W. Somerset Maugham said, “It is dangerous to let the public behind the scenes. They are easily disillusioned and then they are angry with you, for it was the illusion they loved.”

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It is a long war. Many soldiers work anonymously.

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As long as the media is owned by the oligarch it is almost impossible to turn the tide.

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almost is an important word here ... thank you


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Another aspect that makes it harder to reach those who are still asleep is that those who wake up to the convid then start to wake up to so much else. This leads to being a *conspiracy theorist*, and the thinking gets way ahead of MSM on practically everything. The bs detector of the awake is always turned on.

Thus Rockefeller medicine and viruses themselves are questioned. Plus all the wars and climate cons and demonising of CO2.

Even feminism and all the rainbows.

Thus the divide grows and new wake up types have too much ground to cover. They are naive which makes them uncomfortable and so they shrink back to be with their MSM buddies.

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Emmanuel, the so called Legal System is just that, a legal system which does not make it LAWFUL a fact explained at the Nuremberg trials after WW2. It is a fool's errand to go to a court which is a Corporation, a money making business, expecting, asking for and worse hoping for 'justice'. The whole claim of Vaccination is false and ALL jabs for this purpose must be opposed and called out for the fake 'medical practices' they are.

No one is unaccountable man to man, woman to woman, woman to man, in commerce which is governed by Common Law which includes Law Merchant. The Law professors and the Legal eagles will swear Law Merchant does not exist so go look in the national legislation in the 'Bills of Exchange Act' and there you will find it stated clearly. We are ALL merchants and can Contract anyone to perform according to a Contract that they must rebut or counter offer. This process is happening now and is effective and you have the same ability when you know how - in NZ, Australia, Canada, USA and as many as 14 other countries, it is happening.

The 'game' being played on us for centuries is ending. Find out how you too can stand in your claim with the same authority as any man or woman.

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Thank you for this ... i deregistered myself from the corrupt medical council of New Zealand via equity law ... with the help of common law experts.

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I’m not sure whether people here are aware of Dr Ana Milhacea. On Substack,but she and a number of colleagues around the world including me ne in NZ have found this technology in Lantus insulin dental anaesthetic dexamethazone and budesonide for inhalation. Same garbage from pharma they get a drug approved then shove the garbage into other drugs previously approved

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Yes indeed, it is really incredible..... thank you for your work in this arena. They have found such novel ways to poison ...

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I recently had my own experience , I saw an endocrinologist back in July who prescribed Trajantemet for my type two diabetes, the next day I saw a cardiologist trying to stabilise the cardiac injury from Pfizer is late Sept 2001 . As a result I’ve continued to struggle, then on researching I found out the acknowledged side effects were palpitations, breathlessness. The article also stated it can cause kidney & liver damage and heart. Failure. The stunner was that death can be caused by catastrophic pancreatic failure. It’s related to the GLP- class of drugs like Wegovy. There are reports coming in on other posts I follow that 12 months after ceasing Wegovy people are still experiencing faster paresis. It’s also been connected to thyroid cancer. I’m not aware of any studies but multiple pharma groups are hopping onto that weight loss gravy train. I advise people to research any/ all new medications prescribed.

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I believe so called Type 2 Diabetes is generally reversible depending on how long synthetic insulin and how much has been taken. May take a year to return the system to some level of control and normality but I believe it can be done, and without drugs or surgical interventions. Especially not more drugs and cut, kill and burn.

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I’m looking for information on that, but we have a strong genetic history father two sisters and two paternal grandmother and as of be of further ve she blings all diagnosed by age 51. I’m trying to find out how f it works but n our situation.

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Your genetic history does not define you as lifestyle factors play a huge part. Also the diagnosis may be questionable too. Genetic history only means a potential not a definite. The standard in Australia Blood Glucose Tolerance test is useless except at the extremes, you are or you are not, no such thing as pre-diabetic. A Chicago pathologist, a Dr Joseph Kraft, and team did far more detailed testing including a concurrent Insulin assay over 3 hours and he concluded 80-85% of ALL North Americans are probably diabetic and more than 30% have no idea of it. Presenting symptoms are hard to spot for doctors to recognise until it is clear (same as modern cases of scurvy - look in care homes). I am not a medical doctor so I cannot and will not advise - I can only point to info for you to follow up. You can be sure, diet, physical activity and psychological activity will play a part as will lived environment. Lot to learn but what is the reward? And its NEVER too late to start. Try it, learn and grow, its fun, perhaps the major purpose in life beyond helping others to also have fun learning and growing.

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A very important point about genetic influence , thank you. Too many have a one dimensional understanding of genes when gene expression is highly complex and many factors affect the expression of genetic tendencies.

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My lifestyle was pretty good - healthy diet, very active- never the fat and lazy type. As a baby boomer mum grew all our berries using organic fertilisers . I was a trained nurse low fat diet from late teens early twenties. Thanks for the tips I’m tracking down leads. I’ve already found a natural replacement for statins.

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Oh and Julie, remember that genetic studies now suggest that no more than 1-3% of ALL the different genetic code in our body is specifically 'our' genes, the rest are largely bacteria, and fungi, yeast and other non-human specific entities or organisms. We need to change our whole way of thinking about what it is to be this big fleshy sack of seemingly independent life form.

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The other links to follow are deathsau dystopian down under and transcriber B has transcribed an interview between Dr John Cambell and his be of our senator describing what they have gathered under FOI of the Pfizer contracts- they knew exactly how dangerous they were and advised NZ to go ahead with the vax . There’s a formidable amount of Aus info and documentation on deathsau.

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It took Washington and his men 7 years to win the Revolutionary war. 7 years of hell from small pox to starvation. We fight on.

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That revolution simply removed the British Monarch and Parliament from interfering in 'good ole commerce'. Same as for the French and Russian revolutions which the bankers and financiers engineered and gained immensely from. Just a different form of Feudalism resulted - as we have it also today.

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re how the truth will out itself, Tommy Kerrigan and Dr. Makis in conversation recently noted that once the reality of the genocide sinks into the minds of the doctors and nurses that jabbed so many, to expect a rash of suicides. Remember, these doctors and nurses jabbed themselves, and encouraged/insisted that their families and friends go get jabbed. It's a horrible realization indeed.

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The deepest compassion of your existence will be needed. They will NOT need to be told, 'we told you so', they will know, most definitely they will know and must live with it for whatever is left of life for them. Have compassion, as difficult as that may be to do. It is the burden for those who see to never be able to not see.

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Dec 1, 2023
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I believe if a survey was done asking people if they had a CHOICE would they have taken the jab the majority would say no. Many people were not blindly following the narrative, they just didn’t feel they had a choice Job or no job and the many consequences of that were life changing and maybe just too onerous to face.

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I don't think that's true, people lined up voluntarily here for the jab initially, at least for the first two shots. The it gets dicey so the mandates came in ... I see people lining up now too but I don't know the numbers. But the mandates certainly forced those who really didn't want it but had no choice if they wanted to put food on the table.

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Many were in fear from watching the MSM continuous propaganda.

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Everyone I know who took it was either for their job or something stupid like being able to go out shopping, attend a show or out to eat.

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Thank you for this almost meta analysis and perspective. I try to understand why people won't wake up all the time. I hypothesize that we have an evolutionary prejudice for any technological innovation, since we chipped stone tools for millennia as always vulnerable and starving hominins, and every little innovation could mean our tribe surviving instead of going extinct. I don't know when technology became ambiguous, but it did, and we did not recognize that. I also think we all thought it utterly impossible that our advanced civilization would not know how to stop a pandemic, so many of us fell for the kabuki fear campaign, as it had to be that bad, that overwhelming, for our advanced civilization not to be able to control it. So we trust that our advanced civilization has now got hold of the cure, despite all evidence to the contrary.

There are so many aspects to the war that it is cognitively overwhelming to try to keep track of all of it, and that is no accident. I keep saying I'm not going to read any more online as no one is interpreting the entirety of the situation and the fragments just pile up in my mind and overload it. So your deep perspective calms my doom scrolling spirit. Thank you.

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people are dumbed down to now only think in a Binary way, black or white, yes or no, it is all the same. Chocolate or Strawberry, a kids anxiety. But what if there is chocolate, strawberry, pineapple, orange, mango and lemon and many more. How to decide? Simple, just reduce it to two choices and then decide. you can watch this happening repeatedly. Binary is a necessary thinking process for survival though not the only way we must discriminate and decide. People are pre-programmed to choose according to the narrative and do not even know it.

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Welcome to our digital world ...

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Every "conspiracy theorist" should read this--I'm glad I did! A very mature analysis of our realities, yet very comforting to me, thank you. I was shocked and pleased of the regime change in the NZ government. Keep it up Kiwi's!

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Beautifully eloquent, thank you.

I just wish you could devote your time to writing about the New Zealand landscape, pre Ardern.

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Thank you for this.

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They fought for freedom

They trudged through the mud

Braving bullets, cold, disease and bad blood

Many were wounded

Many more lay dead

For their self autonomy

And for bellies well fed

But today

It's all about safety

Equity and "the whole"

Forgetting that all wars were started

Famines and genocides charted

By those in control of the whole

And every damned time

Not one war was natural

Not one genocide an accident

The most crippling famines

The biggest banking collapses

Scandalous and savage usurping of nations and the slaughter of their indigenous people

Were all coordinated and executed

Planned and perpetuated

By those whom told everyone

It was for the "common good"

Let us not repeat history

When in hindsight it's clearly paved on misery

Because history repeats itself

When those who choose to let psychopaths lead them

Relinquish the control

Of their souls

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The People That Are Wearing Masks

And Still Taking Booster Shots

Have Started To Identify

With Their Captors.


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Hi Emanuel you may have got your wish as a new whistle-blower has just come forward with revealing information that our health agencies are busy denying on mainstream Media. It is the first time I have seen MSM bother denying anything. I will see if I can email you a copy, but I am sure you will see it soon enough. He may have squealed now that the govt has changed.

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That's the point. That whistleblower has been hung out to dry.

What advantage to him in his not being named when we can all see him. Just makes him look stupid.

Liz has used him badly.

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The only people I can see looking stupid are govt officials and te Whatu ora, and I will enjoy watching them wriggle. I didnt vote for Liz, but she might be doing some good.

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Dec 1, 2023
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If it wasnt for the whistle blower, the data may have been lost, and I think it is good fortune for us that our patience is paying off, and the new govt might be right behind us. They certainly have everything to gain by burying what is left of the Labour party. And everybody would feel better if there was some accountability for what has happened.

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Perhaps if we remember that we are all human and being human is more important than our various differences. It’s not always beneficial to view others as others even if they hold diametrically opposite views to ours – even our ‘oppressors’ (although, in this case, at a safe distance!)

Lovely essay – thank you.

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