It's a perfect storm. The more stupid and absurd the better.

It's breaking the illusion of democracy that we really never had.

People are seeing that the government and politicians are crooked as they spend billions on Ukraine and Israel (and spent billions on bs COVID stuff) while penny pinching at home.

We went through a world war 3 already and finally the west is starting to see the 1984 like drama that we have been tricked into believing.

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!

I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Very well put, thank you. Let us with our eyes now open help to create a better reality. Thank you.

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Oct 2Liked by NewZealandDoc

“Some men are born great, some men achieve greatness. And some men have greatness thrust upon them.” Shakespeare

We now have a western leadership that, to a one, are so inadequate that the greatness thrust upon them bounces off their withering hides and drops to the floor completely unrealized.

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beautifully put! Thank you for that!

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I read your interesting newsletter and as I mentioned I am very exhausted.. just preparing for an international trip; when I get back mid November I ran across a cache of old photos I took from the Covid peak days which I took from the TV here in America of the Australians being handcuffed and arrested on the street, the photos are totally shocking. Australia and New Zealand (still good I guess) used to be "DOWN UNDER" and bastions of FREEDOM which is why the photos and what happened in Austrailia was so riveting to me anyway. (I had friends who went there in the "free old days".. of which I will post and write short Substack article on it I remember being so shocked. I also have a good friend who is an M.D who went to New Zealand and considered moving there but after the ChristChurch I think it there was an earthquake? when she was there. Life is strange. New Zealanders seem to be a special breed of intellectual cat. I also write some some authors there. Lord be with you. Thanks for letting me post. I pray for all of you.. New Zealand too. Glad you made it. :)

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Thank you so much ... yes, when I came here to New Zealand I thought I was coming to a free country of free-spirits .... alas.

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Oct 3Liked by NewZealandDoc

It’s another plan by the “powers that be”…same thing happened in Australia over a year ago when they had their floods. Same thing here with Gabrielle last year…govts practically ignored these events and it was the “freedom” people helping with the cleanup and rescue help. They want to take us out! It’s so apparent!

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Indeed it is ... I fervently wish the vast masses would open their eyes. Thank you for commenting.

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Rubbing their hands with smugness

Those precious contracts to rebuild

Those new laws to pass and decree

The climate hysteria to push

The hospitals swollen with profits, err, I mean casualties

The eyes and attention on the news channels

The need for state control

More police

More obedience

More leverage

You call it a disaster

They call it an opportunity

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Oct 2Liked by NewZealandDoc

You are correct. The USA executive office is nothing but globalist puppets.

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Maybe that will change soon .... fingers crossed.

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Oct 3Liked by NewZealandDoc

Might I simply say that we need more people like yourself these days. I'm not clear as to why so many people choose not to be. I know that there actually are but why they don't come out in numbers is the morale argument.

My female significant other's Dad was a Medical Director on the board of supervisors in the States. ( common law - Wife ). And always referred to him as the voice of reason whenever those medical device & pharmaceutical rep's would solicit the hospital with their products and basically bribe the hospital for their business. He was eventually voted out.

Never surrender.

We need to validate the one's who sacrificed for the common good of all humanity. And extinguish those not.

But back to the subject matter. They've come to take what they always believed was theirs and this is the time we just say No. The world is not meant to be conquered. It's meant to be shared.

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Well, what a lovely comment ... thank you. It reminds me of the one time I agreed to see a pharmaceutical rep for one of the Big Pharma outfits because she was so insistent. I was offered ice hockey tickets, which I declined, despite being a definite fan. I didn't have to do anything in return except take some information about a drug and be called upon again.

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Thank You.

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Oct 3Liked by NewZealandDoc

Another of your literary masterpieces in pocket-size, Manny.

Cheiron the ferryman, for whom the bereaved laid a Greek drahme coin in the mouth of the one who died, was thus recompensed for ferrying the man’s body and soul to Hades.

But for the wicked there was more to fear in the form of Cerberus, the fearsome dog to guard ‘the other world’.

There is a lot to face for those who deliberately harm the innocent !

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You are very kind Rene, thank you .... and for the further information about Cerberus who, it is rumored, has very sharp teeth!!!

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Oct 3Liked by NewZealandDoc

Another great piece. Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting thus!

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Oct 3Liked by NewZealandDoc

Don't forget the chem trails

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Because Wellington is the windiest city in the world they can't do chemtrails here ... but yes, I certainly know about them. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Yeah, what happens to them when they get into “office”?

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Fellow Wellingtonian here. I'm in the trades and had a day of errands.

A rather lonely man ahead of me at the gardening store talking about his wife with aggressive terminal cancer and a son that has developed epilepsy over the last two years.

Date scones with uncle in aunty (80s) wondering what could be the cause of the cancers and dementias they are seeing so commonly in friends and their children.

Finally a tentative approach from a freind of a friend as to alternative treatments for a husband with stage four turbo brain cancer.

Not a good day, apart from the scones. Hold onto your hats, it's going to be a tough road to hoe.

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