Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Excellent article, thanks, Dr Garcia.

Re doctors who took it, my husband is a GP, not a specialist, but I absolutely remember him saying, of the new-fangled jabs, in December 2020, 'well I won't be going near them and I think most other doctors won't either'. By January he'd taken one, later took another, then at the end of 2021 took a booster, which was followed a week later by his collapsing unconscious on the kitchen floor, an ambulance call-out, a visit to hospital and 8 months of being sporadically and not very intensively 'followed up' by a cardiologist, who very conscientiously refused to engage with my enthusiastic pointing out of the temporal association of his collapse with the booster.

When questioned on the point later, hubby claimed he had no memory of ever saying he wouldn't go near the jabs (is selective amnesia more of a male thing? - it certainly seems so to many of us women!!). Anyway, he spends hours every day on doctors' blogs like Pulse, which are pretty much subsidised and therefore moderated by Pharma interests. So, his decisions would be determined by a mixture of the zeitgeist at work (out-of-hours GP colleagues) and those blogs, as well as the usual MSM propaganda.

When he said in January 21 that he had an appointment for the jab, I asked if his colleagues generally thought it was safe. He said yes, he thought so. Being entirely non-medical myself, outside of 20 years in medical publishing, I thought they knew better than me, so I allowed myself to be persuaded too. Twice. Then I went down the rabbit hole and found out what was going on - and realised how little most doctors actually know about immunology. He hasn't taken any jabs since, not even flu, which he used to take regularly, as it was always pushed for doctors. But, while he occasionally comes out with a sardonic 'we're doomed', in response to everything I've endlessly said about the Agenda, he simply won't come out and openly acknowledge what's going on, let alone mention anything to his colleagues - even after friends of mine dying and his own 65-year-old multi-jabbed sister being diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

A retired GP friend of his, who was really an excellent doctor, basically told me I had to stop talking about it after I told her his collapse was because of the booster. She got quite cross and said we'd have to agree to disagree but made it clear the topic was absolutely off limits. Even the ones, like them, whom I used to see as doctors who thought outside of the box, just don't. It's just that their box is one size up from the smallest medical-orthodoxy box, but it's still a box.

On the subject of boxes, you might like James Delingpole's article on 'How red-pilled arbiters of truth discredit our cause'.


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Thank you for such an infomative commentary!

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Yes, this is a truly excellent post and I will add one more thing: the longer knowing people keep silent, the weaker we become, and the stronger the sick opposition grows. At every level.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Fantastic post and comment. I worked in what was referred to years ago as the medical mecca. I believe the indoctrination began there and over the years captured facilities and mindsets globally. MD’s, RN’s, NP’s, RT’s etc were aware of medical establishment malfeasance long before covid. They were propagandized and frightened into silence by many pharma/government driven atrocities such as protocols that forced opioid use when not needed, algorithm protocol driven medicine in critical care that was often harmful, primary care prescriptions marketed and used on trusting people etc... It is only my opinion but if they open their eyes to covid atrocities they must open them to nearly 2 decades of looking the other way and business as usual when people were being harmed right in front of them. I was out before covid bc i spent many years ranting and raving about the moral cowardice and bizarre shit i was seeing in the supposed mecca. It was not until covid that i realized how orchestrated and sinister the takeover of healthcare was. It embarrasses me to this day but i am thankful i spoke truth and got the hell out even tho i didn’t understand the tentacles. I have come to believe people haven’t bc the cognitive dissonance is too great yet I still have hope they can get there. Also in the US many MD’s left at the start of the mandates. I wonder why we aren’t hearing from them yet. I hope your husband and friends can one day read posts like Dr Garcias and start to put it all together

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thanks for this comment.

Re: "Also in the US many MD’s left at the start of the mandates. I wonder why we aren’t hearing from them yet."

I wonder, too, and in addition, I have been wondering a lot in recent days about the firefighters who fought the mandates-- (what happened in Lahaina? Were they short experienced firefighters as a result of the mandates? I don't know) and the police (as San Francisco, to take one example, is suffering from flash mobs in its downstown department stores-- and the flagship Nordstrom's was just shuttered).

The thing is, on the one hand, very generally speaking, these individuals who left or were fired because of the jabs do not have much experience in public communication-- they might post something FaceBook and it gets taken down, end of story. They posted on Twitter, taken down, on YouTube, taken down. It's tough to keep at it after that. And like probably all of us here in this comments section, they also likely faced tremendous, but tremendous opposition from family, neighbors, colleagues, and friends. ("Don't talk about it, we don't want to hear it, you're bad & wrong, etc")

They have serious challenges, some of them, just keeping a roof over their head and food on the table. Also, I don't doubt that they are deeply traumatized by the experience of losing their jobs. But at the end of the day, a major factor is that there is such heavy and sophisticated censorship and shadow-banning of their testimonies, and also of news / followup about their legal battles.

I've been transcribing testimonies since 2021 and I have been out searching for for testimonies to transcribe almost every single day and even I find gems only very belatedly. The one by the LA firefighter featured on my Substack today, which is from 2021, I only found-- after all that searching!!-- a few days ago.

I conclude that many people, whether MDs, firefighters, police, teachers, or other workers, have been wanting to and/or trying to speak out, but for one reason or another-- and it's very much on purpose-- for the most part we aren't getting the message.

I do have some testimonies from MDs. Here's my personal favorite-- he had to close his clinic, after all:

Dr. Michael Huang- 4/10/2022 - Defeat the Mandates - California

GinaGHarrison, posted April 11, 2022



This was filmed at the Defeat the Mandates rally in April 10, 2022. Dr. Huang is up on a stage with a microphone, the crowd below.



[cheers, applause]

DR. MICHAEL HUANG: Hello California!

[cheers, applause]

Hello America!


I just walked among you, all the way to the back, and to here. The energy is fantastic!


I am your platoon leader, I'm taking you to the battle. We're going to fight.


We're going to take this country back.


We're going to do away this mandate. We're going to protect your health, your children's health, We're going to restore our nation, we're going to make California great.


So who am I? I'm the Chinese version of Del BigTree.*


I am crazier than Senator Dick Pan.**


There's a Asian American in the senate in Sacramento that's screwing up our state. So you're going to send a crazier Asian-American, me, to go in there and fix it!


Steve Kirsch at a recent Ron Johnson testimony meeting,*** he was asked and told there's no one

left in California that will write you exemption. Steve said, No no no no, there's one left. And he was immediately attacked by the security guards, say, no you cannot say his name, he's going to get canceled. That person's me.


You're looking at it. Why am I still here? Why do I still exist? Why is it that we're going to allow the government to hurt our citizen, our children. Why?


I'm disgusted. All I nowadays see in my office are vaccine-injured people. Firemen, nurses, hard-working American. I see America. I have, the other day I had two German national, three people flew up from San Diego to northern California to see me, and bunch of them from all over the Bay Area. Why? Because we're asked to plead, to say we have no rights, that we are not protected by our constitution. We are not protected by the Bill of Rights, that we cannot defend our property. And I say, no!

What happened to me in the past two years, during the pandemic, when all the office around me shut down, I look at this, I think, nah, this is just a very bad cold. I kept my office open. I treated covid patients since 2019.


One night the CEO from my hospital came in with the duckbill N95 mask and say, Mike, we heard you're not wearing a mask. We're going to cancel you.

I say, cancel me!


I say, I'm going to treat my patients!


I did not close for one day. I treated more than 2,000 patients, 100% survival.


That's right! I am pissed off, if you can't tell that.


When children came to me with their mom and say, my gosh, I cannot find any doctor that will give my child mask exemption. I call 40 doctors office, they hung up on me, they laugh at me.

I say, screw them!

I will see them! I have helped over 1,000 thousand kids come off face mask.


When firefighters, nurses, pilots, military personnel came to me and say, Doc, half of my face is paralyzed. I need to get this vaccine, I need to feed my children. What should I do? I say, don't worry, I am your doctor, I will advocate for your health, I will not give up on you!


When I heard the Los Angeles firefighters, the first responder are being told that we are going to

cancel your job, you're going to get vaxxed or you're going to be fired. I say, please let them know who I am, I can help. And the message I got from these brave Americans, are, thank you very much, we don't need your help because we are [inaudible] together, my brothers and sisters, if we fall, we're going to fall together!


Now we're going to defend our freedom, we're going to defend our liberty.

Del Bigtree made a video a couple of years ago where the title is Run, Pan, Run. He wanted to interview Richard Pan, and Richard Pan ran so fast. He's like, oh my god, Richard Pan must be a track star or something like that, but I spoke with Del Bigtree, I said you know what, I ran track and field in high school. Matter of fact, I'm faster than Richard Pan!


So I'm going to run as a state senator.


I'm going to take on the fight to Sacramento. I am going to restore your right and I am going to protect your liberty!

Thank you very much.



#   #   #


Dr. Huang's website is https://www.huangmdoffice.com/

See also


*Del Bigtree is host of ‘The HighWire with Del Bigtree’, Producer of Vaxxed, CEO of Informed Consent Action Network, Former Emmy winning producer of The Doctors on CBS. www.TheHighWire.com

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) was a sponsor the Defeat the Mandates rallies. See:


** California Senator Dr. Richard Pan.

See https://www.drrichardpan.com/

and also


*** Steve Kirsch is the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.


His blog is https://kirschsubstack.com/

US Senator Ron Johnson (Republican, Wisconsin) has held a number of hearings and events wherein doctors, nurses, scientists, and the vaccine-injured have testified about covid policies.

His website is https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/home

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Author

Thank you for this excellent commentary ... and your superb work in preserving the truth. In New Zealand the few doctors who stood up at the beginning of the psyops and spoke out had their licences suspended -- I was one of them -- thus setting a Mafia-like example to any other doctors who knew what was going on. So they kept mum and are still keeping mum. Other doctors who spoke out but are still practicing have been subjected to Professional Conduct Complaints and Health Professions Disciplinary Tribunals here in NZ, and they too are no longer speaking out for fear of negative decisions, which I personally think is a strategic mistake.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

An excellent comment and I agree on every point you made. The only distinction I make with clinicians is that they were indoctrinated so long ago that I believe they are not aware of the egregious corruption of their field and so those that stayed or complied will have a very difficult time putting the pieces together. Those that left when the mandates were rolled out, and there were many more than what the 'news' reported, currently have more latitude. At the start they would have had no outlet for the many reasons you mentioned. I do believe enough people are watching independent press now that the opportunity is there. I make a distinction in professions because the medical community could have stopped this at the start. I believe they were unable to because of the conditions and conditioning in their work places. I still have hope though. They are mostly good people that after 2 decades of surviving in the medical industrial complex cannot see the light of day. To survive in that environment some tune the shit out to meet the needs of the people they are caring for, some are aware but go along to get along (that is the moral cowardice part in my mind) and others are trapped by financial circumstances. All I know is it was horrifying to see during covid how much control the medical industrial complex has. I don't think those working in it can see it. I could not even begin to fathom it until I was out and was witnessing the medical response to covid. It is embarrassing but that is when the pieces came together. I truly believe the only hope for those people are when they begin to hear from their colleagues who walked out at the start. We have all been listening to the same brave and pissed off clinicians who spoke the truth from the get go. I believe there is a potential wave to come if others who left would join them. In just my tiny post colleague community there are at least 20 but they will still not speak openly. This will never end unless this happens.

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An excellent comment, thank you. Yes, the medical industrial complex has been ruling with an iron fist for a long time ... as a psychoanalyst practicing in the States before I came to NZ I was really out of that loop -- private practice, very minimal use of medications, etc. But I treated physicians and learning how invasive management and bureaucracy was to them was an eye-opener.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thanks for this. And what occurs to me also is that many doctors must have had patients who would have turned on them, had they stood up. What comes to mind actually is a testimony I transcribed by a pharmacist in Colorado who did not want to give an 18 year old boy the jab-- she didn't feel comfortable giving it to him, she didn't think he needed it, and she'd been seeing the jab injuries. The kid reported her to his father, father reported her to her boss, and boom, next day, she was fired. And I also recall the attitudes of many of my own friends and relatives at the time of the roll out. It didn't matter who you were, what credentials or experience you had, it totally did not matter, they HAD TO HAVE THE JABS NOW. The CDC was God. It was so crazy, unbelievably crazy.

[edited to correct typo]

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Yes absolutely true and an excellent example. And even now they are controlling the fear factor buy going after a handful of MD licenses. My guess is they don't care about the individual outcome. The goal is to keep everyone else in line and quiet. It is a successful strategy. On another topic I am listening to an excellent interview with Catherine Austin Fitts and she has an interesting perspective regarding Lahaina and San Francisco. The SF part comes up at the 30 min mark.


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And I'll add again that doctors who are persecuted, hounded and harassed have got to keep raising their voices and stop 'making nice' with the corrupt organizations that are going after them. It won't work.

I personally opted out altogether, seeing the writing on the wall and recognizing that mandates would be rolled out, but it came at a fairly significant cost -- no more career in medicine. That's okay, I never agreed to keep my mouth shut about the opposition's crimes.

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Hi Cathy, agree with with many of your comments above. There are some, a small number it seems, very slowly starting to wake up and speak out.

I wonder how many of them do actually know what is going on, and in addition to the risk of losing their income, status, being laughed at by their colleagues and called all sorts of derogatory names, they know that if that if the majority of the population become aware of the damage these jabs have and are doing, trust in the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry will be dust.

I can quite easily visualize that if govt/health authorities were to come clean and admit harm there may well be chaos on the streets

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Let me put it to you this way -- after thanking you for your commentary, which I appreciate: if they -- these other doctors who know what's going on, recognize how monumental a crisis we are in, shouldn't they be willing to do whatever it takes to resolve it, to tell the truth? Or do they really think everything will 'blow over' and get back to normal? It won't.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Good Morning NZDietician, I think that is a possible scenario but maybe it would depend on the country? In the US they made sure the MD's offices and Tier 1-3 hospitals were not giving the vaccine until very late in the process. It was literally insane. People were driving up to parking lots and stadiums and were receiving injections from unlicensed, untrained people that were hired off the street. I wish I was kidding but I am not. In addition to the multiple dangerous new 'tech' in the shot platform and the toxicity many people received improperly administered injections. I think if clinicians spoke up now in support of people injured by the shot then what you described would not happen here b/c they were not on the frontlines of the injection mania. If they don't soon speak up and the injuries and deaths mount as it seems they will then I think what you described is a certainty. It is all so horrifying.

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You bring up a very important point about which I will someday write perhaps, and that is this: because of the immense fear campaign pushed by the MSM, ordinarily critically thinking people were scared out of their wits and were desperate for a vaccine (also because of the long years of convincing us all that vaccines were the most wonderful medical interventions imaginable). Nonetheless, if physicians voiced their opinions, stressed informed consent, spoke about early treatment, enough would have been able to make a rational choice -- and choice, freedom of choice is the fulcrum. Had a vaccine not been introduced I think people would have willingly allowed themselves to be shut down for a decade .... More on this later. Thank you.

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Thank you for this wonderful addition ... yes, when one's eyes are opened to one fraud, they are open to others. Algorithm-driven or, similarly, 'evidence-based' medicine has become away to wrest control of individualized decisions out of both the doctors' and patients' hands. Marcia Angell, former editor the the New England Journal of Medicine wrote two scathing articles about 15 years ago in the New York Review of Books about the contamination of medical research by Pharma.

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Chilling comment.

The NLP/Mass hysteria/Brain washing technique used must be powerful.

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VERY powerful.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I admire how you make a tragic story blithely entertaining. Well told and illuminating. Thank you.

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I also thank you for sharing this. Please know that you are not alone.

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Thanks - Comment and linked article are both interesting, relevant, and yes, chilling!

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

They sound like the scientists who believed in "the single source of truth" . Makes me laugh every time I think of anyone with 2 brain cells left swallowing that load of bull dust.

Bring back The Ol' tar and feathers please.

And please don't denigrate our selective amnesia, because after the last 3 years I find myself cultivating this talent to allow me some peace after what I see each day under the scope.

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The scientists and physicians and regular people in New Zealand who swallowed that line put out by the former Prime Minister ... I have no words for them. Thanks for commenting.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I felt that someone just read my mind .

excellent writing!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Yes! This needs to be cross posted everywhere.

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Much appreciated!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Well, are you kidding me? THANK YOU. You have MUCH to offer!

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Thank you!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

It seems that those most likely to go along with a tyrannical regime are two groups at the opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum: the uneducated and the highly educated. The former tend to fearfulness and consequently are usually looking for a leader. The latter attain high-income high-prestige occupations - judges, lawyers, doctors, academics, scientists - which makes them vulnerable to threats of professional termination. Also the highly educated are easily bribable with professional and commercial opportunities arising with any new regime.

I love studying philosophy and history. The former taught me critical thinking. The latter taught me there's nothing new under the sun: whatever's happening now has happened before. So what beats me is why aren't our historians saying anything? Do we have any historians? Any educated person could see the parallels and start adding things up. So why aren't they? Or if they have added up, why aren't they saying anything? Is it really just fear of losing their prestigious positions and incomes? Are they really that pusillanimous and shallow?

I only became interested in covid early in 2021 when I heard that government agents were bribing adolescents to get jabbed using junk food vouchers and cold hard cash (I couldn't help thinking of Jethro Tull's Aqualung in his greasy mack loitering around playgrounds holding out sweets in his grubby paw and murmuring, "Come here, little girl"). Anyway, this was so obviously wrong that alarm bells went off. Then I realised that our government was using the same brainwashing tactics as the Nazis had in 1933 and 1934 (Ardern with her communications degree is surely familiar with the work of Joseph Goebbels) and - incredibly - the New Zealand population was responding much as the Germans had back then, as though we hadn't had 87 years to think about it.

My predominant emotions during this debacle have been a tennis match between fascination and incredulity, with the back-and-forth brought to periodic jarring halts by an angry umpire.

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Its even recent history that needs to be revisited but anyone who likes history shouldn't have fallen for the lies.

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you are correct -- any relatively simple knowledge of history should have precluded their falling into the deceptions. Thanks for commenting.

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Great comment, thank you. Do we have any historians? Doesn't seem like it -- history starts with a curious mind, doesn't it, and so many of the seemingly highly educated were either not curious or bribed or scared.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Very insightful. Quite like the phrase “self-controlled opposition”. I’m still shocked at what I witnessed through cv19. Not sure how, but group impacts of fear, anxiety and conformity, as well as, a incompetent or corrupt mass media needs to be addressed by more people then I currently see.

Another great essay, thank you! 🇨🇦

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Thank you for your kind words and for leaving a comment. The MSM are so untrustworthy that they should be ignored, in my opinion; they are a disgrace.

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Thanks Doc, you're obviously keeping up with what mumbling Joe has been trying to get out of his mouth over there. I for one don't think i'll be rushing to line up for my .. . . . . . umm....... first jab. The constant scary new variants seem to appear not long before the new updated jabs don't they? I'm sure it's pure coincidence though

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so many coincidences, aren't there? Thank you for commenting.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I don’t know how to explain the passivity and self censorship for those experts whose opinions are often upheld in court as evidence .

I can say that when I came to fully realize how a needle has been fashioned to do what a snake fang can do for injecting toxics into another beings tissue, and how the majority of injections research uses proteins from venoms, bacteria and viruses to test for a possible “beneficial outcome” I am completely convinced that we should in all sincerity consider what medicine would be like without injecting things into people. It’s like we’ve opened a Pandora’s box and no one is willing to stop using the tools so it’s hush,hush, don’t talk cause once you start looking at the real results of injecting a portion of the same fetal protein into as many people as possible as often as possible globally for generations it becomes problematic to look for genetic mutations and more heterogeneous gene expression in the average population which in turn makes a case that future injectables will show effects on a larger normative baseline in the population. Personally I would like to remain as far from “normal “ as possible- always have . Maybe the reality of what has happened with gene manipulation and “vaccines “ is becoming understandable for a select few and the idea that they will be able to find a way to repair the damage by testing newer gene therapies is their way of justifying participation in this absurd maniacal experiment and conspiracy.

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Excellent commentary, thank you. For me, I don't want and will not take another injection of any vaccine, and I am loath to take anything else without knowing exactly the ingredients, for example, a B12 shot etc. It's now very clear that people who've received the Jab are continuing to produce spike proteins like factories, and that the genome is being altered.

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yes and it looks probable that many supplements are being compromised by the addition of nano tech now

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I looked at the situation in a very simple way in 2020:

1 - Why would a seasonal flu be labelled as a "pandemic" by the WHO (World Homicide Organization). To be honest, the kitchen salt is all that it required to stop infection in your airways and prevent it from reaching your lungs. No prescription required! No Remsdevir (Patent No. 6372224) with 54% death rate. BTW: It turns out that the Queen of England got the latter (I read it from a new book published by a true British scientist - the type that has been censored).

2 - What are the benefits of getting injected with abortive fetal cells infested transgenic bioweapons (patents are publicly available for any sane person to see! 6 for the spike protein alone as bioweapon!!)

3- How can you protect yourself from a bioweapon (Fauci virus from GoF research) by becoming a bio-weapons' factory producing spike proteins as antigens?

4- Where is the bio-distribution of these MmRNA quackcines in all your organs?

NB: These are Modified mRNA that cannot be destroyed by the ribonuclease - they're patented poisons.

5- Where is the RTD (residence time distribution) of the LNP, MmRNA, spike protein, graphene oxides and hydrogel that shows when all your organs are freed from these patented toxins?

My God, medical "experts" didn't ask the simple questions that a normal guy saw as critical.

In 2023, 3.5 years after the global assault, McGill university in Montreal is now getting $millions from the Big Pharma to study the bio-distribution of the experimental bio-weapons. This is a University that mandated toxins to all its students. Go figure!

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Excellent commentary -- thank you. Yes, the good old flu -- whatever happened to it? Did it go on vacation? And everything else you mention, absolutely -- very simple questions that the very learned dared not go near, the cowards.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

No argument here, I read all the most common postings and theories. Just trying to add a different perspective from some of the popular threads that have become themes for the medical freedom movement.

Actually I did my research and read the last page of the Alberta health webpage where it said these mRNA jabs don’t stop transmission or infection before someone edited in early May 2021. That was before Dr Bridle got the bio distribution from Japan and Dark Horse Bret had the amazing YouTube with Steve and Robert. Truth was there if someone wanted to find it, so my point is that certain people must know that truth and are engaging in the farce just far enough to an end that they feel will be justified. Example in point is Dr Malone who has decided he must do something as penance for his contribution but still wants to remain a respected figure —

unlike the opposite example of real repentance where you say too much truth like Karen Kingston and you find yourself hiding out and marginalized. If you’re too new to the game like Dr Ardis and you go all in on a few connections and some raw information without the polish and precision of a RFK Jr and you might be relegated to the quackery of snake oil salesman if you know what I mean. ( relevant side note- Dr Ardis was one of the first to point out that the CDC’s own website listed Ivermectin as the second recommended treatment for Covid-19 behind remdesevir well past June 2021 - so there are some people posting truth inside the agencies of lies)

The question I would like to pose to a Dr Malone or McCullough and friends is why does the spike protein coronavirus resemble a quantum dot tech so closely in size and shape? How would it be possible to differentiate between the two if you are looking at blood and tissue samples? SERIOUSLY I want to know. Apparently they both have the same ability to open and cross the blood brain barrier- that is not a coincidence I am comfortable with. (maybe I should include links to the literature and web pages to corroborate my last point but I’m not trying to win any debates- I just want Honest research)

Ricardo Delgado and La

Quinta Columna collaborated very well with Dr Pablo Campra- no one will dispute what they disclosed in November 2021, very definitively scientific and precise. Two and a half hours of translation into English thanks to Orwell City.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

I've been following scientific details as secondary. The elephant in the room is actually the geopolitical and geo-economic implications that none of the scientific "experts" are saying publicly, maybe because they don't want to be killed right away.

When you have a Rockfeller Foundation plandemic blueprint, even peer reviewed papers that tell you how they're going to depopulate the planet, I thought that would be the focal point of all discussions. Russia showed the proof at the UN that the US was developing Covid-19 viruses in Ukraine after they seized in Mariupol and other 40+ biolabs US documents. France, UK, and US vetoed the request to discus the issue at the security council - case closed!

These are conspiracies, not conspiracy theories. How can the British parliament and the Australian Senate vote to ban the investigation of the excess mortality related to their "Safe & Effective" experimental gene therapies on their own people? Who are the people silencing the entire planet and killing people using patented bioweapons (patents publicly available!). If these psychopaths don't feel the pressure, they'll continue as if nothing had happened in 2020.

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Yes, the elephant in the room is the vast sick image one sees when one connects the geopolitical dots .... Thank you.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Excellent points, I do think this is all connected when you have over 100 years of attack on natural remedies from the same Rockefeller funded magnates. A lot of why this appears to continue is that the experts have limited reach, in all professions since the university model began to promote specialized knowledge they have separated people into groups of knowledge and therefore political groups and medical associations act independently but require funding from the puppet masters.

Maybe the greater geopolitical forces are the weakened US$ and the overinflated CCP real estate investment. Investing interests have learned to create chaos so as to leverage more and more assets under their control. The countermeasures of Covid and climate change are just the tools to assist in the resource takeover of the planet. The global cooperation is a bit of a mystery as I would have expected things to follow geopolitical lines of interest more closely, but I can see that these lines are beginning to appear , but not as some had predicted.

As it turns out many of the newer democracies have discovered that they really aren’t governed by the people, as the funding lobbying interests have a louder voice than the local populace, and now they think they might have enough smart tech potential that it would be simpler to cull the useless eaters and use robots instead.

Am I making sense in any of this, it seems like no one wants to say these things officially on record or as you say they will be eliminated like Dr Novak

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Perfect sense

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Andrew Bridgen (UK MP) knows what you're talking about. That's the only official who has said publicly what the Tories wanted to hide from the public - he's was fired from the party. Meaning the parties don't represent the population as bragged by Clown Schwab about his takeover of Canada (Chinada!).

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"...how a needle has been fashioned to do what a snake fang can do for injecting toxics into another beings tissue, and how the majority of injections research uses proteins from venoms..."

As a fan of words, when cOvid came out, first thing I did was c Ovid. And in "seeing" the books attributed to Ovid I found 'Metamorphosis' where a wedding took place. The bride was bitten by a snake and taken to the underworld.

At that time (March 2020) I knew of the caduceus and dollar sign so realised the vax would be dodgy (so much more has been put together since then). The biggest WOW was realising that Ovid myth was written around the same time as another certain myth regarding a certain carpenter... and is part of the Codex Vaticanus.

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Interesting link to Ovid, that is new to me, personally can testify I observed spiritual changes in others who ‘took’ the jab ( the prophetic increase of ‘words’ for me is significant)

Not sure that I would say a certain text regarding a carpenter is confined to a particular period in time- quite certain the multiple scribes penned scripture over a period of more than 1000 years- but that the Vatican is involved in this evil is an absolute certainty .

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And what do you mean by 'spiritual changes' exactly?

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

I spend a great amount of time enjoying the corporate worship of evangelical church service, there was a significant emptiness and lack of power in spirit connection displayed by those who participated in leading worship I knew that they had taken the jab and I had not. For how long I was able to observe this effect lasted or the lack of their faith (IMO) of creator God that these others did not share with me to the extent that they would trust a jab from criminal corporations - I observed that a connection in spirit which had been previously felt in worship was absent and gone - that I have lost a connection within the context of this worship group remains evident yet to this day.

Physically and spiritually submitting to these pressures , for the time and amount I am not certain how long it lasts , definitely reduces the fullness of faith and trust relationship that I experience from others within my worship community. The difference from those who did not submit and accept the jabs - their level of trust and faith grew and our worship connection is stronger when we communicate.

I also did research on the different protein and dna markers that the sequence of mRNA was aimed at transcribing and noted a particular part of the brain that has been linked to devout worshippers of all faiths was targeted by the injection sequence, individuals who hold strongly to their faith beliefs activate a part of the brain that has potential to continue growth and cell regeneration that is only otherwise seen within the tissue of fetal cells and the womb.

suggesting that this is happening, deep research into modified hydra organisms- (which are to the extent that science has demonstrated) show that these things are for lack of a better word immortal in life span with the ability to reassemble after disection and they are directable with regard to a specific enzyme food source which is found in the cellular regeneration sites described in the brain and the placenta. Initial experiments on the vial contents showed some evidence of these modified hydra organisms present in this experiment. Incorporating modified hydras into organ tissue is part of the ongoing experiment for prolonging lifespan and vitality.

Many others describe seeing spontaneous spiritual beings post jab and some videos have captured individuals who appear to look and fixate on an unseen phenomenon with a look of fear , often collapsing physically either from fear or an unknown force , … I cannot explain in terms that modern science like to use how this makes sense, but that these jabs have the potential to block or introduce spiritual encounters is certain to me.

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"The difference from those who did not submit and accept the jabs - their level of trust and faith grew and our worship connection is stronger when we communicate."

This is curious. Makes me think of the Jewish idea of the 'Shekinah' which is the presence of God among two or more faithful people. I remember some woman in vax-trials was quoted as saying, 'I can't feel God anymore,' which I put down to plain old weirdness but this suggests that those who lacked true faith took the vax because either they had fear of death, or fear of social retribution. (Same thing to many.)

There was a meme about vaxxers being 'marked by the devil'; turns out antimony, a chemical element whose Latin symbol is stibium, (Sb, atomic number 51 equalling 6) is an ingredient. Stibium/stibnite are versions of antimony which come from the Greek word 'stibi' which means 'mark'. Marked by the lower nature, quite simply.

The weirdest thing by far is that antimony's graphic symbol is the globus crucis, a globe with a cross on top of it.

They know the all secrets. It's almost comforting...

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In the end it depends on what has read and how true it appears (vibes, maaan) in conjunction with everything else one has experienced through the years. Edwin Johnson made a great deal of sense, but I don't believe he was looking through an alchemical lens with his book 'Rise of Christendom'.

Nothing really makes much sense on a large enough scale without the incorporation of esoterica and alchemy. Sadly the Vatican has ensured the faithful are afraid of such things.

They've done an amazing job, credit where it's due...

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

 Transhumanist Neo-Feudalism (Fascism) in Action

“Let's be clear,

the future is not just happening;

the future is built by us,

a powerful community here in this room.

We (Ubermensch) have the means to impose the state of the world”

-- Clown Schwab, Davos 2022.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

"Effective at what, one may ask? "

Effective at creating mass psychosis

Effective at preventing voting in person in 2024 so that Bidensky can rig elections using mail-in ballots

Effective at turning people's attention from the UkroNazistan disaster in an election year

Effective at turning people's attention from Biden crimes family's investigations related to their business dealings in Ukraine and China

Effective at buying more gene therapies from Murderna and Schizer so that NIH staff can earn more retro-commissions

..... Welcome to the empire of chaos, a Banana Republic, the Roman empire by the Potomac...

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You nailed it -- and I would add 'very highly effective' at these things. I'm glad you brought up the political angle. A significant motivation for the plandemic was the rigging of the US election in 2020 with the drop-boxes and mail-in ballots etc.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

"their scepter of fear" is a brilliant image. Exactly.

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Thank you!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

—And the Beat Goes On with the on-going witness to the terrifying and tragic reality of the consequences of the largest coercive medical experiment on human beings in history; see the ongoing archive of MCM's "In Memory of Those Who Have `Died Suddenly'" since Feb 2022 at:


—As well as very partial ongoing lists:





—As well as the "glue" that binds up all this reality to extinguish WE THE PEOPLE:

State Censorship & Gagged Thought - Once Unthinkable, Now Run-Of-The-Mill


—As well as annotated transcripts of all 5 Episodes of NEVER AGAIN IS NOW GLOBAL:


Richard Feynman: ‘I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned’.

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Bravo! Thank you.

Relatedly, this is one I found only a few days ago, from 2021. A crystal-clear thinker, in my view.

“This Is Not About Politics. This Is Tyranny. This Is About Freedom Of Choice.”

Sunfellow On COVID-19, posted August 24, 2021



CHRISTIAN GRANUCCI: My name is Christian Granucci. I'm a captain with the Los Angeles City Fire Department. I'm a 31 year veteran with this agency. And I'm more than likely going to catch total grief from my administration from this. But I am done being silent on this matter. And so are many of our members. And this is regarding the vaccine mandate by the City of Los Angeles for all city employees.

We saw this tyranny coming. We saw it coming across the Pacific. And a week and half ago it landed in Honolulu, with the Honolulu Fire Department. And we watched a passionate plea from Captain Pelekai,* literally in tears, being forced to resign because he chose not to take the vaccine. Forced to leave the department after faithfully serving it for years.

Then it landed on our coast. It hit San Francisc—, it hit San Francisco Fire. And we heard the stories up there. Our union representation stood by idly and played a wait and see. And sat on their hands.

Well now it's here in Los Angeles. And the mandate has come down from the mayor and the city council that we, all city employees, including first responders, shall take the vaccine.

If we do not take the vaccine we have to be subjected to testing twice a week. If we refuse that, termination.

Again, I'm a 31 year veteran of this department. I have literally bled for this department. I used to love coming to work. I respected the administration of this department at one point. I even respected our union leadership. And now they are lockstep with total tyranny.

I want you to be clear on this. I want everyone to be clear on this. This is not about politics. This is not about left or right. This is not about red versus blue. This is not about Republican versus Democrat. This isn't even about vaccinated versus unvaccinated. This is tyranny. This is about freedom of choice.

The department has said that we can seek medical exemptions if we so choose, if we can. That is a pie in the sky. We can even try and seek some kind of religious exemption, but they know that they have end runs around those.

The vaccinations will come. And then after that, it will be a booster and another booster and another booster. And when will this end? When will this tyranny stop? I'll tell you where it's going to stop. It's going to stop right here right now. And I am putting my administration and my union on blast. You had the opportunity to get in front of this and you didn't. We want to give you the opportunity to do the right thing and represent the membership.

You'd think that the union that's there fighting for the little guy would jump in front of this, and this would have all kinds of handles on it for you to grab and run this in for a touchdown. But no, you decided to play politics with this.

An you have the, you have half this department, you have a split right down the middle. And this is what tyrants want. They want to split down the middle, they want to divide and conquer.

I am so hopping mad right now, you have no idea. My head could pop.

Again, we want to give our union the opportunity to step in front of this and do the right thing. But know this. There is a large group of us, in the hundreds, and we have an attorney on retainer and he is a shark. We'll give you the opportunity to stand up and take the fiery arrows from the adversary of tyranny and step in front of this and fight for us. But if you don't, our Plan B, a large group, and it is growing by the day, we have him on retainer and we will seek legal counsel and we will take the fight to you, the City of Los Angeles.

Again, I'm going to catch so much grief for this. But I don't care. I wouldn't be able to look at my wife. And she's going to kill me. I wouldn't be able to look at my wife, though, and my sons, in the eye, as they grew up under total tyrannical law and rule, when I had a chance to stop this, I had a chance to fight, but I did nothing.

This is bigger than me, this is bigger than the Los Angeles City Fire Department. This is bigger than my union. I don't recognize this place anymore. I don't recognize this country, I don't recognize this state, I don't recognize this department any more.

Again, I want you to be very clear, I want everyone to be very clear on this, this is not a political issue, this is not left right, this is not Democrat Republican, this is not vaxxed unvaxxed, this is a fight for freedom of choice, free will. This is a fight against tyranny.

Make no bones about it, we have an uphill battle. A sizable financial commitment from several hundred of our members. I don't want to be doing this at the end of my career. I'm looking to do a few more years on this department and just fade off into the sunset. But you know what, damn it, this landed in our lap and we got to do something. We can't sit back and let this happen, let this happen to our country.

I'll leave you with this. And I saw this online couple days ago. It was a gym owner in Oceanside, California. And like so many businesses here in California, they have just been knuckled under. And he was speaking in front of his city council and he pointed at them. And he said, you told us, like the country's administration told us, and you, our city government, told us, just give us two weeks to flatten the curve. And this has gone from 2 weeks to flatten the curve to show me your papers.

We all see what's happening here. I can't sit idly by anymore. If things have moved that fast in the last 18 months, where the hell will we be in the next 18 months?

God bless all the first responders out there. You need to turn around and put your union on check and have them fight for you. And if they don't, you take the battle to them any way you can and you assemble all the numbers that you can, as many people as you can, and you take the fight to them. We outnumber them. I'm out.



#   #   #


* He refers to Honolulu Fire Captain Kaimi Pelekai's testimony. See:

"Very sad fire chief pours his heart out for all to hear"

Posted August 16, 2021


Transcript: ttps://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/96866.html

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Thanks for that!

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so brave.....kia kaha to those firefighters in their battle (our battle)

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Howdy, from a fan of your writing. I'd like to address a few points which might feel challenging to you:

"I figured that they would go everywhere"

- We actually had really good data within months of the vaccine being available, which showed it going everywhere. The Japanese biodistribution study was the most famous of these.

"A doctorate trains me in first principles"

- I contend that you have this skill despite your training, not due to it. There is a reproducibility crisis in your field which highlights just how captured allopathic medicine has been for almost a century, and that the idea of 'critically thinking specialists' is a largely a myth ('The death of the professions' is a good book on this). Groupthink and other biases (money!) override the scientific method in the vast majority of cases, which is why the myth persists that modern medicine is scientific. It simply is not. (Engineering has no such controversy, so many diagnostic tools and surgeries are not included in this claim). Dr Aseem Malhotra is fond of quoting the analysis showing something like 4% of our improvements in lifespan are due to allopathic efforts (thank sanitation instead). Steven Patterson makes a good case for a modern dark age: (https://steve-patterson.com/our-present-dark-age-part-1/), and Robyn Chuter does a superb job of linking all these aspects on her substack: (https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/the-adhd-scam)

"Vaccines have endless debate"

- This is simply not true. RFK Jr has had a decades long invitation to publicly debate the childhood vaccine schedule and no takers. 'Turtles all the way down' does a good job of documenting the specifics of how debate is always avoided. 'Dissolving illusions' shows the longer historical record.

"informed consent"

- Does not exist for vaccines. No one documents long term harmful effects, so no informed consent is possible. Informed consent on the benefits is also not possible. Vaccines are only required to show short term immunoglobulin measure changes, which is falsely equated with immunity.

"We are at war"

One of the reasons I like your substack is that you mostly have this truth as a context for what you write. I hope this comment helps you become less vexed at least - this did not all start with the Covid Crimes!

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Points taken, thank you very much. I'll add that what I meant by 'endless debate' is that people do indeed argue about vaccines all the time, certainly in my circles and the fringes, including the covid jab and structures and what not. For me, the issue is settled: I never want another vaccine, real or otherwise. A loose use of the term 'debate' on my part. Appreciate your highly informative response very much.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

The main issue disturbing me since December 2020 is that people are calling a gene therapy a "vaccine". It's not a "vaccine" and the manufacturers themselves have said that before. In the US, the CDC, NIH wanted to call it "vaccine" because there is a legislation about "vaccines" and none about gene therapies!

NB: CDC changed the definition of "vaccine" on their website and I was monitoring them. Whenever the FDA and CDC posted fake data on their websites I was aware of it through 2022. I've stopped monitoring them after realizing clearly that the government was no longer to be trusted - it's a mafia, Period!

According to CDC (2021 website version!), any substance that can stimulate an immune response is a "vaccine". Well, where does that leave us?

Why don't they call yoghurt, aloe vera, etc... vaccines too? I can prove in court that aloe vera stimulates an immune response by showing my levels of T-Cells before and after the Aloe jab!

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I have consistently recommended that people not use the term 'vaccine' to describe this monstrous gene-altering poison-containing inoculation. Thanks for your commentary!

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

The better mRNA is coming and all the masks and lockdowns were a ruse, a spy game, something to condition us into lining up to get jabbed. It's as though they benevolently held our hand and asked us which we would prefer, to be isolated or to be vaccinated. And being good children, we said: "Vaccinated, please." Their aim is to control through ongoing vaccine programs. I think every institution, be it medical, governmental, or educational, each institution has members who work towards seeing that this agenda is carried out.

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A very astute comment, which I very much appreciate. Yes, it's about control on a scale that is now only coming into view. Many thanks!

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I think you're right

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The supreme art of war is to win without fighting

And so it is advantageous to have the enemy divide themselves and defeat themselves.

In fact I have noticed lately a series of common tactics, repeated again and again.

Distance yourself from wrongdoing

Deny all allegations

Discredit any opposition

Delay releasing important information

Deceive the public opinion

Distort the data with stats

Divide any challengers

And let disarray muddy the facts.

I think these tactics are important to understand because they allow for the confusion to go on and on.

Yet once you notice them they're so obvious that they're wrong.

I'm not sure how they did it and hoodwinked almost everyone.

Especially those who should have known better, or initially spoke against it. I still think they must have used every trick in the manipulators handbook.

But even with all that it surprises me as to how effective their propaganda and chants were.

And so, I fret of another wave of this cult like madness.

Because logic and reason just isn't sinking in when we need it. This is deeper, more primal, subliminal and habitual that is driving their behaviour.

Trigger - behaviour - punishment/reward

And round and round the cycle goes until it's conditioned.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

Breaking News:

Multiple Family Members or Couples Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries or Sudden Deaths.

No One Is Willing to Report It, Entire Families Are Being Wiped Out


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No one is willing to report ... one of the chief decisions in media is what and what not to report. A very great deal has been swept aside, ignored, discarded ... and a lot of bs has been promulgated. Murder on a large scale is occurring. Thanks for your comment.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by NewZealandDoc

This is an excellent point. Thank you again for all your work.

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and thank you for reading and for your kind comment!

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