I still don't understand why Trump is focusing on mail in ballots and illegals voting when the machines are easily fixed by the company because they're closed source proprietary...

Since Bush there has been very few that make the point that if we don't know the code, the counting can easily be rigged.

I heard some other story about hacking machines but that's funny... Why would they bother if they can do it at the source company? Backdoors like Twitter, Facebook etc have ....

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Additionally, have you met @Lawyer Lisa here on Substack?

I've just given her this link to this podcast and hopefully you guys will get in touch with each other very soon, and in the meantime, just take a mint and get aquatinted with her too, I think you're going to like this:


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Nothing can be taken at face value given the ENEMY's control of the Global Media and narrative.

The ENEMY normally controls both ends of the political spectrum, Trump first win was totally unexpected, as with BREXIT. They don't intend to make the same mistake again, please refer to https://icedrive.net/s/Bk7SWRy4yiSBb4zf71Fj66aBuGSZ



for both a partial and complete picture.

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Thank You so very much for putting that interview together. It's astonishing to me that people like yourself and Libby actually exist outside of the vortex. So, with that said, I could have watched & listened to you two for another hour or longer.

It seems logical to realize that media is extremely powerful, and the decision to use that vessel to the benefit for a healthy society or not, is crucial for any civilization that is interested in longevity rather than a continual viscous cycle of building and destroying and rebuilding again. Because that in itself is completely contradictory to millions of years of evolution, aside from natural disaster.

There's a term that I've used called manufactured(ing) entropy. Because that has to do with what I believe is the matter regarding the "deep state globalist" cabalistic agenda that you and Libby or anyone can't quite put a finger on. And as much as the terminology describes. There's no accountability for such a ruthless and viscous agenda. It's as if there's some very long standing biblical origins or even possibly pre-biblical for that matter. That which demands and commands complete control of the entire world as if it was a right instead of a privilege.

You are absolutely correct about the situation regarding the upcoming elections. But in "reality" these things might just simply be part of the entire problem. Because there's one common denominator pertaining to that concept of "leadership". Whether it be a King or a president or a emperor, or prime minister. Either way somehow humanity is beholden to centralized and concentrated reliance that can be easily removed and replaced by another. My good friend calls this "ant mentality" or hive mentality that which Libby described as "controlling an army of people" is more powerful than the money that is used to accomplish that feat.

Without writing a book here. I must concur with you both about the situation and realize humanity is up against something that is extremely rooted in human history. Almost impossible to believe that there's such a group of people who believe that the world is theirs and everyone else is just living in it. As much as we can believe that there's got to be a solution that ends the madness and that good will conquer over evil. I'm not so sure about that anymore. We don't want to be another MLK, JFK, RFK or Nixon either because like Jesus Christ had been crucified, the evil that men do is too many for us to escape their guilt and shame, when they don't understand forgiveness.

I'm looking forward to diving deeper into Libby's archives and everything else she's got going on these days too.

Again, thank you for introducing yourselves and I really hope this podcast reaches a larger audience in the states well before the voting is underway.

BTW, New Zealand was always a place of interest of mine and I have done some business with a couple down there about 20 years ago that has a large agriculture business. Nice folks too.

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