One of thousands but every one still a daughter, son, mother, father, uncle (like mine), aunt, granny or gramps, grandchild for someone to lose unjustly and prematurely. It has not ended yet.

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No, it has not ended yet.

And now the bird flu is being pushed and on and on it will go.


To our kind author:

"They had all contracted covid or some flu-like illness, and they had all survived, old and young."

From what I understand of the symptoms of flu, it is our body dealing with, flushing out some kind of toxin.

So maybe not illness contracted, but exposure to a toxin. And there are so many to choose from at this point. And likely many we are not aware of?


This is meant to push us to extremes.

Our boundaries are being crossed.

We are deep in grief.

We are being traumatized.

(And when I say we are asked to do the work of ourselves, it feels to me it is our relationship to feeling/emotion that we are being asked to understand, let flow and move out, again and again and again.)

Not a simple task.

Especially when we have been taught to vilify ourselves from so many different places.

Endless etceteras...,,,,

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It will never be over, not my lifetime.

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I'm betting that it will ...

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by NewZealandDoc

I think there are too many of us who will keep the history alive. Even a small number of people can do that. But time will tell.

In terms of covid itself, well, yes, I expect that will pass on as a current concern.

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I'm betting that the perfidy will be exposed sufficiently to bring down the perpetrators -- not just that covid will be over, but that the overarching plan of which covid was a part will not succeed. Call me a cockeyed optimist ........

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I hope you're right!

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The invaluable work you have been doing for the historical record will play a large role in the denouement. We fight on, all of us in our separate ways and specific contributions, but together.

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

F Jacinda and her cohorts in the WEF and elsewhere. The B needs be behind bars and never see the horizon ever again.

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“…a tyrannical government had an agenda to inoculate an entire population”.

This is the crux of the matter… And we certainly saw it up close and personal in the Five Eyes countries, the supposed bastions of ‘freedom’…

They wanted an excuse to inject everyone, to make people comply with injections on demand, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

They’ve tried this before, with H1N1/Swine Flu in 2009, Ebola in 2014, Zika in 2015-2016, and they fizzled out. But they went over the top this time, with ‘Covid’, and H5N1 is in the wings.

These are deliberately manufactured crises with the goal of snaring populations for lucrative vaccine markets and social control.

Who is pulling the strings?

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Thank you for reporting.

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

What is really worrying, is these cancers now appearing, advanced, in many cases. I, in my small number of friends and aquaintances, know of several people, two dead last year from "turbo cancers", this last few weeks another two diagnosed stage 4 lung cancers, and today, neighbour in his 40's, saying two of his friends both with brain tumours.

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

There seems to be more evidence out there, via multiple short term observational studies with extremely small cohorts( ie; individual cases) but backed up by peer reviewed papers, you just need bloody good search engine parameters to find them, and 2nd Smartest Guy In The World has found them in his latest Substack, that Ivermectin and Mebendazole, Fenbendazole, and other repurposed drugs both alone and in combination are halting the progression of Stage 4 cancers. They seem to stop the S1 Spike protein from doing its dirty work of encouraging cancer cells to rapidly proliferate. Also (see FLCCC's conference in February 2024, I think) where Dr Ruddy, a 'respected' allopathic breast cancer surgeon has been doing the same. She had a Damascus experience in 2020 and did a 180 degree flip after smelling a rat when official Covid vaccine protocols were enforced. For me, it's encouraging. I have a friend, mid 60s,diabetes, weight control problems, who's had 5 jabs, and just been recovering from liver cancer. He follows all his doctors' advices to the letter, takes all given drugs, is currently stable, but its it's only been 1 month out, knows and respects my views but I suspect still thinks I'm a conspiracy theorist nutjob. ( we've known each other since childhood) Some people, well many people it seems will just have to go through the fire, and I'm not meaning to sound holier than thou, anyone, vaxxed, unvaxxed, could get the cancer nod given the current state of global 'unhealth' and diet, and the contaminations in the food supply in general, via pesticides, anti biotics fed to the animals we consume, not to mention the 'other stuff' . I firmly believe there will be a tipping point though where, when enough people have become terminally ill, that the allopathic medicine industry will have no other option but to accept 'alternative' treatments. It could take a while as there will be a lot wailing and the gnashing of teeth.. Love, and other drugs, is the key. Meanwhile for the rest of us, that horse dewormer is looking more and more like an odds on favourite.

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

Simply ... a catastrophe ... the biggest catastrophe in human history ... and the idiots running our country are ignoring it ...

An evil 'insanity' has afflicted the World ...

Not only has this young man died ... I'm sure other heartrending stories in our newspapers ... sometimes several a week now ... of terrible cancers ... and sudden deaths ... are also caused by these evil 'vaccines'

For every tragedy reported in our newspapers ... there must be many more not 'noteworthy' of coverage ...

I have sent 19 emails to Christopher Luxon since March 23rd this year ... all copied to NZ First ... Act ... the Maori Party ... the 'Greens' (until they blocked me) ... and each one was copied in to around 50 or more MSM so-called 'journalists' ... plus several others ...

Last year I must have sent out several hundred emails ... to several thousand people/groups ...

Last weekend I forwarded the latest 3 emails to Christopher Luxon ... to over a dozen hospices ... but, as usual ... the response was pathetic ...

I have sent maybe a hundred emails to the Maxim Institute ... #crickets... every time ...

Last year I copied all my emails to the Police Assoc ... and this year to the Police Complaints Authority as well ...

I have sent out substantial information about the DNA/SV40 adulteration ... and a peer reviewed paper detailing it ... but still ... #crickets

The 'pettiness' of some of the stories in our media ... contrasts the horrific evil engulfing us ... that MSM is willfully averting their eyes from ... the arrogance' of their stupidity absolutely mind-blowing ...

My point is ... we need more 'weight' ... I know NZDSOS has written very powerful letters to the Govt/Police etc ... some have said the emails I have sent to Luxon are powerful ... but they aren't powerful enough ... if you are reading this ... write your own powerful emails ... to Luxon ... the Police ... MSM ...

The only way we survive (not win!) is if we bring the 'dam' crashing down ... before they unleash their next 'endgame' moves on us ...

The 'dam' is cracking ... it's groaning ... it's got holes appearing in it ... but we need more 'weight' to bring it down ... be that 'weight!'

Time is short ... I think 'Thunderbirds are Go!' will be anytime from July ... and I don't think they will risk rigging another election ... they will 'crash the World' ... and ... if they do manage to do just that ... and they are trying ... it will be 'all over bar the shouting' ... your shouting ... in terms of a 'salvage operation' of some kind of future ... for a genetically damaged population ...

'Let's Go Brandon!'


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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

I would suggest people concentrate on explaining how it is impossible for anyone to have received the shot with fully informed consent. People accept that they made a decision based on the information available (officially) at the time. The supposedly "novel" situation propaganda, perpetuated by the government's and medicomplex, mean that they play on people's innate sense of fairness. People need to understand WHY there was no possible way for anyone to EVER receive informed consent about these shots. Until they do there will never be outrage, there will only be mindless, victimised, "how could this happen?", mentality. Which means everyone who knowingly contributed to the BS pony show, goes free and unscathed, to continue this again...😐😤🤐🤦‍♀️

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

Our government in New Zealand was just as abusive as the rest. I know many who were jabbed against their wishes in order to keep their jobs. The people responsible need to be dealt with but of course that will never happen.

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

Yeah, and that was not enough. Bird flu comes with the excuse to kill animals used for food. Famine, anyone?

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you for your articles that help bring reason to an unreasoning world.

I'm not Catholic, but did you read Archbishop's recent article on what, who and why?

/Users/jandevereaux/Desktop/Archbishop Viganò: Globalist 'extermination plan' serves Satan's goal to kill both body and soul - LifeSite.pdf

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Thank you -- I am a great admirer of Vigano'

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May 21Liked by NewZealandDoc

As usual, low hanging fruit get the blame, buck should stop with Jabcinder, Bloom flakes and Simpkins, who lied through their teeth, and hide the risks associated these roulette jabs!

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

It's my dream, although I know that dreams don't turn into reality, nevertheless, it's my dream, my wish, that these callous anti-humans who imposed the mandates will one day be brought to the gates of justice and justice will deal with them accordingly.

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It is my dream too and I think it will occur in our lifetime!

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thanks for the report.

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

what can be done to the perpetrators of this "scamdemic". Nothing, the judiciary are bought, cases never get to court to be heard, the Initial leaders have scarpered away, and we the people are being left to deal with the mess, that is unfinished.

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It's going to be very messy, especially the next 5-7 years when the longer term effects kick in and people will be sicker ... they've engineered a sweet soft killing. But think of the Berlin Wall ... at a certain point, the whole damned thing came down in record time. The scoundrels are already running for cover.

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History has much to teach us. Oftentimes just when it seems the power structure will never fall, it collapses in a heap of dust. And then comes what I call kumbaya-chaos, and then comes the counter-revolution, often supported by foreign interests, and then the counter-counter revolution, also often supported by foreign interests. Navigating such times requires a lot of discernment and prayer, it seems to me.

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Dr Manny, beautifully observed and written as ever, thank you. I believe there are many millions of human souls on this planet - beyond the physical realm too - connected via infinitely powerful energies. We are - in ways we need not comprehend - inevitably turning the blackest dark into the brightest light. Love and gratitude, and peace of course :)

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Thanks for your inspiring and beautiful comment, Alan.

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May 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

As usual, a beautiful and heart-filled post, elegantly presented with such subject matter - you're able to share the harsh and cruel truth with the beauty seen on the edges. Thank you.

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Thank you so much, that is very kind of you and I am deeply touched by your words.

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As I am by yours, consistently.

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