I have never liked Dawkins and now I like him a whole lot less. It must be a long time since I've seen him, because he 'suddenly' looks ancient. His smugness has always been insufferable (I've heard other atheists say he gives them a bad name), especially the way he talks about people he considers less intelligent or educated than his venerated self.

It's interesting, though, that you can read a tweet by someone as supposedly intelligent as Dawkins (or Chomsky) and another by a pure moron like Piers Morgan, on the topic of the 'irresponsibility of the unjabbed', and they both basically said exactly the same (entirely stupid and wrong) thing.

To be honest, mind you, if Dawkins figured out the depopulation agenda, it wouldn't surprise me if he thought it an admirable idea.

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Dawkins can spend an eternity in an empty room just talking to himself until " his head rattles" as my mom used to say.

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very well said, thank you! Smugness, self-absorption, self-infatuation ... these aren't the hallmarks of true scientists, as I define a scientist, or good human beings.

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"as an example of how a distinguished, celebrated and highly-honored scientist can display such an utter ignorance..."

See, there's your problem right there.

"Distinguished, celebrated, highly-honored"??

Really? Why???

I had Dawkins pegged years ago as someone who was too infatuated with his own hubris to listen to reason, even when it was smacking him in the face, and I was right.

He's just a man. Take any "credentialed expert" and peel off the veneer and that's all you're going to be left with. A man...weak, craven, irrational, fearful, corruptible, and completely fallible. Occasionally if you're patient, one might exhibit the odd flash of brilliance, but don't let that fool you.

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and yet there are some men and women who are not craven and who stand up for what is good and true ... we are all human. The issue of self-infatuation and grandiosity is highly significant - only when we can overcome these very human tendencies may be truly transcend ourselves. Thank you for your comment. And as to why some people are celebrated and honored ... well, think about the Nobel Peace prize that went to Kissinger, as an example of hypocrisy and corruption.

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They also gave Obama a nobel peace prize, nominated before he even won or did anything.

Shortly after, he outdid Bush in the drone wars.

It's all a farce.

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agreed in toto!

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100 percent correct, great comment.

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Well said Edward.

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Part 2

Today so many of these Think Tanks, NGO’s, Foundations, are the playthings and often the appendage of the truly monied, the Billionaires, or of Governments themselves operated under the auspices of, in most cases, security and or intelligence agencies, they have become a scourge and a threat to what most of us would define as our inherent democracy and freedom.

Many of these organisations, established as noted with benign, neutral sounding titles and names that evoke the human collective good, are mostly nothing more than cynical and overt attempts to take from us the very democratic and freedom values that we hold dear, that we hold unto and treasure, the values we willingly, as has been so oft demonstrated in times past, will volunteer to defend, the price paid…. often, life long debilitating physical and mental injuries with in so many instances, the ultimate price paid, the blood and lives of our future generations.

Hence, the reasonable expectations, that there exists those amongst us that are so heavily relied upon to help shape and define humanity’s moral code and compass, to keep governments honest, to hold government to account, given the benefit of their education, qualifications and training received is well founded.

Yet they so readily abandoned their obligations to such, as has been pointed out, having so blithely, almost to the point of being said to be so Laissez Faire, simply walked from the obligations they owed humanity, that they abandoned, as in the case of our medical professionals, abandoning their oaths sworn to do no harm, the Hippocratic oaths, tells us all we need to know of many of the learned the intelligentsia amongst us.

That as has has been so widely publicised we are being urged to “simply” forgive and to forget, enabling these miscreants to as they hope, just pick up and get on with their lives be it professional or personal, whilst those impacted the most must continue to carry and shoulder the burden of the resulting abrogation by them, the qualified, educated, intelligentsia, of the true obligation these people had to their fellow human beings, is in my view whilst I believe in the virtue of forgiveness, I equally am because of the inherent evil of what resulted the Scamdemic, conflicted, inherently because of my beliefs believing we must endeavour forgive, whilst recognising that there equally exists the unforgivable, that simply put we must do all and everything we can to ensure such as experienced, never ever be allowed to be forgotten.

By doing so we ensure for ourselves that the next time the same circumstances present, that we will be prepared, that we will more readily hold those needing held to account, to actually be accountable, that they (Those who abandoned humanity) know they will be so held, that the World we reside in, especially for those people most impacted by their (The intelligentsia, qualified and educated)… past behaviours, those they wilfully abandoned, resulting in the many amongst us who must still live with painful reminders, the debilitating injuries and long term impacts that resulted and can be directly attributed to those depended upon to have spoken for them, but who didn’t, that these people so impacted and affected amongst us will have greater surety of knowing a repeat, will be that much harder for the educated, qualified, intelligentsia, who once abandoned their responsibilities to do ever try to do so again.

That is why those of us who had the nouse and fortitude to decline the offerings pushed, those who did succumb but who upon reflection, know they erred, that we must all never ever forget, forgive or give free passes to those who out of their cowardice and or who shelter and hide behind the veneer and shrouds of the many Think Tanks, NGO’s, Foundations, their Lobbyists and P.R Firms, are equally not allowed to forget the role they played in the usurpation of our collective and individual values, the values we fight and die to uphold, the values that by definition truly underscore the people we are as individuals, communities and as nations…..

For those reason alone we must hold true, fearlessly, knowing we must never ever be silenced, never afraid to speak out when we know we must, when we know many who cannot find voice cry out for those of us who are not afraid to find voice to simply roll up our sleeves, get our heads down, backsides up and to just get on with doing what we truly believe, our futures, be they individual, collective or as nations and indeed humanities, demands that of us. Kia Kaha …. Strength in Unity

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beautiful, another essay, and a call for us to acknowledge our own leadership in this mess. Now is NOT the time to be silent. Thank you so much.

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'Not all highly educated, highly degreed or highly positioned scientific figures are intelligent, as covid, the greatest litmus test of all, easily demonstrates.'

Exactly - i could not understand how so many so-called intelligent people believed everything they were being told, unquestioningly, without the curiosity i'd come to expect from these types. I also did not understand how or why i didn't follow suit. I tried to believe what i was being told, but just couldn't.

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I know why you didn't follow suit: you're smart and honest, that's why, and you can see a phoney a mile away. You're genuinely intelligent, whilst those with the epaulets are puppets. Thank you for your comment.

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Right all the way down the line. I don't have the talent or patience to counter the know nothing burgers that seem to be everywhere and utterly unrepentant. Let them eat shit.

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well, there do seem to be everywhere and that's our big problem, they're ubiquitous, a horde of Lilliputians ...

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Well, they've already gotten themselves injected with that. And I suppose they'll be lining up for more.

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a good one!

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Precisely. Dawkins seemed like a parody, not a real person.

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that is an excellent way of putting it ... right on -- he comes across as some kind of parody, which I think is what so jarred me. Thank you.

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I can't proffer a single word other than perhaps comedian Steve Allen's "dumbth" (= "stupidity taken to its inevitable conclusion") thus I will utter a phrase to describe these people:

"Dumb as shit."

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Seems to me what got them was sloth and pride.

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Well enough that Reinhold Aman of Maladicta referred to these cretinous lumps as "the kakademoids": a portmanteau of "kaka" and "academic"... 🤔🙄

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So right, plenty of kakademia out there, mind-bogling kaka with

hardly any demia. Thanks Cap. this is brilliant!

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Isn't mine: It's Reinhold Aman's.. may he rest in peace..


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Oh, I'd gathered that, but I wouldn't know about it if wasn't for you 😊

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Part 1

I concur completely with your well written article, a wake up call as to the reality we live and experience today.

Sadly many of the “intelligentsia” have, as I have opined many times previously, completely abrogated their basic and core obligation it would be fair for one to surmise, being that of their absolute obligation to humanity.

An obligation that in my view, for every individual possessed of the benefit of an higher education, an education better than the majority of their countrymen or woman have experienced or enjoyed and that when it all boils down that they live amongst, in my view, are therefore compelled to truly put to the test all of the skills, all of the benefits of said education that they have been able to partake of and to have matriculated and qualified.

Most tellingly of all and where those so educated it can be said have let themselves and most of all humanity down during the recent Scamdemic, was their complete disdain and abandonment of what so many had quite rightly expected of them at this unprecedented time of crisis, many we know, abandoned the undoubted skills and qualifications they possessed, had been taught as part of the higher education received, with amongst the most egregious acts of abandonment committed by this group, being that of abandoning all vestiges of critical thought, comprising their ability to challenge, to question, to debate, to speak up and out predicated upon what it can reasonably be implied so many of academia, the intelligentsia must instinctively have either felt, known or deep down believed.

That they were so silent, whether cowered into silence, into blindly following the group think, following the herd, such being the result of fear, intimidation, career issues, threats made, of licences possibly revoked, whatever or irrespective the excuse or rationale proffered, the fact as is widely known and accepted that so many of these supposed educated “elites” cowered in silence and submission to the threats, either implied or direct, etc as aforementioned is no excuse.

In so doing they aided and assisted the perpetrating of the lie, the scam and worst of all the resulting damage and harm that they’re cowering, their fear, their silence both sustained and supported.

Not one of the impacted, those who could not be with loved ones in their final moments, their loved ones dying in solitude alone, the many surviving injured, the many so irreversibly harmed, the multitudes of the dead, are not interested in the mealy mouthed platitudes, the half arsed apologies from them.

Apologies that smack more of regret that they’ve been found out to be weak and cowardly, fearful, in any other language fearful of having been so found out to have lost whatever empathy and basic humanity that they believed they possessed, that in the light of the recent and present reality that they are truly no different from those who appeared at Nuremberg post WW2 for having in similar circumstances, equally, simply, looked the other way, who when humanity and their fellow citizens required they speak up and out, they were AWOL, indifferent, uncaring, abandoning every tenet and foundation of the higher education they had been blessed with.

An education and qualifications that in many respects is an education they’ve enjoyed on the backs of the efforts of those who walked before them, irrespective of social, financial, educational or intellectual strata, for it is a known fact that many of the higher educational facilities surviving today, are able to do so the result of so many inputs from so many levels across society, with the caveat many such institutions survival definitely not linked to, nor the preserve of others like them, indeed resulting from the efforts of the many so unlike them, unqualified, not as well educated, who nevertheless sacrificed and contributed to ensure the educational institutions in which they learned, studied and became qualified survived through their time as well as the present because of such contributions amongst others.

However, this article by Dr Garcia, so directly paints a wonderful expose and insight of the rarefied air, many who are so qualified and educated, or who are members of the even more banal and sinister Think Tanks, NGO’s, Foundations, these entities, all seemingly with benign and feel good sounding descriptors and names, but which when looked at more closely, are nothing more than wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing, Trojan horses, with agenda’s many would, if the truth really be known, realise that the ideology espoused, perpetrated, promulgated is anathema to many of the core beliefs that so many of us cleave unto.

The many agenda’s, ideologies and raison de etre for so many of these Think Tanks, NGO’s, Foundations nothing more as quite sadly, has been demonstrated so many times in recent history, especially since the 1990’s, have been used to usher in truly nefarious and sinister agenda’s both domestically and abroad, indeed many an African, South East Asian, Middle Eastern Balkan, Baltic, Western Asian nation would attest, so much of the violence to which they’ve been subject, to the many coups, regime changes, leaders elected democratically either replaced or simply assassinated, the civil unrest, societal division resulting from the perpetuating the politics of divisiveness resulting and or emanating from such entities.

Indeed, the same trope so successfully employed by these entities away from home, away from the source, from where the backers of many of these entities are domiciled, the nations the financial backers are citizens of, have been transformed, their mission, in pursuit of the same agenda, to sow the same discord, division and to influence the local political agenda in domestically just as has been successfully engineered and implemented the offshore nations and markets they have traditionally operated within.

I know that here in New Zealand as a case in point so much of our recent legislative and policy agenda, orchestrated both of our mainstream political parties, yep, here in N.Z our political system another iteration of the oh so prevalent 2 party system that dominates the political landscape across the so called Democratic Western World, which when looked at closely is nothing more than the now prevailing Uniparty system, being rolled out across the democratic West, these past 30years, as some would correctly point out, this Uniparty political trope better described as being, 2 cheeks of the same arsehole.

As noted much of our political legislative and policies agenda being the directly attributable to the work, recommends and requirements imposed and put upon our political class by these entities, the most glaring examples being, the thankfully defeated, but at the time highly secretive, whilst kept entirely from the populace, destructive TPP proposition that all but made it into legislation, the recent Three Waters Legislation to privatise our Water resources, sequestering ownership of publicly owned resources to the ubiquitous and almost fascist by definition Public Private Partnership model, the fascist element able to be justified when the governance aspects were closely examined, plus a host of other Globalist led and W.H.O, UN2021 and now UN2030 initiatives successive Governments representing the so called Left and Right of our political spectrum have either proposed, introduced or actually legislated into Statute, such demonstrative of the point made, the result of outside overweight interference in our politics, our legislative agenda be it discussed or introduced, this type of interference is antithetical to and undermines a nation’s sovereignty and needs curtailed, at the very least subjected to full disclosure in order the legislation promulgated impacts most, us, you your family, loved ones, me, are able to differentiate and do what we need to ensure agenda’s that compromise us our quality of life, our expectations are truly challenged.

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What a truly brilliant essay you have written. Hats off to you for spelling it out so clearly and revealing so much. THANK YOU.

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Economic stability is what the developed world gave in exchange for 'God.' Politics as they are today (and resulting big business including pharma snuggled up tight) is what enables economic stability. God has been killed, Nietzsche said it and he was poetically, in part, not wrong.

This is the reality behind western politics- it is the same on both sides- it is no coincidence that the colours between the left/right in NZ (which are both hard left) blend to make purple. The colour of royalty, the highest state of Mankind, the 'God-King.' The origins of the name Phoenician- or so we're told.

In the Vedic chakra system it is the colour of the topmost gate- that of Brahma. The 'left/right' wings represent the need for both in order to 'fly' out of the chaos we are currently being reduced to ashes within. The only way out is UP.

In the Great Triad, Three Waters is a spiritual metaphor. NZ is hardly the only country that is being hammered, it's just they were put so soundly to sleep back in the 1950's- around the time of Mao's business handshake with Nixon sealed the ancient Spirit of China's fate to purely material considerations.

So now the water (a Biblical metaphor meaning 'truth') has been unceremoniously splashed in the kiwi's collective face, some have been startled wide awake.

When my father died, my 'very highly educated' brother and sister, rather than scatter his ashes as he'd requested in his LW&T, refused his wish out of respect for the Maori- their own father overridden for the perceived superiority of the native Spirit.

It is the SAME SPIRIT- no one race or culture has dibs on the Sacredness of Spirit. Take Islam during the gun-grab Jacinda Show. Is there any chance staging such an episode in Christ Church could have any other significance?

This is a spiritual operation. It will continue until people start to meditate on the reality of Spirit- what happened to it, and how it is the only thing that can 'save' us.

One must start to 'look UP'; all the mechanical, materialised, left-brain intellectualism in the world is not going to help or save anyone now, and is in fact what guided us directly in to this mess in the first place.

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well and eloquently said, thank you

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Thanks for calling them out, it's important to see. There's an aura of glamor, the degrees, the awards, the attention of a TV reporter-- but then they open their mouths to expound & opine and it's all so much shale. Can't unsee it.

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Great, I’m happy and excited for you, that your research is helping you to gain insight, many people have different interpretations but the definition of God I subscribe to and believe absolutely in, is the Judeo Christian definition and history as is known of my creator, God, The Lord… the only God… my God.

When all is said, is done, personal spirituality is as we know, the foundation for people of faith and belief, a deep seated and extremely personal experience, never to be forced upon, but very much based on inherent belief, on absolute faith and insight into deeply held truths, truths that continue to manifest with conviction, some are fortunate to experience such, others sadly not able to ever so experience the joys that absolute faith underscore and continue to provide, whilst for many and by their own admission, sadly never experienced.

Still we are all born equals and as aforementioned, when all is said and done, it’s how your life is spent, how you have lived, what you do with it, what you achieve and accomplish irrespective the metric throughout, inclusive as I inherently do believe, your spirituality, a spirituality able to be defined, whether present or not, whether a spirituality sought after or that is simply left benign, allowed to languish if that be one’s choice, that I believe ultimately will define you whether in this temporal world or in the afterlife, the bottom line, spirituality incorporating deep seated faith and belief presents the quintessential…. to each their own…. The very best to you.

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My perspective simple as it might seem, is that mankind is in a spiritual battle, our souls the target, being the prize fought for, the only difference in this spiritual war that is raging and that has truly intensified the past decade, is that the force fighting against us is well organised, well structured, multi faceted and layered, whilst in defense, we fight alone, for the battle fought, a spiritual battle for our souls demands we fight alone, that individually we must prevail, by dominating the battle and ultimately winning we ensure our spirit, our soul survives.

It is a constant struggle and battle, analogous to, I can only surmise, the battle an addict likely experiences and confronts each hour of each day, the agony of uncertainty, of potential fall, the catalyst to both concentrate and focus the mind, to underscore the effort needed to stay on top, to ensure victory, a lifelong commit, no time to ever kick back, to bask and reflect in the glory of victory, a faith and belief based battle for your soul that will never be over, that should not end but that persists as it will, until your last breath.

The alternative in simply submitting, just caving, not fighting as diligently as we can, is simple, we lose, our spirit and soul… destroyed, a feeling that what should be yours, is not your own, that feeling of not being in control, full unadulterated control, lost… replaced, as I’ve been told by others, describing the feelings of despair, angst, uncertainty, of not being in control, life seemingly a never ending disaster of crisis, of unhappiness ever so pervasive, a heaviness, life simply put… a personal struggle, of never experiencing contentment or that feeling of inner calm and peace, save spasmodically, the occasional feelings of euphoria the result of endorphins released from experiencing momentary or fleeting contentment and or successes.

It is incumbent on each of us to fight this spiritual war first and foremost for self, for if we cannot fight for our own soul, how can we expect or be expected to fight effectively for anything or anyone else?

To that end and in pursuit of that outcome we are required to recalibrate our own spirituality, for me personally, that resetting of self, of recalibrating begins and necessitates my relationship, my faith, my belief and love of my God, the god that I intrinsically believe created me, and everything both tangible and spiritual in which I believe.

As such and by so reconnecting, of establishing the relationship I have with god, predicate upon faith, belief, love of god the feeling of contentment, of peace, of my soul sated, provides all I need to feel satisfied and at peace, to be happy, my eyes and mind opened to the many perspectives that shape and define the World I live in.

Prayer and the daily read of scripture, reflection, contemplation all for me, bulwarks against the perfidy of evil, the evil that is the centre of everything I’m fighting against, that has for many unwittingly enveloped them, their spirits, their souls, their lives, communities, nations, the descent into what feels a perpetual moral decline, seemingly ratcheted up as each generation, each successive government, each month, each year passes us by, a steady incessant gradual decline that as aforementioned subsumes the individual, the spirit the soul, until the point you no longer are or can be cognisant of that which you once thought you knew and controlled.

Our world inverted Peace is War, debate and challenge, critical thought, now a threat, frowned upon yet once the very dictate that defined civil advancement and enabled progress, the once accepted and as defined, by the U.S Assn of Psychiatry as a mental illness, gender dysphoria, now a trumpeted and much defended, despite a dearth of evidence supporting the arguments proffered, mechanism to advance the further degradation of those most vulnerable amongst us, our children and youth.

Gender dysphoria, rationalised willingly by advocates, many professionals who simply by virtue of their education, qualifications and professions, ought truly know better than advocate the ridiculous such as toddlers, indeed babies as young as 3 months know and can display such dysphoria that needs treated in order to be seen to be humane, whilst the evidence from many who submitted the process, abandoned due their change of heart, their realisation they had made mistakes, their dysphoria a euphemism for the angst suffered adjusting to the natural phenomenon of puberty.

Yet in my view those with questionable and perhaps nefarious motives promote such life altering practices, ditto the tsunami of the wave washing across the U.S and many liberal democracies of unbridled support for everything transgender, queer, pedophilia, of being forced to accept personal sexual preferences that ought remain private between consenting adults, yet we are being asked as is occurring in the U.S to celebrate an entire month the same, to accept again, what ought be private in your face, to tolerate trans child readings in school libraries, kid friendly drag shows, again for a dysphoria that has resulted in being vocal and extremely child centric, when spoken out against becomes intolerant of objection, of discussion against men in woman’s change rooms, bathrooms, sports, prisons, gyms, clubs, an excuse to vilify our woman and to rob them of the recognition earned and that they fought so long and hard to secure.

Unable to define what a woman is? As if we we born of everything but a woman, biology turned on its head what is white black, what is black white, the world we know the inverse of everything we thought we knew, lied to constantly by those in authority, our governments, our professionals, corporates, those we ought to be able to implicitly trust and rely upon, the feeling that we, are somehow an enemy that needs defeated? Why? For what? Speech and the ability to openly debate and to challenge, to State opinion, cite facts, to think critically, as a consequence of doing so, decried, vilified, derided, cancelled, shouted at, interrupted, unable to speak but fully expected to have to listen in reverence to alternate perspectives and points of view, to the banal and inane, the non sensical… the plain insane and lunatic…. Not for them the ability to do as they demand of us… it is as if the lunatics have genuinely left the asylum and are running things.

Nope… for me solace as stated in my faith, belief and love of god, it keeps me grounded, provides the constant and certainty needed in the world we now roam, gives me peace and comfort, affords me the happiness needed to live a full life, all else enjoyed blessings given, that which challenges, another tribulation to overcome in the ongoing war being fought, my soul my own to determine who it will ultimately belong, for good or evil, god or satan, I choose and much prefer, always my creator, my god.

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Cool. I found a formal, illustrative meaning of the word 'God' yesterday. The idea is easy enough to grasp, esp. as Sanskrit/Phoenicians gave us our language and arguably our culture.

'The English term 'God' was originally a Sanskrit word taken from the Vedas and mentioned several times in the Bhagavad Gita: 'Hutam' or smoke arising from the fire of an offering placed into a sacred fire ceremony. Hutam became Gutam in German, Goot in Dutch and God in English.'

It turns out the Phoenicians (merchants) were not held in high regard within the Vedic priest class because they loved money and ostentatious wealth too much and never made proper fire sacrifices. They also did horrible things to children- this could be esoteric & metaphoric, or just as easily be literal this day and age...

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thank you for these fascinating observations

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"By their fruits ye shall know them."

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I like that ... may I quote you on this one? (just joking, I know who said this). It is very deeply appropriate, isn't it?

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Hear, hear!

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Yes. Yes.

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G'day NZD; What is it with atheists, they're ALWAYS talking about God? "Smart" people often say dumb things. Least said, soonest mended, thanks Dad.

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I'd like to think ppl like him actually take the 'vax', if he does, he can have my booster

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It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. ~ Upton Sinclair

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