Remember that fear is a good servant but a bad master. Covid showed that fear has become the norm for many people. I pushed back as much as possible, but most people were ruled by fear and got vaccinated, which made them even more fearful cos it undermines ones immunity. We saw from the protests that many people wanted to choose unity over fear and division, but our paranoid authoritarian govt pushed fear like a drug, and thought they could rule with fear and money printing. The NZ public has seen through that, and we have tried to put normal people back in charge. I do think society around the world has reached new lows, and we are more challenged than ever. So keep writing good articles for us Doc about the before time when people actually had a moral compass.
My friend said, exactly, that if he got the thing he would die, as the lamestream mainstream had programmed him to think. Luckily he hasn't died, although honestly he is barely alive anymore, after three injextions.
Yesterday folks in the elevator had masks on, and the elevator smelled badly when they got out, like fear and moldy stale masked death
There were so many turning away from established systems when 2020 came in.
Tiny front yards turned into gardens for food, trees, flowers, medicinal plants.
Raising chickens in small backyards.
Buying from small local stores and farmers markets. Buying second hand, mending, repurposing.
Living smaller, buying less.
Some building passive houses.
Living more simply with your bare feet on the ground feels more rooted to me. I embrace it. I have never felt balanced when I couldn't get my feet on the earth. I've always wandered barefoot.
But so many still were deep into the medicalized system. Deep into "being a good citizen" without questioning.
Some now who do question are deep into religion and likely were already. Possibly wanting to be 'saved'. (and I am generalizing here based on my own experiences)
Wanting to deeply understand the teachings of the bible.
From my own perspective it feels simple to me.
We are here to connect, to love, to heal ourselves and each other.
All the answers are within us.
Sometimes buried deep.
Leaning in and listening.
Life is fleeting, wonderful, painful, brutal and beautiful.
I don't struggle with the thought of death or the desire to be 'saved'.
I wasn't schooled in religion.
I visualize a release from my human form and consciousness upon the death of my body. And may it be so.
I doubt there are many who believe trans humanism is possible or even desire it.
So many who do question have made huge changes in the way they live. And some will likely never understand.
In the end we die. That is part of the cycle of life.
A butterfly landed on my window screen. Something I had never witnessed before. It was ragged, shredded, almost unrecognizable.
It was a swallowtail and could still fly.
For a startling moment I thought I was looking at myself.
The consequences of the technocrats' ambitions are illustrated on that old Star Trek episode, "Q Who", where we are introduced to The Borg. OTOH John Milton wrote of it in "Paradise Lost". CS Lewis and EF Schumacher wrote of the shortcomings – and potential consequences – of the Technocrats' philosophy in "The Abolition of Man" and "A Guide for the Perplexed" respectively (both books, mercifully short!😘) . You only have to listen to Klaus Schwab or Yuval Noel Harari speak for a few minutes to understand they're both as mad as hatters, possessed by an insanity comparable to Ed Gein or Carl Panzram.
On the other hand, after what I've experienced in the past 4 years? Most human beings are no better than zombies. All they care about are the sports scores and their new t̶e̶l̶e̶s̶c̶r̶e̶e̶n̶ – smartphone. Pardon me. Aldous Huxley put it so well in "Brave New World": “Expecting Deltas to know what liberty is! And now expecting them to understand Othello! My good boy!”
Truly, the most brilliant trick the Devil pulled was to convince humanity he doesn't exist.
"... the architects of this movement are all for culling the human herd in their quest to create a world that is, for them, bereft of mortality and suffering. To me it is a world that is bereft of anything worth feeling in pursuit of nothing worth experiencing. The ultimate dead end, in fact."
Very well said. All inspired, it seems, by a primitive fear of death...
I had just been uploading to Substack a reply to you in an article of my own concerning your last great article about poetry. When I went online I saw there was a new article by you and, of course, I have to read it although it is late.
Thank you Doc for again sharing your eloquent musings.
You reminded me of my reaction when I heard the presumptuous intentions of the transhumanists - to download and merge their consciousness with robotic neural circuitry. I laughed in my mind, do they even know what consciousness is so as to capture and entrain it within doped silicon?
I like Rupert Sheldrake's theories because I have experienced some of the "spooky" things he has described to support his morphic resonance theories. So consciousness I believe is like the program in static RAM, when the power is removed the program evaporates, and as the good book says at Ecclesiastes 12:7
"Then the dust returns to the earth, just as it was, and the spirit returns to the true God who gave it."
If these arrogant materialists think they can "hack" their RAMs and usurp immortality to become gods, then I think they are going to be very disappointed, and I wonder how the ruling class could ever become so dumb. We've surely descended a very long way since Solomon.
I don't know, Doc, that the "capacity to derive pleasure from killing, from inflicting gratuitous harm..." is the evil within all of us. It seems like it is fear itself, and particularly of death, that is the real evil.
Or perhaps there is a distinction between the some who take pleasure in hurting others and the many who will follow evil edicts in fear induced self preservation?
Yes, I agree. Some are just plain bad and I think that some are just plain good. The rest, perhaps the majority, are, to borrow a modern term, morally fluid depending on their circumstances.
Speaking of masks, today was a 90 degree day where I live, and yes, I did run into people wearing masks. The lunacy continues. People wear them in the hope of outwitting death. Meanwhile, these powers that be who couldn't get monkeypox to become the next pandemic are now trying to scare us with talk about bird flu: a new pandemic is on its way, they're telling us. How long before we can make enough vaccines to meet demand?
Contemplating the dangers of knowledge has a long history. After all, Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise because they sought to become acquainted with knowledge. Perhaps what happens in our quest for knowledge is that we only cultivate it partially and with disregard for negative ramifications. It's not adequate knowledge we tend to gain, but little knowledge, instead. As Poe wrote, a "little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
I want to believe that this species we belong to had the capacity for love and tenderness from the very beginning. Primates have this capacity. Prehistoric humans left behind beautiful cave paintings and statuary, and structures like stone circles. Part of being human is to be kind, loving and compassionate, in other words, it's to be humane, a most perfect state of being. It's what we must strive towards, and this requires humility.
The architects of the colloquially described "Reset" unwittingly or intentionally embrace dehumanisation, in other words, the social, economic, biological, moral and ethical destruction of society and thus of humanity. It is and always was an evolutionary dead end.
Doc, you are so right. During the entire scam, all I could think was that of course I don't want to die, who does, but damn, I'm certainly not going to die on THEIR terms by taking the shot.
Another superb and insightful post by the good Dr. Garcia. It resonates with an article on TransHumanism I just read on But Dr. Garcia’s final admonition to look within our own souls is reminiscent to me of JFK’s Peace speech in June 1963 when he asked Americans to examine their own attitudes towards Peace. Man has free will, and he can choose to empower the better angel of his nature (paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln). TransHumanism seeks to remove that choice.
"Right, right, and right again." Quoting Clue in Tron.
Never speak with an inanimate or conscienceless form of anti-life (because conscienceless). They will mistake humans for an imperfection, and themselves as perfection.
And perfection without conscience/ agape love is artificial life running amok (the event horizon).
So the fear of their own deaths has led/is leading every transhumanist to impose nanobot internal body control on the human race through shots or Franken lettuce.
Is it possible for them to wake up from this self-delusion? Is it a delusion maintained by chatting only within their own social circles? How do you show that social pathology to functional sociopaths? How do they self-reflect, if they have rudimentary or no human consciences only mutually reinforcing self- and social- talk? How to dent the arrogance? Lest all humanity become zombified or mass murdered under their control in the name only, not substance of, of civilization? How you give them hearts? -- the impossible challenge in the Wizard of Oz. How to give "Hitler a heart"? (problem-solving in imaginary Civilization 101).
Start with enforcing the Rule of Law. That's what it's for. To reign in the unreignable, the heartless. That's just a start.
Yes, it's amazing to me that God has a purpose (likely his universal free choice rule) in the rising of unruly progeny of the rephaim and nefilim Deuteron.2:10-12.
But then again He uses mighty (in armies) Gentiles to chastise His ostensible believers for bad acts. Nobody gets away.
Who is watching the watchers? He is. We are.
The Awakening. (Dean Henderson.)
Pray for their misalignment. Prayer, that vertical alignment with God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. We choose. He moves.
Book of Job 38:4. "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" That Guy.
I agree with some of what you say, Susan.. But Job 38:4? Far as I'm concerned it's merely a grossly irresponsible evasion on God's part. "How could you do this to me?" asked Job, quite reasonably. "Fuck you, I'm God, I'll do as I please" the Almighty in effect replies.
I think God is not saying that to Job. Based on the character of God. To construct a universe and mankind requires infinite goodness/agape love -- infinite constructivity, a concept humans cannot grasp, in my view.
He knows arrogance is very bad for humans. It makes us self-destruct -- the transhumanists, whether or not they know it, are planning for themselves.
It's not possible to merge humans and machines. The mind without a human body will go bonkers. Something transhumanist science guys have not considered.
They want eternal life by putting their thoughts in a machine or computer? They will be bonkers trapped in a long-lived contraption -- That fragment of a still-human mind wishing for death but unable to die. Kafkaesque.
BTW have you seen posts by Dr.Ana Mihalcea on the quantum dots and metals in the mRNA jabs that are self-assembling nano bots that kill red blood cells (oxygen) in order to build "stuff" like white blood close as long as legs and arms? And Karen Kingston on dual-weapon contents of shots.
While I'm aware of Dr. Ana I haven't actually... I seem to be following William Makis MD, Mark Crispin Miller, Lioness of Judah and off of Substack, Mike Adams... I'm usually overwhelmed with those.😥
Ana Mihalcea shows darkfield microsopy of nano bots from the mRNA shots self assembling into filaments, and presumably filaments to white clots. She has done tests on removed clots that are nearly indestructible. They are found in living and dead humans.
As the self assembly occurs, electricity is stolen from surrounding blood cells which then die in masses. (Hypoxia? Hematology not pulmonology? ...
Remember that fear is a good servant but a bad master. Covid showed that fear has become the norm for many people. I pushed back as much as possible, but most people were ruled by fear and got vaccinated, which made them even more fearful cos it undermines ones immunity. We saw from the protests that many people wanted to choose unity over fear and division, but our paranoid authoritarian govt pushed fear like a drug, and thought they could rule with fear and money printing. The NZ public has seen through that, and we have tried to put normal people back in charge. I do think society around the world has reached new lows, and we are more challenged than ever. So keep writing good articles for us Doc about the before time when people actually had a moral compass.
My friend said, exactly, that if he got the thing he would die, as the lamestream mainstream had programmed him to think. Luckily he hasn't died, although honestly he is barely alive anymore, after three injextions.
Yesterday folks in the elevator had masks on, and the elevator smelled badly when they got out, like fear and moldy stale masked death
There were so many turning away from established systems when 2020 came in.
Tiny front yards turned into gardens for food, trees, flowers, medicinal plants.
Raising chickens in small backyards.
Buying from small local stores and farmers markets. Buying second hand, mending, repurposing.
Living smaller, buying less.
Some building passive houses.
Living more simply with your bare feet on the ground feels more rooted to me. I embrace it. I have never felt balanced when I couldn't get my feet on the earth. I've always wandered barefoot.
But so many still were deep into the medicalized system. Deep into "being a good citizen" without questioning.
Some now who do question are deep into religion and likely were already. Possibly wanting to be 'saved'. (and I am generalizing here based on my own experiences)
Wanting to deeply understand the teachings of the bible.
From my own perspective it feels simple to me.
We are here to connect, to love, to heal ourselves and each other.
All the answers are within us.
Sometimes buried deep.
Leaning in and listening.
Life is fleeting, wonderful, painful, brutal and beautiful.
I don't struggle with the thought of death or the desire to be 'saved'.
I wasn't schooled in religion.
I visualize a release from my human form and consciousness upon the death of my body. And may it be so.
I doubt there are many who believe trans humanism is possible or even desire it.
So many who do question have made huge changes in the way they live. And some will likely never understand.
In the end we die. That is part of the cycle of life.
A butterfly landed on my window screen. Something I had never witnessed before. It was ragged, shredded, almost unrecognizable.
It was a swallowtail and could still fly.
For a startling moment I thought I was looking at myself.
The consequences of the technocrats' ambitions are illustrated on that old Star Trek episode, "Q Who", where we are introduced to The Borg. OTOH John Milton wrote of it in "Paradise Lost". CS Lewis and EF Schumacher wrote of the shortcomings – and potential consequences – of the Technocrats' philosophy in "The Abolition of Man" and "A Guide for the Perplexed" respectively (both books, mercifully short!😘) . You only have to listen to Klaus Schwab or Yuval Noel Harari speak for a few minutes to understand they're both as mad as hatters, possessed by an insanity comparable to Ed Gein or Carl Panzram.
On the other hand, after what I've experienced in the past 4 years? Most human beings are no better than zombies. All they care about are the sports scores and their new t̶e̶l̶e̶s̶c̶r̶e̶e̶n̶ – smartphone. Pardon me. Aldous Huxley put it so well in "Brave New World": “Expecting Deltas to know what liberty is! And now expecting them to understand Othello! My good boy!”
Truly, the most brilliant trick the Devil pulled was to convince humanity he doesn't exist.
You made me realize that othering these people will not get us anywhere. I see their frailty now. They are afraid of us.
Amen to that very well written, Soulful piece. Thank you.
"... the architects of this movement are all for culling the human herd in their quest to create a world that is, for them, bereft of mortality and suffering. To me it is a world that is bereft of anything worth feeling in pursuit of nothing worth experiencing. The ultimate dead end, in fact."
Very well said. All inspired, it seems, by a primitive fear of death...
I had just been uploading to Substack a reply to you in an article of my own concerning your last great article about poetry. When I went online I saw there was a new article by you and, of course, I have to read it although it is late.
G'day NZD, AI is the latest version of gigo.👍🇦🇺
Thank you Doc for again sharing your eloquent musings.
You reminded me of my reaction when I heard the presumptuous intentions of the transhumanists - to download and merge their consciousness with robotic neural circuitry. I laughed in my mind, do they even know what consciousness is so as to capture and entrain it within doped silicon?
I like Rupert Sheldrake's theories because I have experienced some of the "spooky" things he has described to support his morphic resonance theories. So consciousness I believe is like the program in static RAM, when the power is removed the program evaporates, and as the good book says at Ecclesiastes 12:7
"Then the dust returns to the earth, just as it was, and the spirit returns to the true God who gave it."
If these arrogant materialists think they can "hack" their RAMs and usurp immortality to become gods, then I think they are going to be very disappointed, and I wonder how the ruling class could ever become so dumb. We've surely descended a very long way since Solomon.
I don't know, Doc, that the "capacity to derive pleasure from killing, from inflicting gratuitous harm..." is the evil within all of us. It seems like it is fear itself, and particularly of death, that is the real evil.
Or perhaps there is a distinction between the some who take pleasure in hurting others and the many who will follow evil edicts in fear induced self preservation?
Yes, I agree. Some are just plain bad and I think that some are just plain good. The rest, perhaps the majority, are, to borrow a modern term, morally fluid depending on their circumstances.
Morally fluid ... brilliant characterization!
Thanks, Doc. It seems to fit the times:)
Speaking of masks, today was a 90 degree day where I live, and yes, I did run into people wearing masks. The lunacy continues. People wear them in the hope of outwitting death. Meanwhile, these powers that be who couldn't get monkeypox to become the next pandemic are now trying to scare us with talk about bird flu: a new pandemic is on its way, they're telling us. How long before we can make enough vaccines to meet demand?
Contemplating the dangers of knowledge has a long history. After all, Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise because they sought to become acquainted with knowledge. Perhaps what happens in our quest for knowledge is that we only cultivate it partially and with disregard for negative ramifications. It's not adequate knowledge we tend to gain, but little knowledge, instead. As Poe wrote, a "little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
I want to believe that this species we belong to had the capacity for love and tenderness from the very beginning. Primates have this capacity. Prehistoric humans left behind beautiful cave paintings and statuary, and structures like stone circles. Part of being human is to be kind, loving and compassionate, in other words, it's to be humane, a most perfect state of being. It's what we must strive towards, and this requires humility.
"The ultimate dead end, in fact."
The architects of the colloquially described "Reset" unwittingly or intentionally embrace dehumanisation, in other words, the social, economic, biological, moral and ethical destruction of society and thus of humanity. It is and always was an evolutionary dead end.
Doc, you are so right. During the entire scam, all I could think was that of course I don't want to die, who does, but damn, I'm certainly not going to die on THEIR terms by taking the shot.
Another superb and insightful post by the good Dr. Garcia. It resonates with an article on TransHumanism I just read on But Dr. Garcia’s final admonition to look within our own souls is reminiscent to me of JFK’s Peace speech in June 1963 when he asked Americans to examine their own attitudes towards Peace. Man has free will, and he can choose to empower the better angel of his nature (paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln). TransHumanism seeks to remove that choice.
A wonderful commentary. Thank you so very much!
"Right, right, and right again." Quoting Clue in Tron.
Never speak with an inanimate or conscienceless form of anti-life (because conscienceless). They will mistake humans for an imperfection, and themselves as perfection.
And perfection without conscience/ agape love is artificial life running amok (the event horizon).
So the fear of their own deaths has led/is leading every transhumanist to impose nanobot internal body control on the human race through shots or Franken lettuce.
Is it possible for them to wake up from this self-delusion? Is it a delusion maintained by chatting only within their own social circles? How do you show that social pathology to functional sociopaths? How do they self-reflect, if they have rudimentary or no human consciences only mutually reinforcing self- and social- talk? How to dent the arrogance? Lest all humanity become zombified or mass murdered under their control in the name only, not substance of, of civilization? How you give them hearts? -- the impossible challenge in the Wizard of Oz. How to give "Hitler a heart"? (problem-solving in imaginary Civilization 101).
Start with enforcing the Rule of Law. That's what it's for. To reign in the unreignable, the heartless. That's just a start.
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
Brushing off my high school Latin and Wikipedia.
Yes, it's amazing to me that God has a purpose (likely his universal free choice rule) in the rising of unruly progeny of the rephaim and nefilim Deuteron.2:10-12.
But then again He uses mighty (in armies) Gentiles to chastise His ostensible believers for bad acts. Nobody gets away.
Who is watching the watchers? He is. We are.
The Awakening. (Dean Henderson.)
Pray for their misalignment. Prayer, that vertical alignment with God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. We choose. He moves.
Book of Job 38:4. "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" That Guy.
I agree with some of what you say, Susan.. But Job 38:4? Far as I'm concerned it's merely a grossly irresponsible evasion on God's part. "How could you do this to me?" asked Job, quite reasonably. "Fuck you, I'm God, I'll do as I please" the Almighty in effect replies.
And Substack alas, seems precious little more than an echo chamber... 😥 From May 5, 2023: "Mending the Deck Chairs on the 𝘛𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘤 –Prelude"
I think God is not saying that to Job. Based on the character of God. To construct a universe and mankind requires infinite goodness/agape love -- infinite constructivity, a concept humans cannot grasp, in my view.
He knows arrogance is very bad for humans. It makes us self-destruct -- the transhumanists, whether or not they know it, are planning for themselves.
It's not possible to merge humans and machines. The mind without a human body will go bonkers. Something transhumanist science guys have not considered.
They want eternal life by putting their thoughts in a machine or computer? They will be bonkers trapped in a long-lived contraption -- That fragment of a still-human mind wishing for death but unable to die. Kafkaesque.
Bob Dylan wrote similarly:
"My so called friends have fallen under a spell
They look me squarely in the eye and they say, "Well all is well'"
Can they imagine the darkness that will fall from on high
When men will beg God to kill them and they won't be able to die."
"Precious Angel"
Yes. That slim fragment of their "encrazed" mind that is still sane, calling out for help.
I think the word you want is "damnation."🤔
BTW have you seen posts by Dr.Ana Mihalcea on the quantum dots and metals in the mRNA jabs that are self-assembling nano bots that kill red blood cells (oxygen) in order to build "stuff" like white blood close as long as legs and arms? And Karen Kingston on dual-weapon contents of shots.
While I'm aware of Dr. Ana I haven't actually... I seem to be following William Makis MD, Mark Crispin Miller, Lioness of Judah and off of Substack, Mike Adams... I'm usually overwhelmed with those.😥
Ana Mihalcea shows darkfield microsopy of nano bots from the mRNA shots self assembling into filaments, and presumably filaments to white clots. She has done tests on removed clots that are nearly indestructible. They are found in living and dead humans.
As the self assembly occurs, electricity is stolen from surrounding blood cells which then die in masses. (Hypoxia? Hematology not pulmonology? ...
Dr.Cameron Kyle-Sidell, NY Emergency testimony.)
Thank you once again. On good and evil for any interested.