Mannie & Matt. You both have my email address so if you want to persue the line I'm thinking about you know how to contact me. A posting on VFF last week alluded to the insanity of a Dr advising a patient with a known peanut allergy to eat a peanut butter sandwich - all be it with the provision of a crash cart in case of anaphylaxis. It made me realise that that is exactly what "Sir" "Dr" Ashley Bloomfield, our erstwhile DG of Health advised for patients who had already suffered myo/pericarditis after their first jab. (Mannie, you have alluded to this repeatedly with regard to one of your colleagues). To me this is medically unforgivable. If I had EVER suggested such a thing during my working life I would expect (I would even hope!) to have been struck off. I believe that Bloomfield should not only be struck off the Medical Register, but - in my personal view - he should face a far more permanent fate. If you would like to follow up on this please let me know. Steve T
Hold your fire until you see the white's of their 👀, we are talking about politicians & both sides supported this farce. Read the fine print of any inquiry i.e the terms of reference.
That was a great talk. I think you were as frank as yo could be in a public forum. We want you there to fight another day, so I don't mind art all that certain comments need to be guarded. I was encouraged by the fact that the worm would seem to be turning. Now, we need to get the WHO out of our business - all over the world.
The cases that were won in court are great to hear about, even in non-specifics. Judgement, and more specifically, correct judgement and the courage to stand before it is unnerving.
... very few are 'reading the room' ... joining the dots they should be joining ... stepping out of the box of 'political correctness' they have been deliberately put in ...
They have tried several times in 2023 to start WWIII ... to cover up over 100 years of atrocities against us ... to bury 'history' ... including 'childhhod vaccines' .... which are just as big a deception as the latest gene-based 'vaccines' ... just not quite as lethal ...
So far ... they have failed ... even in Gaza ...
Expect another '9/11' event ... another 'plandemic' ... a total financial collapse and WWIII ... all before the 2024 US election ...
I hope Kiwis wake up very soon! I hope the World wakes up very soon ...
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practised in past centuries."
---David Rockfeller (RKM), June 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden-Baden
Mannie & Matt. You both have my email address so if you want to persue the line I'm thinking about you know how to contact me. A posting on VFF last week alluded to the insanity of a Dr advising a patient with a known peanut allergy to eat a peanut butter sandwich - all be it with the provision of a crash cart in case of anaphylaxis. It made me realise that that is exactly what "Sir" "Dr" Ashley Bloomfield, our erstwhile DG of Health advised for patients who had already suffered myo/pericarditis after their first jab. (Mannie, you have alluded to this repeatedly with regard to one of your colleagues). To me this is medically unforgivable. If I had EVER suggested such a thing during my working life I would expect (I would even hope!) to have been struck off. I believe that Bloomfield should not only be struck off the Medical Register, but - in my personal view - he should face a far more permanent fate. If you would like to follow up on this please let me know. Steve T
Spot on Steve
I think it’s criminal matter. Prison would be fitting.
Hold your fire until you see the white's of their 👀, we are talking about politicians & both sides supported this farce. Read the fine print of any inquiry i.e the terms of reference.
They Are Not Safe Anymore.
They Got Caught
Creating Imaginary Terror.
You Caught Them.
Every Single One Of You.
They Will Never Be Safe Again.
They Don’t Feel Safe Anymore. Anywhere.
Thank You For That.
And Carry That With You.
That was a great talk. I think you were as frank as yo could be in a public forum. We want you there to fight another day, so I don't mind art all that certain comments need to be guarded. I was encouraged by the fact that the worm would seem to be turning. Now, we need to get the WHO out of our business - all over the world.
The cases that were won in court are great to hear about, even in non-specifics. Judgement, and more specifically, correct judgement and the courage to stand before it is unnerving.
Good ol'faith, truth and righteousness.
All in very short supply these days in favour of venality, malfeasance and incompetence... 🤔
"Official Whitewash" you mean.
Unfortunately ... Matt Shelton ... and just about everybody else ... does not 'get' what's really going on ... or just how dire our situation is ...
I do ... even this version is 'watered down'
... very few are 'reading the room' ... joining the dots they should be joining ... stepping out of the box of 'political correctness' they have been deliberately put in ...
They have tried several times in 2023 to start WWIII ... to cover up over 100 years of atrocities against us ... to bury 'history' ... including 'childhhod vaccines' .... which are just as big a deception as the latest gene-based 'vaccines' ... just not quite as lethal ...
So far ... they have failed ... even in Gaza ...
Expect another '9/11' event ... another 'plandemic' ... a total financial collapse and WWIII ... all before the 2024 US election ...
I hope Kiwis wake up very soon! I hope the World wakes up very soon ...
Sadly ... I don't think they're going to ...
" Most people are fundamentally good"
So true and it also applies to all you Docs today that are purposely being reputationally damaged as a part of the larger agenda.
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order."
– Rockefeller, UN, 1994.
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practised in past centuries."
---David Rockfeller (RKM), June 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden-Baden
The Global Predators control New Zealand and the world.