartz (Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology and Surgery, @ Univ. of Arizona, USA)

"Glimpses of eternity", by Dr Raymond Moody (American psychiatrist)

"The art of dying: a journey to elsewhere", by Dr Peter Fenwick (British psychiatrist)

"Consciousness beyond life", by Dr Pim van Lommel (Dutch cardiologist)

"Death is of vital importance: on life, death, and the Afterlife", by Dr Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (Swiss-American psychiatrist)

"Return to tomorrow", by Dr George Ritchie (American psychiatrist)

"Evidence of the Afterlife", by Dr Jeffrey Long (American oncologist)

"A lawyer presents the evidence for the Afterlife", by Victor Zammit & [his wife] Wendy Zammit

"Forever ours: a coroner's tales of life, death, and immortality", by Dr Janis Amatuzio (American coroner)

"The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences", by P M H Atwater

"Irreducible Mind", co-authored by Dr Bruce Greyson [and others] (American psychiatrist)

"Science and the Afterlife Experience: evidence for the immortality of consciousness", by Chris Carter

"Science and the Near-Death Experience: how consciousness survives death", by Chris Carter

"Faces of the living dead", by Paul Miller

"The Supreme Adventure", by Robert Crookall

"Embracing Eternity", by Tony Stockwell

"The Eagle and the Rose", by Rosemary Altea

"The secret of the soul", by William Buhlman

"Memories of Heaven: childrens' astounding recollections of the time before they came to Earth", by Dr Wayne W Dyer & Dee Garnes

"Many mansions", by Air Chief Marshal Lord Hugh Dowding ('bigwig' in the RAF, in the 2nd WW & Battle of Britain)

"Lychgate", by Air Chief Marshal Lord Hugh Dowding (ditto previous item)

And there are literally thousands more titles on this subject, too.

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a fascinating and robust reply, for which I thank you and your generosity in sharing!

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I meant to include (but have only just spotted that I forgot to do so!), in my post above, the fact that some doctors and nurses around the world are amongst the (quite a number of) people around the world who possess clairvoyant vision, and are thus, when in the presence of someone who is about to do what is OH so wrongly termed 'die', able to see that person's immortal spirit body (the same US that we are now!) literally emerge from the 'dying' physical body, and return to the Spirit dimension/Spirit world. And thus they, too, are aware that 'death' is not what it merely seems to be. For they, too, have seen the 'dying' person's immortal spirit body leave the physical body, at 'death'. And some of those clairvoyantly-sighted (and thus spiritually-enlightened) doctors and nurses around the world have gone on record and documented their experiences.

In my very extensive reading on this vital subject (see my post, above!), I've read accounts from quite a number of clairvoyantly-sighted doctors and nurses who have done the right thing, and gone on record, re. this: they knowing that it's of vital import that EVERYONE be made aware that the actual nature of 'death' is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance.

The immortal spirit body (as I included in my post above, a couple of days ago) is the thing which literally animates our physical body 'coat', during each of our eternal soul's many, many lifetimes (yes, reincarnation is true, too!). That spirit body is the REAL us: when our physical body dies, WE [the exact-same person that we each are, now, whilst on Earth] are still alive - still conscious - in our spirit body form. And we return to the Spirit realms, in that spirit body, with all the exact-same thoughts, memories, feelings, emotions, attitudes, etc, that we each have now, on Earth. That being why it truly is US who survive 'death'!

Mind/consciousness is NOT (as is so wrongly assumed by most [though not all...] doctors, scientists, etc, who incorrectly follow the materialistic paradigm, which has been proven to be false) a mere by-product of the physical brain. Consciousness is completely separate from the brain. It, the mind/consciousness, operates/manifests THROUGH the physical brain, yes, but it is not created BY the physical brain. The latter being what so many (as yet spiritually-unenlightened) scientists and doctors merely assume.

The Spirit dimension (at least, the first 'level' of it is... there are stated to be a number of different levels, which we, as the eternal soul that we each are, progress along, throughout eternity...) is just like Earth, but a million times better...! It's comprised of energy which vibrates at a frequency much much faster than does the energy of which the Earth comprises.

Everything in the multi-dimensional cosmos is comprised of 'spirit' energy, vibrating at different frequencies.

However, whilst I say that the Spirit dimension is very similar to Earth, it's not all the same... for eg, we don't sleep, when in the Spirit realms. Neither do we eat (although it's said that when a soul returns to Spirit [ie, at 'death'; which we have all done many times before, but don't remember having done so!], they are able to 'sleep' and 'eat' for a 'while' [there is no 'time' in the Spirit realms], via merely thinking of eating, and actually 'sleeping'. But that, after a soul has been back in Spirit for some 'time', they no longer feel the 'need' to eat, sleep, etc.)

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That is indeed a most fascinating commentary, itself an essay in its own right. Thank you for sharing this with us!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

"the only way I would receive the Covid Jab would be if I were shot dead first" my sentiments as well, much to my family's horror. Lead by example and contact your government representatives about saying NO to the WHO pandemic preparedness amendments.

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We'll do our best but I don't think a country like New Zealand can be swayed to counter the WHO or WEF ... It will be a long hard fight, probably beyond my lifetime.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

So many sorrows and so few apologies.

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indeed ... and as for apologies, don't expect any, there won't be any. They will learn the hard way, of ignorance and sickness.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you for this post. I totally agree with you : we must reclaim our fundamental rights and spread the obvious to « those who were either naive, terrified, gullible, stupid or indifferent » (or cohersed).

As for myself, following the initial (and quite intense) fear, I was trying to understand this so-called « major danger » to us humans and exploring and reading everything more (or less) scientific I could access. I soon realized most of the rapidly rising number of covid deaths where among people aged 60+ (I was 64!), with, if I remember correctly, 95%+ aged 80+. Nevertheless we were told we were ALL in great danger. This was a first « trigger for my BS detector » 😉. With the fact that age groups were barely taken into account… The second trigger was for me to realise it was almost impossible to find data on « co-morbidities ». And later to learn that any death was automatically attributed by physicians to covid, even a death by heart attack! Therafter I remained (very) skeptical.

Like Mara, the illogical measures just turned me off.

But sadly some damages will remain for many, as my much vaccinated brother (77) died within 10 months with a ALS diagnostic…

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I am so sorry to hear about your brother ... yes, there is much illness and death as a result of ignorance and naivete. It was a pack of lies from the very beginning, as Mike Yeadon eloquently shows.

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Having spent a fair amount of my clinical years in the critical care unit, I was aware early on that those being placed on ventilators were very rarely coming off them. Not until some wise Intensivist decided to ignore the FiO2 and use high flow nasal oxygen as well as steroids, and suddenly the Infection Fatality Rate plummeted to, as you say what John loannidis reported, about that of the flu. And this was known well before the jab roll out in NZ even started.

Initially I took a watch and wait approach. But then the pressure came on, and i don't know about anyone else, but to me it felt like they did not want one single man, woman or child on the face of this earth to remain unvaccinated.

When they mandated it I asked myself, what would it take for me to support mandatory vaccination? I could only come up with only two answers,

1) it would require a deadly disease, at least in the realm of 10-20% IFR, and

2) the jab would have to be able to stop either infection and/or transmission.

To those of us who retained our faculties for rationale and independent thought, it was clear neither of these conditions were anywhere near what was being claimed.

Let’s just say I am extremely proud to have withstood the immense pressure, and it would have been an extremely sad day for the human species if they had managed to get to a 100% jab rate. This would have ensured that if anyone ever decided to look into the medium to long term health outcomes of the 90% vs the 10% that there would not have been a 10%. So well done to you 10%, i think your job is not yet done.

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Thank you so much for sharing this -- it is much appreciated!

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you.

My guiding compass has been spinning lately.

The direction in which to move, a mystery.

Circling in the forest of lies and deception, wandering around so aimlessly.

I, growing tired

Hungry, cold and wet

Mentally and emotionally exhausted

Trying to take just one more step.

But in the back of my mind

Is this niggling thought of gloom

Is my step in the right direction

Or is it all futile..?

As I clamber towards my doom.

I can see the forest

And I can see the trees

I can hear the wolves in the distance

And I can feel the breeze

Frigid and it's frozen

Hunted, trapped and bare

As they nip at my heels

Hurrying me forth with fear

And any clearings I encounter

Are the same as months gone past

As I attempt to set my heading

In this mountain forest

This damned and dirty forest

Dark, steep, slippery, dense, dangerous forest

Hoping to find the pass.

For on the other side of the mountain

Valleys of morning sun

There is freedom there

Untouched and impenetrable hope

Without the wolves

Without frigid winds

Or twisting trees and scrub

Just freedom in its rawest untouched form

I know it is.

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Darkest before the dawn.

You've done Fenrir proud. Beautiful.

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take a look at the Tao Te Ching sometime ...

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Who me? I'm chipping away at it, lots of time for the Tao, but spending most time on the Vedas atm... they're very similar.

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Thank you.

I have had a bit of a writer's block lately. This was my first poem in quite a while.

But I have been feeling very lost. Unsure. And it has been tiring.

I think focusing on freedom, body autonomy etcetera is a good idea.

The fret of cashless society, digital prisons and degrowth economies seems to leave my peers more concerned for my mental wellbeing.

Even when it is well documented.

Bless them.

But damn them too.

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Cashless society doesn't bother me much anymore but I know what you're saying. I've been cashless for years though was irked when the choice was taken away. It stands to reason that an air-tech. era uses an air-based currency. They'll impose it on the masses with as much drama as necessary but it's simply the future of global exchange.

Degrowth economies are freaky because our entire lives we've been told there is nothing more important, but we've been a supremely materialistic civilisation and 'killed God' because of it (according to Nietzsche). This global metamorphosis requires a new hierarchy with 'God' or supreme Spirit reinstated at the top, which will gag and bind the worst of the ruling merchant class along with mass materialism. Getting from where we are now to the non-materialist future might be bumpy but it still looks brighter than the last hundred (& last thousand) years to me- at least the tide is finally turning and the truth is seeping out. Your style of medicine/meditation will be/is absolutely vital too fwiw.

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Truth be told, I see a lot of good in degrowth. But what concerns me is the centralisation of it.

If it was decentralized, I would sleep easier.

Although how would you actually do that?

Because there lies too much potential to turn us into chattel. Farm animals. Control us against our will and freedom.

I have little trust these days. Lies and shifting goalposts.

But I agree, slowly people are thinking now and awakening to some of the more damaging aspects of our current and previous social and economic systems.

They do need to change.

But a one sized fits all, won't really suit many at all. Nature is about symbiotic, competitive and mutualistic environments.

Not tyranny.

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Some might claim decentralisation with crypto but all one needs is a form of exchange.

Centralisation has its place in a developed world simply as a setter of value, but I can't see the extended future with bad guys at the helm no matter how hard I try. They are a natural part of decomposition of the old world (like flies/maggots...) and are put in charge for that reason.

Tyranny has negative connotations now but originally meant 'ruler of a city state', from merchant Phoenician's Tyre; whence also 'police'- Greek 'polis' = 'city state'.

The dreadful film 'Metropolis' (1927) was like a directional meme about manufacturing robots (mindless slaves) similar to The Matrix; it's the hard-headed 'drop outs' who are set free, and more seem to be dropping out every day now as loved ones die from government dictates. We're undergoing 'alchemical change'.

There are stages of civilisation (some say the Kardashev scale though I'm not fully versed in it) and from what little I understand we're in the most infantile stages of the first of three but the physics is such (in certain ridiculed corners of the internet) that level two may even be possible in a few hundred years. All I can suggest is learn Eastern/Far Eastern metaphysics because these rulers not only know it, they live it. We're in an eternal, natural cyclic phase of life, death and rebirth of consciousness except the scale is global as well as personal.

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It's a much more optimistic way of looking at it than I typically do.

And so I hope you are right.

My background now is health and safety management and integrated business risk management.

But I have my own algorithm, a simple one, that I learned and used since being an army medic.

This is so I can do the most with limited resources or when you have significant constraints. Eg like the size of your med pack, or the budgets of a small business.

Always consider the most significant/catastrophic risks, and the most common/likely risks first.

Place more effort in mitigating and preparing for those events than the others.

It's a play on the 80:20 rule of sorts. Although I learned that later.

When I perform a risk assessment, one of the most catastrophic risks I have to account for is a repeat of the Great leap forward, Holodomor, Jewish ghettos and final solution, or the rise of Pol Pot.

A systematic erosion of civil liberties, censorship, othering etcetera. All of which we are seeing.

Then when I consider the most likely scenarios, I strike a blank. There is no good justification for anything that has come to pass. But the official narrative is so crooked, patently wrong and disturbed that it can be discounted as fiction rather effortlessly.

There isn't a cure for the common cold. I remember doing a big assignment on this exact topic once during my training in the management of biological warfare.

It was interesting and is incredibly relevant to current events.

Anyway, I am waffling.

Perhaps destruction of the current system is a means to an end.

But that destruction still places me, my tribe, community, family in harm's way.

And without two way communication.

I have to assume the worst and make contingencies to address it.

My rather simple algorithm...

It works.

And it works very well.

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Bravo! You have summarized our current situation exactly. I will send this to my friends and i hope they will pass it to their lists. Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing this article. Observations therein matched exactly my observations and conclusions since February 2020 forward.

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Thank you for reading and commenting ... ti's good to know that like souls have reached like conclusions!

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You are welcome. Dr. Ioannidis was also the first voice of reason I heard in March of 2020 as I recall. Global Research newsletter featured a number of other voices of sanity. I'm afraid most people were simply glued to their TVs watching that propaganda death clock and believing the lies they were told.

Best regards, Steve

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Agree completely, well said.

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Thank you very much

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