I can easily imagine them being put onto a brochure similar to those promoting Reality Check Radio which you can find here and there. Unfortunately it's probably a bit late for that as most people have 'moved on (sic), but maybe an idea worth hanging on to.
What were the answers?
A brilliant list of very cogent questions.
I can easily imagine them being put onto a brochure similar to those promoting Reality Check Radio which you can find here and there. Unfortunately it's probably a bit late for that as most people have 'moved on (sic), but maybe an idea worth hanging on to.
Thanks again for sterling work Anthony.
For giggles 😃 😀 https://odysee.com/@Shit_happeNZ:a
G'day NZD, here's a partial list from a couple of super dangerous, lying, delusional, paid off, did I say lying, anyway lying, inept, manipulative, "professionals" from around about that period of time from John's Hopkins, which,hopefully, will be burnt down & rebuilt by reputable people of the real medical profession. Regards Roc 😃 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/2019-novel-coronavirus-myth-versus-fact