Aug 19Liked by NewZealandDoc

You are both heroes in my book, Emanual Garcia and Peter Canaday. May the members of the Medical Council of NZ rot in hell and on the way there may they suffer the most exquisitely painful form of karma possible. They disgust me.

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And you're a heroine!

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Aug 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

The MCNZ and the HPDT are guilty of gross defamation against all of us who have been charged. In my case the HPDT wrote to all the medical councils of the Commonwealth to inform them of my de-registration and my so-called malpractice and the details of their findings. The day will come when we will make each and every member of the MCNZ and the HPDT and their so-called expert witnesses pay for this. Whilst politicians and media get away with dispensing deadly medical advice without a licence, we who upheld our Oath in our attempts to bring information to the public that would allow informed consent are treated as criminals. I have no faith in the government, no faith in doctors who did not speak out and no faith in the media. Shame on them all. May their grandchildren look at them with the contempt they deserve.

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Beautifully put!

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Dear Alanna...

As a failed musician who thinks too much, I can only tell you "good luck with that"😥 : Covid 19 and the Lethal injections is a crime so monstrous it beggars comprehension; nothing but a scam designed to profit from premeditated mass murder; pretty much all our politicians, doctors, health administrators and academics were and are in on it. Hands down the most monstrous, most heinous crime in human history. Thus an admission of guilt is simply not possible for them.

Best wishes for your future and for a resolution of what happened to you,

Capt. Roy Harkness

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As a sort of PS, you may want to take the hour out of your life to watch this; from "Children's Health Defence via cryptogon.com:

"Rising Autism Rates Economic and Societal Costs" - https://rumble.com/v5a68lh-rising-autism-rates-economic-and-societal-costs.html

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Aug 21Liked by NewZealandDoc

Wow! Another Cryptogoner. Well met, Capt Harkness.

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I've been following Kevin for something like 25 years.. How time FLIES, when you're having FUN! 😱 💣🕳

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I started in 2005, at the time I was researching moving to NZ.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

The MC and its many appendages operate under the aegis of the HPC Act (2003) whose stated purpose is: "to protect the health and safety of members of the public by providing for mechanisms to ensure that health practitioners are competent and fit to practise their professions."

This ethically underpinned aspiration appeared manifestly and intentionally derailed as it once was in Germany https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160252712000854

In so doing, the New Zealand MC also suspended rational and coherent scientific and medical reasoning. It still does.

What was, is and remains abundantly clear from history is that evil will not stop until it is stopped.

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Corruption enough to gag an army of maggots. Why would anyone with an ounce of intelligence, a drachm of integrity or scintilla of compassion want to run the horrendous and uncertain decades+plus guantlet to become a medical doctor/specialist when confronted with the ethical black hole which is contemporary medicine?

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A very good question indeed!

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by NewZealandDoc

I consider Charles Hoffe MD of Lytton here in Woke British Columbia who sent a letter reporting his experience with the Moderna Lethal Injection to our Provincial Health Officer, "Butcher Bonnie" Henry... If memory serves he bluntly stated everyone who'd taken it would die of right-sided heart failure within 2 years. Her response was to cut his hospital privileges and reduce his salary in half. The attached link from May 2021 remains typical of the shit being proffered by the lying whore media: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-doctors-misinformation-covid-19-1.6021489

Meanwhile I work as a lowly security guard in Esquimalt Graving Docks. Since the widespread dissemination of these injections, I'm personally aware of 7 deaths and 34 permanent debilitating injuries. But during the Covid Fraudemic? Not so much as ONE person I'm aware of, called in sick... 🤔

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That Bonny Henry is a scorpion ,her sting killed a large number of victims in British Columbia . My brother was one of them .

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Aug 21·edited Aug 25Liked by NewZealandDoc

I sent Al Ferraby of CFAX Radio an email yesterday in the wake of an interview he did that morning with Dr. Mengele–Henry, excuse me... Here's what I sent him for your delectation and enjoyment:

Dear Al:

I have to hand it to "Butcher Bonnie": She has got to be the smoothest liar I have ever heard.

I'm about half-way through listening to Children's Health Defence' "Rising Autism Rates Economic and Societal Costs"; you can watch it here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/rising-autism-rates-economic-and-societal-costs/. Commentator Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon.com (https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=70635) was succinct: "The damage related to autism that has already been done will result in collapse." The health-care bill for Autism in North America – and forget the Medical Racket's rubbish about genetics, autism is a direct consequence of vaccination – is already well into the trillions of dollars.

And that isn't to mention the consequences of the unlicenced, untested, experimental Covid "vaccination" (actually an utterly failed genetic chemotherapy agent). Bonnie plans on getting her "covid booster" in the fall? Let us pray she gets the actual injection this time as opposed to the saline solution the political class usually gets, and she can shortly share a berth in Hell with Susan Wojcicki, expired CEO of YouTube who did everything she could to censor real information about the Fraudemic and the Injections...


Roy Bauchman

PS I wrote him a follow-up this morning based on Mark Crispin Miller's latest (https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-08c?triedRedirect=true) it might get me "in difficulties", I'll have to think hard about sending it.

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In British Columbia where I live ,hospitals are forced to close because there doctors left, retired or where fired .,for doing their job of treating patients correctly and help them survive .Every day in the news there are reports of hospitals and medical practices closing . Of course I know why that is . How can one be a doctor or a nurse if one is forced to murder his or her patients . ??

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It's despicable, and in answer to your question, one cannot. Thank you for listening and commenting.

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Dear Doc . They murdered my brother in a hospital with the deadly treatment protocol ,when he entered with a flu . Nurses ,who quit or where fired describe on camera that no one survived ,when admitted with a flu or pneumonia .The pay out to the hospital for murder is like winning in the lottery .

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If it's any consolation my brother Paul was murdered by the Medical Racket / Dr. Fraudci in 1996. We thought at the time it was "AIDS".. it was in fact AZT, which I only found out 25 years later, reading "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFKJr. If you haven't read it yet, do so at once. Paul died at 43, blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move... from a deadly poison that cost the British Columbian Taxpayer $12,000/year but cost Big Pharma pennies per kilogram to make...

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I did avoid the injection and all the other tricks of the medical ,pharma criminal gang . However my wife took the shot against my advise ,almost begging her ,not to ,to no avail . She may have taken more than one injection .When I ask her she will not talk about it . Now I worry that anytime something unexpected terrible can happen and I can't do nothing about it . Since my brothers death [murder ] 3 people died in the 15 unit apartment ,i live in just recently ,a woman and two men . All still in their fifties and working . All took the injections .

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Don't worry. She may have gotten a good batch. Low dose aspirin daily might help with clotting issues. Stay strong.

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I am so sorry to hear this … yes, I know about their protocols and what they did to people who were hospitalized. My heart goes out to you and to all of those others who have been so subjected.

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What hey did is not history ,they are still doing it . Killing is far more profit able than healing .

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Sep 10Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you Dr Peter Canady - to me you are a true and honest Doctor. Thank you so much for speaking out at a time when so many Doctors didn't. I will be forever grateful. 💐 The standing ovation you will receive at those pearly gates will be worth all you have gone through Peter. The fate of those implicit in this crime will be horrendous! Thank you again 🙏🫶

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Aug 21Liked by NewZealandDoc

Thank you for laying out the full anatomy of this hounding. We keep learning just how this attack is being perpetrated. This was excellent. My heart goes out to the real healers who are standing up for us, and I that you both for your devotion to the highest principles of your profession.

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Thank you most kindly for your encouraging words and support.

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Trouble is, the internet itself isn’t a tool of ordinary people, is it? (I’m guessing - very little technical understanding). If that is cut off, how will we communicate?

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We must prepare for that and establish other avenues.

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