We are being delivered into a fantasy maze, an imaginary world designed to removed borders and boundaries of all kinds, as you have so eloquently described. Peter and I have been looking at the architects and the various foundations of these mazes-- created by globalists (destroying/muddling national boundaries, cultures, identities), cultural destroyers such as Alfred Kinsey, who with the CIA single-handedly dismantled the cultural boundaries of sexuality resulting in a free-for-all with children as the ultimate victims of rape, sexual abuse, early sexualization, and biological/sexual confusion, and many more. Find a boundary, knock it down. We see the same going on in the law regarding definitions of and prosecutions of crimes.

This leads to madness and chaos on an international, national, cultural, and individual scale.

Instead of any fantasized "oneness" there are shattered countries, cultures, lives, dreams and futures.

The effects Alfred Kinsey had on cultures world-wide are profound and underrecognized to this day. He specifically planted the seeds that have led directly to first graders being groomed for gender confusion, and for the continuing and expanding sexualization of children.


To begin to heal we each must recognize the "virtue merchants" who sell us compromises based on false virtues and which result in a pile of shredded realities-- borders of nations, boundaries of morals, cultural norms, actual laws and common human decencies.

Time to start putting our world back together.

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You said it!!! Thank you, you're so correct.

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🤔what is NOT fluid is The rock, The foundation which is Jesus Christ Son of the living God and saviour of the world.

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A proof of your assertion; When I 'bought' my house, in the early 1990's, I found out there was and is a shared driveway agreement that is still on file with the city, from the 1970's. No one is supposed to park regularly in the driveway, which I have honored. The neighbors, unfortunately, have never honored it and park there almost daily. The reason they give is that they have a nicer car than I do. This one issue has caused endless friction between us, and it is only because I tolerated it at all before I spoke up. Now, out of spite, I do feel like putting a fence up the middle of the driveway so that neither party will be tempted to park there, going forward. It would be a favor to all future parties who may live here.

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You should

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Indeed, Frost had a very good point!

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Manny, this is superb.

The content and the thread of your writing clear and distinguishably all throughout in a wonderful way. The style, the choice of words and the sentences show an almost poetic fluidity and erudition born out of a life immersed in art and observation.

That art, observation, and reflective contemplation is trampled by cheap and superficial, sensational ‘attention grab’, ,making a mockery of our human soul, in its thinking, feeling and willing.

And what happens, just like any muscle, it atrophies and can’t function any longer.

That thread in your writing is expressed superbly ! Thank you, Manny.

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My dear Rene, I can't thank you enough for your wonderfully kind words. The human soul will prevail over the trampling and mockery thanks to people like you, indubitably.

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Thankyou Emmanuel. Having just watched the highwire and the best explanation of the Olympics 1:15 in - your musings struck me as very poignant. Yes manners go a long way to keep us civilised- something some younger parents don’t seem to be able to understand or instil in their children. We as grandparents seem to have lost to our rights to help instil manners or encourage children to be children with NO SCREEN TIME. That’s another rant but Thankyou for your lastest musings. Rosa

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Thank you!

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Parts of your essay are like a prose poem. I can sense the rhythm and intonation enveloping the words.


Moving on ...

"They’re all for open borders, which deprive independent nations of identity — unless it’s a border they arbitrarily wish to enforce, in which case they don’t care how many men or women are sacrificed."


"It’s confusing, isn’t it? In the Olympic Games, ostensibly a celebration of national pride in the context of global cooperation, a man is allowed to beat mercilessly upon a woman and we’re supposed to applaud."

No, I don't think it's confusing at all. Bashing women has been a repetitive and even lauded behaviour throughout the ages. Women have made themselves obligingly available to be pummelled since the beginning of time. It continues, in literal ways and also in judicial ones, as we were shown by the Supreme Court decision that invalidated Roe v Wade.

I think Frost doesn't mind the activity of mending that wall. I believe he finds it enjoyable. A wall is stone. In and of itself, stone doesn't harm anyone. There is an artistry in gathering the rocks and layering them just right so they make a pleasing structure. And there is a joyous satisfaction in the labour involved. New England's stone walls are beautiful, and I am sure Frost understood that beauty.

"I see him there

Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top

In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.

He moves in darkness as it seems to me,

Not of woods only and the shade of trees.

He will not go behind his father’s saying,

And he likes having thought of it so well ..."

What the poem's narrator dislikes about the wall is the neighbour he must associate with, a man he doesn't understand, "an old-stone savage armed" who repeats the task because he must adhere to the sentiment passed on through generations of his relatives. "He moves in darkness (a specific darkness), an old-stone savage armed ..." It's a type of human being and an atavistic attitude that threatens the narrator's freedom.

There is a difference between illegals who risk their lives to make a decent living, and illegals who are criminals and are brought in by the government in order to cause havoc. Didn't the same government sponsor the illegal operation at the Capitol?

I have to say a few words about pure, paradisiacal New Zealand: it reminds me of nazi germany. Pure because it's intruder-free (you know, those pesky illegals), with a clean green nature that compels the fortunate citizenry to bow in worship of said nature.

I like to gather stones and arrange them just so. I seek out complementary shapes that lean into each other to create strings made of rock. Behind and infront I plant: annuals, perenials, shrubs. As I work with soil, stone, and blossoms, is there a deity I ask that will listen to my compaint? For how long have the gods been asleep?

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Please keep planting and gathering, and thank you for your wonderful commentary. The simple explanation of why women have been so abused over the ages has to do with raw power; power is the thread the runs through the history of humankind. Perhaps I will write about that soon. Meanwhile, thank you so much! As for the gods who are asleep ... who know? Maybe some too are awake ...

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"It’s confusing, isn’t it?"

Only until one confronts the bleak reality of resource scarcity, Doc, and the pursuit of self interest within that framework.

Within cooperative endeavor nestles a relentless competition; the Darwinian challenge of the many against those weaker than themselves.

Kindness and mercy are real and essential to human flourishing, but they are attributes only afforded by the prosperous and self-sacrificial, and even then within a narrow scope of application.

That said, you'll understand the Americanism "keep them cards and letters coming." Your work is invaluable and appreciated, a cognitive refuge amidst an environment teeming with predators and parasites.

Statistically, random acts of kindness and mercy afford a numerical advantage, an increase in a supply chain known for its limited inventory and bottlenecks.

You just keep working that supply-side paradigm; the world's a bit of a better place for your being in it and making such efforts.

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Yes !

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Manny, haven't had a chance to read it yet - will do. But I wondered if you would be able to write something on the Pandemic Plan with its emergency powers that would help to wake people up about what could be ahead. If you can, answer here or send me an email at michaelburton999 at yahoo.com.au Any article could be printed here first if you like and then go, properly acknowledged, also onto the Counterspin blog and substack (and probably mine too.)

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