I agree with pretty much everything you say Doc ...
But, apart from 'lip service' to the U.S. Constitution ... the 'Deep State' seems to have undermined it ... to the point it may only exist in the minds of those still prepared to fight for it ... and the 'Deep State' is working hard to pre-empt that situation ... like events that may overtake the U.S. and the World ... at least before ... or straight after an election in 2024 ... that might not happen ...
Your perspective on NZ ... is a good insight ... with an overseas perspective ... on the ingrained hypocrisy here ... particularly the 'woke' stance with regard to European and U.S. immigration ... compared to our own ...
The positive from the last four years ... and probably since Trump announced he would run for President ... is that the 'lurking' evil has now become very apparent ... the 'Deep State' no longer a part of fictional books and movies ... at least for the few of us now awake ...
But the 'start all over again' is from the 'Deep States' advertising agency ... and I can't see that rhetoric being 'safe' to use in an already insanely liberal 'woke' afflicted World ...
NZDSOS does a fantastic job ... so does VFF ... and, in her own way ... Liz Gunn has got international attention ... but whereas NZDSOS seems to target the Govt and upper echelons of power, including the Police ... and legal avenues ... and I am very impressed with what they do ... and their professionalism ... to date ... and it has been years ... for the most part it has fallen on extremely arrogant, 'locked-in' ... 'locked-down' ears ... if not totally deaf ones ...
I look to the protest movement ... but I have contacted maybe 50 Maori organizations ... including hard copies and flashdrives to John Tamihere ... and pro Palestinian organizations ... including John Minto's organization ... and personally have visited a local one ... and ... #crickets ... just like the 'less 'fired-up' people I have contacted ... the apathy ... the 'inertia' ... is destroying us ...
I am hoping it changes ... I contacted two high profile 'journalists' yesterday ... and immediately got views on my substack posts ... so not all hope is lost ... but I doubt 'journalists' will 'rock the boat' at the moment ... 'cowardice' has also become part of the fabric of our society ... being destroyed ...
Whatever way this is going to go ... and I'm not going to hold my breath ... I think it will become obvious sometime this year ... and maybe the 2nd Amendment will become the greatest 'foresight' in the history of the World ... there may be even be a few dozen Kiwis who agree on that one ...
About 20 years ago David Korten ("When Corporations Rule the World") remarked to David Suzuki in the radio documentary / book "From Naked Ape to Superspecies": "When the people of the Soviet Union finally recognized "This is not serving us", it literally collapsed in an instant"
Let us hope and pray Humanity is on the verge of a similar epiphany. The criminals intent on destroying all our lives? They have to go.
Thank you for your optimistic analysis of a four year long, dreadful experience. Our eyes are open. Somehow our enlightenment was left out of the designs of the perps.
That is a massive failure in analysis. Of course the planners, being psychopaths, are devoid of skills in long range planning.
We educated ourselves. I hope we can somehow make that work for us.
I agree that a lot of energy is being directed at taking down the Unites States, as a keystone to undoing us all. We have to act is such a way to make this impossible.
I think, R Prada, you're seeing the Iron Law of Unanticipated Consequences in action. Let us hope and pray this law will kick our ruling elites in the balls, and kick them in the balls, very hard.
I really enjoyed the metaphor used, of stabilising a difficult and complex patient, one otherwise considered terminal and too hard by going back to the basics and applying them
I am of the opinion that we ought not to overcomplicate, but simplify our strategies
Focus on the fundamentals, do them right, consistently and instinctively
And that this approach will inevitably make the most headway
What is the equivalent of airways to society?
What is the equivalent of breathing and respiration?
What is the circulation, the heart and blood of our nation?
What is the brains and central nervous system?
What is hypothermia and exposure?
Good nutrition and mental ease?
What is gentle movement, sunlight, fresh air?
The more concentrated our collective efforts are on traversing these critical junctions, the greater our chance of a cohesive victory overall
Wow... Just finished reading your essay and... Wow...
Your experience as a physician and psychiatrist first I assume in Philadelphia and then New Zealand, versus my own.. a failed musician who thinks too much supporting a wife and vaccine-injured stepdaughter on a Security Guard's wages on Canada's Left Coast. My discharge card from the military was of far more value to me in the end than my risible and worthless "music performance" degree (https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/03/31/talking-to-deltas-about-liberty-part-2/)... Our perspectives seem to be remarkably similar. All our vaunted institutions, national and international are just so many criminal gangs operated by the same cabal, and I look at what's coming down in Canada shortly under Justine Castreau and her Merry Men, the "On-line Harms Act" – no idea when that obscenity will be passed, but probably sometime within the next 3 - 6 months at most, and in late May regardless, the passage worldwide of the WHO's "Pandemic Response Treaty" – just reading the definitions section is enough to void your bowels. (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/read-the-treaty) I'm resigned to be spending a lot of time in prison in the near future, for I will no longer comply with any of this orchestrated lunacy; like Gonzalo Lira I could well wind up dead there, or like Julian Assange, consigned to oblivion for over a decade... and as George Carlin so aptly put it, "And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday" (https://shoqvalue.com/george-carlin-on-the-american-dream-with-transcript/)... The sheer, odurate, shit-headed, shit-for-brains mulish stupidity of 98% of humanity around me; they did not, do not and will not, see the nakedly bloody obvious, don't even think to try to help them see it; that Covid-19 and the Lethal Injections were and are, nothing but a scam, designed to profit from pre-meditated mass murder, and that Covid-19 and the Lethal Injections were nothing but a dry run for what's coming towards us at about Warp Factor 9...
In conclusion, what can I add to what I just wrote? Not a lot, beyond even though I'm a Pureblood, I don't expect to be alive in 2 years' time. Possibly Dr. Garcia, all of us had better give serious thought – and credence – to the spiritual aspect in all of this, as reflected in Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, 6:12-13: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."
Well, there you go. I'll be 65 in 6 days... And to paraphrase John Lennon's eulogy for his departed friend Stu Sutcliffe: I must have packed 18 years good living in those 65 years... 🙄
Thank you for sharing this. You have summed up the last four yrs accurately and honestly. When I read your article I couldn’t help but notice your words were actually my words too…. and…..likely the words of all those courageous beautiful souls who lost their jobs when they stood up against the corrupt system. These beautiful souls appreciated their freedom of choice. I am so proud of anyone who refuse to have such poison injected into their bodies. I am truly hoping and praying that the “small Band-Aid group” wake up to the fact they have been tricked, harmed and used by a wicked greedy system. Time is not on anyone’s side now, but the enlightened have an inner strength to do what’s best for our nation.
"The only thing standing in the way of a truly ‘good earth’ ..." "Now that we have been granted a glimpse of this, so utterly clear and irrefutable, we can counter it."
Our collective experience of past and recent history appears to prove otherwise as we lurch and limp from one manufactured crisis to another. Whether the acute democidal inclinations of Pol Pot or Mao Tse-tung, the Stalinist democide, famine, purges and 5 year plans, the quest of a 1000 year Reich, the destruction visited by US administrations on Libya, Syria, Iraq, and now its own people and wider freedom across the West, the despotic and murderous intent, the vicious inhumanity of 'theocracy' ... where does this all end, and then begin again? And now we enter a new age of over-hyped AI, where human authenticity is under siege, where words are easily manipulated and manufactured, where tyrants will impose an AI diktat as a proxy of their own, further deposing them of accountability and reason.
Perhaps it is as Edmund Burke wrote, "Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites."
In that case, it seems that we may be thoroughly skewered in this age of dwindling self-constraint?
As others have opined, 'Our response depends whether those constraints are self-chosen, or pitilessly imposed by potencies that are not ours to command'. (Holding Up A Mirror. How Civilisations Decline. Anne Glyn-Jones. Random House 1996)
The power of AI ... only gives real power to those who control it ... just as those that control 'search engines' ... MSM ... and 'fact checkers' ... insidiously control us ...
'AI' is just ... state of the art ... very sophisticated computers ... and it is now very obvious it's latest capabilities have been 'held back' from public 'consumption' for some time ... to be released now ... at a time of great deception ... a time when existentially important truth is being hidden from the masses ... to further cloud the dissemination of deception ... rather than truth ... at a time when the World needs the truth, the whole truth ... and nothing but the truth ... more than any other time in history ...
I keep saying it ... our situation is 'critical' ... the people destroying us are taking more control by the day ... and how fast can things change? ... Just as quickly as evil Macron ... can load nuclear weapons on French warplanes!
I pretty much agree except for the degree of alarm that we ought to be in regarding the scamdemic Harmacide that aims to kill all life.
Dr Ana Mihalcea posits proof that our blood is contaminated. Yes, all of our blood. So to say we have the right to remain unvaxxxed doesn't really convey the magnitude of the evil, possibly alien technology out to gwt us. That already got us, she seems to believe.
If so, if all of our blood is already affected, negatively changed, and the evil malware is coming at us all the time in all directions, it seems , it would seem imperative to actually take actions , greater actions. And end the scamdemic Harmacide once and for evermore.
I don't see any such thing occurring nor do I have a way to even speak. Barely, against the continued mass murder
I was moved to comment to Dr. Mihalcea "I hope you're full of shit -- but you're probably not"... To be a Pureblood is likely at best, a stay of execution. On the plus side Dr. William Makis opined somewhere (https://makismd.substack.com/) if you've taken one dose there's a possibility you may throw off the Lethal Injection.. and his, is the most optimistic take I've enountered.
"I believe that as America goes so goes the world. If that great but flawed country is allowed to be undone by a treasonous Deep State — itself part of the global group of sinister war-mongering power-mad sociopaths — then our road will be much, much rougher."
I appreciate your sentiment which is very understandable, but must emphatically disagree.
America - or its United States of business - enslaved the world, particularly the english-speaking world (capital E optional, and they have also been roundly poisoned for the last three generations), but arguably more important the US has enslaved Germany and Italy whose necks jointly share the weight of the US's hobnailed boot from the WW2 hangover.
Simply put, America is a raging bully whose "culture" unknowingly worships gods (like Mammon, Jupiter and Saturn) who provide wealth, prosperity and the never-ending, war-mongering trade expansion. The world has had enough. It's dying.
As John Calvin once said, “Men are undoubtedly more in danger from prosperity than from adversity, for when matters go smoothly, they flatter themselves, and are intoxicated by their success.”
The world will not come right - meaning it will not be able to be *renewed* - until this global bully is disempowered. There are major shifts in the heavens and these reflect down here so nothing can possibly stop it, we're just along for the ride. The Five Eyes nanny states might find this particularly difficult because they have been flattered and made the most comfortable, and gods&God have been thoroughly removed. Luckily knowledge, and faith in *something* (anything), is an excellent substitute - speaking from experience.
I don't see America as a 'bully' ... I see the people controlling America as 'bullies ...
That's why there was a deliberate financial crash in 1907 ... a fraudulent financial system in 1913 ... the Russian Revolution ... the deliberate 1929 stock crash ... the very deliberate 'Great Depression' ... the punitive 'Treaty of Versailles' .... WWII ... Pearl Harbor ... the assassination of JFK ... the assassination of RFK ... the 'removal' of Nixon ... the Iraq wars ... 9/11 ... the GFC ... 'Covid' ... the 'removal of Trump' ... the banning of Ivermectin ... Ukraine-Russia ... Israel-Gaza ... all instigated by the 'bullies' controlling America ... not the American people ... and ... if you want proof ... ask Americans ... on the street ... if America should have given over $100 billion to Ukraine ... or $80 billion to Israel ... or have a national debt approaching $300,000 per American taxpayer ....
People tend to take anti-semitism seriously if they haven't picked carefully through the past yet. Most well-meaning folks don't even know who the Bolsheviks were nor where they came from and that's just the tip of a massive iceberg. Good you pointed it out.
That's interesting, I was responding to your previous comment when the children came home and interrupted my response.
It's important to dig, I've been at it since I was three, but as a mature creature for the last 30 years specifically on what the heck is going on.
It's because I understand that I am not afraid to speak of things in a circular way. The truth is not as straightforward as it appears even several layers down. Agreed- the only way to find the truth is to dig or remain in ignorance.
As I said to R. Prada above, Let us hope and pray The Iron Law of Unanticipated Consequences will kick our ruling elites in the balls, and kick them in the balls, very hard.
We have an elite ensconced in the USA that has formented chaos I believe on behalf of the right wing royalists of the British and the hanger on facists still out there. Our nation has been under attack despite the Treaty of Paris
We can see it with the legacy of Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes Scholars, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council of Foreign Relations all set up this nation to do Brits dirty work. Look at the history of our middle east involvement because the Brits wanted Iran, because the Brits wanted an Israel, because the Brits supported the Monarchy in Kuwait and elsewhere...i don't consent to their machinations with the World Economic Forum. their push for making a boogyman from climate variability, their bullshit with Bill Gates operating with the Imperial College of London to push depopulation by any means including a "virus" and ending with more wealth to the elites.
Hierarchically, the Vatican (as the spiritual authority of the West) is the head which must be addressed because it is as significant as the idea of Israel - a very twisting subject most avoid; the US is their military arm, the City of London is their financial arm. The monarchy is merely 'The Tradition Show™' which is falling apart at the seams, no doubt by design.
I wouldn't give any money to learn more about the corrupt church system and know quite well the papacy is captured. The entire system is rotted through. Even the christians don't understand it beyond a deep and abiding faith in spite of it (which is all they really need in these times). In the Doge's Palace in Venice one can stroll casually through ye auld rooms to inspect the torture device the merry religious sickos tortured their pray.. no - prey with.
The matter is complex but the UK has been infiltrated by outside forces. All roads lead to Rome as they say. It is not without good reason that 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'.
The WEF is primarily a German idea and Germany wasn't too pleased about Brexit.
The reality Aria Veritas, is quite a bit more complicated than that, and involves learning of the machinations of a very fortunate family and their vassals within a highly privileged ethnicity that it is extremely dangerous to talk about in any kind of open company. .. America is in fact, more the paralysed caterpiller that has been stung by a parasitic wasp that laid its egg on its belly for the emerging larva to slowly devour alive...
Another excellent article Doc. I can’t thank you enough. I look forward to your stacks - they’re a superb mix of common sense, intelligent observation and sound reasoning mixed with a faint yet resonating spiritual overtone. By and large they help to keep me sane in a truly mad world.
Thank you for those kind words, which I think really sum up my style and my approach -- I am privileged to be able to help keep you sane ... but not too sane I hope! :)
"...It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good. What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts – adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take “everyone on Earth” to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale...." Clarissa Pinkola Estes from Do Not Lose Heart, We Were Made for these Times
I think with the USA IT IS A few divergent things. Yes, everywhere the US says it is going to go in to save DEMOCRACY, that’s not really what’s going on. The thugs go in and stir things up in ways that are convenient for them. Nothing democratic about the shah of Iran, for Pete’s sake.
Yet on some higher level we expect great things. Is it just mythology? Or maybe it’s the fact that our constitution are beacons and Bill of Rights are beacons to the world and to 90% Of US citizens who yearn after those noble concepts and are fed up with the Uniparty and their deep state handlers.
On the other hand, those who want to conquer us believe we are a moral lynchpin for the rest of the world, and one they crush us, the rest of the world will fall easily. So many layers of irony!
Some of us are heroes and others are anything but.
What worries me is the number of people asleep who don’t even sense the danger.
So will sleepers awake?
Will we have to drag them along, half asleep dragging their blankies?
My advice (in jest, okay?) is to vote early and vote often. In this way, there can be no voter fraud.
It's a shame that the Bill of Rights is now a mostly idealistic document that does not cohere with reality.
This week Murthy vs. Missouri, a very important case on free speech is being argued at the US Supreme Court. The case stems from the pandemic when Missouri, Louisiana, and a number of social media users filed a lawsuit against the federal government for violating their First Amendment rights when social media platforms removed their posts due to government pressure. These posts related to COVID-19 and the 2020 presidential election. In some instances, social media terminated some user accounts.
I'd like to think that the Supreme Court will vote unanimously in favour of free speech. I'll be optimistic that they will.
By my own choice, my email is flooded with substack articles, which often back up to an unreadable pile. Then I briefly skim through them eliminating many, but keeping a few to really read slowly and allow the author's thoughts to be assimilated.
I agree with pretty much everything you say Doc ...
But, apart from 'lip service' to the U.S. Constitution ... the 'Deep State' seems to have undermined it ... to the point it may only exist in the minds of those still prepared to fight for it ... and the 'Deep State' is working hard to pre-empt that situation ... like events that may overtake the U.S. and the World ... at least before ... or straight after an election in 2024 ... that might not happen ...
Your perspective on NZ ... is a good insight ... with an overseas perspective ... on the ingrained hypocrisy here ... particularly the 'woke' stance with regard to European and U.S. immigration ... compared to our own ...
The positive from the last four years ... and probably since Trump announced he would run for President ... is that the 'lurking' evil has now become very apparent ... the 'Deep State' no longer a part of fictional books and movies ... at least for the few of us now awake ...
But the 'start all over again' is from the 'Deep States' advertising agency ... and I can't see that rhetoric being 'safe' to use in an already insanely liberal 'woke' afflicted World ...
NZDSOS does a fantastic job ... so does VFF ... and, in her own way ... Liz Gunn has got international attention ... but whereas NZDSOS seems to target the Govt and upper echelons of power, including the Police ... and legal avenues ... and I am very impressed with what they do ... and their professionalism ... to date ... and it has been years ... for the most part it has fallen on extremely arrogant, 'locked-in' ... 'locked-down' ears ... if not totally deaf ones ...
I look to the protest movement ... but I have contacted maybe 50 Maori organizations ... including hard copies and flashdrives to John Tamihere ... and pro Palestinian organizations ... including John Minto's organization ... and personally have visited a local one ... and ... #crickets ... just like the 'less 'fired-up' people I have contacted ... the apathy ... the 'inertia' ... is destroying us ...
I am hoping it changes ... I contacted two high profile 'journalists' yesterday ... and immediately got views on my substack posts ... so not all hope is lost ... but I doubt 'journalists' will 'rock the boat' at the moment ... 'cowardice' has also become part of the fabric of our society ... being destroyed ...
Whatever way this is going to go ... and I'm not going to hold my breath ... I think it will become obvious sometime this year ... and maybe the 2nd Amendment will become the greatest 'foresight' in the history of the World ... there may be even be a few dozen Kiwis who agree on that one ...
About 20 years ago David Korten ("When Corporations Rule the World") remarked to David Suzuki in the radio documentary / book "From Naked Ape to Superspecies": "When the people of the Soviet Union finally recognized "This is not serving us", it literally collapsed in an instant"
Let us hope and pray Humanity is on the verge of a similar epiphany. The criminals intent on destroying all our lives? They have to go.
John Tamihere is one of the most corrupt elite Maoris you will ever see. No one outside of his small circle in the North thinks highly of him
Thank you for your optimistic analysis of a four year long, dreadful experience. Our eyes are open. Somehow our enlightenment was left out of the designs of the perps.
That is a massive failure in analysis. Of course the planners, being psychopaths, are devoid of skills in long range planning.
We educated ourselves. I hope we can somehow make that work for us.
I agree that a lot of energy is being directed at taking down the Unites States, as a keystone to undoing us all. We have to act is such a way to make this impossible.
I think, R Prada, you're seeing the Iron Law of Unanticipated Consequences in action. Let us hope and pray this law will kick our ruling elites in the balls, and kick them in the balls, very hard.
I agree except that the plan was to wake us up or wake up those who were intended to be woken up.
I really enjoyed the metaphor used, of stabilising a difficult and complex patient, one otherwise considered terminal and too hard by going back to the basics and applying them
I am of the opinion that we ought not to overcomplicate, but simplify our strategies
Focus on the fundamentals, do them right, consistently and instinctively
And that this approach will inevitably make the most headway
What is the equivalent of airways to society?
What is the equivalent of breathing and respiration?
What is the circulation, the heart and blood of our nation?
What is the brains and central nervous system?
What is hypothermia and exposure?
Good nutrition and mental ease?
What is gentle movement, sunlight, fresh air?
The more concentrated our collective efforts are on traversing these critical junctions, the greater our chance of a cohesive victory overall
Dear Dr. Garcia:
Wow... Just finished reading your essay and... Wow...
Your experience as a physician and psychiatrist first I assume in Philadelphia and then New Zealand, versus my own.. a failed musician who thinks too much supporting a wife and vaccine-injured stepdaughter on a Security Guard's wages on Canada's Left Coast. My discharge card from the military was of far more value to me in the end than my risible and worthless "music performance" degree (https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/03/31/talking-to-deltas-about-liberty-part-2/)... Our perspectives seem to be remarkably similar. All our vaunted institutions, national and international are just so many criminal gangs operated by the same cabal, and I look at what's coming down in Canada shortly under Justine Castreau and her Merry Men, the "On-line Harms Act" – no idea when that obscenity will be passed, but probably sometime within the next 3 - 6 months at most, and in late May regardless, the passage worldwide of the WHO's "Pandemic Response Treaty" – just reading the definitions section is enough to void your bowels. (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/read-the-treaty) I'm resigned to be spending a lot of time in prison in the near future, for I will no longer comply with any of this orchestrated lunacy; like Gonzalo Lira I could well wind up dead there, or like Julian Assange, consigned to oblivion for over a decade... and as George Carlin so aptly put it, "And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday" (https://shoqvalue.com/george-carlin-on-the-american-dream-with-transcript/)... The sheer, odurate, shit-headed, shit-for-brains mulish stupidity of 98% of humanity around me; they did not, do not and will not, see the nakedly bloody obvious, don't even think to try to help them see it; that Covid-19 and the Lethal Injections were and are, nothing but a scam, designed to profit from pre-meditated mass murder, and that Covid-19 and the Lethal Injections were nothing but a dry run for what's coming towards us at about Warp Factor 9...
In conclusion, what can I add to what I just wrote? Not a lot, beyond even though I'm a Pureblood, I don't expect to be alive in 2 years' time. Possibly Dr. Garcia, all of us had better give serious thought – and credence – to the spiritual aspect in all of this, as reflected in Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, 6:12-13: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."
I'll leave you with a link to Bob Moran's "Spiritual War". BTW that angel at the top with a guitar? Is Eric Clapton. (https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/paintings/spiritual-war-original-artwork)
Capt. Roy Harkness
I never thought I'd make it past 23years old. All I can say is, 'That's the spirit!'
Well, there you go. I'll be 65 in 6 days... And to paraphrase John Lennon's eulogy for his departed friend Stu Sutcliffe: I must have packed 18 years good living in those 65 years... 🙄
Lol, love it.
Thank you for sharing this. You have summed up the last four yrs accurately and honestly. When I read your article I couldn’t help but notice your words were actually my words too…. and…..likely the words of all those courageous beautiful souls who lost their jobs when they stood up against the corrupt system. These beautiful souls appreciated their freedom of choice. I am so proud of anyone who refuse to have such poison injected into their bodies. I am truly hoping and praying that the “small Band-Aid group” wake up to the fact they have been tricked, harmed and used by a wicked greedy system. Time is not on anyone’s side now, but the enlightened have an inner strength to do what’s best for our nation.
thank you for that lovely comment, I am privileged to have given voice to your words
"The only thing standing in the way of a truly ‘good earth’ ..." "Now that we have been granted a glimpse of this, so utterly clear and irrefutable, we can counter it."
Our collective experience of past and recent history appears to prove otherwise as we lurch and limp from one manufactured crisis to another. Whether the acute democidal inclinations of Pol Pot or Mao Tse-tung, the Stalinist democide, famine, purges and 5 year plans, the quest of a 1000 year Reich, the destruction visited by US administrations on Libya, Syria, Iraq, and now its own people and wider freedom across the West, the despotic and murderous intent, the vicious inhumanity of 'theocracy' ... where does this all end, and then begin again? And now we enter a new age of over-hyped AI, where human authenticity is under siege, where words are easily manipulated and manufactured, where tyrants will impose an AI diktat as a proxy of their own, further deposing them of accountability and reason.
Perhaps it is as Edmund Burke wrote, "Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites."
In that case, it seems that we may be thoroughly skewered in this age of dwindling self-constraint?
As others have opined, 'Our response depends whether those constraints are self-chosen, or pitilessly imposed by potencies that are not ours to command'. (Holding Up A Mirror. How Civilisations Decline. Anne Glyn-Jones. Random House 1996)
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever."
— George Orwell
It's a bloody nightmare, and we can do darn better than that...
The power of AI ... only gives real power to those who control it ... just as those that control 'search engines' ... MSM ... and 'fact checkers' ... insidiously control us ...
'AI' is just ... state of the art ... very sophisticated computers ... and it is now very obvious it's latest capabilities have been 'held back' from public 'consumption' for some time ... to be released now ... at a time of great deception ... a time when existentially important truth is being hidden from the masses ... to further cloud the dissemination of deception ... rather than truth ... at a time when the World needs the truth, the whole truth ... and nothing but the truth ... more than any other time in history ...
I keep saying it ... our situation is 'critical' ... the people destroying us are taking more control by the day ... and how fast can things change? ... Just as quickly as evil Macron ... can load nuclear weapons on French warplanes!
I pretty much agree except for the degree of alarm that we ought to be in regarding the scamdemic Harmacide that aims to kill all life.
Dr Ana Mihalcea posits proof that our blood is contaminated. Yes, all of our blood. So to say we have the right to remain unvaxxxed doesn't really convey the magnitude of the evil, possibly alien technology out to gwt us. That already got us, she seems to believe.
If so, if all of our blood is already affected, negatively changed, and the evil malware is coming at us all the time in all directions, it seems , it would seem imperative to actually take actions , greater actions. And end the scamdemic Harmacide once and for evermore.
I don't see any such thing occurring nor do I have a way to even speak. Barely, against the continued mass murder
I was moved to comment to Dr. Mihalcea "I hope you're full of shit -- but you're probably not"... To be a Pureblood is likely at best, a stay of execution. On the plus side Dr. William Makis opined somewhere (https://makismd.substack.com/) if you've taken one dose there's a possibility you may throw off the Lethal Injection.. and his, is the most optimistic take I've enountered.
"I believe that as America goes so goes the world. If that great but flawed country is allowed to be undone by a treasonous Deep State — itself part of the global group of sinister war-mongering power-mad sociopaths — then our road will be much, much rougher."
I appreciate your sentiment which is very understandable, but must emphatically disagree.
America - or its United States of business - enslaved the world, particularly the english-speaking world (capital E optional, and they have also been roundly poisoned for the last three generations), but arguably more important the US has enslaved Germany and Italy whose necks jointly share the weight of the US's hobnailed boot from the WW2 hangover.
Simply put, America is a raging bully whose "culture" unknowingly worships gods (like Mammon, Jupiter and Saturn) who provide wealth, prosperity and the never-ending, war-mongering trade expansion. The world has had enough. It's dying.
As John Calvin once said, “Men are undoubtedly more in danger from prosperity than from adversity, for when matters go smoothly, they flatter themselves, and are intoxicated by their success.”
The world will not come right - meaning it will not be able to be *renewed* - until this global bully is disempowered. There are major shifts in the heavens and these reflect down here so nothing can possibly stop it, we're just along for the ride. The Five Eyes nanny states might find this particularly difficult because they have been flattered and made the most comfortable, and gods&God have been thoroughly removed. Luckily knowledge, and faith in *something* (anything), is an excellent substitute - speaking from experience.
I don't see America as a 'bully' ... I see the people controlling America as 'bullies ...
That's why there was a deliberate financial crash in 1907 ... a fraudulent financial system in 1913 ... the Russian Revolution ... the deliberate 1929 stock crash ... the very deliberate 'Great Depression' ... the punitive 'Treaty of Versailles' .... WWII ... Pearl Harbor ... the assassination of JFK ... the assassination of RFK ... the 'removal' of Nixon ... the Iraq wars ... 9/11 ... the GFC ... 'Covid' ... the 'removal of Trump' ... the banning of Ivermectin ... Ukraine-Russia ... Israel-Gaza ... all instigated by the 'bullies' controlling America ... not the American people ... and ... if you want proof ... ask Americans ... on the street ... if America should have given over $100 billion to Ukraine ... or $80 billion to Israel ... or have a national debt approaching $300,000 per American taxpayer ....
People tend to take anti-semitism seriously if they haven't picked carefully through the past yet. Most well-meaning folks don't even know who the Bolsheviks were nor where they came from and that's just the tip of a massive iceberg. Good you pointed it out.
As Glorfindel said to Frodo: "It is you Frodo, and that which you bear, which brings us all in peril."
BTW Jesus had some interesting things to say about The Midrash in The Gospel of Mark, but doesn't name it as such; you'll have to dig I'm afraid..
That's interesting, I was responding to your previous comment when the children came home and interrupted my response.
It's important to dig, I've been at it since I was three, but as a mature creature for the last 30 years specifically on what the heck is going on.
It's because I understand that I am not afraid to speak of things in a circular way. The truth is not as straightforward as it appears even several layers down. Agreed- the only way to find the truth is to dig or remain in ignorance.
I thought the Midrash was one of the Covid symptoms. :)
Close, but no cigar! 😘
America the real vs America the ideal ... I'm a constitutionalist. :)
As I said to R. Prada above, Let us hope and pray The Iron Law of Unanticipated Consequences will kick our ruling elites in the balls, and kick them in the balls, very hard.
We have an elite ensconced in the USA that has formented chaos I believe on behalf of the right wing royalists of the British and the hanger on facists still out there. Our nation has been under attack despite the Treaty of Paris
We can see it with the legacy of Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes Scholars, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council of Foreign Relations all set up this nation to do Brits dirty work. Look at the history of our middle east involvement because the Brits wanted Iran, because the Brits wanted an Israel, because the Brits supported the Monarchy in Kuwait and elsewhere...i don't consent to their machinations with the World Economic Forum. their push for making a boogyman from climate variability, their bullshit with Bill Gates operating with the Imperial College of London to push depopulation by any means including a "virus" and ending with more wealth to the elites.
Hierarchically, the Vatican (as the spiritual authority of the West) is the head which must be addressed because it is as significant as the idea of Israel - a very twisting subject most avoid; the US is their military arm, the City of London is their financial arm. The monarchy is merely 'The Tradition Show™' which is falling apart at the seams, no doubt by design.
A book for you: "Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy" - https://www.amazon.com/Vicars-Christ-Peter-Rosa/dp/184223000X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=8-1
The story of the passing of Pope Alexander VI was particularly poignant and poetic... 🤔
I wouldn't give any money to learn more about the corrupt church system and know quite well the papacy is captured. The entire system is rotted through. Even the christians don't understand it beyond a deep and abiding faith in spite of it (which is all they really need in these times). In the Doge's Palace in Venice one can stroll casually through ye auld rooms to inspect the torture device the merry religious sickos tortured their pray.. no - prey with.
The matter is complex but the UK has been infiltrated by outside forces. All roads lead to Rome as they say. It is not without good reason that 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'.
The WEF is primarily a German idea and Germany wasn't too pleased about Brexit.
And who was it that actually wanted an Israel?
The British Empire and The American Empire and their hapless populations: Paralysed caterpillers, both...
The reality Aria Veritas, is quite a bit more complicated than that, and involves learning of the machinations of a very fortunate family and their vassals within a highly privileged ethnicity that it is extremely dangerous to talk about in any kind of open company. .. America is in fact, more the paralysed caterpiller that has been stung by a parasitic wasp that laid its egg on its belly for the emerging larva to slowly devour alive...
Here's some places to start:
💣 A Modestly Priced Weapon: Our Controlled Press - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2BNkmsR70oFM/
💣 The French Revolution: Blood in the Streets of Paris - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiZZRalHjHY&t=33s
💣 The French Revolution: The Death of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Tradition (and the rise of modernity) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wg2hC3qAeQ&t=317s
💣 The Man Who Saved Europe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjPC-tnw7Ik&t=406s
💣 The World War I Conspiracy - https://corbettreport.com/wwi/
💣 The Bolshevik Revolution - Darkness Descends - https://www.bitchute.com/video/XabVBNdZkINy/
PS Let me know forget:
💣 "Our Fight Against the Malevolent Hatred of the Eternal Rebel" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/sepY0zSDxLIa/
💣 Ron Unz' "American Pravda" series at Unz.com is also revelatory: https://www.unz.com/topic/american-pravda/
Another excellent article Doc. I can’t thank you enough. I look forward to your stacks - they’re a superb mix of common sense, intelligent observation and sound reasoning mixed with a faint yet resonating spiritual overtone. By and large they help to keep me sane in a truly mad world.
Thank you for those kind words, which I think really sum up my style and my approach -- I am privileged to be able to help keep you sane ... but not too sane I hope! :)
Haha. No. One needs to be at least a little eccentric to cope in this world!
Thank you. This is one I'll be rereading several times.
Children's Health Defense will livestream the rally at the foot of the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday as the Court adjudicates Murthy vs. Biden which regards whether the administration violated the First Amendment. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/thousands-rally-supreme-court-free-speech-monday-march/
"...It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good. What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts – adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take “everyone on Earth” to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale...." Clarissa Pinkola Estes from Do Not Lose Heart, We Were Made for these Times
I think with the USA IT IS A few divergent things. Yes, everywhere the US says it is going to go in to save DEMOCRACY, that’s not really what’s going on. The thugs go in and stir things up in ways that are convenient for them. Nothing democratic about the shah of Iran, for Pete’s sake.
Yet on some higher level we expect great things. Is it just mythology? Or maybe it’s the fact that our constitution are beacons and Bill of Rights are beacons to the world and to 90% Of US citizens who yearn after those noble concepts and are fed up with the Uniparty and their deep state handlers.
On the other hand, those who want to conquer us believe we are a moral lynchpin for the rest of the world, and one they crush us, the rest of the world will fall easily. So many layers of irony!
Some of us are heroes and others are anything but.
What worries me is the number of people asleep who don’t even sense the danger.
So will sleepers awake?
Will we have to drag them along, half asleep dragging their blankies?
My advice (in jest, okay?) is to vote early and vote often. In this way, there can be no voter fraud.
It's a shame that the Bill of Rights is now a mostly idealistic document that does not cohere with reality.
This week Murthy vs. Missouri, a very important case on free speech is being argued at the US Supreme Court. The case stems from the pandemic when Missouri, Louisiana, and a number of social media users filed a lawsuit against the federal government for violating their First Amendment rights when social media platforms removed their posts due to government pressure. These posts related to COVID-19 and the 2020 presidential election. In some instances, social media terminated some user accounts.
I'd like to think that the Supreme Court will vote unanimously in favour of free speech. I'll be optimistic that they will.
I think they have come through on that! Thank you!
By my own choice, my email is flooded with substack articles, which often back up to an unreadable pile. Then I briefly skim through them eliminating many, but keeping a few to really read slowly and allow the author's thoughts to be assimilated.
You my friend, are a breath of fresh. Thank you.
That is really a wonderful compliment to receive ... I hope I can continue to be a breath of fresh! Thank you so much for these lovely words.