if you want to break the cycle of leftist abuse, their green land/resources grab scams, nukes for Iran, failing public schools & rising crime deals, open borders for criminals & reparations vote buying garbage, vote TRUMP 2024.

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“A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman thinks of the next generation.”

~ James Freeman Clarke

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“It is not for nothing that our age cries out for the redeemer personality – for the one who can emancipate himself from the grip of the collective psychosis and save at least his own soul –– whose light is as a beacon of hope for others, proclaiming that here is at least one man who has succeeded in extricating himself from the fatal identity with the group psyche” ~ Carl Jung

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I was completely apolitical. It seemed obvious to me that all politicians were corrupt or corruptible. I could hear it in their voices. Same with the main stream media. Nails on a chalkboard.

I erroneously thought that yes, politicians are a twisted bunch, but our Constitution stands strong against them. 2020. I was wrong. Very wrong. Politics is in everything and our Constitution has been weakened over the decades by people like me, who didn't think it need protection.

We must all be involved; local, local, local.

My dad did try to warn me. Oh pops, I am sorry. I should have listened.

I hope I'm not too late.

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When discussing JFK, always be wary of falling for the disinformation (lies), propaganda and baseless smears. There are many ways to kill a man and the CIA are masters of all the black arts. What better way to destroy the hopes and ideals of the countless millions of good people who looked up to JFK than to paint him as an amoral, drug addled, womanising, plagiarist (there is no end to their lies). Judge the man through your own assessment of his intellect, his magnificent speeches and his courage. Read Jim Douglass’ “JFK & The Unspeakable” to truly understand the battle between good and evil. JFK was unable to be bought because of his independent wealth and his personal morality could only be asserted post mortem. JFK knew that his greatest enemy was the Establishment: knowing assassination would likely be his lot, yet he carried on regardless - as did Bobby. Let us hold on to our heroes - for they have none. NZDSOS are likewise heroes and will face the same attacks as any who dare to challenge the powers that should not be.

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I have read Douglass ... and I love JFK, but he was human and had human failings, as we all do. I hope to live to see his promise to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces come true!

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I found it interesting that Biden said that he would retire, but the threat posed by Trump was so great, that he needed to stay on as president. Democrats seem to be caught between paranoia, and obsessive behaviour, and appear to have deluded views on Trump that are pathological. I dont think that Harris is presidential material.

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All 100% correct. However, the cackler does not qualify since being an anchor baby of two foreigners (India and Jamaica).

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Funny you should mention Kamala's cackle, cos I deleted my comment about that. It sounds like a very clannish and witchy cackle, and if Jacinta Ardern had cackled like that, she never would have become Prime Minister. Trump doesnt do that.

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Trump didn't drain the swamp. He brought in the older neocons.

Perhaps he was forced to do this. Fine. But then, he acted like everything was fine with them until later where Bolton started beef with him.

Same with the lockdowns and operation warp speed shots.

He played distracted on stage while Birx and Fauci pushed the lockdowns which he later claimed to be against.

I'm not sure about this shooting incident.

It is quite odd that they let him stand up when the protocol is to keep the president covered until they can be sure it's clear out there. But hey it's a great idea to take that photo and Photoshop a flag above them (which is upside down 😂).

I'm not nihilistic but if Trump keeps doing what he did in his term, he's the distraction. That would explain why they did ridiculous stupid show trials etc. Build up the story, just like he did in wrestling!

Or perhaps he can become honest and start the ball rolling to clean up the mess of the lost trust as a result of covid.

I think the ptb expected covid to make people afraid and fall into a society like in the movie V for Vendetta which also started with some disease. But that one was really dangerous, meanwhile we got the hyped up flu 😂.

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You neglected to mention the third side in the election ,RFK Jnr. I think there is great hope there . The "machine" has tried very hard to make him go away. which to me is a good sign he is not the usual candidate with deep state/ corporate backing.

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I like Bobby Jr very much but he's not up to the task of really draining the swamp. Plus the 2020 election stealing has to be dealt with. I hope he gets a Cabinet position -- like head of the FDA?

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Trump won't be "draining the swamp" either. He will fire swamp leaders, appoint new swamp leaders , like last time.

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Or Attorney general?

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Yep and there's something brewing...


I don't usually do predictions but after seeing the rfk Jr press conference covered by the AP, I think we got a pro wrestling like story going on.

I used to be big into wrestling when they changed from the xenophobic us vs them era of Hogan etc to the grey area of superstars with selfish interests…

Kennedy, ridiculously rejected by the dnc (who somehow didn't even pump up a replacement for Biden and Kamala)

Gets the DNC nomination cause “gotta get rid of trump”

And he's going to be the release valve for their failed COVID scam and diminishing empire.

The irony is that they killed his uncle who was trying to bring peace, created more wars and struggle and now need someone like him because their bets on COVID making us into following zombies failed.

It's slick and helps bring back trust of government and the oligarchy… but in return for this, we get a lot of good reforms.

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Yup a big surprise brewing and the Dems have tried really hard to hid this and tried to make RFK jnr go away

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Doc, the thing that bothers me is that there is a mindset with 70% of people, that to think of anything except the narrative, has been fused by distrust, appears to me as a well taught subject and natural apathy doesn't help much.

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“The totalitarian systems of the 20th century represent a kind of collective psychosis, whether gradually or suddenly, reason and common human decency are no longer possible in such a system. There is only a pervasive atmosphere of terror and a projection of the enemy imagined to be ‘in our midst’. Thus society turns on itself, urged on by the ruling authorities” ~ Joost Meerloo, M.D.

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"Politicians are more or less so warped by party feeling, by selfishness, or prejudices, that their minds are not altogether balanced. They are the most difficult to cure of all insane people." ~ Robert E. Lee

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“The world hangs on a thin thread –– and that is the psyche of man” ~ Carl Gustav Jung

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ~ Jung

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“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying ‘You are mad, you are not like us’ ” ~ St. Anthony the Great

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“The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality, that we have to contend.” Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 B.C.

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“When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by terrible lessons of catastrophe.” ~ Frederic Bastiat

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“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind” ~ George Orwell, 1984

“There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” – George Orwell

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”

~ George Orwell

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