To some this message may come as a slap in the face

Especially those wanting to see good in the world

I remember many years ago learning about the Holocaust

And wondered why so many Jews, so persecuted and poorly treated, stayed instead of fleeing when all the warning signs were clear

Why wouldn't they just disappear to other nations, into the woods, anywhere

But it seems

They all thought it would get better if they waited

They had hope

Hope that things would change

And unfortunately

Although powerful...

Hope won't stop battens, bullets or bombs

It won't stop famines, riots, or flames

And it won't stop genocides

We need more than hope these days

We need a strategic advantage

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too many fence sitters

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True. They say offence is the best defence. So people must get off de fence and be off fence-ive!

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another exceptional poetic commentary, Conrad, thank you!

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I think it is because seeing just how corrupt and rotten our governments - just about all governments - would crumble the foundations of the "civilised" world we have constructed in our minds. It is one thing to understand that politicians fudge their expenses and walk the fine line between taking a bribe and listening to a powerful interest group - it is another to understand that they are all bought and paid for, lying through their teeth, and willing to happily sell us down the tube to save themselves and their privileged way of life.

Even now, seeing how all those pandemic-resister African leaders somehow got fatal cases of "covid" or met unfortunate accidents, how those lone voices who spoke out got ridiculed and trashed, how all those pandemicists in government & various businesses got fat and rich, it is a very hard pill to swallow.

It's about understanding that evil is so pervasive that we don't even recognise it any more, that a trap is being laid out & almost ready to be sprung, that someone, somewhere, is actively trying to genocide us, all in the name of health and safety and with big smiles on their faces.

There is such a chasm of dissonance that most people cannot see it, literally cannot. Not until they find it impacting their own lives, with a jab injury, or personal financial disaster, or some other wake-up call.

I don't know how to reach those people - I don't think you can.

All the people reading substacks like this one are already believers, and we are just debating about the details.

But the ones who are still living in their cocoons? It is going to take more than an impassioned plea or a determined rant, or even a thought-provoking question.

You can see their eyes glazing over - they don't want to know.

They are just glad it is "over", and they want to move on - or move back to how things used to be, just with more digital management of their lives.

What can you do?

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We can but try to reach, probably principally through our examples, living without fear, remaining calm and thoughtful in the manufactured frenzies ...

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Politicians: "they lie in their teeth"' ...and even those are false!!

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Our military is ensconced all throughout Africa.

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and the World!! if you refer to USA military.

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OH so true!

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Jan 7, 2024
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It’s easier to believe a lie. But only in the short term of course.

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At my husband’s Dr visit, MA asks his vax status. He explained that due to VARS reports, he didn’t & won’t get vax.

She proceeds to tell him that her husband, a prison guard, & her daughter who works in healthcare, both coerced into getting vaxxed, BOTH have myocarditis & ongoing heart issues. Devastating, but I am grateful for those who speak up, and why should I even have to add, "courageously"?

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all this coercion ... if it was so wonderful why force people?

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Same could be said about taxation. if communism is giving100% of your labor to the govt, what is slavery? What is being coerced into giving 40% of your labor to govt? if they can just print more money, why are we taxed at all? yet here we are, all running around about proclaiming how free we are. Goes back to Goethe’s observation; “The triumph of despotism is to force the slaves to declare themselves free. It may need no force; the slaves may proclaim their freedom quite sincerely: but they are nonetheless slaves.”

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A good product should sell itself without the 'advertising'.

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Saw a comment on another site saying her children were coerced into getting the jab. Her Mother got all 4 and then died from a rare cancer. Here in Australia a female politician was in remission from brain cancer but suddenly got it back and shortly after she was dead. Could not have been because of the safe and effective vaccine, could it?

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Of course not! Who are we to doubt the testimony, the bedside manner of the gentle and avuncular Dr. Fraudci?

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I've heard similar stories ... incredible

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Brilliant summary of the gigantic human experiment

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thank you so much for your kind words

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The ones who wont step over the line I see increasingly as a threat to the survival of my descendants.

Only more so as we enter the next phase of this "war without rules" being waged surreptitiously on us all.

Last call for people to have a conscience and do what is right.

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I think people may rally to the side of good ... we must go on doing our thing however. Things happen gradually and then all of a sudden.

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We have to stay grounded though and many can't.

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Transmigration is a movement from one state to another, which is most certainly what we're going through. Respiratory affects the ability to draw air, the sign of Aquarius, the new age dawning just beyond the veil.

Meditation is the conscious control of ones breath, thus ones air intake and nervous system response. Word (Microsoft) and Apple (MacIntosh) are symbols from the garden of Eden and even the most hardened non-Christian cynic can surely see the 'fruit' of the knowledge of good and evil as being online and sharing that knowledge.

A bat is a winged creature of the dark, and a bird represents spirit, a creature of the (day) light. Right from the bat meme the line was drawn in the darkness (before dawn). Those of us who know how things are, are absolutely beholden to the Light!

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a wonderful comment, thank you

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 Covid-19 Injectable Bioweapons - Muted Genocide!

"They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a


Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade


Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

- Martin Niemöller (German Lutheran pastor)


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Churchill said something like 'if he feeds the crocodile enough the crocodile will eat him last' ...

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Explains Zelinsky and his handlers

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To be honest, I am still baffled that a non medical person like me could have tracked Bill Gates' genocide in Kenya and India since 2000s, the ID2020 projects in 2019, the Covid-19 tabletop plandemic response game in New York in 2019 and medical "experts" were surprised by a plandemic in March 2020 just because the world Homicide Organization (W.H.O) had declared that there was one released only by their TV. What did they think about Obama releasing bioweapons in West Africa in 2015 (10,000+ killed) from his biolab in Liberia?

This type of myopic professionals does NOT deserve the respect of anybody. They're as dangerous as the Global Predators.

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being non-medical was an advantage - you are a real thinker!

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Thank you, so true. Dangerous-er, I would say.

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Many of us stumbled into this train of thought by serendipitous accident; in my case it was in 1994, taking "High Treason: The Assassination of JFK and the Case for Conspiracy" from the Danforth/Coxwell branch of the Toronto Public Library. I learned a lot from James Corbett and his documentary series, "Meet Bill Gates" (https://www.corbettreport.com/meet-bill-gates/).

In August 2020 I made the switch from Windows to Linux: Bill Gates has enough money. Some would speculate he may have too much money...

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I'm pro-Linux too ... there is a new documentary series just out, Four Died Trying. I think you will really like it. fourdiedtrying.com

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Thank you! My project for the New Year (relevant to Linux at least) -- along with about a dozen others -- is to master Bash Shell Scripting...

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Let's say that you were not already red pilled before 2020.

How is it possible that 4 years later, you could bring yourself in a slaughterhouse and ask Schizer to suicide you in 2023? 56 million Americans have paid for their 5th/6th injection this winter!!!

Aren't 4 years enough to learn from experience? I believe these folks will be requesting a new lockdown soon after Bill Gates deploys the saviour mosquito.

The EPA has approved his request to release billions of GMO mosquitoes in Texas and Florida. either he's trying to quackcinate people using mosquitoes or he is releasing malaria virus in North America.

 EPA Authorizes Release of 2 Billion More GMO Mosquitoes as Reports of Malaria Surface in States That Already Released Them

Locally acquired malaria has been nonexistent in the U.S. for the last 20 years. But five such cases have recently been diagnosed — four in Florida and one in Texas — the only two states that have released genetically engineered mosquitoes.


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💣 Here's something I reposted recently: "Repent": https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent

💣 As John Wayne is purported to have observed: "You can't fix "stupid" no matter how you try."

💣 And this from Bertrand Russell: "Most people would sooner die than think. In fact, they do."

💣 And this, from Joshua Reynolds: "There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking."

💣 Let me draw your attention to a curious book first published in 1844 and still in print: "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles MacKay, LLD. Were you aware during the Witch Craze (1300 - 1600) there were regions in Germany depopulated of women?

💣 Finally, have you ever heard of a fellow named Georges Gurdjieff❓ I've started working on his philosophy in fits and starts, he held the notion that humanity lives in a state of "Consensus Trance"; that our waking reality is in fact on a par with being profoundly asleep – as the past 4 years have demonstrated.

Hope those items help.. 😇

Hm.. I've just heard my 3rd ambulance siren of the day.. Time was I might hear one once a month... 🤔

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Gates needs to find his end. Six feet under buried.

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Yes, I am now having this conversation with the terribly dim who as you indicate 4 years alter STILL haven't woken up the the scam. I say Stupid 20 arrived in 2020 and is still rampant.

It mutates becoming even more deadly and might even be called the Stupendously Stupid 20 variant ref. 5h1t 4 Br-A1-NZ. Let the reader understand.

P.S. This is particular to New Zealand but spread across the world. :)


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Doctors should also look into virology and question the dogma.


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In 1976, my RN mother talked me into getting a Swine flu shot with her. Later that day, I developed the most severe pain I'd ever felt in my lower left back, and she took me to the hospital. After spending the night in the hospital with a decreasing Valium drip following a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome, the next morning I was waiting next to the nurse's station for my mother to finish a consult with the attending and releasing physician. The head nurse told me that I should consider myself lucky to be alive, because they'd had patients come in with less severe symptoms than mine that went to the morgue, and that I should never take another vaccine. I have followed that nurse's advice faithfully.

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Incredible story, what a nurse! I treated a person who had suffered GB syndrome as a kid and I am sorry to say that at the time a vaccine-etiology never crossed my mind ... this was two decades ago at least. Different now -- and so obvious! He was told he had a post-viral syndrome that led to GB ...

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The swine flu vaccine was quickly identified as deadlier than the swine flu. After 26 deaths had been tracked to the GBS it caused, the government moved to retract it, limiting the carnage to under 60 nationwide. That was before science was weaponized.

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In reviewing my life and the lives of my family, I see vaccine damage in 5 of the 6 members of my family, from Mononucleosis to lung cancer to thyroid dysfuntion to scoliosis......and also prescription ('the pill') drug damage in the uncounted sister. I had horrid clotting nosebleeds after some injection, when I was 6. And lifetime anemia, though I managed to treat it and do not suffer from it now, and my diet has been much better post 50. On the whole, the poisoning of the worlds people has gone quite unnoticed, quite gradual, yet ever pervasive, and now like a river. The hell.

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The frog in the pot analogy. In the last 4 years the temperature was increased suddenly causing many to leap out before they got cooked.

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Wow. At least you followed the advice. But here we are 48 years later and still having to deal with this evil. I am sorry I did not wake up before 2020.

It was only then I eventually remembered my BCG shot at boarding school 1975 when I was very ill for 2 weeks in the sanatorium, temperature 104F. I didn't recover my full strength til the end of the summer as I recall.

It was put down to German measles I think.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is a fancy name for a facial palsy like I have due to sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning). Making up names is what the medical establishment do to avoid people suspecting vaccines and other big pharma products.

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Jan 7, 2024Edited
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You still can as long as you don't broadcast it on the Internet and come to the attention of those who regard it as misinformation.

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you're right: we have to fight smart. Some of us have to lie low within the belly of the beast to do the best work ...

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I prefer the opposite approach. Spread the truth far and wide at the risk of becoming a pariah, which goes away with accusers.

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I picked the side in March of 2020. It was so obviously orchestrated, I was in constant disbelief that most people couldn't, or wouldn't see it. The evilness of it all was airborne and swirled around constantly. I still don't understand how the masses accepted it. Neuroweapons, like Prof. James Giordano speaks about being able to cause mass disruption? I remain stunned.

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I'm going to write another essay about how the masses were swayed -- and it's not because of chemtrails or nanobots: it's devilishly used devious mind-warping psychology.

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I very much look forward to reading this.

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I picked my side in the beginning, but am dismayed at so many I personally know who went in the other direction. Since most are not medical professionals or researchers, it’s hard to regard them as true enemies. But blinkered fools fits nicely. The whole thing almost seems like a sorting mechanism.

And it certainly creates a divide that is difficult to breach. Much damage has already been done, yet the juggernaut rolls on. It’s far from over, with no real end in sight.

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I agree, and fight on we must

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Read up on the international banker and eugenicist Jacques Attali and Ted Turner. The sorts are deliberate use of propaganda for the useless stupid so the population is culled. Turner believes over 90 % should perish. Shock and awe folks, shock and awe.

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It needed to be said, and we all need to spread it far and wide. Thank you for your courage and moral clarity. Plain spoken is best.

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thank you!

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People might like to hear about what's happening to the unwanted shots as reported in Jeff's Substack.

And that some countries have to keep buying more shots for years.

Wonder what's happening to NZ's unused shots and what the contract with Pfizer and Jabcinda & co says.

Jeff's opinion on Epstein's gathering of physicists is interesting too in terms of controlling *the science*.

Too bad Jeff isn't over the line.

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I am hoping that the Pfizer contract with NZ will surface this year ...

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It's going to be painful.

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Most people are stupid and most people are cowards. They happily walk to the slaughter house whilst proclaiming one person can achieve nothing. Blind, stupid cowards. And those of us who fight on behalf of the children are called crazy. The genocide has coincided with a self selected cleansing of the gene pool.

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well said ... we have to carry this fight; all through history a small group started something good in the midst of a frenzy. At least we have our integrity.

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« Pick a side. ». I totally agree.

Thank you.

You write and wield the pen with remarkable brilliance. ("What is well conceived is clearly stated, and the words to say it come easily." Boileau?)


Forgiveness is essential for preserving our mental health and soul.

Refuse the insidious anger that contaminates everything.

Necessary is acknowledging and denouncing the perpetrators for who they are, for life to survive. Forget, never.

To keep hope, always, in ourselves and in all those who will succeed in freeing their spirits.

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thank you for your kind words and this wonderful comment

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I have found the best response to those authoritarian folks is to ignore them, and discredit them as irrelevant. That would have fixed them, but so many people in NZ were forced to comply, that the rest mostly fell into line. People who supported the compulsory vaccine mandates are most clearly the enemy here, with those Labour party politicians being public enemy # 1. I am hoping our new govt will address the covid mandate issues, and protect free speech a lot better. I think they are feeling the weight of public expectation from the silent majority, and have hit the ground running.

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"I have found the best response to those authoritarian folks is to ignore them, and discredit them as irrelevant."

I love this and feel the same. And when I put my focus on them I visualize them thinning, dissipating, becoming as if nothing... gone.

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I hope you are right!

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My GP and her clinic have been treating me so badly that I am thinking it is time for some protest action. My heart function is damaged, along with multiple other problems they have caused, and now they are trying to make up lies about me to discredit me. I thought some spray paint saying "LIARS" all over the outside of their clinic would be an appropriate protest against their abusive treatment. I think they would hate to be considered liars, and would hate the attention of reporting it to the Police. It would look like they were losing control of the narrative, which is just what I want. They are trying to run a campaign against me, and I will email you the email they sent me. I thought I should coincide the "LIAR" graffiti to go with the court case for the Covid data Whistleblower. Do you know when he is back in court ?

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Jan 11, 2024
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Good advice Rose. I dont actually need those doctors, but I would like to make an example of them for thinking they can treat me so badly. It is time to stop doctors thinking they can get away with that kind of behaviour. And I have paid them good money.

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