Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

As someone who does drafting, I was lucky enough to learn it by pencil and paper first then transitioned to computer assisted drafting, or as its called, CAD. In it, you work in a virtual space that is technically large enough as to be unlimited. You can draw or model a huge stadium, or a tiny circuitboard, all in real size. You can zoom out so the stadium is but a pinprick in size, or zoom in so far that the circuitboard seems like a giant landscape. And you can erase them both with a click. So what is lost in doing CAD from hand drafting is, imo, any REAL human 'sense of scale' and 'sense of caution'. The scale itself is accurate, but rather, the humans ability to really grasp exactly how big or small an object is quite compromised. Process time is compressed. This is what I call 'computer graphics and design' issues. Objects designed in this virtual world are divorced from the laws of nature until after they are designed and fabricated. It is a serious problem, and 'computer simulations' are divorced from reality similarly. It's little wonder they have contributed to the mess we are currently in. Our ability to design and make beautiful things has not been improved with CAD and computers. It ain't real in there.

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a fascinating comment ..... they are trying to divorce us from our essence. I understand that kids in school aren't being taught how to write by hand now ... if true, that wouldn't be a surprise. Thank you for your response.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I really appreciated reading this. Thank you.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Points to humanity losing the essence of humanness in the manifestation of forever unlocking higher achievements, but for God, who has ultimate control, despite what man might think. No need to dispair, all will be revealed at the right time. Meanwhile we do our bit to keep our humble, open hearts towards our fellow man and our maker.

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losing our essence, our good essence -- maybe even ALL of our essence good and evil with their machinations .... sigh. Thank you for your comment and the reminder to remain humble and open.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you re the danger of losing the essence of humanness. So many wise people have warned us of this down the many generations. Are we really unlocking higher achievements?

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Thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to comment!

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The battle for hearts and minds was always a military strategy. Now with this technology its no longer a battle and the heart is ignored.

Its purely focused on mind control.

Graphene is a relative newcomer and just another additive that allows the speeding up of all the processes. A superconductor that has incredible data transfer rates. The blue fibres being found in our blood, sputum , urine, semen and skin are used for this purpose, have a definitive polarity and what appears dendritic at one end . This is a bio synthetic nano tech development that has been well documented and traced back at least 18 years now.

With the human mind now at the forefront of this undeclared, sneaky, cowardly, hidden, evil and Machiavellian war on humanity it behooves us all to listen to those experts who understand the deeper functions of the brain. This includes the likes of Peter Breggin , Len Ber and others who have stepped forward bravely, like your good self.

A recent interview that Len Ber MD conducted with another good doctor was explaining the real purpose behind the "Brain Fog" that so many are noticing. Apparently its for A.I. to be able to keep up with the processes within the brain. This makes logical sense to me as a layman and helps explain the necessity of all the intentional neurological damage being done today.

Just another wee piece of this massive jigsaw puzzle.

Thank You stepping up, as so few do for us all, Sir.

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Matt forgive me for weighing in below you as I cannot access my own posting box.


Emanuel, thank you. Beautiful beautiful post ❤️


Hundreds, thousands, millions of years ago,

I walked this earth.

Feet on the ground, bare in the snow, naked in the rain.

I am older than the hills, worn down by time, rounded, softened.

I knew the warmth of love, for a time.

The brutality and betrayal of man.

I cried so many tears I was swept away by the furious currents as they curved around rocks, descending someplace unknown, spilling over my banks at times when I couldn't find my way.

My breath constricted, hardened, lost in my chest.

My grief was forgotten, denied, unseen.

I am older than the hills, layers and layers hardening through time.

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very beautiful, thank you so much!

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you're welcome, thank you so much ❤️

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Hi Elizabeth, No Forgiveness required. Beautiful words.

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Thank you Matt. ❤️

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and thank you for a positively brilliant commentary!!!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

A thorough and compelling exposition of our current dilemma.

It has been noted through the ages that there is a gulf between the domains of knowledge and wisdom, with the later often in short supply. We need the insights of metaphysics to balance out the materialist equation, but the present popular zeitgeist leaves little room for the exploration and understanding of those mysteries. Our species approaches a self-generated great reckoning, and the outcome is simply unknowable at this point. It's all exhausting. The curse of Exciting Times?

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well put ... you know, I don't think it's so exciting after all, I think these creeps and their machinations are boring, utterly boring. If there is excitement it will come when we put a stop to these bums.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Indeed. “Exciting” in the sense that it keeps the population on edge - how much will worse will it get (rhetorically)?

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Again you summarize beautifully and leave room for conversation.

I would like to present a possible starting point for an answer to your questions. It’s taken me a lifetime of searching to discover and refine my position of understanding so I apologize for the lengthy response. I haven’t published anything yet and my objective is to be relevant so I may leave room for further discussion.

From every perspective I think there is a need to be assured that the foundation of science and the extension into society is firm and trustworthy. Science and mathematics have recently become more important than music , art, literature and religious thought. In effect they have formed their own religion, one that does not allow the foundation to be questioned. I personally believe that all the educational disciplines form the foundation of understanding together and have discovered something disruptive and disturbing to present .

For most of us life is primarily experienced through our eyes, and as you have pointed out that is where the disbelief in the IOT rests, in the apparent invisibility of the nanoscale phenomenon. Frequency, radiation, energy these are all the things that tie the fore mentioned disciplines together.

At this point some may dismiss what I am about to write because it opens up the religious creation account as part of a valid reasonable discussion. The Bible says that God is light and that He alone holds all things together and since light is comprised of frequency, radiation, energy I logically assert that we need to be certain of how we understand light and how we measure it because by extension our understanding of light comprises everything we know visibly .

I am not proposing that biblical text answers all questions in science or should be viewed as a scientific text, far from it. I believe that science and biblical text don’t have to disagree at all and am very concerned that we don’t have rational explorations and discussion in this matter as a part of higher learning.

While searching for a rational explanation of how it might be possible for ancient biblical text and modern scientific studies to actually agree I discovered that censorship and deception has occurred in the standardization of the speed of light measurement. This information shakes the foundations of how we understand almost everything in the scientific literature.

Until the 1980’s it was common for light speed tests to be conducted and recorded in various methods and by many scientists, but as the desire for consensus and the furtherance of funding into institutions demanded a certainty of outcomes , the decision was made to standardize the speed of light and deny any further publication that might question the accuracy of data related to light speed.

Here is the problem, although it appeared by selecting only the most recent light speed experiments that the speed of light is a constant standard, looking at the whole of the tests and published results that is not accurate and since we only have a few hundred years of testing data to work with it is dangerously presumptive to establish a foundation on narrowly selected data. Most people would not believe this happens in science except that we have been seeing it far too often with the corona and climate narratives. The few scientists who have tried to open the conversation have been censored and ignored - sound familiar?

Rupert Sheldrake did a Ted talk and it was removed from the archives, I discovered a very detailed explanation beginning in 1984 by Australian scientist Barry Setterfield. He has continued to refine the arguments and data looking to reconcile the published statistical evidence for over 20 years. Not enough intelligent minds are currently looking for evidence and no funding is ever coming from godless wealthy elites because I believe they are seeking knowledge on how to avoid the certainty of death and judgement described in the Bible. No I don’t want to get into a persecution complex by saying this, although it’s a very provable fact that believers in Christ have been and still are the most persecuted of all beliefs globally.

So here is how I understand the scientific evidence, and it has become the single most important evidence that I consider scientifically to be of the source driving the tyrannical oppression and exploitative experiments that we are continuing to experience.

The speed light in relation to other known laws of physics is indeed slowing down, although the ability to measure this effect has required measurements of smaller and smaller amounts based on the published data it has an appearing exponential rate of slowing. This does not change everything we know in science, but it does impact greatly scientific dating in archaeology, radioactive isotope analysis, and the established age of celestial bodies. The yet undebated theory proposes that a sort of big explosion origin occurred and matter began moving away from a central point very rapidly, so rapidly in fact that it would only have taken thousands of years or so for the furthest star to reach its current location. Celestial bodies continue to move out in expansion as we continue to say the universe is expanding, this is an observed fact today, but maybe not as rapidly as it began.

Geological evidence dating would need a much larger amount of uncertainty in measurements and the fossil record would need to be completely altered, millions or billions could be thousand of years instead.

Currently many inconvenient studies are discarded for more than a century, scientists who perform them are not supported and published because they don’t agree with scientific consensus and I think if we really are curious and open minded to allow inquiries about truth the consensus will continue to unravel.

For my entire life I’ve had to listen to experts tell me I am just plain wrong and ignorant to believe the things written in the Bible , and if you’re still reading this and have not rejected my position yet, please consider it worth some time to investigate. There are a lot of fact checkers out there who have written that light speed is not slowing down and you may have to avoid google as a search engine, but if you need help finding the studies I will gladly share a few links. However I did not just add a bunch of links because I think that this inquiry needs to be sincere, comments and questions are as always welcome, if you have evidence that I should consider share it as well. I am not an expert with letters behind my name , but I can read and understand well enough to engage in civil debate on almost any issue.

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That is a fascinating and illuminating essay in response, thank you. Of the many points you note I'll call attention to the fact that some physicists have put forth ideas that constants and physical laws themselves have changed and evolved ... thank you so much

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Thank you for replying, I have been cautiously optimistic that the absolute push for a complete divorce of science and Judeo-Christian faith would stop and that the antagonist approach from both sides would stop. Likely it won’t as long as we continue to have such division in politics as well, seems that it is easier to raise funds when you have an enemy to focus on… a subtle reminder that you can’t serve two masters , God or money.

However thanks to the explosion of independent journalism and research I am currently focusing on raising awareness among those who are exiting mainstream thought , even within the organizations of evangelical church in the more affluent nations in which there is a sense that you can teach and worship without having to rationally work out the divorce that has happened with science as if faith expressions will survive the onslaught of the globalist agenda. Evidently the jab mandates and persuasions have proved otherwise, church leaders folded and joined the religious zeal of novel injections without a sense of the hypocrisy their lack of faith displayed. The ignorance of what trusting the science did as a form of testing for much greater oppression to come, is evidence that most professing believers in Jesus/God are woefully unaware and unprepared. Honestly a lot of what is being preached about ‘end time tribulation’ is full of errors, assumptions and misinformation, so I say this to individuals in both science and faith- you need greater clarity and wise discernment, it is desperately needed for the consensus to be questioned on both sides of this religious divorce from science.

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Here's an interesting video with an interview with Heinz von Foerester explaining that things changed from science to "systemics".


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That is very enlightening -- thank you very much.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

The Internet of Bodies, hooked up to the cloud and controlled like the comuter game, The Sims, is where we are heading. The plandemic was to put enough fear into everyone to roll up their sleeves. The WHO has declared 2020 as the decade of vaccines. Of course, they need to get the children from birth and want all vaccines changed to this platform. It's of no consequence to them about injuries and deaths as they experiment with ingredients and doses - just acceptable collateral damage whilst perfecting technique. Governments are selling the idea that our bodies can be monitored by sensors and AI used to detect anomalies before any physical symptoms manifest and solutions brought to body to correct it. It all sounds so wonderful, doesn't?

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A.I. also just happens to remove the small problem of conscience that held up the progress of past genocides.

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a brilliant point

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so wonderful ... you've succinctly and eloquently summed this travesty up for us, thank you so much.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

What is the actual human benefit -- or harm -- of the current "wonders" of math and science?


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Ah, I'm glad you found your way to this article by my good friend Ed Curtin, whom I am hoping to interview soon -- thank you! We were discussing numbers before he posted his essay ... it got me thinking.

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Love both of your work.

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 Biden signs executive order designed to unleash transhumanist hell on America and the world: 2022

“We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers…including through computing tools and artificial intelligence…“


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I can't wait until his and his faction are deposed

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

The problem is that the US is run by a uniparty. There is actually zero difference between Republicans and Democrats. They're the tools of the Deep State that is behind perpetual wars around the globe. The US is a Plutocracy where corporations and bought politicians use citizens as slaves. You read that right, I mean SLAVES - 1 million homeless on the streets of America and growing!

The new slaves class works two jobs to make the ends meet, pays taxes to the imperial government to be used to fund Big Pharma that in turn kills them intentionally and there is NOBODY to protect them from these global predators.

Nobody has ever proved that any "vaccines" are "Safe & Effective", but in the army you have at least 9 required "vaccines" and your children are not allowed to attend school without taking at least 6 "vaccines". God alone knows why....

I mean Kissinger knows why!!!

 2009 – WHO Eugenics Speech by Kissinger

Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"


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Yes I agree ... but I have hopes that a very important culminating point is approaching that will restore the Republic, from a populist outsider and his faction. It's going to be rocky as hell soon but there are good guys working behind the scenes. Or so I dearly hope.

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People in the resistance are working hard, but the CIA/NSA/DOD and the Supreme Court work hand in hand with the global predators. The first group is in charge of killing trouble makers and the Supreme Court ensures that government crimes cannot end up in a court room...

That's the drama that's unfolding ring now.

 Not a Single Court in the Western World Is Willing to Examine the Covid-19 Evidence. “Crimes against Humanity” Revealed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


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I think some other things are brewing behind the curtain. Stay tuned.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Take a trip outside the confines of mainstream science:



"Imagine how the world will change when humanity realizes it's interconnectedness with all life"

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absolutely fascinating -- thank you for this, I had no idea about it.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

You are truly welcome. 'Professor' Nassim has been thinking, imagining, researching, teaching 'outside the box' for a very long time. His Unification work is a master-key to saving society from itself...

such a great quote:

"Learn to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else" Leonardo DaVinci

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Great article, Doc! And great question to end with.

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thank you for reading and commenting! Much appreciated

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Medical science would be better off if medical doctors left statistics to scientists.

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indeed! Thank you for your pithy comment ... mean real scientists unlike the real phoney Fauci

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

aka Faux Chi

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Fauci has never been a scientist. Medical doctors are near the bottom of the heap of doctorates.

Fauci got his MD in 1966, and after completing an internship and residency in internal medicine, he joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases's (NIAID) Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI).

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you said it

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Very absorbing essay! From my journal (and I can only hope this has something to do with what you were getting at, but it's what the essay elicited from me):

Thought for the day: science, as I see it (and I suppose I could be wrong) works under the assumption that there exists a determinate reality (determinate here meaning: ordered and therefore predictable), apart from our perceptions and categorizations of it, or language about it, that is intelligible to the conscious human mind even if we have to use perceptions, language, and categorizations to describe it to ourselves. Those who do not believe this at some level, aren’t motivated to “do” science. That said, even if you are not a Christian, is it even possible to look at the state of current industrial (post-industrial?) civilization, with its structural features in addition to its history of grabs for power by specific sociopathic individuals, and not get the impression that something is deeply wrong with human nature itself, something very fundamental, something that has thrown us significantly out of alignment with the rest of the determinacy that is reality (which therefore appears alien and hostile to us if we’re fully honest about it)? Something about us that we can’t simply “fix” by ourselves by formulating the right psychological or sociological theories and applications, any more than we can “fix” industrial civilization by voting “the right people” into power?

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That is a wonderful extension and elucidation of the issue -- beautifully put - thank you!

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Hi Emanuel. I am a kind of polyglot who likes to have knowledge and comprehension of all things. A lot of answers come down to asking the right question. I have a discovery that is in your area of expertise that I would like to ask you about. I have found a way to use exogenous hormones to replicate the benefits of using young blood to gain rejuvenation and regeneration, without the need to use any blood. This is a totally new idea, and your knowledge and openminded views might help me identify the best use for this discovery. I do have some ideas, but this is a new way of understanding hormone activity that doctors dont currently have, and is not conventional understanding. I hope you are interested enough to reply. It is not quite the meaning of life, but it does give some insights into the nature of aging and longevity.

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I'd be eager to learn more about it, for sure, thank you

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I have been using this hormone treatment for 19 years now, and have only had good results. Everything about hormone treatment is controversial, so I have avoided saying much to anyone. I discussed my results with Dr Tessa Jones, who first prescribed the hormones, but it seemed to be outside her scope of training. I have made lots of progress since then. If I use Growth Hormone and Transdermal Testosterone the right way, I can make the hormone activity identical to my natural activity, but the GH dose is very specific. I discovered this result by accident when I ended up using these 2 medicines, and I think it was serendipity that I was sick enough to notice the effects. My results point to another layer of hormone activity that relates to hormone sensitivity, not just testosterone levels. I found the Growth Hormone dose was critical for continued results, and after 10 years of results with the click dispenser, I determined that I could alternate dose sizes to end up with an average of 3.8 units of HGH. This creates a synergy between GH and Testosterone that treated all my symptoms. I got a tick bite in Nepal in 1987, and by 2004 I was sick enough to be getting Herxheimer symptoms, that was caused by hormone disruption from Lyme infection. The greatest benefit was neurological brain recovery, but the benefits for Herxheimer symptoms was bodywide. The treatment seems relatively safe, and older men who are getting early Alzheimers or Dementia should be trying it to prevent neurological decline. It costs me about $100 a week, but I would be dead without it. Healthy old people are better off without it, but I have discovered a relationship between hormones and Chi. Optimum hormone activity provides optimum Chi, but as we age hormone activity becomes less optimum, providing less Chi, and that is why young blood actually works. By replacing hormone levels in perfect balance I can get normal Chi levels and repair all degenerative conditions, including boosting immunity. And there are no side effects with using bio-identical hormones. I know it is a bit of a hassle using rub-on testosterone, but I have found that location counts, and rubbing the testosterone on affected areas concentrates the hormone/chi benefits in that area. My doctor told me that was unknown, but by rubbing the cream on my neck or head in the hour after HGH injection, I have clearly felt the brain benefits quite rapidly. The only way to know for sure is for people at risk to try it. There is plenty more to explain from the last 35 years of getting sick, but you might have some questions.

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This is fascinating ... send me an email, I have a few questions to ask you. missingstrad@gmail.com

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

"Who’s running this show? And, ultimately, to what purpose?"

been thinking about this a lot more than usual lately. i put up something like this on amy sukwan's board - maybe nobody is running the show. maybe it's a bot

maybe the cabal are so effete and out of touch that they would entrust their warmaking to a GIGO machine?

i look at the DEW destruction on maui and see a very surgical strike, but one with consistent errors, like a machine would make. the untouched blue umbrellas and roofs for example. atomic bomb level destruction without the fallout. could happen anywhere.

why? catherine austin fitts and alison mcdowell have unpacked this more articulately than i can. basically, the paper assets bubble is about to burst, the cabal want to seize hard assets and do their gambling on us with social credit scores and human capital bonds.



we know how 90% of technology was either designed specifically for warfare or is warfare-adjacent. since the beginning of the human species, our path to discovery IMO has been brain-centric and not holistic (we have cognitive cells in the heart, digestive tract and reproductive system for example). until we move toward a more heart-centric and spiritual system of discovery and what to do with those discoveries, we are in for a rough road

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wonderful ruminations and yes, why wouldn't these creeps at the top 'entrust' their agenda to a machine? Thank you for this very illuminating response.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc


Here’s a model for a better future: www.nottwoispeace.org/com

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Thank you for this wonderful resource!

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