Thank you, Emanuel, for this article written with palpable integrity that empathetically and accurately graphs this earthquake shaking time in New Zealand from which at least some are still feeling the aftershocks.

Thank you for caring so much and well as one of the few that upheld your Hippocratic Oath while almost all swore hypocritical ones and obeyed the State over their consciences--if they had any in the first place which the worldwide evidence for the Iatrogenic death toll is persuasive proof they did not.

However, I hope after witnessing the Covid1984 government made disaster you will begin to realize the political wisdom Robert Higgs dispenses below and join him, Mencken and me in not believing that the New Zealand government (or any other) can be held to account—which has never happened nor ever will.

“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs

“How Government works: 1.It breaks your legs. 2.It sells you a wheelchair at ten times the actual cost. 3.It taxes the wheelchair. 4.It regulates the use of the wheelchair. 5.It assures you that without government you wouldn’t be getting around so well.” Anonymous

“The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself…Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable.” H.L. Mencken

“No one rules if no one obeys” www.Voluntaryist.com

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Thanks Doc, just when you think most health professionals are ignorant, myoptic and unaware, one stands up to be counted, bravo!! PS, I once lived near the Hutt.

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Thanks. You are right about the shameful silence of doctors while the Medical Council (and PCC) investigates their colleagues for standing up .... actions such as doctors trying to import some ivermectin are still being investigated after all this time. Where is their moral courage and outrage?

Shocking silence while good doctors are being persecuted ..... history will see this as a shameful dark period for NZ.

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Yes, and a shameful dark period for the US, for Australia, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Philippines, Singapore... for so much of the world.

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Even though it was only a few years ago.

And I lived through it all too.

The walk down memory lane is welcome.

And more interesting from your perspective than my own.

I just sat there playing video games as I awaited more information, or the next top selling book – Covid and how we made a big fuss over nothing.

It was not long later though when I started to grow cautiously concerned.

The jab never made much sense to me.

Since when did we have a cure for the common cold?

Why is this even necessary?

What about less invasive more holistic solutions, not just at the patient level but systemically throughout the whole system. There were a lot of options on the table at this stage (or so I thought)

Anyone with a moderate interest in emergency management and the processes used should see that we ultimately need better community health, more staff, clinics and an open mind. There is no need to throw atomic bombs at something we could and should, firstly attempt to treat with spinach and optimism.

But then, suddenly I was wrong, everything I said was misinformation.

A term I had previously never really considered as a thing. There was just bad information and better information.

But I was in my mind just talking common sense, basic level health science. Basic level infectious disease.

Basic level system optimization. Mashing them together and trying to build a plan, a better plan.

Whilst 'they' were talking some eclectic brand of trust us, we are the high priests of experimental genotoxic substances and our gods are richer and more powerful than yours, and our gods say jabs are needed and necessary. But you can't ask them, or speak to them because we are the high priests and you are a mere peasant. Stay in your lane.

And so, I did what any relatively educated guy in his mid thirties would do. I reverted back into my teenage self and said.

F*ck off, wankers, shove those mandates up your ass.

I'll follow orders when you show me logic.

And to this day, I have yet to see a slither of logic and so my attitude has remained the same ever since. The end.

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A remarkable commentary, sir, and much appreciated.

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Thank you Dr Manny. It’s good to hear from you. Among other trials, tribulations and monstrosities, the wisdom, experience, skillsets and integrity departing the medical profession in NZ and OZ, over the COV regime is likely catastrophic in itself. There will need to be a weeding out of those remaining to find Physicians who regard their patients with utmost honourable regard.

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How much can we trust our institutions now, medical or governmental? Thank you for your kind words and commentary.

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We will know who those physicians are because they will have said or done something on the record in some way at some point in 2020-2022.

2023, too late.

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Thanks again. My latest concern is that there appears to be an effort to create stories that excuse the many wrongs inflicted on the world during the past three years.

We need voices like yours to remind those with short term memories or a need to reconcile the cognitive dissonance in their head that what was inflicted was wrong and not something to normalize and accept. This assault is far from over we need as many as possible to remain vigilant. It is our creativity and ability to shift to a better understanding and new ways of interacting with our fellow beings and the natural world that will eventually free us from this enslavement. The alternative conformity is not an attractive option. I realize for some blind obedience is comforting and hence part of the problem.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance but in a time when there are so many competing concerns hard to manifest. It seems that past methods to enact a response or change are less effective.

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We are in a deep trench fighting an irregular war against despicable institutions and unthinking mobs. But we must do what we can to remain strong in goodness, all of us.

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Is this the new beginning? The following is an extract from a post today by Moneycircus. The outcome from the many manipulations is not a given, it is hard to ascertain what tomorrow might look like never mind a year from now.

Details of discussions were of course not revealed, although Xi in his farewells ventured:

“The Change that is coming that hasn't happened in 100 years. And we are driving this change together. Where we are united there is now peace.”

To which Putin replied: “I agree.”

The two countries have condemned what they call an attempt to create a “unipolar world” controlled by Washington and in turn the U.S. jeered, Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying Xi’s visit suggested that “China feels no responsibility to hold the Kremlin accountable for the atrocities.”

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I guess it has been 100 years since certain nations changed their political outlook. More than 100 years, really. It's time for a reinvigoration. There should never be a unipolar world. We are not a unipolar species; therefore, living in a one-sided world would be debilitating for us.

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wonderfully written

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Good to know what's happening in New Zealand. Thank you for sharing - Canada is also not much better, but more and more are waking up, just hope they don't take their eyes of the ultimate endgame of tech enslavement https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/5-things-you-need-to-know-about-5g

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Really well written. Thank you and I applaud you for having the courage for standing by your beliefs and remaining strong under immense pressure. So many of us who did not capitulate paid a heavy price. In reality ,the fight has only just begun.

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You are right: we must continue to stay strong and counter these evil creeps. Thank you for your kind and perceptive words.

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Shocking, absolutely shocking. Thank you from across the pond.

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Hear hear and thank you for voicing the truth. May the “bad” doctors keep hanging their heads in shame if they have any dignity and decency left. Read Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) book to understand the control that is only going to get worse if we keep on behaving like complicit sheeple.

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Thank you for your kind comments and for bringing our attention to the WEF's quite transparent attempt to control everything and everyone

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Thank you for yet another informative essay, Doctor, and thank you for the link to Thomas Cranmer’s post regarding Medsafe’s clinical assessment of the Pfizer vaccine. It was eye opening! Medsafe reported on the lack of sufficient evidence that the vaccine offered protection, and also advised that “There is no long term safety follow-up information.” This last criteria is what reverberates most with me. We don’t know (or perhaps we are now beginning to learn) of the long term health disasters awaiting those who have been vaccinated. There exists an alliance of governments who have intentionally disregarded their obligation to protect their citizens by denying them informed consent; that’s the height of depravity.

As for “a patient who had, astoundingly enough, been discharged from hospital to a posh Wellington hotel,” a lady to whom you gave expert and humane care as you and a nurse pushed your way through an armed police force to retrieve her, that episode was reminiscent of the treatment of AIDS patients during the early days of the AIDS. Unfortunately, back then, the police response was somewhat similar: bullet proof vests, weapons, etc.

Here in the USA, for a covid patient to be removed from the hospital to a hotel was common practice. Perhaps this lady’s caretakers were copying the USA model, or perhaps the physicians treating her had already noticed some signs of mental distress and preferring to distance themselves rather than treat her, they isolated her and then some, expecting that psychiatry would eventually intervene to make things right. In these days of covid, there has been a widespread comorbid infection: the petrification of some physicians’ hearts. Luckily, this is not an infection that you, Doctor, will ever acquire – you have complete lifetime immunity from it.

Initially, here, and ESPECIALLY in New York City, once medical intervention had plateaued, covid patients were discharged to hotels and nursing homes a) because there was a shortage of ICU beds, and b) because it was cost effective to have patients recuperate in those places. Medical insurance and hospital care in the USA are very expensive, therefore it’s common for patients to finish recuperating elsewhere, particularly in nursing homes. This a lucrative source of income for nursing homes, who compete to admit recuperating patients. During 2020, the strategy backfired when patients, still infected with covid, began infecting the vulnerable elderly nursing home population; many of the elderly died. Death percentages went up artificially, officials were accused of corruption, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tried to cover up the matter. In my opinion, he gained financially from ordering that far too many covid patients be placed in nursing homes. He is, a murderer. He was never accused of accepting bribes, but eventually, he was forced to resign (for other reasons, ones that could be proven. However, I strongly suspect there was bribery involved at some level – what a travesty it is to profit from victims and illness)!

Regarding MAAC: It would be extremely interesting to know the names of those who make up the New Zealand MAAC. Is this a governmental organisation? If so, their names should be in the public record. Unless, of course, amongst their duties is included the art of international intrigue. Could they be part time spies? Or full time Prime Ministers?

From Thomas Cranmer’s information regarding the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine: “Medsafe is unable to recommend that this product be granted consent … The clinical evaluation, as assessed by Medsafe, was that the benefit risk balance of the vaccine was not clear because of data limitations. It was noted that there were several aspects of the data required to support quality, safety and efficacy that were not available at the time of completion of the evaluation.”

Despite Medsafe’s evaluation, the vaccine was made available. This is a testament to the immeasurable dichotomy existing between medicine and governmental policy regarding medicine. Obviously, everything, from medicine to personal freedom is under authoritarian scrutiny. We live in a time when so-called democratic governments are the source of lies and the protectors of silence and liars; governments persecute those on the side of the truth and protect global interests who are bent on amassing mega profits by exploiting humanity.

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Brilliant commentary, thank you very much!

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Thank you very much for this.

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Mar 22, 2023
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Thank you so much for your very kind words

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