Excellent read. Happy Easter.

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Hope you have a happy Easter.

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Thank you!

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Living in the twilight zone can mean it is getting darker ,or it is getting brighter .

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It can also mean that you break into your neighbor's fallout shelter because a devious media tells you there are incoming missiles that aren't.

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Happy Easter!

April will be amazing

Hum2024.com for the total solar eclipse April 8th

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This is beautiful. The globalist cult here in America is love-bombing like the Moonies or Scientologists from the White House in a toxic mimic faux version of Jesus' teachings. Biden announces "You are loved" to all the trans people on their day of "visibility," actually proving the psychopathology of the cult, the borderlineness, the narcissism, the desperate need for attention, the pathological lack of interiority and need to be "visible." The developmental retardation coupled with indoctrination and social media contagion. Actual normal trans and gay and lesbian people must be so alienated by this. These are lovely thoughts of yours. Here's a poem for Spring by the American poet laureate, Ada Limon.

Instructions on Not Giving Up

More than the fuchsia funnels breaking out

of the crabapple tree, more than the neighbor’s

almost obscene display of cherry limbs shoving

their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate

sky of Spring rains, it’s the greening of the trees

that really gets to me. When all the shock of white

and taffy, the world’s baubles and trinkets, leave

the pavement strewn with the confetti of aftermath,

the leaves come. Patient, plodding, a green skin

growing over whatever winter did to us, a return

to the strange idea of continuous living despite

the mess of us, the hurt, the empty. Fine then,

I’ll take it, the tree seems to say, a new slick leaf

unfurling like a fist to an open palm, I’ll take it all.


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Thank you for this beautiful commentary!

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Much love to you and your passionate soul. Happy Spring!

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All wars are necessary to the health of the banking class.

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Dr Emanuel beautiful as always thank you. To me, when we are fearless in bringing light and educational uplift to our rebirthing human species, fuelled infinitely by love and a faith that we exist ethereally and infinitely in dimensions transcending the physical realm, then we are the conduits and flow, amplifying and cascading spiritual healing energies, which some call God, or gods, or any other (because there are many) expressions of selfless love, as the antidote to evil and Satanic darkness and destruction. It's a soul thing, embodied in our stated intent and willingness to die fighting for our children's freedom, and for their children to come, in love and peace, and the inevitable abundance, when we are ready, as a collective consciousness and subconsciousness, perhaps a oneness, in the moment of whatever realities we dare to dream and manifest. Thank you and all. Alan x

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So well said! Thank you and a Happy Easter to you!

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Wonderful words Manny..its says it all and the good will win! It has to!

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The good will win but ONLY if we recognize the absolutely depraved depth of the evil we are facing -- thank you!!!

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Hi Emanuel that was a good read but I think you have to go way back to the beginning and we run into the first problem, know one knows when this was or what really happened. God, the creator made the earth....when, millions or billions of years ago?

I a mere blink of an eye based on the age of the planet earth, ie 2024 years ago give or take a few Jesus the only know son of God arrived on earth. Not sure why it took this long for an heir to claim his place in history, however you could ask if Jesus and the bible we a construct of the ruling emporers at the time to keep the peasants in check and introduce one of the greatest marketing schemes ever invented. There has always been the witch doctors and supestition, Gods for everthing that caused problems if you didn't behave or sacrifice a child or virgin or two.

You asked the question with regard the terrible happenings from the last century and I ask the question why would a merciful omnipotent being who was claimed to be so kind and caring let these things happen?

Could it be that modern day power lords and rulers are using the bible as a tool coupled with modern day technology to create even more fear, death and depravity than ever before. When will this omnipotent power return to crush these evil beings, are we all a bit evil or are we just here due to the cellular science of conception?

I am in my 70th year on this planet, ordinary and thoughtful, christened and confirmed Anglican. I am spiritual but lost faith in the fairy stories of the teachings while listening to the treachery, peodophila and general truths that are now coming out about those who claimed hallowed privilage.

As a side note the Muslim religion only started around 400 to 500 years after the birth of Jesus, both religions at their basic could be seen as humanitarian, the 10 commandments is really the only laws we need in life so why are we still putting up with the same old line of sign up, give a big donation and you shall be saved. Tell that to all thoses who suffered over the last 2000 plus years.

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I saw a great meme which made me laugh, 'local carpenter (pic of Jesus) continues to spread disinformation deemed harmful by religious experts'. TY to you and all who continue to spread truth regardless of the 'experts' who view it as a threat to their power.

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that's a wonderful meme! Thank you most kindly!

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Well said, and happy easter!

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Thank you!

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Thank you Emanuel

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Thank you, and happy Easter.

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Everything has been 'hijacked' ... including 'history' ...

Very evil people controlled most of the 20th century ... and they are now controlling the 21st ...

Until people realize these evil people have a completely different 'mindset' to 99% of the rest of the World ... this evil control will continue ...

The evil being perpetrated by these people became very evident when Donald Trump ran for the Presidency ... because 'dickhead' as he is Trump was not the usual 'bought and paid for' Presidential candidate they could rely on 'working' with their 'Deep State' operation ... which for well over a century ... has been working towards ... a now completely obvious ... communist takeover of the World ... and by 'communist' I mean them in complete control ... and the rest effectively slaves ... which has already happened for the most part ... in the last 120 years or so ... but due to the limited freedom much of the World still retains ... and therefore limited power ... (and we have seen just how 'limited' that 'power' has become over the last 4 years or so) ... we are still, very much a threat to their future ... so it has now simply become a 'race' ... for them to completely remove our 'power' by 'culling' several billion of us ... completely taking away any 'power' we still retain by taking away all assets and wealth ... and controlling survivors of their 'first' mass cull like North Koreans are controlled ... (for as long as 'survivors' remain 'useful eaters' that is) ... before sufficient people wake up to their evil 'game' ... and put a stop to it ... and them ...

Unfortunately ... they are winning ... with the score around 5 billion .... to zero ... at this point in time ...

'Vaccines' have always been an evil scam to damage us ... damage our health ... damage our IQ ... damage us financially in terms of the unnecessary burden this has imposed on us in terms of healthcare, pharmaceuticals etc ... and the, now very evident, damage/cost of becoming inferior to them in terms of IQ ... so that they control all the 'institutions' they need to control ... to completely dominate us ... from MSM ... right through to imposing $billion plus penalties on '18 minutes of free speech' ... and 'valuation crimes' that were never crimes ... and the masses ... don't bat an eye ...

'Climate change' another totally bogus scam to control us ... which the World has 'bought' into ... again, without 'batting an eye' ...

Our situation is extremely dire ...'Team Clever' is wiping 'Team Stupid' out ... removing several billion bloodlines from this planet very soon ... and the rest will only be one or two generations behind ...

And the fact that messages like this ... like my Substack posts ... only exist in a few limited 'echo chamber' 'outposts' of 'free speech' says a lot about our prospects ...


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Generally i much appreciate your writings and the views you present. Today something slipped into your writing that prompts me out of the silence from where i observe the world agitated and being shaked to possible oblivion.

In your article you place the so-called "Holocaust" at the same level as the 2 World Wars and even before the 2 nuclear bombs on 2 Japanese cities.

It is strange that a person with a moral compass as you seem to be, omits to mention first and foremost a contemporaneous, damn real Genocide of the most atrocious nature, namely in Palestine especially Gaza currently, and that is ongoing since almost a Century, And that you would instead place in central position in your article, right at the beginning, an alleged "genocide" that lasted no more than 5 years, ended over 75 years ago, whose alleged victims of then are thriving since. Worse even, the ongoing Genocide and atrocities you omit, is perpetrated by the very collective you mention in central position as being the victim.

Do you not realize how disgraceful ?

As a Historian, i am compelled to draw to your attention that the ubiquitous "Holocaust" narrative we are fed ad nauseam, is totally inaccurate, and arguably false. As much as the main stream sycophants and sheep-o-fans will cry foul, we must have the courage to push the reality to the fore, instead of assuming things are as they are said to be, based on the number of times we hear it as such, and the self-righteous tone we hear it being said, published, celebrated, worshiped.

To be a Genocide of a particular group, there must be intent. The bombastic claim that "nazis attempted to exterminate all jews" in "death camps" with "gaz chambers" is false from A to Z. As a Historian who masters the German language, i have read ALL existing and accessible original documents related to this affair. Nowhere did i find any trace of the alleged "intent" to exterminate jews. Not in public notifications and not in private correspondances. Without intent, there is no Genocide.

There is no trace, no archeological remnants neither, of homicidal gas chambers, in 1933-45 Cencentration Camps (KZ)

The number "six million jews killed" was propagated in jewish and zionist publications before even WW2 started, and can be found in various places of jewish literature. The number does not correspond to any pre vs post war demographics. Neither does it correspond to any logistic capoability of such camps, even if the narrative were true, which it is not.

The "witness" accounts are grossly flawed, marred by special interest, and even at the post WW2 Nuremberg Trials such alleged witnesses accounts were shockingly thin. For good reason!

Indubitably, large number of Jews were assembled in KZs during WW2, with a documented intention to "transfer" jews away from Germany. I would remind you that "population transfer" was in that time a legally and morally acceptable way to resolve conflicts. Of course later in time the notion of Transfer of populations would be designed as a Crime Against Humanity, so-called Ethnic Cleansing. Again, in that time 1940-45, such transfers were acceptable.

Indubitably, there were severe conditions of life in many of the KZs. These conditions were aggravated by the aerial bombing by British airplanes of supply trains to these KZ camps, despite British intellingence knowing exactly which trains were supply trains for the camps. As a consequence, starvation, absence of medicine and sanitary products, caused epidemic cases of Typhus in these KZ camps. Mass starvation, mass diarrhea due to Typhus, explosion of vectors of typhus lice/flees due to absence of soap and desinfection materials such as Zyklon B.

I speak as a Historian who has consulted all possible archives related to that period, compared and analysed witness accounts, interviewed countless people who lived through that period. This includes my grand parents, my mother, many relatives who were incarcerated in what was later deceptively dubbed "death camps", for helping countless of people, including many Jews, to escape the strict and constrictive policies of the National-Socialist government.

The false narrative of "holocaust" is used to garner undue profits of power, capital and influence. This is documented by many, including by Dr Norman Finkelstein. Historian who do their jiob properly do revise narratives, and correct them when necessary. Yet Revisionist Historians who documented the Holocaust narrative to be false, were persecuted, terrorised, defamed, ruined, subjected to abject violence by jewish terrorists, silenced, censored, oppressed, laws have been devised to suppress such normal academic research on that period of history.

That false narrative of Holocaust is used to obfuscate the horrendous reality of an intentional Genocide perpetrated since almost one century since the jewish zionist invasion of Palestine, against Palestinians. Millions of Palestinians live in exile as we speak. Others are slaughtered as we speak. Palestinian children and babies are deliberately targeted, starved, tortured, dismembered, traumatized. The perpetrators are those you implicitly put on a pedestal of "victims of Holocausts".

For once, i could not even read your article "Spring and Resurrection". Your first paragraph neutralised the validity of anything you could say on Easter. I none the less noticed you mention Jesus several times in your paper. Are you not aware that Jesus was a Palestinian. That Palestinians are his relatives. And they are slaughtered as we speak. And instead of calling for an end to the atrocities perpetrated by a jewish collective in occupied Palestine, you instead mention .... Holocaust.

Good grief dr Garcia, do me a favor: remove my email address from your lists, stop sending me anything. Humanity has had an overdose of your "holocaust" and all the atrocities committed behind that veil of false victimhood,

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P.S.: I've met and even treated Holocaust survivors in therapy.

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You can unsubscribe yourself from this substack easily enough. There's a lot of competition for the worst, as an acquaintance of mine was fond of saying, so much terrible destruction, including the recent unnecessary wartime sacrifices.

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I nearly didn't respond to this post ... but realized not to do so would be cowardly ...

I too have studied history in the last 8 years or so ... and now realize ... a lot of what is put forward as 'history' ... just isn't true ....

However .. there is also 'respect' ... from my observation ... a lot of Jews caught up in the 'internment' of WWII ... were decent people ... and, undoubtedly, many experienced atrocities that should not have been inflicted on them ...

I respect Dr Garcia ... and would be very interested in hearing his experiences with 'Holocaust' survivors at some stage ...

Much does not add up ... particularly the 'numbers' ... the 'logistics' ... and I stand by my observation of a massive distortion ... exaggeration ... of the truth surrounding this 'event' ... there are many ... but Zyklon B is one where 'history' just does not match facts ... when investigated ... for instance .. Zyklon B turns the human body bright lobster red ... reacts with brickwork/mortar to produce 'Prussian blue' ... still seeping through the brickwork of the brick outhouses used to fumigate clothes of typhoid carrying lice, after 80 years ... and the automatic can openers used to drop Zyklon B into trays of water ... were only found bolted to walls in the fumigation outhouses ... the receipts for Zyklon B show not enough was ever purchased ... I have also seen documentaries/photos that have been exposed as 'doctored' ... or from different time periods/places ... such as those starved under Stalin etc ...

Being at the very end of a war-ravaged food chain ... I believe many Jews starved ... and died horrific deaths from starvation, typhoid, abuse etc ... and believe some frustrated camp commanders may have indeed cut holes in roofs ... and gassed some of them ...

I had been brainwashed by propaganda to believe David Irving to be a very evil man ... but, after investigation, find him to be a very brave, conscientious historian ...

My point is ... the lies of 'right now' are horrific ... the lies of history are practically 'set in stone' ... but they are very much connected ...

We need to prove the 'lies of right now' to try to save billions of lives ... if we all do that ... and are successful ... the 'lies of history' will be exposed ... and come crashing down ... and we will have a much better chance of rewriting those lies of history ... with the truth ... that, ultimately ... is the only thing that is going to save us ...



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