Your writing and wisdom have gone a long way to maintaining my sanity. Thank you again for another rich and important post.

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thank you for these most encouraging words!

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I say the same.

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thank you, and thank you for the essential historical record you have been compiling!

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The unvaccinated are more traumatized than the vaxxed who, other than the few who realise that their broken bodies are caused by the shots, have moved on emotionally.

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"As I said to a friend the other day, I feel like I’m driving a car whose side and rear-view mirrors can’t be trusted, so that every time I need to change a lane I’ve got to swivel around. The histories and legacies handed down to us are largely lies. The once-authoritative media we depended upon have betrayed us in deepest consequence." Indeed!!!!

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But we were asleep at the wheel.

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kinda ... we all have a duty not to be complacent, but it's hard for people just trying to earn a living and get by

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Earning a living does that make us blind and stupid?

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Well, in my case, I gave up my job rather then be jabbed, but many people simply could not under the massive propaganda pressure honed over decades and reaching a culmination with covid. Most people are barely making it and really don't know much about what's going on generally. It doesn't exonerate them but we have to understand why the propaganda worked so well taking advantage of this.

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As you so rightly write " massive propaganda honed over DECADES" if people in these decades have not seen what is happening, will they ever? And keep watching TV and reading the propaganda newspapers are they interested at all in what is happening, or will she just be right?

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That's why the idiot boxes are getting bigger and bigger and always on sale; all the better to keep the zombies brainwashed.

And it will never be "Just Right". The next test is "Chook/Moo Flu" being ramped up in the western countries. Watch this space for more psychopathic propaganda. These pond scum illusionists are getting desperate!

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Next time round there will be no excuse, however. We have all been given a wake-up call, even those asleep at the wheel!

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Last night at the evening lying news ,there was a palaver going that the reports of previously non existing sickness is long Covid ,that may last to the end of your life . To prevent long COVTD you must get the boosters now .After this avalanche of lies ,there was a demonstration of a victim taking the shot in a clinic . That mega lie was presented at 6 pm the 7th .of June ,in the city of Vancouver Canada .

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I have no words except that this is what we should expect from these criminals. The truth will out, and maybe a mass-conversion event will occur, for the good?

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"To prevent long covid you must get the boosters"-- alas, so many people fell for this. I am oft reminded of what Dr. Michael Palmer said in a rally speech back in 2021:

"Now the question is, how many injections will it take to kill the average person? We don't know that yet. The only good news in this regard is that our prime minister, Justin Trudeau, already pre-ordered I think it was 6 vaccinations overall for every one of us, and he bought some, he bought some options for the next ones after that. So the government seems to be reasonably confident that after 6 vaccinations some of us will still be alive and might need some additional killing before, before we actually finally get out. On the other hand, he didn't preorder 20 doses. Right? So I guess they figure it will be somewhere in the range between 5 to 10." [ Source: https://rumble.com/vo7vv3-dr-michael-palmer-shares-excellent-information-102421.html and full transcript https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/105313.html ]

Seems to me the peeps who are still going in for boosters are getting close to 10 injections now. Based on what I've seen in my personal circles, most of the ones who are still apparently healthy after 1, 2 ,or even 3 shots have quit and now don't want to talk about it. The ones I know who took 4 or 5 and quit have some health issues they didn't have prior to the shots. My personal perception is that their energy is "off," somehow "buzzy," "grey" and chaotic. The ones I know who continue to take boosters have some serious issues, e.g., cancer, cardiac problems, neurological damage, autoimmune issues, and/ or dementia / brain fog. There's no saying anything to them; they, and their doctors, seem to have crazy-glued themselves to the covidian conveyor belt.

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crazy-glued them to the covidian conveyor belt -- brilliant!

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Well said Doc ...

But ... our 'hourglass' is running down fast ... and every time someone 'shakes the tree' ... the people destroying us ... 'shake another tree' ... and ramp up their 'endgame' ... which they have us well and truly 'strapped into' ...

Their war on Trump tells us a lot ... it tells us they are just as desperate to stop him ... as they were to stop JFK ... and they will assassinate him if they need to ... but it also tells us that things are 'touch and go' ... and Trump would already be 'sleeping with fishes' if they planned for an election in Nov ...

Everything says ... WWIII ... economic/financial devastation ... another 'plandemic' ... in any order ... but all in 'short' order ... before Nov ...

There is a war ... to poison our bodies ... but very few realize that ... 'deviously brilliant persuasions' is a great description ... but, again ... who's listening?

Christopher Luxon certainly isn't ... nor is our MSM ... our police ... our barristers ... our doctors ... our dumb-ass teachers ... I have sent two dozen emails to Luxon in the last few weeks, and forwarded most of them to hundreds of the above ... I don't pull any punches ... but I haven't had any emergency notifications on my phone telling me all 'vaccines' are 'suspended' in NZ yet ...

The heartrending 'turbo cancer' stories in our newspapers ... almost daily now ... still aren't awakening our brain dead MSM ... and Nov is approaching fast ...

You said you thought America might come to it's senses ... and I'm sure anyone who has seen a few of Tucker Carlson's interviews since he left Fox ... must be waking up ... his interview with Thomas Massie being just one 'eye opener' as to who is actually controlling America ...

I told Christopher Luxon in my latest email ... that America is 'captured' ... and has been for a century ...

All of my emails should have set his hair on fire ... but he seems to have less brains than hair ...

And I don't think there will be a US election in Nov ...


Time is not on our side ... 'deviously brilliant persuasion' is on theirs ...


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would 'like' but SS has removed my ability to like comments, others report this problem too. Thanks for your comments. best from OR

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I am one of those others, Ms. Sauriol. The ability to "like" takes the form of a redirect. The "like button" is a link, and it has been diverted into a database gateway that rejects connection attempts; a firewall of sorts.

There have been many hacks attempted on the Substack platform itself, some successful, others not so much. In due time, the redirect we are experiencing will be identified as whatever malicious software it logically results from.

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this is terrible news .... what the heck is going on at substack?

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The parsimonious explanations are the first two speculations, the rather dodgy and paranoia-adjacent (but not entirely incredible) speculation the last;

A) growing pains with random glitches coincidentally attaching to specific user IDs

B) an advertising browser hijacking rootkit of some sort, downloaded by individual users who may have followed some commentator's link to a malware-infested site

C) A concerted effort to identify specific regular commentators across multiple platforms, targeting them with malicious redirect software designed to reduce interaction and influence. Interestingly, the redirect does not affect participation in Discourse or any other online platform, only Substack.

I would reject this third possibility our-of-hand, but the revelations of tech industry jiggery-pokery (verified objectively and via multiple sources) since 2015, influence me to at least keep an open mind. Substack defied multiple censorship attempts, at no small risk to its continuing existence. it is not beyond the bounds of reason to consider "reach limitation" a least a remote possibility.

It would be incipient megalomania to consider myself sufficiently influential to warrant the personal attention of some tech bro doing this. Rather, the hypothesis includes some variant of "who knows what lurks within today's algorithms."

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To get Claudia in Mexico, only some 38 contenders were murdered.

That said, when will Jacinda go to the dock?

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Most will go along to get along. But if there is not get along they won’t go along.

It’s up to you and me to prove that there’s no get along.

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Jun 8Edited

I see it from a different perspective, Doc.

Like an Entomologist studying the feeding and mating habits of the Black Widow spider, you are a trained professional, trained to confront dead-eyed, murderous psychopaths without flinching or succumbing to their influence.

More generally, your malady isn't masochism. It is (or was) the honest myopia shared by a plurality of your colleagues, a myopia induced by projecting the assumption of your own integrity and kindness onto your entire profession.

It's unacceptable to do so, but entirely forgivable.

I watched a clinical psychologist repeatedly manipulate business owners into deeply discounting the money he owed them for work properly performed, work he had agreed to pay for in advance and at the stated amount. Even after having been informed of the precise methodology of those manipulations, the business owners repeatedly fell prey to the machinations, which contributed heavily to the failure of their enterprise.

I watched a clinical psychologist recruit street people into public health subsidy application for the purpose of buying their payment vouchers for a few cents on the dollar, rewarding many of those street people with benzo prescriptions issued by a collaborating psychiatrist with full knowledge of his complicity with the scheme.

I also saw how those street people's already-precarious lives were utterly destroyed thereby.

I watched a psychiatrist treat episodic melancholy with ever-increasing dosages of SSRIs, inducing a progression to severe clinical depression, increasing dosage again while ignoring the early symptoms of schizophrenia, increasing the dosages even further to multiple psychotic breaks and eventual hospitalization.

The patient has never fully recovered.

I also watched an honest and caring MFCC come to the realization that her earlier referrals of dysphorics to psychiatrists and gender clinics, resulted in their medical castration, lifetime ill health and an increase in their suicidal ideation and attempts.

So, too, have I observed decent, caring psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists help innumerable sufferers to a measurably better life.

You share one thing with the last two above examples; an overwhelming need and desire to help alleviate the abject misery of those who suffer.

You're not an outlier in that, by any means, but there's one other notable trait you have shared with the sincere folks I describe above; a naive set of assumptions regarding the motives of others for their entry into the mental health industry.

To be clear, those a priori assumptions are baked into the training as the essential tools they are for achieving positive treatment outcomes. The problem lies with their promiscuous application outside of treatment parameters.

I say all of this, not with disdain or as a vehicle for undue criticism of you, personally, but with sincere appreciation and respect for what you've been doing to mitigate harm and assist others in understanding how to navigate the perilous waters of recent events.

Thanks for being you.

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Thank you for this extraordinary commentary ... so many important points you make and which are much appreciated. In my practice long ago I treated a woman who had been given increasing doses of fluoxetine -- until she threw herself into a river. I took her off the poison.

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Yes Dr Manny, thank you as ever.

I'm increasingly optimistic, absolutely not complacent. It's a soul thing. Solutions in the physical realm to me include Immunotec.com (glutathione), and the 'evolutionary split' between those who prefer the world of lies and nasty ways of dying poisoned and enslaved (what's new), and those open to spiritual transcendence. Whatever anything actually is (I believe vibrations and frequencies) we likely come around again until we've learned and sensed enough of this illusory physical experience. Love and gratitude, Alan

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You touch on a profound point ... I've heard this from several close friends that the only real solution is living in goodness at the core. For what it's worth I also happen to believe we have to fight tooth and nail too. Thank you.

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Well said Emanuel, as always! I would love to see you write more about both sides of this psychological war against humanity. Both 'their' strategies, and the psychology of how people accept this strategy...

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I will try ... I have long been pondering an article on 'groups' and what emerges from institutional groups. I'm reminded of the saying that people lose their wits in droves all of a sudden but only regain them singly.

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I forwarded you a link (by David Hughes) in another comment that delves into this dynamic, I believe. Here again:


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G'day NZD, it's one of the fortunate leprous vermin here. It's not a bad club to be a member of & Jesus didn't mind the lepers, so I'm just fine with it. Their hand has been over played & they know it. I'm completely with you, sometimes in this life you just have to "muscle up" to the tyrants.👍🇦🇺

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beautiful, thank you

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In case no one else has mentioned it ... the documentary 'Epidemic of Fraud' highlights the evil Fauci is a part of ... it is well worth a watch ...

Their conclusion ... at least their 'public' conclusion ... is the US11+ trillion 'Covid' fraud is 'the biggest heist in history' ... but I'm sure most Substackers will know that the money involved is just part of 'The Great Taking' (another documentary/book all should see) ... almost incidental to the genocide really going on ...

I will be sending Christopher Luxon another email tomorrow ... I really can't fathom the idiocy of those running our country ... and the fog of evil they are allowing to engulf us ... I doubt they will have clicked on the link I sent them last week to 'Epidemic of Fraud' ... yet the evil controlling America is obvious, and palpable ...

You will find both docos on 'Rumble'


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Epidemic of Fraud is superb, I've recommended it to everyone. It was sickening watching the parade of liars ....

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"And with a little bit of luck we yet may fashion a world where peace and good trump fear and war."


Now, if we can hold the edge on evil and its caricature of 'science' that would be a fine place to begin. The masquerade seen in the Yale Study, "Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions" James et al. (2021), Vaccine, should eventually stand as a sentinel for all.

Perhaps, when a majority awaken sufficiently to the notion that they have nothing left to lose, perhaps when one individual after another regains their sanity, perhaps when politicians, and the legion of bureaucratic, legal, academic and medical practitioners attached to the coat tails of compliance welded to several globalist narratives begin to wander away from their state of 'disaffectation', perhaps then we will see 'luck' crystallised? Let us pray for that.

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My only hope is that the legions of the honest and clear thinking among us will recognize one another and form effective associations that will overcome the antisocial and psychopathic leaders among us.

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that is indeed essential! Thank you. And our associations must be self-nourishing -- we've got to take care of each other practically and emotionally.

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Thanks for this one.

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Well, it certainly played out as you describe. The most discouraging aspect of it all was realizing how effective the propaganda has been, and how thoroughly so many minds have become disabled as a result. With most of those I actually deal with still in thrall to the deception, and still defending the nonsense. No wonder the same tactics are being repeated in the current god-awful geopolitical circus that now holds the public’s attention. As many of our public intellectuals also bought into the con, it appears that what we commonly call intelligence has little to offer in the face of this persuasive phenomenon. More a failure of the self-preservation instinct. The biblical Eye of the Needle running in reverse?

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It was extravagantly effective, the most brilliantly devious propaganda in many ways. But not everyone bought in!

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Tysvm for your work. A tribute to the unvaxxed; https://rumble.com/v50dyrn-from-infowars-a-message-to-the-unvaccinated.html

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