Possibly this is an example of "Cover Your Ass"?

I've gathered it's not an uncommon medical procedure... 🤔💩

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The historical record matters a great deal in this regard. Your notes and memories in particular.

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Excellent commentary! Agree completely.

On twitter / X the other day, a doc asked "if the vaccines are that bad, why isn't there 10,000 cardiologists making this statement? [he quoted a cardiologist saying 'In my 33 years of medical practice, I have never witnessed such harm from a therapeutic intervention.']"

I replied "why haven't you?! not done the research yet yourself? not looked into it much? ... Because the evidence is overwhelming if you even peek. I knew in 2020. If I knew, every doc and nurse could've known. no quarter."

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Otherwise, it's just fake and they'll be assholes again.

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Amen Sir. Amen. Imagine knowing that you’ve coerced not just your clients, but also your family, into taking this shot without doing due diligence first only to find you could have given them a death sentence or permanent injury. I can’t imagine the horror of what’s going on inside her head. It must be a living hell. Excellent article like always Doc. Keep up the good work.

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Reliance upon peer consensus and appeals to expert/authority replaced due diligence. Narrative control was all the globalists needed to shepherd the cv fearful sheep. Drs are, firstly sheep then useful sheep, or thrown to the wolves.

This time God/good, the wilds win.

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Hi Doc,

Deemed to be.

While I understand professional courtesy as well as the need to understand that there may have been cases of both ordinary and extreme ignorance in the medical profession at the start of this, it defies logic to defend the undefendable.

Prior to this we could look at 2 professions as examples of trust, Lawyers and Doctors. Yes I am going there.

To the layman, Doctors were trusted more than most professionals and lawyers not so much.

Docs had this pedestal they sat on with "first do no harm" as the main leg. For this agenda to succeed that leg had to be removed, without anesthetics. Doctors didn't just need to comply, they had to completely sell out, and in hindsight be seen to do so.

In business when putting a board of directors together, adding a lawyer meant that everyone on that board is "deemed to have legal knowledge". This meant that you couldn't afford to hire an "ignorant" or shady lawyer as all directors butts were covered by their knowledge. At least it was only $ involved though.

The psychology of trust in Docs is radically different and more critical as on a personal level it includes not only complete intimate bodily exposure but also ramifications of life and death, including that of peoples kids. Trust doesn't get more important than that.

Any claim of ignorance is therefor moot, as to be a Doctor means you are deemed to have medical knowledge (or a brain capable of understanding at least the logical fundamentals of medicine and the morals and ethics involved) and basic logic as well.

If as an uneducated layman I could see through the obvious scam this was without any medical training or knowledge, to the point of telling all and sundry that if they come out with a jab for this sniffle "don't take it because it will be poisonous" then its harder to be kind to those deemed to have the specific knowledge.

But this is going to be all academic when they come out and tell everyone the jab was toxic. Yes I believe that was always the plan. (in order to do more psychological damage to those that got it - and even disowned family and friends that didn't) - Divide and conquer. The real result will be the final removal of the remaining legs of that pedestal. For parents that lose kids to this shot, ordinary justice will not suffice and its not pleasant to think of the ramifications there. Ignorance will not be an acceptable excuse for them.

I see both perspectives as below with Capt and transcribers points of view but do see the peoples justice coming for many who maintain the lies..

I just hope the good Docs are not totally tarred with the same brush and can emerge from this as the rightful leaders of their profession in the future. This may entail getting more collegial support behind those currently under attack, like that great example of a real Doc, Burnhard Condom (code:).

Best Wishes, matt.

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A lot of people in the medical profession are going to suddenly change their minds as they realise that they spent 2020-2024 as accomplices to murder. Waking up four years down the track dies not clear you of crimes already committed. We were aware and warning people from early 2020 and screaming our warnings from January 2021 onwards but these newly awake doctors laughed at us, demonised us and even wished death upon us. Ignorance was not an excuse at Nuremberg and is not an excuse now.

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What I find so unable to "digest" as it were, is that the whole precept of the C*vid jabs goes against established immunonological knowledge, and the whole "pandemic" as well. I am not a doctor, but I have studied science and medicine, and it was blatantly obvious to me it was a rort. So how come doctors and scientists who have studied longer than me and presumably (supposedly) have at the very least the same knowledge as I, were taken in and couldn't see what was in front of their noses? Had they forgotten all they had learnt at med school? The average "Joe Public" who believe everything their doctors tell them - ok, I can (semi) understand you falling for it..... but educated medical professionals???? So now, they can see the writing on the wall and are trying to change sides at the last minute - not good enough in my view

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Well said Dr Garcia. She now knows practising medicine also involves ethics and she needs to keep exploring her own, for the rest of her life.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Thank you Dr Garcia - this summary is exactly what I often think, especially the part;

"How could she not have been shaken not only by the absence of early treatment and prevention, but by its active suppression? When in the history of medical practice did it become okay NOT to treat suffering patients until they couldn’t breathe?"

Indeed as one who worked in Gov Pub Health, and as a health professional, I was immediately alerted to the farcical actions of Gov & Co when they not only did NOT offer any early treatment/prevention options, but they actively made sound products, such as Ivermectin, effectively illegal by disallowing practitioners to provide scripts for such products.

At the very least it is profoundly embarrassing for science/medicine/gov to have made these 'errors'. At worst, it demonstrates the monstrous effect that a relatively small group of humanity can/does have over the majority of humanity...

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I guess 'Newshub' won't be reporting on Dr Bosworth's 'turnaround' ...

'Critical thinking' tells me that a lot is going to happen ... after June 20th 2024 ...



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Whoa, what a powerful, well-reasoned essay here! I couldn't have said this any better (as just one example among many in your post): '

"...I suppose it should be heartening to learn about the victory of rational data over irrational assumptions..." Yes. Spot-on.

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Thank you for the public speech you gave yesterday with NZDSOS in front of the NZ Parliament building. You touched on these same topics and you said them out loud. Well done.

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"and whatever was going on was no more lethal than a seasonal flu".

Of course, it was all about 'instant death' and there can't be a bioweapon using gain of functioned 'covid' to deliver a disease payload instead of a needle...

That 'belief' is also 'on the kool aid' if you're still unaware of what continues to manifest in both the vaxed and unvaxed blood now, even here in NZ. Blood tests - that are now being covered up by the shills that remain....

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Exactly. I hadn't heard of her before but her youtube video came across my field as I work with ketogenic eating. It's hard to imagine how someone awake to the lies we've been taught about diet wasn't open to spotting the lies that were being show by experts like John Ioannidis and many many others including front line doctors apparently like her. At least she's coming out in defence of the paper now: https://youtu.be/p3F38nsP5Rw?si=CLLoYAFaDQ_ncK_t

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