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I love your work Tessa! Beautiful. Your thoughts resonate strongly with the lectures of Rudolph Steiner and the esoteric Mystery Schools. RS lectured almost 100 years ago, about exactly this time . This entire transhumanism thing is the extreme of 'the fall into matter' that is the hyper 'scientism' devoid of any understanding of anything except physical matter; the 'expulsion from paradise' now represented by the 'anti human' of a fall so far from our connection with God and the creation that we are now at that point where many even doubt they are anything beyond the physical , the same point in time as we are told about in that cycle of the human journey that is the Kali Yuga; the lowest point on the wheel of Time before we 'ascend' and begin a return to understand who we really are; that we are the culmination of the entire evolution of the cosmos and carry that blueprint within our DNA, the story of this time is also told in those ancient petroglyphs of Hopi Prophecy Rock; the choice of the two paths we all make right now.

Even a quick look at the ideas of biodynamic agriculture and it's understanding of our connection with the cosmos and that the natural world is the reflection of that blueprint we carry within. The expansion of consciousness outward that is represented in dowsing. Electromagnetic agriculture is an understanding of Earth's energies within nature; (who hasn't noticed a difference in the look of the trees and plants after a thunder storm? ). The womb is the portal of incarnating souls. Transhumanism is a sad wannabe actually; and those guys running those agendas with all that voracious domination and exploitation.

I have to read your other posts. Wonderful, inspiring workTessa. Thank you NZD for the introduction!

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