Dear NZ Doc: You said "the crowd had that look I’ve come to be familiar with among the denizens of the ‘freedom movement’ here: colors, glow, geniality, saying nothing much in the aftermath of the performance because what, after all, can be said as we absorbed its nourishing repercussions?"

Just beautifully written. Such an important reminder of what we have lost and what we must work to regain!

Your essay came at a perfect time for me as a friend asked me this morning 'what can I do?'

I reeled off some suggestions, most of them involving struggles-- to communicate to those who's minds have been closed since 2020, but I failed to mention to her the simple act of arranging in group gatherings and participating in group gatherings.

As we move into the Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and then the Christmas season, I want to make a special effort to remember gatherings and encourage them once again in my life and the lives of those around us. ~ Ginger Breggin

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how beautiful to read your kind and wise words -- thank you so much, I am so happy to read them!

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Emanuel, you say “…the few doctors here in New Zealand who took it upon themselves to practice in consonance with their professional principles are still be hounded and persecuted by a corrupt Medical Council”.

It is bewildering how this can be happening!!!

How has the medical ‘profession’ become so corrupted that ethical doctors are punished, and their professional organisations and colleges go along with this?

What on earth is going on?!

I’ve been challenging the destruction of valid voluntary informed consent for years.

For example, in Covid times, see my email to then editor in chief of The BMJ, Fiona Godlee: Why should people not at risk of covid-19 be pressed to have covid-19

injections? 30 May 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/why-should-people-not-at-risk-of-covid-19-be-pressed-to-have-covid-19-injections_.pdf

No answer from Fiona Godlee…

The mind boggles at the number of people, including children, who’ve been injected since that time, without valid consent.

As you’re no doubt aware, in Australia a small number of doctors were suspended for challenging the Covid narrative. This is all it took to frighten the rest into silence… Good grief! The medical ‘profession’ is an ethical desert!

You probably know about GP Mark Hobart, who has been suspended since November 2021. Note from the court document: “Dr Hobart’s registration remains suspended, while the Board completes investigations of a number of notifications received in relation to him. Many of those notifications relate to COVID-19 vaccination exemption medical certificates issued by Dr Hobart in 2020 and 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic. There was also a concern that Dr Hobart may have been involved in publishing incorrect or misleading information about COVID-19 and the public health response to it.”


So one of Mark Hobart’s crimes is that he issued Covid-19 vaccination exemption medical certificates.

But the irony is, there should never have been exemptions...because people are supposed to be giving voluntary informed consent to this medical intervention, or refusing it if they so choose.

How can people have an exemption to NOT have a medical intervention?

See my email on this to the Australian Health Minister, Mark Butler.

'Exemptions’ for Covid-19 vaccinations directly contradicts voluntary informed

consent: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/05/exemptions-for-covid-19-vaccinations-directly-contradicts-voluntary-informed-consent.pdf

This is an absolute scandal. Do you have a similar ‘exemption’ situation in New Zealand?

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Thank you ... and yes, I've written about the exemptions granted, which undermine the whole strategem ... see my previous posts. It's still going on, they are persecuting my colleagues when they should be handing out medals!

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I'm taking the position that the 'practitioners' in Australia have been effectively 'conscripted' to support the government's vaccine rollout, in contravention of the Australian Constitution. It's certainly in contravention of medical ethics...

Check out these emails if you're interested to have a look:

- Re: Are health practitioners in effect being conscripted to participate in the Australian Government’s vaccination rollout, in contravention of the Australian Constitution? 15/August/2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/re_-are-health-practitioners-in-effect-being-conscripted-1.pdf

- Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent – the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021. Email to CEO Martin Fletcher, Medical Board of Australia Chair Anne Tonkin, and Members of the 15 National Boards 31/July/2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary-informed-consent-the-ahpra-position-statement-9-march-2021.pdf

- Notification to AHPRA re medical practitioner Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer of Australia and Chair of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) 16/June/2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

Lots more here: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-australia/

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"They" will never acknowledge their unscrupulous behavior, Hence:

I would like to be the first to make a donation towards the manufacturing of those very medals. Please get some made. Its time for the "peoples awards" to be made, physically.

This is a nomination I would like to make as a start.

Dr Bernard Conlon. Murupara.

Best Regards,


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a great idea!!! I will let you know, you've given me an idea ... thank you

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And yes, I remember now about the dodgy exemption bizzo in New Zealand.

Will have a look at your posts, thank you.

Crikey! There's a lot to think about!

Also, not sure if you're on my substack list, but I shared Elizabeth Nickson's substack article, referring to Daniel Jupp's book on Bill Gates - dynamite! See here: https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/lizard-king-philanthropath-genocidal

I've ordered the book. It is unbloodybelievable what Gates has been getting away with for years...

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Same as Fauci the RAT !

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Speaking of Fauci...

See my email to him: The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 scam: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

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Don't forget the Fauci AIDS crime

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A very powerful message there Doctor

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thank you!

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Forgive me Hone for weighing in below you, as I cannot access a separate comment box.


"You see, in these past few years we have been slowly conditioned to accept the once unthinkable..."

No 'we' have Not.

A place in the middle of nowhere is more someplace than many someplaces.

Poetry and music are always in the air. Even in a deep and never ending song of grief.

Sitting in complete stillness is most beautiful.

Thank you Emanuel ❤️

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very much appreciated!

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Howard Zinn, the American historian, conveyed that even massive and robust systems, such as oppressive governments or authoritarian regimes, can disintegrate or collapse relatively quickly. He did not explicitly target specific regimes, like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, but rather made a broader point about the fragility of these kinds of systems. Throughout history, various authoritarian governments and oppressive systems have faced resistance, internal disagreements, or pressure from external sources that led to their downfall. These systems might seem stable and powerful, but they can unravel or crumble when challenged by mass movements, public outcry, international pressure, economic issues, or changes in popular opinion. Zinn's perspective underscores that political and social systems are fluid. It suggests that even the most entrenched powers can be susceptible to change and collapse under the right circumstances.

- Luc

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an exceptionally good point ... things happen gradually at first, and then all of a sudden! Thank you.

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- Luc

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“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

-- President Ronald Reagan

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G'day NZD, Dr's Meryl Nass & Mark Trozzi would agree but in saying that, now that these creatures have exposed themselves, they have, imo, outsmarted themselves and have presented an opportunity for the above mentioned & their incorruptible colleagues to create a new system & a better way forward. Sure, it will be tough but the tide is turning. Ironically, these grubs have done us all a big favour, it all depends on how you look at it.👍🇦🇺😃

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Breaking News:

Texas Governor Signs Bill Banning COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates.


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and I hope we can get enough support for my petition to ban mRNA medical interventions here in New Zealand -- thanks for informing us.

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"Lies have short legs"!

"Little by little, the bird makes its nest."!

The Resistance will prevail, the power of reason will prevail, whether the global predators like it or not, they've been unmasked!

There is nobody out there who can erase the images of the crimes committed by the global predators that are clearly visible in my memory, I mean in God's memory. They will NOT get away with their crimes, no matter what!

The "Fringe Minority" (CastruDoh) has the the stamina to hound them down.

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beautifully put, thank you

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A thoughtful exposition.

Having lived through a number of turning points since the JFK assassination, the Covid ruse seems to be the most broadly impactful by a long measure. A truly global phenomenon. The old days will not be coming back, too much damage has already been done, and the future is not looking very bright at this time. The powers that want to be have revealed themselves, with all their ugly intentions. And the large population of mindless sycophants and virtue signalers have made a significant contribution to the insanity. We might say it couldn’t have been done without them. Hard times are here, as karma catches up with the program. But persevere we must, if there is to be any hope at all.

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 Global Coup D’Etat: Cutting the head off the snake in Geneva


Bill Gates (GAVI) is a ‘mass murderer’


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Beautifully written and oh so true. The fight never ends. And the light will never die.

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Thank you very much

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I am not so sure any of us is 'travelling alone' anymore, we all may be an open book at this point.

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Yes! We must make friends. We must search for sustenance in art, music, poetry, literature… find it where we can. Thank you for the reminder.

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To Build Back Better they have to destroy Humanity first. Those who choose to be Sheep will be led to slaughter. Those who choose to be Awake, Proactive and Pray, will be the future of Humanity.

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Yes and humanity is changing. The old group thinkers and their sycophants are losing numbers as people wake up to think for themselves.

They got away with a lot of control before because it worked.

But we changed and their past psychological research was not done objectively.


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As always, you strike a chord in my heart. Thank you.

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it is wonderful for any writer to learn that he has struck a chord -- thank you so much!

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"Well, perhaps the only good arising from the devastating crisis that was — and is — the not-quite-finished covid psyops, has been the thunderous destruction of illusions. Those institutions we assumed were there to have our backs, the ones in place to safeguard our health, to protect the rule of law, to honor our inborn rights, to ensure the integrity of professional medical practice — they’ve all been exposed as criminally fraudulent."

This is a VAST UNDERSTATEMENT if ever there was one. They planned for and plotted for the demise of MILLIONS.....How can such a crime be "punished"....Should the perps have to wear a huge red C on their chests for about a year and also have to take extra doses of the promised "vaccine"....?? The ones WE were given and that was given to our families and children....

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the only quibble I have is that Vitamin C is one of my favorite things and I'd hate for a "C" to be used! They will have their day of judgment, some way or other.

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Yeah, I find myself fighting that growing acceptance in myself. "Are you still going on about the mandates? That was years ago." People can grow accustomed to anything: this, one of our great strengths, is also one of our great weaknesses. That "Move along folks, nothing to see here" mindset is so insidious, paired as it is with "conspiracy theorist" and "It's healthier to just let it go"; it's like if they can't defeat us with violence they'll defeat us with a smothering 'nice' normality afterward.

I don't know. I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, Dallas 1963 and all that; I know Manuel is, and I think it's right there are people who remind of all the unanswered questions; but for me the trouble with conspiracy theories is that they're just that: theories. Not much you can do with a theory. We need to take action, to keep something vital alive, but it's like fighting against a fog.

People said the last election was important. I never thought so. It was too soon. Not enough people understand there is a problem so they can see the need for a Freedom and Democracy solution. The next election, now, that could be the last chance. So how do we go about respectfully, gently educating the New Zealand public; not lecturing but inviting to dialogue and new thinking? And how do we stay focused and united, not stupidly split up into a splintering of competing parties as the F&D movement was in the last election?

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well written ... as to your questions, I guess we're all trying to figure this out. Thank you. By the way, there is plenty of evidence that JFK was killed by Deep State actors and certainly not Oswald. There are good people who are attempting to fight the Deep Staters, people in power. We'll need their help as we resist on the ground.

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