There must be something in those jabs that switches on early training In credulousness of all things Cold War hated and scary. I have close friends and relatives who view themselves as dissidents who share the deep skepticism of official narratives regarding JFK onwards and are aware of deep state involvement in destabilizing cultures and governments including that of the USA, were appalled by the US congressional church commission findings regarding the horrible things done by intelligence agencies, big business/pharma depredations, and even question the official 9-11 narrative plus forever wars. BUT they've vehemently bought into the entire so-called Russiagate, Covid, and Eukeranian narratives. And I mean Totally.
Without irony they’ll admit the government has lied about everything all these years but now they’re telling the truth. And big pharma is unquestioned, three letter agencies good.
I never thought I’d see such a thing. To the point where the actual people I know who protested the Vietnam war and protested against Reagan’s social spending cuts and neutron bomb funding are now pro war, deep state loving, civil rights denying automatons.
My conclusion is that people have unconsciously succumbed to forming a deep and dysfunctional personal relationship with internet technology and the cable news cycle. That as a manipulative corporate/governmental intercessionary is guiding people through what’s essentially a post hypnotic state between social media “boosters” until the real world and real relationships become an untrustworthy source of feedback. The susceptible are blind to the hypnosis and the hypnotist. The unsusceptible see the hypnotic suggestions for the fiction they are, and by extension see the room full of entranced people even if the hypnotist is hiding out of view in the shadow. We don’t have to know everyone who is perpetrating this to see the ruse.
That, to me, explains the odd feeling that we don’t recognize our friends and loved ones as if they’ve been victimized by a cult or sect. On an industrial scale the deep state turned half the population into Patty Hearst!
You may be more correct than you realise and the gene editing potential of the jabs are something I have not seen a lot written about. The best expose' I have seen is here Start at the 30-minute mark to miss the preamble.
I disengaged with friends of over 30 years since trying to censor all conversations for their comfort was not a real friendship. With one of my daughters we have agreed to disagree on all things Covid and have maintained our relationship but it feels less authentic than it did before. I don't think either my friend or daughter will ever admit that they were wrong.
I understand completely ... family and friends, so riven ... and the difficulty with offspring who brook no dissent and allow no real debate, it's really heartbreaking.
Why do i feel that God may be giving some of this people one very last chance to come off their high horse and admit they were wrong so they can seek help immediately.
The pride may just be their inevitable end. I pray i'm wrong.
Thank you. Your public and personal speech helps this reader contextualize his lost friendships and dysfunctional “agree to disagree” truces -- accommodations or defenses, that is.
Yet how much accommodation or tolerance can we extend when there’s even more at stake than open speech -- when the stakes are life and death on a mass industrialized scale?
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
It was more than deception -I am convinced our governments/darpa used subliminal/chemical/thought-control ("waves"?) to physically brainwash/control people but what exactly this technology is remains hidden to us.
I have friends In Australia who were not going to get jabbed... especially after the rollout of Astrazeneca with its deadly brain clots etc. One man even has a disabled adult daughter with autism whom he believes was damaged after a routine childhood vaccination. He was adamant he wouldn't be taking part in a medical experiment. He is retired. But he did a 180 turn and took his Pfizers, and called my husband an "antivaxer". Another friend spent the whole day sick in her bathtub after her first Pfizer... I said for God's sake don't have another but she did. During a phone conversation regarding the jabs... she said to me "but you have to trust the government".
A close relative would tell me that links that I would send him to something important I wanted him to watch wouldn't work or the video wouldn't play -as if it would be dangerous for him to watch anything from a person who wasn't getting the jab. His mind had become closed and he was determined to keep it that way -to stay safe from conspiracies. My friends changed their minds about getting jabbed for reasons like "I wasn't able to get into the club" and warned my husband and I that if we remained unjabbed we "wouldn't be able to get a cup of coffee". What kind of reasoning is that?
I realized there was something else at play... and my husband and I stopped listening to the radio/tv out of paranoia. I said to my husband... if you ever start getting thoughts in your head that you want to get jabbed please let me know as I believe they are employing a new technology to f*** with people's heads and it is working.
This same close relative called me an antivaxer -very much out of character. I asked why? In the last 5 years I have had hep and tetanus -how can you call me that? The words had been put in his mouth. I know that the only thing I have to support my assertion is anecdotal evidence... but I want people to consider the possibility that people were being mind controlled with some kind of new technology -as well as the psychological onslaught.
Nothing would surprise me at this point, I can't tell you what the effect of the vax apartheid was like here in NZ ... Thank you for your robust and illuminating commentary.
Great post, thank you. My relationship with my son, previously vibrant, stimulating and exciting, since the medical procedure entered has been
reduced to what you're describing happened to you and your old friend.
Only I can not sleep at night from worrying (2+booster Feb 22 + a flu shot for a good measure) Can you imagine? His grandfather survived Auschwitz and passed away last year at 96 and my son couldn't stay strong against his wife's brainwash (pregnant at least db vaxxed). All left is praying and I'm not even "religious" so I pray to some "cosmic" entity to ease my pain.
Hang in there ... yes, I understand too the family divergences. Bear in mind that despite the dangers of the jab people are resilient and one can never predict anything with certainty in complex medical areas. Prayer, religious or not, can be very deeply effective. Thank you for your observations and for sharing.
While i cannot pretend to relate, my heart breaks for your pain and worry.
I assume that cosmic entity you're referring to is God. Pls know He loves you so dearly and wants a deeper and meaningful relationship.
Pls don't stop crying out for your son, his grace and mercy is abundant towards you and continues to overflow your hearts in these troubled times in Jesus name.
Oops - not sure I made myself clear - I mean that it is hard on the people who figured out what the score was, to still see people who are clueless in light of so much information at this late date. And yet, there they are.I spoke to someone last night who wanted to know my concerns. I clearly stated min. His reply:" Well I had all four shots and I am fine. " I replied:"You better do some reading, and find a way to get the spikes out of your blood while you can."
thanks, yes, I got your drift ... we are always confronted by the person who is 'fine' after who knows how many jabs, as if that is proof of the jabs' viability. It is not -- that's why we have population studies and epidemiology. If you counter and say that you know somebody who has been crippled for life from a jab, will this register?
My sister's husband (now 76) in August 2022 had two TIA's (which you, as a doctor, will know stands for Transient Ischaemic Attacks - ie, 'mini-strokes'). He had them just a few weeks after his 4th injection...
And my sister told me just a few weeks ago that her hubby has recently also been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation... fast, irregular heartbeat...
I provided them all with masses of information from honest, trustworthy doctors, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors, embalmers, and even a few [rare...] honest politicians, etc... but they all took not a blind bit of notice.
One of my friends here in the UK is a Spanish lady. She used to be one of my bosses, when I worked in London [1980-92]. We've been friends for 35+ years. She's in her late 80s, and so is her English husband, they've been married for 53 years. They've both had four or five injections... (I'd provided them with all the facts, which would have made every right-thinking person steer well clear of them...).
She told me, some months ago, that her hubby is having "a lot of pains in his head". I know he's 89, but still... there are quite high odds that the injections are very probably implicated...
This is exactly the 'big deception" behind the jabs. It eventually catches up, it's just a matter of time.
The reason why people are still comfortable is because they had a number of these shots and are fine. To me this further displays the selfishness that lies in the heart of man. So long as am fine, the rest of humanity must either be wrong or weak, not knowing theirs is coming.
What man will hear that the car brand they bought is developing faults and breaking down everywhere and most especially without warning and they still choose to continue to drive that car without at least checking it or taking it back to the dealer for a thorough check-up. It's just plain stupidity and selfishness.
Unbeknowst to many, we're in the Rev 6:2 . The four horses of the APOCALYSE are galloping across the earth.
Another brilliant article, thanks Doc. I’d like to blow it up to A1 size and superglue it to the front door of every doctor’s surgery and hospital administration. Then, highjack every MSM newspaper and plaster it across their masthead. After that attach it to the extraordinary long list of known side effects published by our favourite criminal outfit, Pfizer, and shove it through every letterbox I can find. Many in the medical profession now are spineless, group thinkers who couldn’t think critically enough to literally save themselves let alone their clients. I don’t know who I have more contempt for- the doctors doing the jabbing or the wilfully blind recipients. It’s
Thank you so much for you kind words - I deeply appreciate them and I agree wholeheartedly with your pithy observation about contempt -- who wins the award? I tend to think doctors knew and know better and that their spinless betrayal of their core principles earns then a special place in the netherworld. But your final sentence points to a new relationship between doctor and patient, one based less on transference towards an authority and more on a meeting of equals.
Yes. I agree with your remarks about ‘a special place in the netherworld.’ The Law of Compensation cannot be ignored and they will have to pay for what is looking like a truly enormous debt for some of them. Wilful ignorance by the injectors, particularly now that so much evidence of harm is easily found, will not be looked upon with much pity. The harshest judge will ultimately be themselves of course when they will be forced to face their own conscience which, at some point in the ongoing genocide, they chose to ignore. Thanks for playing such an important role in The Great Awakening.
Wonderfully put, and I too have a different view of medicine and the profession as a whole these days. Also, it is so difficult when that person who subscribes and regurgitates everything that MSM says is one’s father... as Nancy and Marta have described above in their challenges with family dynamics and the COVID narrative.
I praise you for your willingness to continue the friendship despite the ludicrous demands to not have an actual intellectual conversation about the major events of these times. It makes me think that this person, whom I once viewed as a critical thinker, had proven themselves much the opposite.
NZ Doc, thank you so much for your efforts. You've written yet another BRILLIANT essay and commentary on our plight. Your statement that "one should adopt the attitude that everything we are told by governmental authorities is a lie until proved otherwise" reverberates with me. It's right on target.
Something caught my eye: you wrote that our government lied about "the dismemberment of Yugoslavia." Indeed it did. Those lies covered up the guilt for approximately 100.000 lives lost, 2 million refugees, and whole regions destabilised. In the end, the West was seen as heroic for the military and humanitarian aid it provided. It was a type of heroism humanity did not need. I want to contribute a few words here about this "dismemberment" and about the drug trafficking and terrorism that was endorsed by the US.
As a (benevolent) authoritarian leader, Tito loved and ruled a peaceful Yugoslavia as only a patriot could. Ronald Reagan, the Clintons, the state department, Germany, the European Community, and later the EU, wanted to restructure and Westernise Tito's successful Yugoslavian socialist economy. Isn't this similar to what the West planned for Russia until Putin decided to put a stop to it? (By the way, Putin recently was declared a war criminal by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. This is a United Nations Court. One would think that the United Nations has turned into NATO. It's nothing new; if one RESISTS, one is a criminal.)
Ethnic, social, and religious tensions persisted in Yugoslavia during Tito's rule, but he was able to quell them. Yugoslavia could not have survived without Tito. The country was a quilt of nationalities merged at the end of WWI as a matter of expediency; it was the Versailles state, created during the Versailles Treaty accords. It was a nation of several ethnicities with disparate outlooks who had previously been citizens of either Austria-Hungary or Ottoman Turkey, two vastly different empires. Once the personality cult of Tito vanished, the glue that held Yugoslavia together began to disintegrate. Eventually, the several nationalities living within the country's borders would have sought a way out. But something could have been negotiated, particularly since the negotiation to secede was allotted for in the Yugoslavian constitution. It wasn't necessary for Yugoslavia to be smashed into smithereens by the West, nor did its citizens have to suffer the resulting deprivation and genocide.
The game got brutal because existing Western policy demanded the integration of the countries of Eastern Europe into a market-oriented economy. In Yugoslavia's case, it meant massive privatisation of the financial sector, mass bankruptcies, mass unemployment, and massive social breakdown. The US and NATO stoked ethnic divisions, and a ruthless war ensued. At the time, Albania, a geographical neighbour of Yugoslavia, was undergoing its own political restructuring. Western powers took advantage of Albania's weakened position and allowed the channelling of drugs through Albania and Southern Yugoslavia. Those drugs also had to pass through neighbouring Greece. (Going into the drug business is nothing new in US policy. Casey/Bush/Reagan had previously allowed drug trafficking to raise money for arms. And today, the government is in a different type of drug business.) In Greece, lawless Albanian gangs traded hard drugs for military weapons and, as a side job, terrorised Greek citizens and businesses. Back home, the law-abiding Albanians starved, literally starved. Albanian children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, were starving and begging or sifting through garbage for food. In Greece, the police were called helpless and useless against dangerous Albanian gangs. But were they helpless? Once the Yugoslavian conflict ended, this powerless Greek police rounded up the Albanian drug lords one by one. Meanwhile, the weapons bought from the drug trade filtered through to Serbia, Kosovo, and other parts of Yugoslavia where there existed ethnic conflict.
At face value, the US was very concerned with the humanitarian crisis in Yugoslavia. Innocents had to be saved! However, around the same time, a genocide occurred in the small African country of Rwanda. Not a finger was lifted by the US or NATO to offer help. After the fact, after the Rwandan genocide, I remember Secretary of State Madeline Albright telling us that the Clinton administration officials had been so absorbed by the crisis in Yugoslavia that, sadly, they overlooked the situation in Rwanda. Sure, thanks Madeline, I get it. What Mrs Albright meant to say was, geopolitically, the Balkans are the region that is most important to the West, therefore, who cares about the slaughter in Rwanda?
Yugoslavia exists no more, and the various nations that sprang up after its dissolution have been subjugated by the EU and NATO. This happened at an extremely high cost and an unnecessary cost to the local population. Nonetheless, the EU and NATO were called heroic for their efforts. Their propaganda worked marvellously!
Agreed, NZ Doc, a government's job is to lie in order to support hidden agendas. We should never trust that the words truth and justice are respected in the higher echelons of the state. The Yugoslavian dismantling is only one example of how Power, Greed, and Corruption work together. What is happening today, the disease and mortality of today caused by lethal vaccines, that's a testament to how Power, Greed, and Corruption have grown exponentially. I don't know how the situation will evolve but I am devastated by it. I hope the matter will not rise to a level where it cannot be stopped. Fight on, everyone! And again, thank you, NZ Doc, and thank you everyone here who reads this amazing newsletter!!!
Ana, you have written a commentary that deserves to be considered an independent essay, accurate in all details. I was ignorant about what happened in Yugoslavia, even though I had traveled and visited Belgrade not long before the dismemberment began. It was an unnecessary and disgraceful episode of US hegemonic aggression, followed by others and others. Thank you so much for this superb post.
Thank you. I could have been so easily one of the sheep ignoring my gut and being a good boy.
It was such a lonely place at the beginning. I remember being semi convinced that maybe there was something real about what we were being told, reluctantly going along with the mask wearing. Every so often a person without a mask - the many responses in my head to condemn that person or embrace them. What was I doing, ashamed with myself I realized my actions were cowardly and I had to reach down and find my courage to step out of the collective mind. To my surprise few challenged me. Some even thanked me. My grown sons were enraged my wife supportive. And so it remains. Fortunately I have one sister an actuary that sees it all for what it is. Many of my siblings are fully convinced of the lies and are so grateful that their government saved them they now feel virtuous and glad that they are ready for the next event. This falsehood has been masterful in its execution, however methinks anything created by man has its flaws and time will determine its own resolution on the compliant and the evil doers. Death comes to us all, this show is for a limited time only.
The good side if there can be one, is that I find my own journey one of rethinking all that I have been told, any received thinking challenged; a time of first unlearning and then learning anew more deeply than before.
I found this quote posted on another substack. Krishnamurti was all about undoing our conditioning.
It is no measure of health to be well adiusted to a profoundly sick society.
A wonderful sharing of your experience, thank you! Yes, it is hard, and the journey of rethinking, difficult as it may be, is a revelatory one which we can appreciate, and the quote from Krishnamurti is beautiful!
So true, I still have hope but am finding myself continuously grating my knuckles over the pavement with these awkward encounters between certain friends myself.
I am trying to find and stand by the door to the rabbit hole. The crossroads between what the average person knows and the reality of everything as transpired.
There I sit, stand, jump up and down, with my signs and slogans...
Customizing my approach to my customer.
'Don't go down the rabbit hole, it's scary and taboo down there'
'Its really tricky, labyrinth like and confusing'
'I hear there are Taniwha down there'
'So are you a man, or a mouse?'
'Do you still have a sense of adventure?'
'What happened to the rebel you used to be so proud of being?'
If not successful, some of the conversation I've had are still entertaining.
Thank you ... and yes, the awkward dancing that has resulted ... at some point it becomes a dance of absurdity. What happened to these rebellious friends we had, these truth seeking pacifists? if you find out, please let me know ...
Lulled by the temporary comforts of what they perceive as normalcy.
Pacified by social programming.
By the crowd they see around them.
And distracted by bills, business and their own ambitions which as always, is just outside of their grasp but close enough they can almost reach it. Making it their sole focus of the day.
Like a kitten chasing a string.
They can't see the big picture because what's right in front of them is so captivating.
Any distraction from it might cost them their opportunity.
When I stop to really think about all those who I have un-embraced, it is usually the case that the schism was already there long ago. Dormant. Just waiting for the friendship to be tested. When tested, as we have seen, we see all those who have been swimming naked. Exposed, finally, as not real friends. I am glad for the awakening. To expose all those who were really pretend friends and who were just wasting my time.
There must be something in those jabs that switches on early training In credulousness of all things Cold War hated and scary. I have close friends and relatives who view themselves as dissidents who share the deep skepticism of official narratives regarding JFK onwards and are aware of deep state involvement in destabilizing cultures and governments including that of the USA, were appalled by the US congressional church commission findings regarding the horrible things done by intelligence agencies, big business/pharma depredations, and even question the official 9-11 narrative plus forever wars. BUT they've vehemently bought into the entire so-called Russiagate, Covid, and Eukeranian narratives. And I mean Totally.
Without irony they’ll admit the government has lied about everything all these years but now they’re telling the truth. And big pharma is unquestioned, three letter agencies good.
I never thought I’d see such a thing. To the point where the actual people I know who protested the Vietnam war and protested against Reagan’s social spending cuts and neutron bomb funding are now pro war, deep state loving, civil rights denying automatons.
My conclusion is that people have unconsciously succumbed to forming a deep and dysfunctional personal relationship with internet technology and the cable news cycle. That as a manipulative corporate/governmental intercessionary is guiding people through what’s essentially a post hypnotic state between social media “boosters” until the real world and real relationships become an untrustworthy source of feedback. The susceptible are blind to the hypnosis and the hypnotist. The unsusceptible see the hypnotic suggestions for the fiction they are, and by extension see the room full of entranced people even if the hypnotist is hiding out of view in the shadow. We don’t have to know everyone who is perpetrating this to see the ruse.
That, to me, explains the odd feeling that we don’t recognize our friends and loved ones as if they’ve been victimized by a cult or sect. On an industrial scale the deep state turned half the population into Patty Hearst!
brilliant, thank you!
You may be more correct than you realise and the gene editing potential of the jabs are something I have not seen a lot written about. The best expose' I have seen is here Start at the 30-minute mark to miss the preamble.
I disengaged with friends of over 30 years since trying to censor all conversations for their comfort was not a real friendship. With one of my daughters we have agreed to disagree on all things Covid and have maintained our relationship but it feels less authentic than it did before. I don't think either my friend or daughter will ever admit that they were wrong.
I understand completely ... family and friends, so riven ... and the difficulty with offspring who brook no dissent and allow no real debate, it's really heartbreaking.
People won't even admit to themselves they were wrong. Pride goeth before the fall.
Why do i feel that God may be giving some of this people one very last chance to come off their high horse and admit they were wrong so they can seek help immediately.
The pride may just be their inevitable end. I pray i'm wrong.
Thank you. Your public and personal speech helps this reader contextualize his lost friendships and dysfunctional “agree to disagree” truces -- accommodations or defenses, that is.
Yet how much accommodation or tolerance can we extend when there’s even more at stake than open speech -- when the stakes are life and death on a mass industrialized scale?
very well put: how much can or should we take when we are talking about something so execrable??? thank you for commenting
Sad that you lost a friend.
Sounds like the friend was suffering from this psychological issue.
(From )
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
it takes something good and healthy to admit to having been deceived: it takes an open and honest person. Thank you for your commentary.
It was more than deception -I am convinced our governments/darpa used subliminal/chemical/thought-control ("waves"?) to physically brainwash/control people but what exactly this technology is remains hidden to us.
I have friends In Australia who were not going to get jabbed... especially after the rollout of Astrazeneca with its deadly brain clots etc. One man even has a disabled adult daughter with autism whom he believes was damaged after a routine childhood vaccination. He was adamant he wouldn't be taking part in a medical experiment. He is retired. But he did a 180 turn and took his Pfizers, and called my husband an "antivaxer". Another friend spent the whole day sick in her bathtub after her first Pfizer... I said for God's sake don't have another but she did. During a phone conversation regarding the jabs... she said to me "but you have to trust the government".
A close relative would tell me that links that I would send him to something important I wanted him to watch wouldn't work or the video wouldn't play -as if it would be dangerous for him to watch anything from a person who wasn't getting the jab. His mind had become closed and he was determined to keep it that way -to stay safe from conspiracies. My friends changed their minds about getting jabbed for reasons like "I wasn't able to get into the club" and warned my husband and I that if we remained unjabbed we "wouldn't be able to get a cup of coffee". What kind of reasoning is that?
I realized there was something else at play... and my husband and I stopped listening to the radio/tv out of paranoia. I said to my husband... if you ever start getting thoughts in your head that you want to get jabbed please let me know as I believe they are employing a new technology to f*** with people's heads and it is working.
This same close relative called me an antivaxer -very much out of character. I asked why? In the last 5 years I have had hep and tetanus -how can you call me that? The words had been put in his mouth. I know that the only thing I have to support my assertion is anecdotal evidence... but I want people to consider the possibility that people were being mind controlled with some kind of new technology -as well as the psychological onslaught.
Nothing would surprise me at this point, I can't tell you what the effect of the vax apartheid was like here in NZ ... Thank you for your robust and illuminating commentary.
Great post, thank you. My relationship with my son, previously vibrant, stimulating and exciting, since the medical procedure entered has been
reduced to what you're describing happened to you and your old friend.
Only I can not sleep at night from worrying (2+booster Feb 22 + a flu shot for a good measure) Can you imagine? His grandfather survived Auschwitz and passed away last year at 96 and my son couldn't stay strong against his wife's brainwash (pregnant at least db vaxxed). All left is praying and I'm not even "religious" so I pray to some "cosmic" entity to ease my pain.
Hang in there ... yes, I understand too the family divergences. Bear in mind that despite the dangers of the jab people are resilient and one can never predict anything with certainty in complex medical areas. Prayer, religious or not, can be very deeply effective. Thank you for your observations and for sharing.
Thank you for your kindness and for taking the time to reply.
While i cannot pretend to relate, my heart breaks for your pain and worry.
I assume that cosmic entity you're referring to is God. Pls know He loves you so dearly and wants a deeper and meaningful relationship.
Pls don't stop crying out for your son, his grace and mercy is abundant towards you and continues to overflow your hearts in these troubled times in Jesus name.
Thank you for you kind words Stepping 22, I'm mindful of powers beyond my understanding and it helps me keep going. Thank you.
Oops - not sure I made myself clear - I mean that it is hard on the people who figured out what the score was, to still see people who are clueless in light of so much information at this late date. And yet, there they are.I spoke to someone last night who wanted to know my concerns. I clearly stated min. His reply:" Well I had all four shots and I am fine. " I replied:"You better do some reading, and find a way to get the spikes out of your blood while you can."
thanks, yes, I got your drift ... we are always confronted by the person who is 'fine' after who knows how many jabs, as if that is proof of the jabs' viability. It is not -- that's why we have population studies and epidemiology. If you counter and say that you know somebody who has been crippled for life from a jab, will this register?
My sister's husband (now 76) in August 2022 had two TIA's (which you, as a doctor, will know stands for Transient Ischaemic Attacks - ie, 'mini-strokes'). He had them just a few weeks after his 4th injection...
And my sister told me just a few weeks ago that her hubby has recently also been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation... fast, irregular heartbeat...
I provided them all with masses of information from honest, trustworthy doctors, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors, embalmers, and even a few [rare...] honest politicians, etc... but they all took not a blind bit of notice.
One of my friends here in the UK is a Spanish lady. She used to be one of my bosses, when I worked in London [1980-92]. We've been friends for 35+ years. She's in her late 80s, and so is her English husband, they've been married for 53 years. They've both had four or five injections... (I'd provided them with all the facts, which would have made every right-thinking person steer well clear of them...).
She told me, some months ago, that her hubby is having "a lot of pains in his head". I know he's 89, but still... there are quite high odds that the injections are very probably implicated...
I got the feeling his mind was hermetically sealed.
This is exactly the 'big deception" behind the jabs. It eventually catches up, it's just a matter of time.
The reason why people are still comfortable is because they had a number of these shots and are fine. To me this further displays the selfishness that lies in the heart of man. So long as am fine, the rest of humanity must either be wrong or weak, not knowing theirs is coming.
What man will hear that the car brand they bought is developing faults and breaking down everywhere and most especially without warning and they still choose to continue to drive that car without at least checking it or taking it back to the dealer for a thorough check-up. It's just plain stupidity and selfishness.
Unbeknowst to many, we're in the Rev 6:2 . The four horses of the APOCALYSE are galloping across the earth.
God help us all
Another brilliant article, thanks Doc. I’d like to blow it up to A1 size and superglue it to the front door of every doctor’s surgery and hospital administration. Then, highjack every MSM newspaper and plaster it across their masthead. After that attach it to the extraordinary long list of known side effects published by our favourite criminal outfit, Pfizer, and shove it through every letterbox I can find. Many in the medical profession now are spineless, group thinkers who couldn’t think critically enough to literally save themselves let alone their clients. I don’t know who I have more contempt for- the doctors doing the jabbing or the wilfully blind recipients. It’s
Thank you so much for you kind words - I deeply appreciate them and I agree wholeheartedly with your pithy observation about contempt -- who wins the award? I tend to think doctors knew and know better and that their spinless betrayal of their core principles earns then a special place in the netherworld. But your final sentence points to a new relationship between doctor and patient, one based less on transference towards an authority and more on a meeting of equals.
Yes. I agree with your remarks about ‘a special place in the netherworld.’ The Law of Compensation cannot be ignored and they will have to pay for what is looking like a truly enormous debt for some of them. Wilful ignorance by the injectors, particularly now that so much evidence of harm is easily found, will not be looked upon with much pity. The harshest judge will ultimately be themselves of course when they will be forced to face their own conscience which, at some point in the ongoing genocide, they chose to ignore. Thanks for playing such an important role in The Great Awakening.
Wonderfully put, and I too have a different view of medicine and the profession as a whole these days. Also, it is so difficult when that person who subscribes and regurgitates everything that MSM says is one’s father... as Nancy and Marta have described above in their challenges with family dynamics and the COVID narrative.
I praise you for your willingness to continue the friendship despite the ludicrous demands to not have an actual intellectual conversation about the major events of these times. It makes me think that this person, whom I once viewed as a critical thinker, had proven themselves much the opposite.
thank you ... yes, the strain on friendships is so immense that I think they end up ending in a whimper. It's actually quite terrible.
NZ Doc, thank you so much for your efforts. You've written yet another BRILLIANT essay and commentary on our plight. Your statement that "one should adopt the attitude that everything we are told by governmental authorities is a lie until proved otherwise" reverberates with me. It's right on target.
Something caught my eye: you wrote that our government lied about "the dismemberment of Yugoslavia." Indeed it did. Those lies covered up the guilt for approximately 100.000 lives lost, 2 million refugees, and whole regions destabilised. In the end, the West was seen as heroic for the military and humanitarian aid it provided. It was a type of heroism humanity did not need. I want to contribute a few words here about this "dismemberment" and about the drug trafficking and terrorism that was endorsed by the US.
As a (benevolent) authoritarian leader, Tito loved and ruled a peaceful Yugoslavia as only a patriot could. Ronald Reagan, the Clintons, the state department, Germany, the European Community, and later the EU, wanted to restructure and Westernise Tito's successful Yugoslavian socialist economy. Isn't this similar to what the West planned for Russia until Putin decided to put a stop to it? (By the way, Putin recently was declared a war criminal by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. This is a United Nations Court. One would think that the United Nations has turned into NATO. It's nothing new; if one RESISTS, one is a criminal.)
Ethnic, social, and religious tensions persisted in Yugoslavia during Tito's rule, but he was able to quell them. Yugoslavia could not have survived without Tito. The country was a quilt of nationalities merged at the end of WWI as a matter of expediency; it was the Versailles state, created during the Versailles Treaty accords. It was a nation of several ethnicities with disparate outlooks who had previously been citizens of either Austria-Hungary or Ottoman Turkey, two vastly different empires. Once the personality cult of Tito vanished, the glue that held Yugoslavia together began to disintegrate. Eventually, the several nationalities living within the country's borders would have sought a way out. But something could have been negotiated, particularly since the negotiation to secede was allotted for in the Yugoslavian constitution. It wasn't necessary for Yugoslavia to be smashed into smithereens by the West, nor did its citizens have to suffer the resulting deprivation and genocide.
The game got brutal because existing Western policy demanded the integration of the countries of Eastern Europe into a market-oriented economy. In Yugoslavia's case, it meant massive privatisation of the financial sector, mass bankruptcies, mass unemployment, and massive social breakdown. The US and NATO stoked ethnic divisions, and a ruthless war ensued. At the time, Albania, a geographical neighbour of Yugoslavia, was undergoing its own political restructuring. Western powers took advantage of Albania's weakened position and allowed the channelling of drugs through Albania and Southern Yugoslavia. Those drugs also had to pass through neighbouring Greece. (Going into the drug business is nothing new in US policy. Casey/Bush/Reagan had previously allowed drug trafficking to raise money for arms. And today, the government is in a different type of drug business.) In Greece, lawless Albanian gangs traded hard drugs for military weapons and, as a side job, terrorised Greek citizens and businesses. Back home, the law-abiding Albanians starved, literally starved. Albanian children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, were starving and begging or sifting through garbage for food. In Greece, the police were called helpless and useless against dangerous Albanian gangs. But were they helpless? Once the Yugoslavian conflict ended, this powerless Greek police rounded up the Albanian drug lords one by one. Meanwhile, the weapons bought from the drug trade filtered through to Serbia, Kosovo, and other parts of Yugoslavia where there existed ethnic conflict.
At face value, the US was very concerned with the humanitarian crisis in Yugoslavia. Innocents had to be saved! However, around the same time, a genocide occurred in the small African country of Rwanda. Not a finger was lifted by the US or NATO to offer help. After the fact, after the Rwandan genocide, I remember Secretary of State Madeline Albright telling us that the Clinton administration officials had been so absorbed by the crisis in Yugoslavia that, sadly, they overlooked the situation in Rwanda. Sure, thanks Madeline, I get it. What Mrs Albright meant to say was, geopolitically, the Balkans are the region that is most important to the West, therefore, who cares about the slaughter in Rwanda?
Yugoslavia exists no more, and the various nations that sprang up after its dissolution have been subjugated by the EU and NATO. This happened at an extremely high cost and an unnecessary cost to the local population. Nonetheless, the EU and NATO were called heroic for their efforts. Their propaganda worked marvellously!
Agreed, NZ Doc, a government's job is to lie in order to support hidden agendas. We should never trust that the words truth and justice are respected in the higher echelons of the state. The Yugoslavian dismantling is only one example of how Power, Greed, and Corruption work together. What is happening today, the disease and mortality of today caused by lethal vaccines, that's a testament to how Power, Greed, and Corruption have grown exponentially. I don't know how the situation will evolve but I am devastated by it. I hope the matter will not rise to a level where it cannot be stopped. Fight on, everyone! And again, thank you, NZ Doc, and thank you everyone here who reads this amazing newsletter!!!
Ana, you have written a commentary that deserves to be considered an independent essay, accurate in all details. I was ignorant about what happened in Yugoslavia, even though I had traveled and visited Belgrade not long before the dismemberment began. It was an unnecessary and disgraceful episode of US hegemonic aggression, followed by others and others. Thank you so much for this superb post.
I appreciate your kind words. Thank you.
Found on Global Research. Thank you, well said. No one in my family sees the elephant in the room. It's very sad.
The most confusing thing they could do at this point would be to tell the truth.
Once the dollar dies, much of the propaganda machine in the US will die with it I would expect.
I wouldn't be holding my breath for them to tell the truth -- unless it's to tell truth so as to deceive us all the more with something else!
This is lovely and beautifully written and mirroring. Thank you!
Thank you so much, I deeply appreciate your comment!
Thank you. I could have been so easily one of the sheep ignoring my gut and being a good boy.
It was such a lonely place at the beginning. I remember being semi convinced that maybe there was something real about what we were being told, reluctantly going along with the mask wearing. Every so often a person without a mask - the many responses in my head to condemn that person or embrace them. What was I doing, ashamed with myself I realized my actions were cowardly and I had to reach down and find my courage to step out of the collective mind. To my surprise few challenged me. Some even thanked me. My grown sons were enraged my wife supportive. And so it remains. Fortunately I have one sister an actuary that sees it all for what it is. Many of my siblings are fully convinced of the lies and are so grateful that their government saved them they now feel virtuous and glad that they are ready for the next event. This falsehood has been masterful in its execution, however methinks anything created by man has its flaws and time will determine its own resolution on the compliant and the evil doers. Death comes to us all, this show is for a limited time only.
The good side if there can be one, is that I find my own journey one of rethinking all that I have been told, any received thinking challenged; a time of first unlearning and then learning anew more deeply than before.
I found this quote posted on another substack. Krishnamurti was all about undoing our conditioning.
It is no measure of health to be well adiusted to a profoundly sick society.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
A wonderful sharing of your experience, thank you! Yes, it is hard, and the journey of rethinking, difficult as it may be, is a revelatory one which we can appreciate, and the quote from Krishnamurti is beautiful!
It has been, to borrow a term, a revelation.
Powerful words yet again.
So true, I still have hope but am finding myself continuously grating my knuckles over the pavement with these awkward encounters between certain friends myself.
I am trying to find and stand by the door to the rabbit hole. The crossroads between what the average person knows and the reality of everything as transpired.
There I sit, stand, jump up and down, with my signs and slogans...
Customizing my approach to my customer.
'Don't go down the rabbit hole, it's scary and taboo down there'
'Its really tricky, labyrinth like and confusing'
'I hear there are Taniwha down there'
'So are you a man, or a mouse?'
'Do you still have a sense of adventure?'
'What happened to the rebel you used to be so proud of being?'
If not successful, some of the conversation I've had are still entertaining.
Thank you ... and yes, the awkward dancing that has resulted ... at some point it becomes a dance of absurdity. What happened to these rebellious friends we had, these truth seeking pacifists? if you find out, please let me know ...
It is absurd isn't it.
But I don't want to give up.
I'm sure they're still in there somewhere.
Lulled by the temporary comforts of what they perceive as normalcy.
Pacified by social programming.
By the crowd they see around them.
And distracted by bills, business and their own ambitions which as always, is just outside of their grasp but close enough they can almost reach it. Making it their sole focus of the day.
Like a kitten chasing a string.
They can't see the big picture because what's right in front of them is so captivating.
Any distraction from it might cost them their opportunity.
Somehow, someway...
There is a remedy for this.
I'll find it.
When I stop to really think about all those who I have un-embraced, it is usually the case that the schism was already there long ago. Dormant. Just waiting for the friendship to be tested. When tested, as we have seen, we see all those who have been swimming naked. Exposed, finally, as not real friends. I am glad for the awakening. To expose all those who were really pretend friends and who were just wasting my time.
You said it!