Mar 11Liked by NewZealandDoc

You must be getting sick of this, but I think you're fighting a losing battle. People are angry because they know they've been lied to their whole lives. Harmful lies. I suspect you can expect more of the same if you continue to hold this, to my mind unsustainable, line.

I know there's no such thing as a virus; I've read the so-called isolation papers right back to Enders, and I'm more than 'qualified' to read these papers and frankly they're junk. If an employee came to me (Chemical Engineering) with the quality of analysis every one of these papers show I would 1) give them a chance to get their method and analysis is order, then 2) if they proceeded with the same nonsense I'd sack them. And quick smart.

So Emanuel, sorry to say your profession has been destroyed because the people who should have done the work were corrupt and fraudulent. There it is. I'm not one of those strident types who will abuse you. Nor will I be anonymous (my substack is my name). But if anyone in your 'profession' are in my hearing and trying to push this virology pseudoscience fiction, you can be assured I will have my say. And I will be strident.

If engineers produced the same quality of 'science' as medicine, bridges would collapse, buildings topple, and planes fall out of the sky. Every day.

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I've seen that exact comment -- verbatim or very close to verbatim -- on multiple articles by multiple authors. I've decided it's not legitimate questioning, it's planted and designed to do exactly what it's doing ... create a pointless divide.

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Mar 11Liked by NewZealandDoc

The “debate” distracts us from the murderous protocols, the also-murderous lockdowns and destruction of small businesses and the use of overdose deaths (half a million in five years in the US!) to inflate numbers. It allows for another plandemic, because “team worst case scenario” can always say “ if only it hadn’t been rushed/contaminated, or if only we’d used a different protein” etc. As JJ Couey says: intramuscular injection of any substance to augment the immune system is dumb.

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Mar 11Liked by NewZealandDoc

You may or may not be aware of 'Terrain Theory'. Virology is not a science & in fact doesn't stack up. Kiwi Dr Sam Bailey contributed to a book called 'Virus Mania' written by her and other credible people from the field of medicine. For virology to make sense, specifically in this case of the SARS-Cov-2 virus & variants, the spike protein, or any other pathogenic element, would need to be isolated then given to an animal or human. If, subsequently (typically around 3+ days) the symptoms of covid-19 were consistently found in the group that were exposed to the pathogenic element while a control group did not exhibit symptoms of covid-19 then you have shown a strong causal relationship. Virology has never been able to prove this causal relationship. Follow or buy books written by Dr Sam Bailey and/or her husband Dr Mark Bailey to gain insight into the fraud that virology is based on.

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Dear Doc-- You have now been the recipient of the same vitriol so many others have received. It emerges often during an especially excellent discussion in a comments section relating to some other aspect of the global disaster we are enduring. Thank you for addressing this and for your continued wise and brave efforts toward health freedom, liberty and personal sovereignty. We wrote about the same phenomenon, here: https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/virus-or-no-virus-is-that-really

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Manny, serendipitously, I posted this yesterday.


From a strictly scientific view point, one does not require a "virus" as the potential explanation for perceived symptoms you describe. The a priori exclusion of other potential causes would be a fair start before one is compelled to rely on an in silico modelled sequence bereft of provenance and controls?

The purpose of the 'threat' as we all know, and as David Martin so elegantly highlighted in the EU, was to habituate the global populace to shots. This still continues. The psy-ops (James EK et al. 2021 - Yale study) and media handwaving in place, the lock downs and mandates, the fostered division, all this and more were enforced in a bewildering, across-World assault indicative of this absolute intention, as indeed we all experienced. The shot is the immediate mass-weapon of choice.

That so many seemingly well informed and educated individuals appear to uncritically embrace virus theory appears to testify to the effectiveness of the narrative, not of virus theory itself, which is straight-forward to falsify.

Detailed critical scrutiny of the published literature is still (as far as I am aware) a valid means of disabusing oneself from the narrative while simultaneously freeing one from the logical fallacy of appealing to authority?

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It's certainly disheartening but don't worry about it mate, they're just caught in a rabbit hole and are being driven like the vaxx heads were.

In reality I have no clue if there actually are viruses as I believed, whether the terrain theory has merit, whether there is a spike protein or it's EMF driven.

To me its irrelevant because the world needs to control the damage both injuries and limiting further poisoning, gathering information on how this is being done.

Address when you need to and then Ignore them and do your own thing.

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Mar 12Liked by NewZealandDoc

Tks for continuing fighting for medical freedom. The problem lies in the fascistic gov/ pharma 'fix' for viruses, which is a threat to wellness as well as individual economic welfare, but to go down rabbit holes of viruses not existing at all is a waste. This was good info on flu shot fascism, history/shortcomings (5 min) ~ https://rumble.com/v4i10l0-daily-dose-history-of-the-flu-shot-with-dr.-peterson-pierre.html

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Even though I don't agree with your ideas of what happened, I still enjoy a lot of your insights and learn from you.

I don't get why people get so divisive...


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Mar 11Liked by NewZealandDoc

I have no problem listening to an alternate view. We have that right to an opinion. There has been so much said on media we need a God-like discernment or we could be deceived.

The writer of this discussion piece may be right. A couple of years ago, a guy in Canada challenged the health authorities to prove there was a covid19 virus AND he won the case. Somewhere, I've got a copy of the documentation stored. At that stage, in the scamdemic, they could not prove it existed. Just saying.

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Just a thought. Virology could well be theoretical only. Many cancers react to Parasitic treatments such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, which also offer great responses in the treatment of symptomatic manifestations of "coronaviral infections". Even Fauci discovered and wrote a paper on it several years before the "scamplandemonic" which he later ignored, profiting greatly from the 'Operation Warp Speed" farce.

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It's good to have an open mind to other theories, and then discern for ourselves.

How else can we eventually come to the truth.

What ever that is.


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Mar 13Liked by NewZealandDoc

Hi Emmanuel,

Nice, rational article! There is a very balanced viewpoint on this in one of PANDA's recent statement on the view of the whole Covid narrative. You may want to read this here:


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I was sick with something in July 2022 a few days after my partner got sick after catching something from a client (she is a remedial massage specialist).

In both of our cases, it definitely felt more intense than any flu I ever had yet passed without any major fuss in about three days.

I am fairly sure she transmitted it (whatever "it" may be) to me.

None of us had any reinfections since.

What was that?

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Mar 12Liked by NewZealandDoc

Yep. You’re right. Every word it. Hopefully this ignorant person will never darken your substack doorstep again. Keep up the good work NZ Doc and thank you.

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Hi Doc. It looks like you have attracted every extremist and flat earther in town. 99% of people think like you, that many infections are transmitted by viruses that can replicate in hosts. Some people think that having more strident views makes one more correct, but dont fall for that. I have accepted that there are Terrain theory advocates, like Dr Bailey, who wont discuss their beliefs, but I would suggest that their arguments are too weak to warrant discussion. I have some good examples of virus theory vs Terrain theory if you are interested.

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