Thanks to everyone thus far for SO MANY educational and enlightening comments: they dwarf the small essay, which is a good catalyst at best.

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What do they call this... A limited hangout?

"No way was this intended to harm you. It was simply a mistake. A lot of money was on the line. Decisions had to be made on the fly. On a global and national scale. You wouldn't understand the complexity of this type of decision making"

And so most swallow this up.

Darn politicians, damn corporations, so greedy, so dumb, all just hot air like always... But such is life.

So why did they ignore all the studies, safety signals and alarms? Why did they actively suppress the injuries and harms? The infection fatality rates? The alternative points of view? What about the Great Barrington Declaration? Or the protests too?

Why are they censoring our ability to speak? And still rolling these out to kids on the streets? Not compensating any injury? Not trying to reduce the chance of continued misery by studying the damage and surveying the population. There is no clean up underway. No attempts to mitigate anything. No news or media release. No public discussion or debrief. Nothing.

So tomorrow we may as well just go out and do it all again.

Because such is life in the penal pen we collectively refer to as the free world

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well said, thank you

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As I see it, nothing much will redeem the heath practitioners in the eyes of the innocent even if they choose to come clean now. Massive damage has been done and nobody can undo it. The doctors and nurses have had plenty of time to declare the truth, and if they do now, they will rightfully be judged badly for taking so long. They’ll rightfully be judged for cowardice and incompetence as well for one doesn’t need an understanding of medicine to ask logical questions. But the worst judgement is reserved for their own conscience, should they have one, for there is no critic more powerful than that of personal shame. And it won’t go away because the crime won’t go away. It’s just too big, so big, that nothing in recorded history comes close. Imagine knowing you have been a part of that.

Thank you for another excellent article doc.

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and thank you for these comments ... Yes, the health practitioners who went along and more, they stick in my craw, there is no excuse

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Yes. And now, after us suffering the consequences of knowing the truth all along, we have to somehow find a way to forgive them while the background sound of ambulance sirens never stops. The doctors and nurses who didn’t go along with this travesty must be feeling very relieved and proud of the fact that they passed the test with flying colours.

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I have two doctor friends, at one point we were really close, not these days though. They are good people, but it pains me horribly they went along w/the crimes. Early on I witnessed their genuine belief of Covid, I was in their home when they would come home from work and run upstairs to take a manic shower and change clothes, I watched one of them scour the internet for protective gear to buy out of pocket to take to work for others, I was there when one of them came home w/an inflamed arm because she got the vaxx. They fell in lock step w/the narratives and work memos.

One of them is a cancer doctor, he gets paid handsomely for going to conferences giving lectures. Several months back while having basic chat I asked him how work was doing and if there was an uptick in patients. He denied it, he was lying and I know he knows I know he is lying. This couple travels the world for vacations all the time. They work hard, but they also live in a million dollar+ home, drive the nice cars, all of it. I never resented any it, nor was jealous.

However, now I am really starting to resent their lifestyle knowing the money they earn is off of people's pain and suffering, when they could have been saving lives. The few times I brought up anything remotely anti-rona or vaxx they treated me like I was crazy, because you know, they are doctors, smarter than me, in their mind anyway, so I quit trying and hoping I could say something to promote them to question that things could be amiss.

Personally, I hope they experience the shame you speak of. It is one thing to believe in the beginning and it is another that now the truth is out to not change gears and own it. They need to be telling people no more boosters, no more shots, and of course they are not. I wish them no physical harm, but I would like them to reflect long and hard at their part in this crime. They could have saved lives. They need to feel the shame and guilt.

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a heartfelt and beautiful summation ... I know a few of these types too, my patience has worn thin. They enjoy a very privileged existence and are loath to give up their emoluments while others are gaslighted and suffer. At the very least they should call for stopping the shots, I won't ask them to take a stand for freedom even, which is the fulcrum. Thank you for this missive, very much.

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My God it’s heartbreaking to watch ‘educated’ ‘doctors’ literally inflict harm and suffering on the very people who trust them with their lives. I can’t think of a greater betrayal actually because one’s health and well being is the most important thing in one’s life. How do they live with themselves? How do they justify their actions to themselves? Do they tell themselves something like ‘oh well, we’re all in this together’. Or, ‘my patients were poisoned but so am I’. Maybe deep down they’re angry if they think they’ve injured themselves. If so, they possibly have an attitude of ‘I need to enjoy what’s left of my life’. Either way, their actions will catch up with them. Now I know why the Evangelists talk of ‘Repent’ so much.

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I work with a health professional and we were talking about how mental the pressure was on everyone to get the vax. I had just returned to work after being off for 15 months because I didn’t want it. My colleague had 4 jabs and said she convinced her partner to take 3 and her justification for this was “well if I’m going to die then you’re going to die with me” I was floored because she was laughing as she said it as if it was all just a big joke. This lady is so full of life and Uber positive about everything and refuses to see anything in a negative light. I use to be like that but then I woke up. It’s quite a burden to carry around. Nature is the only thing that keeps me grounded and my beautiful new community of like minded people.

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an incredible story leaving me torn between awe and disgust. If only five percent of doctors kept true to basic principles, the whole sham would have been stopped in its tracks. Why and how so many went along .... I guess there are many reasons, but there is an element of wilful masochism coupled with sadistic cruelty. Keep grounded and stay connected with your like-minded kin, and thank you for taking the time to comment.

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The whole thing has been an incredible eye opener for me. It’s shown me the depths of some peoples depth. Ie. pretty damn shallow. Alarmed more than disappointed and frightened more than shocked at their behaviour, I can honestly say I have lost a lot of respect for those I thought were intelligent, moral and strong (to varying degrees). No, turns out, far too many were self centred and, as time has gone way past the wake up date, not very smart at all. And that’s the kind version. They’re spiritually sick and they have no idea that they are.

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Your last two sentences..I feel exactly the same way. Thanks for sharing. At least we know there are still some same people left who we can communicate with.

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Obnoxious. Poor partner. I used to work in the medical field and have spent much time around the military. Both entities tend to use really dark humor to deal w/pain, suffering, and other such emotional issues. Most people can't appreciate it or understand. My guess is her humor was a coping mechanism. It probably has sunk in w/what is going on. The question is will she go for jab #5?

I am jealous of your beautiful new community! Very happy you found one, I want one so badly I can't stand it.

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Been told stories by Drs of other Drs that promoted the V, took the $$$ for giving it to their patients but did not take it or give it to their own families. Cannot think of a better demonstration of betrayal.

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Yes, I've heard the same, it leaves me speechless

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Yes. It’s called inflicting grievous bodily harm, criminal negligence, manslaughter and, once you know people have died from the jab, murder. There’s no greater test a person can be put through. And all they had to do was say no.

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and all we needed was maybe only 5 percent of docs to demur and the plandemic would have been stopped in its tracks

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Yes, they were the bulwarks. Even the very fearful who glued themselves to the tv propaganda would have listened to their doctor rather than the talking head on the box. The doctors had all the power in their hands. They are criminals, morally insane as far as I am concerned and should be in jail.

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I really don't know. I wish I did know their thought process, or even if things have really kicked into their brain. I do know the question if there was an increase in patients caused the body language to shift and the look on his face said lots.

My family is still in denial, although I do know they are now questioning it, and really don't want to face the situation. I can't blame them really. So far in our inner circle of family we have had someone w/a stroke, a diagnosis of leukemia, one w/severe gastro issues, one w/neurological issues that is getting worse but refuses to do anything other than scream "my brain, my brain!", a death by turbo lung cancer, and a slumped over died unexpectedly at the age of 29. I am sure more is coming. It is like living on eggshells.

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I just happened to hear Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down" as I was browsing around ... it's a great song, one that I sang to myself all during the Parliament protests in Wellington, and was ecstatic one evening there to hear it performed by a live band of protesters. It will help in these terrible times.

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That is a good one! I listen to Bob Marley Three Birds aka Everything is going to be alright. I listen over and over, like a mantra to music. Pretty much everyday it is Let Go, Let God, or Help Me Jesus.

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the profundity of the horror is almost beyond description ... I am so sorry to hear of these travails. Stay as strong as you can.

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Thank you. It is immensely helpful to have a site like this to share and be w/others of like mind. Thank you for being here.

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Goodness. That’s a lot of injury. But it’s not the first time I’ve read a comment like that. I think your inner circle of injury is a snapshot of what’s really going on out there in the wider public. So, when we’re out and about and there are lots of people around looking fairly normal we can probably assume a lot of them are the walking sick. Some of the really quite sick but it doesn’t show on the outside.

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It is a lot, but they refuse to connect the dots, at least not openly, or shall I say w/me. At some level I am sure they know and question it. The 29 year old passing has rocked their world. I did ask amongst a small cluster of family at the turbo cancer funeral if anyone knew whether the deceased was vaxxinated or not. In that cluster they all have had the vaxx. Honestly I couldn't believe the question came out of my mouth at such a time, but it did.

The worst story I witnessed recently was a woman at church asking for prayers for her super close friend that just had an eight hour surgery due to turbo cancer. They did a double mastectomy, removed part of the woman's peritoneum, part of one of her lungs, and they will have to go back in to remove her uterus. The doctors estimated the cancer had been there for less than three months. Essentially it sounded like they removed the woman's entire insides. Why anyone would go through that I don't know, it is beyond my comprehension. It was so hard to listen and see the pain in the church member's voice and eyes. It still haunts me. I am pretty sure your assumption is right, we are amongst the walking dead.

I have to add, I am not arrogant enough to believe I am "safe" just because I didn't get the vaxx. Any of us can die at any time, it is the principle of lives being cut short before their natural time of passing, not to mention the stress this has caused on humanity on so many levels.

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It is profoundly tragic and what will it take for the masses to awaken?

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I’m speechless. That’s horrific. I agree with you, there’s no way I’d put my body through that. What for? Feeling horrible but living for a few months? Doesn’t make sense. But none of this Covid stuff makes sense. As Max Planck said to Heisenberg who was considering moving out of Germany at the rise of nazism ‘whether you stay or go, this will have to play itself out’. Yep.

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If I never see a Dr ever again it will be too soon. Trust is a fragile thing and very, very hard to regain. For our local freedom community horror is needing to go to hospital. They are still giving our teenagers Gardasil at school FFS. At least we were given the choice to say no. One of my teenagers - not planned, just luckily - has only seen a Dr once in his life - to check on his mental health due to lockdown. My husband has PTSD from losing his job to mandates. So our V-free family has still succumbed to Government-Medical/Industrial Complex caused health issues. The damage to the community is incalculable. And overall health may never recover.

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I actually feel the same way, although I do know a few good docs out there still, ones who didn't betray their oaths

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Yes, I absolutely agree with you. I don’t mind getting sick but going to hospital should I need it scares the daylights out of me. The best thing I ever did was study naturopathy many years ago so I know how to fix a number of ailments and as such I don’t have a doctor. I believe it would be wise for people to seek out a naturopath now because I think The Poisoners could do another release of something at some stage unless they’re happy with the amount of death and injury in the meantime.

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I think cognitive dissonance plays a huge part in their only waking up 'so far.' After all, it's very distressing to consider that there could be a depopulation agenda, and that our own governments might be complicit. Unfortunately, while so many are still only partly aware, or sitting on the fence, or worse - still fast asleep, the psychopaths running the show are picking up the pace.

How long till the next 'plandemic'? I suspect if the WHO power grab is ratified, it'll hit soon after. Meanwhile, the Australian government is trying to push through their Orwellian 'Misinformation and Disinformation' Bill (which I think is also happening in the USA?) And various states here and overseas have passed 'Hate Speech' legislation, so it'll be even harder for us to find and share truthful information. God help us!

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no doubt we are in a war and have a fight on our hands; thank you for your commentary

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There are a large number of elections this year and next.

In many nations around the world.

I think what we see at the moment is a lull.

Because they want to use this time to cement a number of positions and to make the public feel like the election counted for something.

When I joined the army, they were so very kind to us until the day we "signed the dotted line"

Afterwards, you were their property.

And they made sure we all knew it.

I think something like this is going to play out but on a global scale.

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‘….a lull.’ Yes definitely. They know there’s a lot of pushback so the gloves will come off, however gradually.

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If you look closely, you'll notice that all those bills are copied and pasted from the WEF website.

Only commas are changed in some bills.

-- Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts

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I understand your consternation, and if I read you correctly, the disgust.

I see it in terms of the Overton Window. Everybody has their Overton Window. As I see it, some OW's remain jammed shut and padlocked (e.g., the OWs of those who are still lining up for the "safe and effective" cooties mystery juice). Some OWs are a little bit open-- they know something's wrong, they know they're being lied to by their governments and mainstream media, and they aren't taking any more jabs. Some OWs are open far enough to see the bioweapon, and that, yes, some people (among them Dr. Anthony Fauci) are just fine with killing you and your family for their purposes. And some OWs so open, it seems to me, that, from many miles around, the bats and chupacabras fly in to roost at night.

(Also some people presume to know what they're talking about on all fronts when they do not. I don't want to get into the weeds on certain technical issues, however; my task here on Substack isn't to write, but to select and transcribe censored and shadow-banned testimonies. There are only 24 hours in the day.)

In sum, for me, the main thing is not to get everyone to align the degree of openness of their Overton Windows-- I mean to say, to agree about all the whys and wherefores-- but rather, I think the main focus needs to be on staunchly defending individuals' rights to medical freedom, which encompasses our right (and that would include our doctor's right) to free speech, and our other freedoms. And to insist that those people who have violated our human rights, and have committed fraud and malice aforethought, and battery and murder, they need to be held accountable before the law.

Thanks for reading. It helped me to set down my thoughts at this point, late September 2023.

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I forgot to add that I very much appreciate your focus on the fulcrum of freedom. That is the nub!

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wonderful commentary, as usual. Thank you!

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Thanks for reading, and the kind words. I so appreciate your blog.

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And thank you for the great job you are doing!

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We have people who still think China are to blame for lockdowns, ignoring the fact that this was coordinated globally. Naomi Wolf, eugyppius , etc

Unless they can see that the west lapsed, courage is lacking and their intent is suspicious!

Everyone played a part and went along with the propaganda. It was not that we were tricked.... that excuse only applies to the first two weeks while they didn't know if it was deadly or not! After that, they willingly continued even though it was not more deadly than the flu!


I wonder what causes this block.... perhaps they need a "bad guy" over there which infiltrated their government? It ignores the fact that even if China started the sham and the west fell for it, why did they continue bad policies after seeing that it was at most a flu?

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very well said! Thank you

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BRAVO! 100%

I have just posted the mass screening results from the NZ doctors conference last weekend. The results should be enough for any debate about the poisoning of humanity to end and some serious research to start on finding solutions before its too late.

Your logic in this post is not challengeable. Thank You.

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you are very kind, thank you so much!

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Concerning findings you find

But they are liberating at the same time

Do you think the perpetrators have the same?

Or were they able to shelter themselves from this?

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well put. there's no reason why we should do an operation paperclip on ourselves. these cowards wouldn't have changed their tune if they hadn't noticed that the world was waking up.

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Indeed - thank you

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Brilliantly expressed.

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Thank you very much

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For those who still don't believe that it was a plandemic, you have the plan directly from H Kissinger at the World Homide Organization (WHO) in 2009..

 2009 – WHO Eugenics Speech by Kissinger

Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"


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And you have it from the Malaysian PM in 2015 here (1minute). I have dozens of live and written proofs from the global predators since 1974 that they wanted to cull the population by all means necessary.

 2015 - "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia


 “If we are doing a real good job vaccinating children, we can reduce the world population by 10% to 15%” – Kill Gates Video.

Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation.


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Excellent, thank you very much for this

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Thanks for this Nostradamus X- I have seen these Kissinger quotes before, several times actually, on different platforms. Their hatred of humanity is palpable. Probably because they know deep down they have nothing in common with being human. Do you have any thoughts on the outcome of their diabolical plan?

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You have a mindset ready to digest what I am going to tell you. When I was fighting against these evils in 1992, I was known on campus as a conspiracy theorist. All what I predicted then turned out to be 100% accurate.

In order to understand what's going on and what may happen in the future, there are 2 things that you should NOT do:

1) Never watch the MSM : your subconscious mind shouldn't be exposed to these global parasites. Avoid subliminal messages at all cost.

2) NEVER believe in anybody (not even in me!) until you rationally understand what the person is trying to convey: is he a propagandist? is he factual? Does what he says make scientific sense?, etc...

I never post anything online so that people can believe in what I am saying. My aim is always to spur curiosity in the readers so that they can research further and make their own decisions.

You are an independent entity in the universe and were born independent. Don't let anybody enslave you by imposing any cultural degeneracies on you. You have the power to reject everything that doesn't match your intrinsic values.

What you should do is to gather geopolitical facts and analyze them yourself (I've been doing this since 1991 after the Desert Storm). When you have a broad picture of what's happening around the globel, you can easily predict what's coming next. The global predators always betray themselves through interviews and conferences like the Bilderberger annual meetings and WEF annual Davos meetings. You get a lot of hints from them directly!

Example: in 1988, Prince Philip (WWF) said the following:

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”

As far as H Kissinger is concerned, I never thought of him as a human being. He's a degenerate UFO whose purpose in life is to suck the blood of human beings on this planet:

1) How many millions did he kill in Vietnam?

2) How many millions did he kill in Laos?

3) How many millions did he kill in Cambodia?

4) How many thousands did he kill in Chile (9/11/1973 assassination of Allende)?


What you should know about H Kissinger is that he represents what religious people called DEVIL. He has been the backdoor adviser of all US presidents (except Trump) since 1970s.

He is the public face of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). What Kissinger says in public is what the "Masters of the Universe" are planning - he's a messenger.

I can guarantee you that if you don't understand what I call Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, you won't be able to understand the present or the future. The destruction of the planet started in 800AD with the destruction of the Khazar Kingdom that was located where Southern Ukraine, Southern Russia, Azerbajan and Khazakstan are located today. If you don't understand the genesis of the evil, you'll be lost about what has happened and what's about to happen.

Steps to understand the planet holistically:

Professor Ellis Washington has all at one location: http://www.elliswashingtonreport.com/

He shows in the below 3 articles (they are LONG!) how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia has been behind all destructive events on the planet: assassinations, Titanic, Capitol attack in 1812, etc....

Fasten your seat belt because it's going to be a bumpy ride. If you have any questions anytime, I'll be able to clarify the parameters that you may be missing in your assessment of these historical facts - I do have genomics studies that validate a lot of historical facts that you get from the below articles.

Be ready to transformed forever after you read the below articles!

 A Brief History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia—Part I (100-1200 AD)




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Thank you so much for this brilliant and helpful response. No MSM for me for many years now, and I like to think I think as independently as I can ... I will be eager to learn more from the links you have furnished us with.

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Thanks Nostradamus x. In regards to your points 1 and 2- I agree and don’t pay any attention to MSM. I agree with your assessment of Kissinger and take a keen interest in international affairs. It’s an interesting quote that I’ve heard people like Alastair Cooke and other reliable informants make that ‘whoever controls the area of Ukraine and Crimea controls the world’. Makes sense to me. I’ve read a bit about the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers, the later being responsible for completely changing the course of medicine in the 40’s. Unfortunately. I’ll look at the links you’ve provided. Thanks again.

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and remember that Kissinger won the Nobel Prize for Peace ..... that should say something about the Established Order!

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Obama too!

Shimon Perez too!

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yes, I know, I know .........

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Dr. Garcia,

I have something to share with you that will reinforce what you already know.

In 1992, I was working with a local newspaper and we discovered Memorandum NSSM-200 (Kissinger Report, 1974). It was declassified in 1989 (can be found online). It details how to reduce the population of 13 countries in order to give the US access to natural resources. We published a series of 4-6 articles about the memorandum.

The editor was also a political activist and we were able to hand a copy of the original document to the aide of the Prime Minister of the country (a 5Eyes country). When we contacted his aide one week later, he told us that the PM (still alive) asked him to NEVER make the document public. If I name the country, you'll know who the PM was and my friend can be easily identified by knowing the PM's aide!!

The reason I am telling you this story is to prove that the depopulation agenda has been known in the governing circles for decades. Had the secret services reacted to the NSSM-200 document as the people expect them to do, the plan would have failed before it even started in 2000 when Bill Gates stepped down from Microsoft in order to implement it globally (see another comment where I show that H. Kissinger already knew in 2009 that quackines were needed to cull the sheeple)...

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In the 90s I had to order that document from the library of congress since there was no internet until 1995. Interactive internet started only in 2000. It was painful to be an independent minded individual in the 90s. I had to visit many municipal libraries and university libraries in order to get an idea of what was going on globally. I survived that period and I hope that the lucky ones who discovered the world after 2000 can make use of the internet to its full extend while avoiding fake posts. For example: I don't read anything from Reuters, AP, AFP - they're the source of the fake news propagated on the internet and are the tools of the Khazarian Mafia.

If you search for WHO director's quackcination status, Reuters and many sites will tell you that Tedros was quackcinated against the Fauci virus (fact checked!). But I watched a video where Tedros was trying to explain why he was not quackcinated against the Fauci virus - I think in was in a presentation by the World Council for Health.

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My word, thank you so much for this!

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I wholeheartedly agree, Dr. Garcia! Morsels are meaningless when the reality is so much bigger. Here’s to serving the messy enchilada with all its gorey trappings!

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excellent, I agree! Thank you

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No, it wasn't an vaxxident, tis clearly a depopulation agenda, ask ScKamala Harris.

Any utterance of lessor or inadvertance is apologetic revisionism and may leave us dead...woopsie

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You said it, thank you

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Your piece reminds me of a good friend who like many just sneaked away from me and my company as I uttered words like yours to them. She said emphatically a few months ago ‘ I think the govt tried its best with a difficult situation and they surely meant no harm’?!?!

Really!! I thought to myself! What was interesting was both my rage at that view but also shame that I am viewed as some kind of a nut... so utterances like this made me say more about the atrocities and the clear evidence that we are dealing with frank malfeasance being evident here, giving various examples etc. I would watch my friends eyes fade away and notice lack of response and changing the subject....I just noticed more and more people fade away as I tried to alert and inform them of what was going on. I guess soon enough I felt like a pariah noticing friend after friend disappear unless I pretended I was like them, something that was difficult to do. I guess I should just get over the injustice and have compassion for them but the hurt is palpable still. Any thems the breaks! Truth can have costs which have to be borne and would not change it if I had to do this all over again

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ah, you describe the most tragic aspect of this whole charade ... how 'smart' people fade away and become One with the criminals, as it were. Stay strong and thanks so much for your heartfelt and astute commentary.

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Agree, but I don't count on enough of them to give the full scoop.

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You are absolutely right

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Too true, Emanuel. If I and others could see it in 2020 they have to be blind to not see it now. https://www.daragrennie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Book-Light-Love-Laws-Lies-Nov-2021-Edition.pdf

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Thank you for your comment and this link to your book, which has captivated me already

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Thanks Emanuel, I'm delighted to hear that;).

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