I am not aware of the book however that was a riveting passage. The youngish, stylish woman, who was tastefully bejeweled, with rich red hair, did she live to see the following new moon?
Placing ones head above the parapet is risky, personally its sounds more like a commentary of an actual meeting than something out of a novel :) It was so easy to picture!
I think Michelle was referring to a book in a figurative way ... no, this material is mine, I wrote it, and it's not yet a book, though perhaps it will become one!
Yes I was treating it as an allegory. An example of the age old reoccurring problem of a small group of people deciding that they have the right to rule over everyone else. It was well written. Got the reader concentrating on the story rather than the words on a page. Not all authors achieve this. I would read this book, keep going.
I would read it too. Reminded me immediately of E.M. Forster, "When the Machine Stops" and, perhaps oddly, since I'm predicting the direction the story would go, Anthony Doerr's Cloud Cuckoo Land, a deeply heartening novel that takes place simultaneously in different historical periods, and is dedicated to librarians.
WOW, that may well be a book I would read. That was pretty riveting! I fear for the woman who potentially still holds a bit of humanity in her heart :)
There is a way out their system, going from being the debtor (the animal) in this "triangle of trust" to being the creditor (the hue-man)! Generally violence is apart of the exit strategy thrust upon those trying to leave. Rom Stewart in Aussie is one I know of and have followed for many many years that has done it and nearly got the infamous "Black Card", except they killed the lawyer helping him.
This guy has nailed it. He has the key in his pocket to open the door of the Black Nobility (Masters of the Universe), but I don't know why the sheeple never wants to follow the advice of such people.
The world is actually run by 3 city states: The Vatican, The City of London, and Washington D.C. They're totally independent and have nothing to do with Italy, the UK or the USA. That's where the Global Predators that control the world are located.
If you look at what happened in 2020-2021, you can see how all 5 Eyes countries were brutalized by the Covid Cartel. If you dig deeper you'll realize one common attribute behind them - The Crown Corporation. In 1776 Americans believed that they signed their declaration of independence but they don't know that the people who signed it on their side were actually Crown Corporation agents, making that declaration null and void since it was signed by the same party. You can't sign a contract between yourself and yourself! That's not a valid contract!
That's how Americans were tricked and 99.99% still don't know it!
As far as Chinada is concerned, I've had the opportunity to talk to legal researchers and you won't believe what I discovered. Chinada like New Zealand or Australia has a Bill of Rights and even a Constitution. Those documents are mere toilet papers because the Crown Corporation considers them as de facto entities. They're not de jure entities and the Crown Corporation can do whatever it wants on those lands. The same is true for Israel that has no borders since it's a de facto entity. 50 UN Security Council resolutions have been ignored by Israel since 1948 occupation of Palestine.
In Canada, you CANNOT own the land, when you buy a home you're leasing the land from the Crown Corporation and I can bet that it's the same case in NZ and Australia.
If this world is going to be freed from these gangsters, people will have to wake up and understand the basic laws that govern the land they are on. Many are going to be surprised to realize that they should not be where they had thought was their "Country"!!!
LOL Finally, I think the key at aged 21 is being able to take your rightful place back as the creditor within the system but we don't know how, that information has been kept hidden.
Also I think people are afraid to do it because of not feeling confident using the information, even though as he says, its basic commerce (trust law). But it comes with a threat, quite a hefty threat that they tend to follow through on. As he says if the system is serving you well then hey keep living your life, but if one truly wants out then this is what you can do, but make sure your ducks are lined up.
I would go a step further and be happy with this just being "general knowledge", that alone threatens their system hugely.
If I had known what the APGAR score was along with the certificate of live birth, I would never had let my child leave my sight once she was born for that to take place and I would have gotten copies of ALL the documents before leaving the hospital. It makes total sense now!
Yes, someone said that, not 1 in 1 million would be able to work it out, let alone understand it! It is beyond shocking the usurp that has taken place upon humanity. I tried explaining it to people years ago surrounding just the sale of water in this country that "they" can do whatever they like, they already have our unwitting consent and yes, the same with land here. Which is our own fault however that being said the usurp is so extraordinary we are never meant to figure it out! It was the same with baby Will story here and the blood transfusion, they were never going to win their legal case, parents are caregivers of a state asset, end of!
The language part I found easy only because of a private education that taught grammar and languages such as Latin and French, public schooling has none of those teachings. Grammar was removed I think in the late 60s early 70s here in NZ, also my father was a Methodist Minister, so I had the religious teachings also, then I more-or-less taught myself history along with going down numerous rabbit holes over the last decade or 2 until stumbling across Romley who at that stage had the long gone GLOSSA channel on YT. He puts it altogether so beautifully, even though as he says, its horrible what has taken place around us while us and our fore-fathers slept!
This I feel is the most important corruption and fraud people really need to wake-up too, everything else will fall into place if they can just understand what Rom is showing them!
I lost faith in the system decades ago, but the plandemic has made me even more pessimistic about the future of this planet.
1. How could philanthropaths take over the education, food and drugs industries since the 50s and not a single politician or citizen guessed what they were trying to achieve under the cover of philanthropy?
Brainwashing people and labelling them MDs, PhDs etc... to create compliant slaves that view themselves as the elites of the society and that are used to suck the blood of the people... OMG!!!
Wait, the UK is ready to ban the teaching of history in school and some universities in the US have banned classical Greek philosophy (Aristotle, Plato, Socrates are being murdered for the 2nd time by the Global Predators!).
2. Why can't people rebel as a group when they're being slaughtered live using injectable bioweapons? Bill Gates is currently working on the air borne quackcination of the refuseniks! Isn't that dreadful enough? Who does Bill Gates represent?
It reads like the penultimate scene from a James Bond movie.
Regrettably, Mr. Bond is not going to appear out of nowhere to pull the lever that will bring their world and their plans, crashing into ruin all around them... 😥
I am. To you, and Vigilant Fox, Lioness of Judah, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. William Makis, Professor Mark Crispin Miller, and Ray Horvath amongst several others... And while I'm noticing perhaps a few cracks in the dam of censorship, the collapse of that dam still looks a long, looong time a-comin'.. 😥
I hope I'm wrong, because the latest developments in Israhell (more Globalist lunacy) makes me think we've very little time left.. as in "days"... 💣
It's a deviously complex scenario, befitting the greatest war of all time, which I believe we are in. When the clouds of killing engulf, as they are in so many ways, we must keep our senses and ideals and keep fighting in the best way we each can.
What sort of James do you have in mind? James, the brother of Our Lord? Only thing he managed to do was not die a martyr's death, unlike the other 11 apostles...
I'll leave you with Stan Roger's song, "Scarborough Settler's Lament". History does not relate if he was from Scarborough in North Yorkshire, or if he was singing about the wasteland just east of Toronto known locally as "Scarberia" or "Scarlem"... 🤔
Reading this has me feeling rather proud to be considered disobedient. I wish my primary grade teachers had written this on my report card. Maybe i'll get it printed on a tee shirt or something. But then again, i do have a slight aversion to raising my head high
Hi Manny, I absolutely love your newsletters and look forward to them each week. The crazy thing is I subscribed by mistake, thinking I was subscribing to NZDSOS newsletter. But I have never regretted it. I have not commented before. But this time I must. Your story this week is a make believe story about a make believe empire that I presume alludes to the make believe Globalist EmPyre based entirely on lies and witchcraft. At the same time as you released this story another story is released. This is a real story in the real world about the trial of the entire 120 politicians who treacherously perpetrated the murderous covid scam upon their own people. We the people of Aotearoa. The 120 politicians have all been found guilty and 4 of them have already been sentenced, 3 to 10 years prison and one to 5 years. Part of their sentence is that the assets of all 4 are being liquidated and the proceeds used to help alleviate the pain of those families most affected. Because of the precedent with the 4 it is to be expected that the rest of the 120 will receive the same or similar sentence. But it doesn't stop there. Beyond that there is another trial for all of them over their involvement and collusion in crimes against humanity and genocide. This trial may be seen at https://govt.maori.nz/index.php/2023/10/20/te-kooti-wakanga-court-of-justice/ or just type in govt.maori.nz. Contrary to popular belief that the earth is a battlefield between good and evil, which is another lie propagated by the liars, the choice is actually over perception. Are we prisoners in the fake globalist world of reductionism and data, or is their entire dimension a prison they have created for themselves in our wonderful Celestial/Physical earth that knows no coordinates or boundaries or limits. The choice is ours. I ask you, in a multi-verse with no boundaries can such a thing as "The Final Challenge" ever find an opportunity to exist?
One answer, but not the only. I counted the chairs around the table in the committee room on the 11th floor of the Lloyd's building in London, and i counted 26, then added one ...
The global predators will gaslight you that it's a mere coincidence! It's like the CIA coining the word conspiracy theory that it uses to blindfold its victims.
But look at the UN flag: The outer branch has 13 (thirteen) leaves and the inner circles have 33 (thirty three) sections. We all know what 13 and 33 represent!
I enjoyed your piece Doc, though the characterisations are familiar, where there is a singularity of Lord X , and the subservient members of the board,
I enjoyed the throw to the red head woman , bejewelled as described, this to me hints of the primal instinct which separates the " old guard" from the
new, and that Lord X himself is a puppet an actuarial appointee, perhaps I am wrong. As I believe the invisible infrastructure of the ' Black Nobility '
is made up of functionaries and human personalities in which the environment is just as hostile and competitive in one upmanship and the vanity imposed by power, along with a frailty of the Caesars ,the historical record shows us this, the Knights Templar, as their Temporal powers and wealth was crushed. For
they acquired banking independence and were undermining the political power of the Church.
As your good self having a knowledge of the " human condition " and the inherent frailty of which of itself denies these overlords any portent of invincibility,
as the attempts to murder the populace, which has been done before, we, and using one of the favourite words of NLP , are a 'resilient' lot,
who in spite of all the attempts to have us believe in the power of " they and them" , as in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland , and in Baum's Wizard of Oz,
The Yellow Brick Road, the Character portrayals show us, in a fantasy, a truth, about ourselves and a reality of what the real fantasy that is put before our
eyes. Bravo Doc, I truly appreciate your understanding of what is going on.
In 1976, my RN mother talked me into getting a Swine flu shot with her. Later that day, I developed the most severe pain I'd ever felt in my lower left back, and she took me to the hospital. After spending the night in the hospital with a decreasing Valium drip following a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome, the next morning I was waiting next to the nurse's station for my mother to finish a consult with the attending and releasing physician. The head nurse told me that I should consider myself lucky to be alive, because they'd had patients come in with less severe symptoms than mine that went to the morgue, and that I should never take another vaccine. I have followed that nurse's advice faithfully.
I trust you are happy and in reasonable health now. I have heard similar stories sadly, personally at the time of the swine flu "epidemic" I paid it no mind to it. I don't think it really became a thing here in NZ, but I maybe wrong. I do remember something on MSM.
I've read this book, it doesn't end well for those that would deem themselves the masters. The meek inherited the earth.
I am not aware of the book however that was a riveting passage. The youngish, stylish woman, who was tastefully bejeweled, with rich red hair, did she live to see the following new moon?
Placing ones head above the parapet is risky, personally its sounds more like a commentary of an actual meeting than something out of a novel :) It was so easy to picture!
I think Michelle was referring to a book in a figurative way ... no, this material is mine, I wrote it, and it's not yet a book, though perhaps it will become one!
Yes I was treating it as an allegory. An example of the age old reoccurring problem of a small group of people deciding that they have the right to rule over everyone else. It was well written. Got the reader concentrating on the story rather than the words on a page. Not all authors achieve this. I would read this book, keep going.
I would read it too. Reminded me immediately of E.M. Forster, "When the Machine Stops" and, perhaps oddly, since I'm predicting the direction the story would go, Anthony Doerr's Cloud Cuckoo Land, a deeply heartening novel that takes place simultaneously in different historical periods, and is dedicated to librarians.
WOW, that may well be a book I would read. That was pretty riveting! I fear for the woman who potentially still holds a bit of humanity in her heart :)
This is the future of worldwide totalitarianism.
The “City” of London (RKM): Did you know that only one SQUARE MILE dominates the entire planetary civilization?
How the Khazarian-controlled City of London was set up to rule the world.
The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA, #BIS, IMF, World Bank
o They are the Goldman Sachs,
o Rockefellers,
o Lehmans
o and Kuhn Loebs of New York;
o the Rothschilds of Paris and London;
o the Warburgs of Hamburg;
o the Lazards of Paris;
o and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
also this with Dean Henderson
There is a way out their system, going from being the debtor (the animal) in this "triangle of trust" to being the creditor (the hue-man)! Generally violence is apart of the exit strategy thrust upon those trying to leave. Rom Stewart in Aussie is one I know of and have followed for many many years that has done it and nearly got the infamous "Black Card", except they killed the lawyer helping him.
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.
This guy has nailed it. He has the key in his pocket to open the door of the Black Nobility (Masters of the Universe), but I don't know why the sheeple never wants to follow the advice of such people.
The world is actually run by 3 city states: The Vatican, The City of London, and Washington D.C. They're totally independent and have nothing to do with Italy, the UK or the USA. That's where the Global Predators that control the world are located.
If you look at what happened in 2020-2021, you can see how all 5 Eyes countries were brutalized by the Covid Cartel. If you dig deeper you'll realize one common attribute behind them - The Crown Corporation. In 1776 Americans believed that they signed their declaration of independence but they don't know that the people who signed it on their side were actually Crown Corporation agents, making that declaration null and void since it was signed by the same party. You can't sign a contract between yourself and yourself! That's not a valid contract!
That's how Americans were tricked and 99.99% still don't know it!
As far as Chinada is concerned, I've had the opportunity to talk to legal researchers and you won't believe what I discovered. Chinada like New Zealand or Australia has a Bill of Rights and even a Constitution. Those documents are mere toilet papers because the Crown Corporation considers them as de facto entities. They're not de jure entities and the Crown Corporation can do whatever it wants on those lands. The same is true for Israel that has no borders since it's a de facto entity. 50 UN Security Council resolutions have been ignored by Israel since 1948 occupation of Palestine.
In Canada, you CANNOT own the land, when you buy a home you're leasing the land from the Crown Corporation and I can bet that it's the same case in NZ and Australia.
If this world is going to be freed from these gangsters, people will have to wake up and understand the basic laws that govern the land they are on. Many are going to be surprised to realize that they should not be where they had thought was their "Country"!!!
LOL Finally, I think the key at aged 21 is being able to take your rightful place back as the creditor within the system but we don't know how, that information has been kept hidden.
Also I think people are afraid to do it because of not feeling confident using the information, even though as he says, its basic commerce (trust law). But it comes with a threat, quite a hefty threat that they tend to follow through on. As he says if the system is serving you well then hey keep living your life, but if one truly wants out then this is what you can do, but make sure your ducks are lined up.
I would go a step further and be happy with this just being "general knowledge", that alone threatens their system hugely.
If I had known what the APGAR score was along with the certificate of live birth, I would never had let my child leave my sight once she was born for that to take place and I would have gotten copies of ALL the documents before leaving the hospital. It makes total sense now!
Yes, someone said that, not 1 in 1 million would be able to work it out, let alone understand it! It is beyond shocking the usurp that has taken place upon humanity. I tried explaining it to people years ago surrounding just the sale of water in this country that "they" can do whatever they like, they already have our unwitting consent and yes, the same with land here. Which is our own fault however that being said the usurp is so extraordinary we are never meant to figure it out! It was the same with baby Will story here and the blood transfusion, they were never going to win their legal case, parents are caregivers of a state asset, end of!
The language part I found easy only because of a private education that taught grammar and languages such as Latin and French, public schooling has none of those teachings. Grammar was removed I think in the late 60s early 70s here in NZ, also my father was a Methodist Minister, so I had the religious teachings also, then I more-or-less taught myself history along with going down numerous rabbit holes over the last decade or 2 until stumbling across Romley who at that stage had the long gone GLOSSA channel on YT. He puts it altogether so beautifully, even though as he says, its horrible what has taken place around us while us and our fore-fathers slept!
This I feel is the most important corruption and fraud people really need to wake-up too, everything else will fall into place if they can just understand what Rom is showing them!
It's a head-shaker :)
I lost faith in the system decades ago, but the plandemic has made me even more pessimistic about the future of this planet.
1. How could philanthropaths take over the education, food and drugs industries since the 50s and not a single politician or citizen guessed what they were trying to achieve under the cover of philanthropy?
Brainwashing people and labelling them MDs, PhDs etc... to create compliant slaves that view themselves as the elites of the society and that are used to suck the blood of the people... OMG!!!
Wait, the UK is ready to ban the teaching of history in school and some universities in the US have banned classical Greek philosophy (Aristotle, Plato, Socrates are being murdered for the 2nd time by the Global Predators!).
2. Why can't people rebel as a group when they're being slaughtered live using injectable bioweapons? Bill Gates is currently working on the air borne quackcination of the refuseniks! Isn't that dreadful enough? Who does Bill Gates represent?
Ohh I hear you and totally understand, sadly!
Re "Who does Bill Gates represent?"
OMG You got it! You have captured the essence of our torment! I take pleasure in your writing. This is our current reality and it is nauseating.
It reads like the penultimate scene from a James Bond movie.
Regrettably, Mr. Bond is not going to appear out of nowhere to pull the lever that will bring their world and their plans, crashing into ruin all around them... 😥
we may need a few Bonds working in concert ... stay tuned
I am. To you, and Vigilant Fox, Lioness of Judah, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. William Makis, Professor Mark Crispin Miller, and Ray Horvath amongst several others... And while I'm noticing perhaps a few cracks in the dam of censorship, the collapse of that dam still looks a long, looong time a-comin'.. 😥
I hope I'm wrong, because the latest developments in Israhell (more Globalist lunacy) makes me think we've very little time left.. as in "days"... 💣
It's a deviously complex scenario, befitting the greatest war of all time, which I believe we are in. When the clouds of killing engulf, as they are in so many ways, we must keep our senses and ideals and keep fighting in the best way we each can.
Is the hell in Israhell short for hellas?
Umm.. no, no quite..
A Bond perhaps not, but a James yes. And my Word is my Bond. :)
What sort of James do you have in mind? James, the brother of Our Lord? Only thing he managed to do was not die a martyr's death, unlike the other 11 apostles...
Hmm....."Out of the strong comes forth sweetness". Sweet as honey, like jam which you find in Jam-es.
"And is there honey still for tea"
It is said God is an Englishman.
Tea sounds like 'T' the 'T' of Christ, the wooden tree He was crucified on.
That is something of the sort of James I had in mind.
Think I have the idea... They're sort of a variation (but only sort of) of the best Western novel ever written, "Lonesome Dove" https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lonesome-Dove-Larry-McMurtry/dp/1447203054/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2WS8QIN5SHERC&keywords=Lonesome+Dove&qid=1699199457&sprefix=lonesome+do%2Caps%2C513&sr=8-1
I'll leave you with Stan Roger's song, "Scarborough Settler's Lament". History does not relate if he was from Scarborough in North Yorkshire, or if he was singing about the wasteland just east of Toronto known locally as "Scarberia" or "Scarlem"... 🤔
Thank you very much for those links. Stan Roger's song is beautiful.
You're welcome.. Stan alas was taking from us many years ago at the age of 33.. Those whom the Gods love I guess..
Reading this has me feeling rather proud to be considered disobedient. I wish my primary grade teachers had written this on my report card. Maybe i'll get it printed on a tee shirt or something. But then again, i do have a slight aversion to raising my head high
Hi Manny, I absolutely love your newsletters and look forward to them each week. The crazy thing is I subscribed by mistake, thinking I was subscribing to NZDSOS newsletter. But I have never regretted it. I have not commented before. But this time I must. Your story this week is a make believe story about a make believe empire that I presume alludes to the make believe Globalist EmPyre based entirely on lies and witchcraft. At the same time as you released this story another story is released. This is a real story in the real world about the trial of the entire 120 politicians who treacherously perpetrated the murderous covid scam upon their own people. We the people of Aotearoa. The 120 politicians have all been found guilty and 4 of them have already been sentenced, 3 to 10 years prison and one to 5 years. Part of their sentence is that the assets of all 4 are being liquidated and the proceeds used to help alleviate the pain of those families most affected. Because of the precedent with the 4 it is to be expected that the rest of the 120 will receive the same or similar sentence. But it doesn't stop there. Beyond that there is another trial for all of them over their involvement and collusion in crimes against humanity and genocide. This trial may be seen at https://govt.maori.nz/index.php/2023/10/20/te-kooti-wakanga-court-of-justice/ or just type in govt.maori.nz. Contrary to popular belief that the earth is a battlefield between good and evil, which is another lie propagated by the liars, the choice is actually over perception. Are we prisoners in the fake globalist world of reductionism and data, or is their entire dimension a prison they have created for themselves in our wonderful Celestial/Physical earth that knows no coordinates or boundaries or limits. The choice is ours. I ask you, in a multi-verse with no boundaries can such a thing as "The Final Challenge" ever find an opportunity to exist?
Brilliant, thank you!
I would cry if I could feel anything at all.
I am so grateful we are a human family on this pale blue dot who cherish humanity/our human sympathy.
indeed, thank you!
Very cool story and quite inspiring
Where science falls on deaf ears
Perhaps psychic imagery will work better
I wonder though
What made you decide the number of 27 members?
Two bakers dozen, plus one more.
Is there a reason for that number or some significance behind it?
One answer, but not the only. I counted the chairs around the table in the committee room on the 11th floor of the Lloyd's building in London, and i counted 26, then added one ...
I have never been a student of numerology or any of the sorts
But for me, personally, the numbers 4,7, 13 and 27 have always been significant.
Lately I have become quite interested in a number of spiritual and occult/metaphysical like pursuits...
Which includes learning more about some of the strange religious entities in powerful positions
The pursuit of a single world religion it seems
And the concept of the coming Age of Aquarius
The Lucis trust (Formerly Lucifer trust) particularly with its influence and ties to the UN
They sponsored the meditation room at the headquarters.
Astronomically aligned to mark the solstices, in line with a number of ancient civilizations and their construction techniques.
Theosophy and some of the new age movement
The Rosicrucians and their suspected ties to the Georgia guidestones, R C Christian
Hermetic religions
The Kabbalah
And within those I see certain common themes, ceremony, rituals, including certain numbers being used.
The global predators will gaslight you that it's a mere coincidence! It's like the CIA coining the word conspiracy theory that it uses to blindfold its victims.
But look at the UN flag: The outer branch has 13 (thirteen) leaves and the inner circles have 33 (thirty three) sections. We all know what 13 and 33 represent!
"We Use Chaos to Destroy the Globe – We’re the Empire."
-- Georges Friedman, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2015
“I’ve Made my Life’s mission to destroy the United States. I hate this country and I hate all the people in it.”
--George Soros to Destroy America - Newsweek,1979
Is anybody out there still surprised by what Soros' Open Society has done to the US and Europe?
That story reminds me of our Pharmac at work and how those authoritarian tyrants view the masses.
Sheep, cattle, useless eaters, unwashed masses, deplorables(!) are just a few of their pet terms for We The People.
and I prefer NOT to call them "elite" they are the one percent or other less polite adjectives
" and our more modern brethren of the past century"
err who would that be?
I enjoyed your piece Doc, though the characterisations are familiar, where there is a singularity of Lord X , and the subservient members of the board,
I enjoyed the throw to the red head woman , bejewelled as described, this to me hints of the primal instinct which separates the " old guard" from the
new, and that Lord X himself is a puppet an actuarial appointee, perhaps I am wrong. As I believe the invisible infrastructure of the ' Black Nobility '
is made up of functionaries and human personalities in which the environment is just as hostile and competitive in one upmanship and the vanity imposed by power, along with a frailty of the Caesars ,the historical record shows us this, the Knights Templar, as their Temporal powers and wealth was crushed. For
they acquired banking independence and were undermining the political power of the Church.
As your good self having a knowledge of the " human condition " and the inherent frailty of which of itself denies these overlords any portent of invincibility,
as the attempts to murder the populace, which has been done before, we, and using one of the favourite words of NLP , are a 'resilient' lot,
who in spite of all the attempts to have us believe in the power of " they and them" , as in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland , and in Baum's Wizard of Oz,
The Yellow Brick Road, the Character portrayals show us, in a fantasy, a truth, about ourselves and a reality of what the real fantasy that is put before our
eyes. Bravo Doc, I truly appreciate your understanding of what is going on.
Sometimes dogs need to be shot.
A mostly peaceful shooting. But they'll need two shots plus biannual boosters just to be sure.
It sounds like you are talking about vaccines when I'm talking about bullets.
It's a shot either way. People may stop with the vaccine but they have doubled down on the annual cold and flu bullet.
In 1976, my RN mother talked me into getting a Swine flu shot with her. Later that day, I developed the most severe pain I'd ever felt in my lower left back, and she took me to the hospital. After spending the night in the hospital with a decreasing Valium drip following a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome, the next morning I was waiting next to the nurse's station for my mother to finish a consult with the attending and releasing physician. The head nurse told me that I should consider myself lucky to be alive, because they'd had patients come in with less severe symptoms than mine that went to the morgue, and that I should never take another vaccine. I have followed that nurse's advice faithfully.
Unbelievable ... my word, I am happy you survived and followed that advice! Thank you for sharing this!
I trust you are happy and in reasonable health now. I have heard similar stories sadly, personally at the time of the swine flu "epidemic" I paid it no mind to it. I don't think it really became a thing here in NZ, but I maybe wrong. I do remember something on MSM.
many ways to skin a cat
And no reasons to do so.
pest control...with benefits
'euthanized' would be a more keyword bot-deflective term.
Euthanasia is not an act of self defense.
Best of luck with that remedy.
Self-defense is not a remedy, it is an act of self defense to preclude the need for a remedy.