Thank you for a great conversation. I've bookmarked it, as I have a couple of letters to send to friends who have no clue what's going on (they're getting a copy of Ed Dowd's book too). You can't make anyone listen to anything, of course, as I have learned, but a conversation like this is great because it's so obviously between two very intelligent people who are not in any way conspiracists but are so clearly normal and honest. Obviously the truly brainwashed will go to their graves still brainwashed, but you have to do what you can.

My husband is exactly like Kirsten's husband (and he's a doctor). He's had me bending his ear for 2 years now and he collapsed himself a week after his booster. His multi-jabbed sister has early-onset Alzheimer's, my brother's prostate cancer has come back (he's a true covidian) and multiple people I know have died of heart attacks and fast-track cancers. My husband knows all this but he still won't acknowledge it, for the same reason. It's ugly, as Kirsten says, and he refuses to take it on board.

I think people who have no religious faith have no concept of evil, so they simply don't know what to do with all this.

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It is up to 'the awake' to unite locally, nationally and internationally and push back with mass non-compliance and boycotts against this NWO agenda.

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Kirsten is a hero. A truly magnificent woman with compassion and courage well beyond the norm.

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Another brilliant conversation. I enjoyed this a lot.

Hive mind

Swarming blind



Anything that might upset the whole.

The individual doesn't matter

Insects destined to splatter

As they terminate the soul

Of the whole.

The monarchy flows

Fascism grows

Minorities easily oppressed

Suicide, depressed

Wages, gauges,

Credit, pages

Ticking, tracking

Chemical fracking

Servility and the need…

To have peace and order restored.

You'll be begging for them to protect us

Seal our borders

On our local community

Spirited in its purity

Neighbors smile on with impunity

As they snitch, nark and rat on those who dare depart…

From the hive mind.

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Thank you!

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An excellent interview with Kirsten and I wish her and the new party well. As a Kiwi living away from NZ I continue to be shocked at the revelations of the effects of 3 years of lies and propoganda. It's no wonder I now feel old friends and family are another species (they are asleep and think I've lost my mind). Thank you NZDoc for keeping me sane.

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Jeez, and she's left the party!

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Politics is a very messy process ... unity is extraordinarily difficult to achieve, in any age or time.

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