It has been a long time since I have written anything — nearly a month in fact — mostly because I felt I have said virtually everything I needed to say about Power, Covid, sick corrupt governments who murder their citizens, and the like.
I have been a silent fan of yours and follow you reading much of what you write. I just want you to know that I am one of those people you will never know but that you have bolstered my resolve to do more to resist the evil mechanisms that confront us on a more and more increasing scale. While the majority fight back by electing those they think can help, there are a large number that are not interested in divisive talk so avoid looking into the details it takes to understand the seriousness of it all. Mark C. Miller has been publishing Those who have died "suddenly", "unexpectedly", by "unknown cause", by heart attack, aggressive cancer, etc. since the beginning so around 3 years + or - a few months. He does this EVERY WEEK and the numbers are astonishing & all linked to an obituary for the person who died. This week his report included dozens of babies, many, many, under 40, only a few over 70. These kinds of deaths have always been to some degree but when you look at the list in one country (USA only for me) in ONE WEEK and reflect that the cause in the obit is unknown or died unexpectedly or suddenly, the magnitude is gargantuan and heart wrenching. For those who don't want to look, it does not exist. They seem to want to believe that no one is so evil as to create or push this nightmare on innocent souls on purpose and think that surely in America someone in authority would stop it if true. I live with someone who knows of these things but is more interested in loving their relatives and caring for them and so they are not very interested in something so difficult to see in daily life because it has not hit them. They want to make today better for all no matter how they got there. People like you & I want to stop it from happening more and potentially our own families but stop the evil so it does not affect future people. In other worlds stop what is causing the pain. When that seems out of reach for many, they focus on what they can do. I am only telling you this because without people like you, we would be doomed to have this to continue and even get worse. You are the blockade in the road and without you and others like you, we would be bulldozed by the Faucis of the world and surely perish as a moral people. You are one of the best voices helping the world so I hope you will not think you are unappreciated or of little help. It is always a slim minority willing to be the tip of the spear in any war. Thank you so much for what you do. A fan.
Dear Tom, I can't thank you enough for your marvelous words, and your kindness. Mark Crispin Miller happens to be a friend and he has been on the front lines and he incidentally has been ostracized by his former 'friends' of the progressive Left, yet he soldiers on, as we all must. Stay well and great gratitude for your support!!
Hi Tom. Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like you and I have a similar dilemma at home. The darkness is around us and among us. I guess it is not the job of every person to confront it. But for us, we cannot overlook it.
Faucet needs hanging. Even if his sentence is transmuted to life imprisonment breaking rocks it will be a lesson to him and a warning to others. The same treatment needs to meted out to the others.
Do you think Fauci circulates in public? Considering recent news, re the Insurance fellow who was assassinated, I do have to wonder if Fauci is still willing to show his face around. I feel the gallows will never be built.
'Prairie justice' and 'street justice' await all the conspirators once the ugly truth becomes widespread, and more of their names and faces are known. They won't be able to be in public ever again. Lots of aggrieved and angry folks out there....
Yes, and a lot more of his murderous kind. I am not in favor of the death penalty in general- in legal circles it takes too much time and money, and is not a deterrent to future crime. Maybe what would be nice would be a prison where the perps are injected multiple times, studied, and despatched with their own medicine. Gebrysius, Fauci, Gates, and all the cohort, known and unknown. Despatch them with their own medicines.
Makes one wonder why gtmo is still alive and well, after all the years of hot air about closing it down. Now they have the addition of Camp Justice next door –– a double courthouse and secure evidence/meeting space for attorneys (and rumor has it a secure media/reporting area also). Something BIG is coming....
Catherine Herridge covered this (and posted on Twitter) back when at CBS.
Long before the 1959 commie revolution in Cuba, the U.S. purchased an *indefinite lease* for that property in 1903, so 'we' were there first. Actually 'we' have been there since the 1898 Spanish-American war helping the island with it's fight for independence from Spain.
Do you think los Cubano comrades will pick a fight with U.S. military to take control of that little chunk of land –– or just talk macho and cash the check every year?
I suspect Fauci is more of a patsy and snivelling middle manager (of the type who was rewarded and baited with fame, fortune and a grandiose sense of power) than a mastermind. The rest of the Operation Warpspeed team, and the people BEHIND that project must face justice too.
Everything around us is big symbolic gestures today. Wildfires are climate change. Vaccines are lethal injections.
So we too should think in big sweeping symbolic gestures. If you con a few billion people into receiving a poison. You need to be publicly poisoned. It has to happen to stop another hundred years of similar disasters and to set a precedent so no one else will ever do it again.
Perhaps a 2-stage punishment: 5 years of pushing the boulder up the hill, wearing 3 masks and a combination of every kind of plastic PPE used during the fake plague; and with full knowledge that an ignominious public hanging awaits him at the end. Permanent suicide watch would be required. He doesn't get to do a Harold Shipman.
All Trump has to say to limit the despicable acts of 11th Hour Pardoning and last-minute Bills like stopping oil & gas exploration is for Trump to come out and say he will not only overturn Biden govt’s actions in these regards but also throw a clear strong spotlight onto any bureaucrat, any government worker and any influencer who has a hand in any of these last-minute acts of childish and predetermined acts of domestic terrorism.
That’s all he has to do - let it be known there are consequences to undermining a nation’s best interests and Judgement will have its Day.
The bible quote scene in Pulp Fiction comes to mind.
Thank you. My answer to the rhetorical question: Yes (although a fate similar to that of Fauci's Beagles would not disappoint me).
Anthony Fauci has been a bio-terrorist since the 1980s. He used AIDS to promote the profitable anti-remedy Remdesivir of that era, AZT. He effectively asserted that monogamous heterosexual couples were as vulnerable as promiscuous homoerotic males to acquiring HIV (and, hence, AIDS).
Nothing just was done about him in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, or 2010s. I do not expect much justice to be done now that he is the retired highest-paid "public servant" in Federal history.
I have been a silent fan of yours and follow you reading much of what you write. I just want you to know that I am one of those people you will never know but that you have bolstered my resolve to do more to resist the evil mechanisms that confront us on a more and more increasing scale. While the majority fight back by electing those they think can help, there are a large number that are not interested in divisive talk so avoid looking into the details it takes to understand the seriousness of it all. Mark C. Miller has been publishing Those who have died "suddenly", "unexpectedly", by "unknown cause", by heart attack, aggressive cancer, etc. since the beginning so around 3 years + or - a few months. He does this EVERY WEEK and the numbers are astonishing & all linked to an obituary for the person who died. This week his report included dozens of babies, many, many, under 40, only a few over 70. These kinds of deaths have always been to some degree but when you look at the list in one country (USA only for me) in ONE WEEK and reflect that the cause in the obit is unknown or died unexpectedly or suddenly, the magnitude is gargantuan and heart wrenching. For those who don't want to look, it does not exist. They seem to want to believe that no one is so evil as to create or push this nightmare on innocent souls on purpose and think that surely in America someone in authority would stop it if true. I live with someone who knows of these things but is more interested in loving their relatives and caring for them and so they are not very interested in something so difficult to see in daily life because it has not hit them. They want to make today better for all no matter how they got there. People like you & I want to stop it from happening more and potentially our own families but stop the evil so it does not affect future people. In other worlds stop what is causing the pain. When that seems out of reach for many, they focus on what they can do. I am only telling you this because without people like you, we would be doomed to have this to continue and even get worse. You are the blockade in the road and without you and others like you, we would be bulldozed by the Faucis of the world and surely perish as a moral people. You are one of the best voices helping the world so I hope you will not think you are unappreciated or of little help. It is always a slim minority willing to be the tip of the spear in any war. Thank you so much for what you do. A fan.
Dear Tom, I can't thank you enough for your marvelous words, and your kindness. Mark Crispin Miller happens to be a friend and he has been on the front lines and he incidentally has been ostracized by his former 'friends' of the progressive Left, yet he soldiers on, as we all must. Stay well and great gratitude for your support!!
Hi Tom. Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like you and I have a similar dilemma at home. The darkness is around us and among us. I guess it is not the job of every person to confront it. But for us, we cannot overlook it.
Duplicitous, tyrannical traitor; a bioterrorist. Yes.
Faucet needs hanging. Even if his sentence is transmuted to life imprisonment breaking rocks it will be a lesson to him and a warning to others. The same treatment needs to meted out to the others.
I don't even have to read this answer is yes. Heads MUST roll...
Do you think Fauci circulates in public? Considering recent news, re the Insurance fellow who was assassinated, I do have to wonder if Fauci is still willing to show his face around. I feel the gallows will never be built.
'Prairie justice' and 'street justice' await all the conspirators once the ugly truth becomes widespread, and more of their names and faces are known. They won't be able to be in public ever again. Lots of aggrieved and angry folks out there....
I have thought the same!
Without a doubt Fauci should have had a death sentence or put away forever for the HIV/AIDS scandal. So yes now for the Covid fraud and murders.
Yes, and a lot more of his murderous kind. I am not in favor of the death penalty in general- in legal circles it takes too much time and money, and is not a deterrent to future crime. Maybe what would be nice would be a prison where the perps are injected multiple times, studied, and despatched with their own medicine. Gebrysius, Fauci, Gates, and all the cohort, known and unknown. Despatch them with their own medicines.
Although I think Guantanamo bay and other torture locations should close, we might as well send Fauci there for some re education 😂
But Fauci is a scapegoat and just the face of the many criminals who lied and lied to our faces.
Lab leak is a distraction from the fact that there was no real pandemic. Avg age of death was around life expectancy before the jabs....
After all, who decided that a failed tech should be used for con-vid?
Makes one wonder why gtmo is still alive and well, after all the years of hot air about closing it down. Now they have the addition of Camp Justice next door –– a double courthouse and secure evidence/meeting space for attorneys (and rumor has it a secure media/reporting area also). Something BIG is coming....
Catherine Herridge covered this (and posted on Twitter) back when at CBS.
What's even crazier is that this base is on Cuban land. Why is that still happening despite our crazy restrictive sanctions on Cuba?
Stupid or odd
Long before the 1959 commie revolution in Cuba, the U.S. purchased an *indefinite lease* for that property in 1903, so 'we' were there first. Actually 'we' have been there since the 1898 Spanish-American war helping the island with it's fight for independence from Spain.
Do you think los Cubano comrades will pick a fight with U.S. military to take control of that little chunk of land –– or just talk macho and cash the check every year?
So it's ok for their lease to still be valid, even after they issued sanctions?
Wouldn't these sanctions negate any business?
It's pick and choose with our empire of bullshit and intimidation.
Not that the East is any better, but whatever happened to sovereignty?
Meanwhile a genocide is happening in the middle east with our support.
The UN seems to only really care about rights when it suits the empire.
That's why there's single veto power of a few to override everyone else.
Clown 🤡 world.
The Gnome deserves a fair and speedy trial, a just verdict and life imprisonment in a federal penitentiary.
He should be in the criminal ward of a state mental hospital, at the very least.
aw, that's too easy ... I think he deserves something far worse -- maybe a chain gang in China?
That works for me! Toiling in the noon-day sun, he'll last about 3 days....
As usual the points you make is is worth a reply. Yes by hanging.
I suspect Fauci is more of a patsy and snivelling middle manager (of the type who was rewarded and baited with fame, fortune and a grandiose sense of power) than a mastermind. The rest of the Operation Warpspeed team, and the people BEHIND that project must face justice too.
A thousand boosters, rather than "a thousand cuts" ?
Should Fauci receive the death penalty? - Yes.
Everything around us is big symbolic gestures today. Wildfires are climate change. Vaccines are lethal injections.
So we too should think in big sweeping symbolic gestures. If you con a few billion people into receiving a poison. You need to be publicly poisoned. It has to happen to stop another hundred years of similar disasters and to set a precedent so no one else will ever do it again.
Perhaps a 2-stage punishment: 5 years of pushing the boulder up the hill, wearing 3 masks and a combination of every kind of plastic PPE used during the fake plague; and with full knowledge that an ignominious public hanging awaits him at the end. Permanent suicide watch would be required. He doesn't get to do a Harold Shipman.
Now, what shall we do with Bill Gates?
Gates ... worse than vermin. I hope your imagination can guide us!!
Well said and yet…
Why cannot a Pardon be undone?
All Trump has to say to limit the despicable acts of 11th Hour Pardoning and last-minute Bills like stopping oil & gas exploration is for Trump to come out and say he will not only overturn Biden govt’s actions in these regards but also throw a clear strong spotlight onto any bureaucrat, any government worker and any influencer who has a hand in any of these last-minute acts of childish and predetermined acts of domestic terrorism.
That’s all he has to do - let it be known there are consequences to undermining a nation’s best interests and Judgement will have its Day.
The bible quote scene in Pulp Fiction comes to mind.
Thank you. My answer to the rhetorical question: Yes (although a fate similar to that of Fauci's Beagles would not disappoint me).
Anthony Fauci has been a bio-terrorist since the 1980s. He used AIDS to promote the profitable anti-remedy Remdesivir of that era, AZT. He effectively asserted that monogamous heterosexual couples were as vulnerable as promiscuous homoerotic males to acquiring HIV (and, hence, AIDS).
Nothing just was done about him in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, or 2010s. I do not expect much justice to be done now that he is the retired highest-paid "public servant" in Federal history.