In the dim white-shrouded mists of my illusions about our illustrious past, I imagined the Greeks at the time of Socrates, milling about Agora in view of the Parthenon, discussing what is most essential about humanity.
The psychological trauma has been tremendous. I say that as a steady-minded person. I did get angry a few times, but I manage anger reasonably well (I take it as an informational signal, nothing to stew in), and I never got depressed, not once in the past 4 years. That said, my whole social and professional world is-- to borrow my new favorite term from the comments section of el gato-- craptastically fu#ktangular. Think: Gone With the Wind with Zombies. I'm taking this as a creative opportunity. That doesn't mean I've figured it out all what to do, though. I hope that you will write more on this topic; I'd be very interested to hear more of what you might have to say about this.
Thank you ... I'm gearing up to it, the heat has been intense for us all. I appreciate your comments and also the invaluable work you are doing in preserving transcriptions.
I don't know why some of us were so impervious to the grift.
I felt like the lone Suspicious Observer at the People's Temple watching all the fools line up for their Guyana punch.
Or Rod Taylor watching Weena and her Eloi friends drawn in to the dark abyss of Sphinx Meat Processing Plant by the siren song of the Morlocks.
Yet I remained unaffected. It's like I was wearing teflon armour.
While my work colleagues were all crowded around the TV, hanging on every word, I was in my office peeved that the Cafe had sold me another stale sandwich.
Interestingly, strangely, of everyone I know, I'm the only one who's never had "Covid".
Not even anything that could remotely be construed as "having Covid".
It says much about listening to siren songs, over your own inner voice.
Dead right Captain. The simplest cons are usually the best.
Call the old thing the new thing and it's as easy as that. All previous knowledge and experience gets wiped away as humans begin chasing the new thing around the track.
Beautiful transcendent energies as always Dr Manny, my infinite love and gratitude. "Do we make life hell because we fear death that is not?" is a way I try to make sense of all these infinite realities and/or universes - all inside our sensory awareness - because we are souls and vibrations, frequencies, magnetic watery beings, comprising light energies far beyond the physical and emotional realms. Anyway, thanks again. You say wisely, "It is, I suppose, human nature to seek for explanations in the stars or in our cells, that we are underlings, when faults lie very much within ourselves, within our minds and hearts..." which humbly I extend to suggest that we are already perfect - perfect light - fearless infinite love; and our paths take us all to the moment of accepting, cherishing, embracing and manifesting this everlasting truth. Accordingly, infinite love, gratitude, forgiveness (self mainly), abundance and peace.
I did time at a fancy women’s college in New England. When I got out I went to school in an opera house to drink in music and singing. I had spent 4 years doing what I could to fill my mind with things to help my opera career. It was a subversive effort.
I just read that Harvard tuition is now 90 thousand a year. That takes the cake. And they graduate people like Jared Kushner along with the gifted and entitled rest of the class.
What a world we have now.
Maybe it will break before it kills us all, and we can have Socratic education and free dialog. It will take something big. And we can hope for what you hoped. It is a good hope.
Herr Doktor Spengler would appear to be amply vindicated. After 5 years of the gentle ministrations of my professors and instructors in music school I put my oboe away, have barely touched it since. I don't listen to music if I can reasonably avoid it.
I am so very glad you sent this to us, you play beautifully and with great sensitivity and from the heart. Thank you! Forget the teachers and their strictures and orders ....
It wasn't the teachers so much as a drunken Master Warrent Officer and his relentless malicious whispers -- and an imbecile Commanding Officer who couldn't conduct 4/4 time on a bet...
Thank you for sharing that - I newly appreciate the beautiful sound of the oboe, and your tale of inner demons. I am an incomplete musician ( haunted - with inner bitch demons) but there is ALWAYS 🎶 in my head that wants to express!
I would suggest that someone who spends 90 000 USD a year to become woke is not very bright at all. Maybe entitled and maybe Jared Kushner, but certainly not very intelligent.
I attended university as a mature student as I didn't think I was smart enough when I graduated high school, so veered off into community college. My purpose at university was to find the meaning of life and whether or not there really is a God, as I'd been Catholic brainwashed. It's no mystery to me how easy it was to frighten the ignorant into submitting to the rape of their bodies and minds with an advanced horror movie script. I do not subscribe to the mass psychosis theory. I watched the system murder my father, mother, drive my sister to suicide and then kill my brother with the devious CONvid poison. I wish I were as competent to deal with my anger as Transcriber B, but I was not - I raged and shook through the first year of the scam and then cried through the second year as I realized, once and for all, that 'I' was not the problem a lot of people said I was. I studied philosophy and comparative religion and it was an excellent education because I did my own reading, was forced to write a LOT of papers and had no clue what I was doing but was very excited about it all. I received all A's on my papers (including a thesis paper) except for one - I had a male Marxist teacher who gave me an 'F' on a paper in my "Intro to Feminism" course and when I went to his office, confused, to challenge him, he physically barred me from coming into his office and tried to intimidate me into letting it go because he had no good reason for giving me a failing grade. That was one of my best lessons ever. I got in quite a bit of 'trouble' in quite a few classes 😂 because I was essentially an innocent at the time and always insisted things make sense before I would agree to anything.
Marxists bully and intimidate because that's all they have. Words. No intellectual substance. Personally, when they try that on me they get it back with interest. I have a visceral response.
But recognising what it was -- what was actually going on -- took a few decades! Bit slow sometimes.
Anyway, lovely story. I bet you're a super strong survivor now. Good on you for the 'F'.
LOL - Thanks for the congrats on my 'F' PK!! I would certainly handle things VERY differently were it to happen to me today. I still contend it was a great learning experience and I have learned that you're 100% correct on the bullying and intimidation being the main tactic - always with the FORCE - very commie-ish. It also took me a couple of decades to really figure it out - I think it's a good sign that we knew something was wrong and took the time necessary to think it through! Slow and steady wins the race. I AM a super strong survivor - though often I don't feel so strong - just isolated. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. xo ❤️
"Slow and steady..." life for me these days is a bit like climbing, which I used to do a bit of; I don't move without making certain of my foothold and I know as much as I can about my next one.
or this if you're feeling brave. This is an email I sent to a woman I know, a NZ MP, who was part of the covaids government. A bit personal. She hasn't replied. Yet.
Holy cow Craig! I want to be one of your best friends. I left comments on both posts and I'm honoured to have made a connection with you. Sending prayers and love for such a courageous and brilliant soul that you are. ❤️
The fact that clown was a "Marxist" should have told you all you needed to know. As for the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything, I strongly recommend "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" wherein you will learn the answer to that question. Deep Thought checked it very carefully. It's quite definitely the answer. 🤔 (
PS But seriously Zoë? Read EF Schumacher's "A Guide for the Perplexed", and CS Lewis "The Abolition of Man". Short and to the point. 😘
My lasting take-away from 13 years of government-funded compulsion schooling and then 6 years of "liberal arts" education? 23 years, count 'em, 23 years, of seeing psychiatrists and other mental health-care professionals, decades of severe to extreme clinical depression; made to believe there was something deeply, unfixably wrong with me; that I would always be in need of intervention and government assistance in the forms of unemployment insurance and welfare. I didn't finally come to my senses until April 14, 2014 at the tender age of 55 in one morning of searing epiphany, and I've been slowly pulling myself out of the abyss I tossed myself into ever since, on a security guard's wages working for an agency I will identify no more clearly than it is a non-profit corporation originally set up in Victorian England to provide meaningful employment for military veterans tossed to the streets after the Crimean War, their usefulness to the politicians and plutocrats eviscerated in the forms of shattered minds and bodies... My discharge card from the military was of far greater value to me than my degree ever was... a bachelor of music in performance on oboe – top that for uselessless if you can Dr. Garcia! ... Had our professors – the über-credentialled, clueless, arrogant, incompetent nits – known, never mind talked about, what it takes, what it is, to be a musician, that degree could have been transformative. Instead it was 6 years of wasted time and thousands of dollars of wasted money.
As for your experience in that philosophy class in the deeps of time when the two trees of Valinor were still in bloom? ... Well... that requires learning an awful lot of distinctly unfashionable not to say potentially dangerous things, of the consequences of the subversive thought of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud; of who their sponsors may have been; the damage done Western Civilization courtesy of The Frankfurt School and their Cultural Marxism, and in Europe, the Post-modernists; of Antonio Gramschi and his "slow march through the institutions". John Taylor Gatto writes of it in "The Underground History of American Education"; Jeff Schmidt talks of the equivalent destruction of College/Professional School in "Disciplined Minds." Jordan Peterson alludes to it in several places. ( / for example). An anonymous commentator named Asha Logos ( has the courage to state the truth in a number of places. Look for him on Bitchute, he's been largely purged from YouTube.
And finally, three books. All foundational, all mercifully short: "The Emperor's Handbook" by Marcus Aurelius, CS Lewis "The Abolition of Man" and EF Schumacher's "A Guide for the Perplexed."
Gatto? I wish. No, he's American and died a few years ago. But if you have the time do check out this interviews series. Grove did humanity a service getting it.
" They argued, debated, confronted one another, quarreled and settled disputes, or departed the site with ambiguities hanging overhead." Reading this reminded me of something.
Years ago I read an autobiography by a British writer. I forget who. The writer told a story of her (?) working class childhood in the coal mining north. Every Sunday the town would promenade. The men would assemble, the women too, separately. They would do what you describe.
Then TV came along. The above stopped immediately. I doubt those pre-TV men & women would have tolerated covaids. As you say "It’s the brain, you see."
This reminds me of the time I took a music recording course in the college of music at the University of Colorado Auraria Campus. I had been told that the tenured professor had been working in recording studios for many decades and knew what he was teaching. Unfortunately, he went on sabbatical about the time I paid my tuition, and he was replaced by a wannabe engineer from the Denver Public School's votech division, who gave my excellent recording of a single voice and single guitar a D+ instead of the A it deserved, because the guitar was put of tune. Once the other students found out that I was working as an on call broadcast engineer, they stopped asking him technical questions, and clamored to have me on their group projects.
Interesting. Remind me that my brains are only part of my mind. The smallest part. When I haven't swam in the bay lately, my whole body is feeling out of mind, and there is intelligence in my beard and the bottom of my feetsies.
Similarly, the physical heart is a pump organ, whereas our spiritual heart is a musical organ.
When folks say to organize, they rarely speak to the mind nor heart, lest they get assassinated.
Elenskies told the US CONgress they we had captured the minds of the people, which is true. That was the ultimate vindictive act of viruganda. Also he meant his mind is captured by cocaine and lies and he has actually lost his mind, and those who believe and follow him lost theirs, in a bad. Smelly. And stinky comedy of failures
Thankyou Emanuel for your commentary on free will. That is what sets a few of us apart from all the followers and the people living in fear. They dont believe in free will, or even know it exists, because they dont have any. We know that our free will is as real as our self belief, and sets us apart from everyone that is led by the deception and indoctrination of our liar leaders. We need to remember all those free thinkers throughout history. and be inspired by how much free will they actually had that long ago.
We go here to this stack for starters! Actually, I used to organize a 'salon' where people would gather and do just what you describe ... in person. I am thinking of reviving it. Perhaps we can do a live in person version and an online one? So many brains -- excuse me, I meant minds -- have been destroyed by so-called educators it's ridiculous. Keep reading, Conway.
This is such a rich piece today Doc. I'm going to mull it over today as I pot up my vegetable seedlings. Although I would like to offer thoughtful comment now, I don't want to "react" to what has been written here and do it an injustice.
But I certainly concur that it is a travesty that we think of ourselves (or are incentivized to think of ourselves) as a smattering of reducible components and mechanisms. It is no small wonder that the likes of Klaus Schwab, once having accepted that mind is brain and brain is mechanism, can say without shame or self-awareness that "Zee brain is for constant "upgrading". Worse yet - so many buy in to it. Have we no dignity?
I think I'll go and listen to my roosters crow while I provision for the future on this sunny day!
You only have to listen to Darth Klaus and his minion Yuval Noah Harari for a few minutes to understand that – not only are they irredeemably evil – they are also as just mad as hatters. And they're just two of the incarnate demons creating reality for the rest of us.
I don't know who I am more dismayed by - "them" - or "the rest of us". People don't want to know. They just want ease, convenience and "2 for1". I try not to be a misanthrope but sheeut!
So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.
Where was Chris Hedges during the Covid debacle? Unless I missed something, I don't recall him speaking out whatsoever. How does one explain that? I've been attentive to his work for years prior to 2020, and I would have thought...? Something about the "Progressive" mindset that prevented so many otherwise astute and intelligent people from seeing the absurdity.
With respect to above and Dr. Garcia's comment below.. always, there's a pin to burst their bubble. I guess our Mr. Hedges is just more controlled opposition. For example I used to think Noam Chomsky was the greatest thing since sliced bread.. 😱 Then in rapid order I read Barry Zwicker's "Towers of Deception" wherein he recounted Dr. Chomsky's attitudes towards the Kennedy Assassination and 9/11... and then I read Miles J. Mathis' "Noam Chomsky is and always has been a spook" ( Possibly not the most credible of sources, but like Eleanor McBean's problematic "The Poisoned Needle" (, page upon page of attestation begins to make you sit up and pay attention... 🤔
I was absolutely disgusted. But really.. with the benefit of 30+ years of being red-pilled it should have been painfully obvious: The guy was a tenured professor at MIT for crying out loud, the Mainstream Media wouldn't shut up about him; 'course the guy's Controlled Opposition..
But the one that really blew me away was learning Timothy Leary (remember him?) was a CIA asset.. 🤯
I was shocked beyond belief but I felt vindicated because I never quite took to him with his incredibly boring delivery, though, like everyone else, I agreed with the manufacturing of consent without ever reading anything he wrote. He's the very definition of a scumbag, isn't he? He's 'living' proof that only the good die young.
He's my local take on the philosophy of the indiviual and a percentage of the population of any given country.
The budgerigar or budgie in New Zealand is a cage bird, it lives I presume a happy life mostly incarcerated in a nice wire cage completely oblivious to its real outdoor origin with lots of other budgies flying freely in Australia.
We are all in many ways controlled by our environment and where we were born. Are we all free to be budgies and fly as nature intended or just another sausage in the sausage machine of life?
The psychological trauma has been tremendous. I say that as a steady-minded person. I did get angry a few times, but I manage anger reasonably well (I take it as an informational signal, nothing to stew in), and I never got depressed, not once in the past 4 years. That said, my whole social and professional world is-- to borrow my new favorite term from the comments section of el gato-- craptastically fu#ktangular. Think: Gone With the Wind with Zombies. I'm taking this as a creative opportunity. That doesn't mean I've figured it out all what to do, though. I hope that you will write more on this topic; I'd be very interested to hear more of what you might have to say about this.
Thank you ... I'm gearing up to it, the heat has been intense for us all. I appreciate your comments and also the invaluable work you are doing in preserving transcriptions.
Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot.
Remember what I learned in my study of music, Transcriber B: "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." 🤔🙄
LOL so we're in Gone With the Wind with Zombies x baseball game?
I don't know why some of us were so impervious to the grift.
I felt like the lone Suspicious Observer at the People's Temple watching all the fools line up for their Guyana punch.
Or Rod Taylor watching Weena and her Eloi friends drawn in to the dark abyss of Sphinx Meat Processing Plant by the siren song of the Morlocks.
Yet I remained unaffected. It's like I was wearing teflon armour.
While my work colleagues were all crowded around the TV, hanging on every word, I was in my office peeved that the Cafe had sold me another stale sandwich.
Interestingly, strangely, of everyone I know, I'm the only one who's never had "Covid".
Not even anything that could remotely be construed as "having Covid".
It says much about listening to siren songs, over your own inner voice.
beautiful ... keep on truckin'!
Got news for you Sez777: Your colleagues didn't have "Covid" either: They had the flu. Or a bad cold. That's all. "Covid" never existed.
I think the problem with that argument is it negates another's experience. It also negates toxins in the environment. The roll out of 5G.
When you negate or reduce another's experience, an experience that is not your own, you won't be able to see what truly is.
Dead right Captain. The simplest cons are usually the best.
Call the old thing the new thing and it's as easy as that. All previous knowledge and experience gets wiped away as humans begin chasing the new thing around the track.
Dumb as rocks. Twice as ugly. 🙄
Beautiful transcendent energies as always Dr Manny, my infinite love and gratitude. "Do we make life hell because we fear death that is not?" is a way I try to make sense of all these infinite realities and/or universes - all inside our sensory awareness - because we are souls and vibrations, frequencies, magnetic watery beings, comprising light energies far beyond the physical and emotional realms. Anyway, thanks again. You say wisely, "It is, I suppose, human nature to seek for explanations in the stars or in our cells, that we are underlings, when faults lie very much within ourselves, within our minds and hearts..." which humbly I extend to suggest that we are already perfect - perfect light - fearless infinite love; and our paths take us all to the moment of accepting, cherishing, embracing and manifesting this everlasting truth. Accordingly, infinite love, gratitude, forgiveness (self mainly), abundance and peace.
you describe, kind Alan, a beautiful ideal ... thank you so much!
I did time at a fancy women’s college in New England. When I got out I went to school in an opera house to drink in music and singing. I had spent 4 years doing what I could to fill my mind with things to help my opera career. It was a subversive effort.
I just read that Harvard tuition is now 90 thousand a year. That takes the cake. And they graduate people like Jared Kushner along with the gifted and entitled rest of the class.
What a world we have now.
Maybe it will break before it kills us all, and we can have Socratic education and free dialog. It will take something big. And we can hope for what you hoped. It is a good hope.
what a lovely, beautiful comment ... thank you!
Herr Doktor Spengler would appear to be amply vindicated. After 5 years of the gentle ministrations of my professors and instructors in music school I put my oboe away, have barely touched it since. I don't listen to music if I can reasonably avoid it.
We need music, Capt. Harkness, pick up that horn!
The inner demons are a real bitch sometimes, doc.. 😘
Here's me playing English horn for my wife's church's Christmas Eve service 2018... getting to be awhile ago 🤔
I am so very glad you sent this to us, you play beautifully and with great sensitivity and from the heart. Thank you! Forget the teachers and their strictures and orders ....
It wasn't the teachers so much as a drunken Master Warrent Officer and his relentless malicious whispers -- and an imbecile Commanding Officer who couldn't conduct 4/4 time on a bet...
Thank you for sharing that - I newly appreciate the beautiful sound of the oboe, and your tale of inner demons. I am an incomplete musician ( haunted - with inner bitch demons) but there is ALWAYS 🎶 in my head that wants to express!
As is is, living in New Zealand under that bucktoothed bitch goddess Jacintha Adern would be more than enough for anyone! You may enjoy this 😘 :
beautiful. wasted in its case. let it live.
I would suggest that someone who spends 90 000 USD a year to become woke is not very bright at all. Maybe entitled and maybe Jared Kushner, but certainly not very intelligent.
It’s not spent to get woke, it’s spent to get the handshake.
I attended university as a mature student as I didn't think I was smart enough when I graduated high school, so veered off into community college. My purpose at university was to find the meaning of life and whether or not there really is a God, as I'd been Catholic brainwashed. It's no mystery to me how easy it was to frighten the ignorant into submitting to the rape of their bodies and minds with an advanced horror movie script. I do not subscribe to the mass psychosis theory. I watched the system murder my father, mother, drive my sister to suicide and then kill my brother with the devious CONvid poison. I wish I were as competent to deal with my anger as Transcriber B, but I was not - I raged and shook through the first year of the scam and then cried through the second year as I realized, once and for all, that 'I' was not the problem a lot of people said I was. I studied philosophy and comparative religion and it was an excellent education because I did my own reading, was forced to write a LOT of papers and had no clue what I was doing but was very excited about it all. I received all A's on my papers (including a thesis paper) except for one - I had a male Marxist teacher who gave me an 'F' on a paper in my "Intro to Feminism" course and when I went to his office, confused, to challenge him, he physically barred me from coming into his office and tried to intimidate me into letting it go because he had no good reason for giving me a failing grade. That was one of my best lessons ever. I got in quite a bit of 'trouble' in quite a few classes 😂 because I was essentially an innocent at the time and always insisted things make sense before I would agree to anything.
great comment from an obviously sturdy and courageous soul, thank you!
How very kind of you. I just love your POV and your sensitivity - it gives you an even greater power with the pen/sword.
Marxists bully and intimidate because that's all they have. Words. No intellectual substance. Personally, when they try that on me they get it back with interest. I have a visceral response.
But recognising what it was -- what was actually going on -- took a few decades! Bit slow sometimes.
Anyway, lovely story. I bet you're a super strong survivor now. Good on you for the 'F'.
LOL - Thanks for the congrats on my 'F' PK!! I would certainly handle things VERY differently were it to happen to me today. I still contend it was a great learning experience and I have learned that you're 100% correct on the bullying and intimidation being the main tactic - always with the FORCE - very commie-ish. It also took me a couple of decades to really figure it out - I think it's a good sign that we knew something was wrong and took the time necessary to think it through! Slow and steady wins the race. I AM a super strong survivor - though often I don't feel so strong - just isolated. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. xo ❤️
"Slow and steady..." life for me these days is a bit like climbing, which I used to do a bit of; I don't move without making certain of my foothold and I know as much as I can about my next one.
Do you mean that literally or figuratively or maybe both? You took the shots?
No way I took them. I made sure no-one near me took them. I was poisoned years ago. Have a read of this
or this if you're feeling brave. This is an email I sent to a woman I know, a NZ MP, who was part of the covaids government. A bit personal. She hasn't replied. Yet.
Holy cow Craig! I want to be one of your best friends. I left comments on both posts and I'm honoured to have made a connection with you. Sending prayers and love for such a courageous and brilliant soul that you are. ❤️
👏 brilliant thanks
The fact that clown was a "Marxist" should have told you all you needed to know. As for the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything, I strongly recommend "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" wherein you will learn the answer to that question. Deep Thought checked it very carefully. It's quite definitely the answer. 🤔 (
PS But seriously Zoë? Read EF Schumacher's "A Guide for the Perplexed", and CS Lewis "The Abolition of Man". Short and to the point. 😘
My lasting take-away from 13 years of government-funded compulsion schooling and then 6 years of "liberal arts" education? 23 years, count 'em, 23 years, of seeing psychiatrists and other mental health-care professionals, decades of severe to extreme clinical depression; made to believe there was something deeply, unfixably wrong with me; that I would always be in need of intervention and government assistance in the forms of unemployment insurance and welfare. I didn't finally come to my senses until April 14, 2014 at the tender age of 55 in one morning of searing epiphany, and I've been slowly pulling myself out of the abyss I tossed myself into ever since, on a security guard's wages working for an agency I will identify no more clearly than it is a non-profit corporation originally set up in Victorian England to provide meaningful employment for military veterans tossed to the streets after the Crimean War, their usefulness to the politicians and plutocrats eviscerated in the forms of shattered minds and bodies... My discharge card from the military was of far greater value to me than my degree ever was... a bachelor of music in performance on oboe – top that for uselessless if you can Dr. Garcia! ... Had our professors – the über-credentialled, clueless, arrogant, incompetent nits – known, never mind talked about, what it takes, what it is, to be a musician, that degree could have been transformative. Instead it was 6 years of wasted time and thousands of dollars of wasted money.
As for your experience in that philosophy class in the deeps of time when the two trees of Valinor were still in bloom? ... Well... that requires learning an awful lot of distinctly unfashionable not to say potentially dangerous things, of the consequences of the subversive thought of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud; of who their sponsors may have been; the damage done Western Civilization courtesy of The Frankfurt School and their Cultural Marxism, and in Europe, the Post-modernists; of Antonio Gramschi and his "slow march through the institutions". John Taylor Gatto writes of it in "The Underground History of American Education"; Jeff Schmidt talks of the equivalent destruction of College/Professional School in "Disciplined Minds." Jordan Peterson alludes to it in several places. ( / for example). An anonymous commentator named Asha Logos ( has the courage to state the truth in a number of places. Look for him on Bitchute, he's been largely purged from YouTube.
And finally, three books. All foundational, all mercifully short: "The Emperor's Handbook" by Marcus Aurelius, CS Lewis "The Abolition of Man" and EF Schumacher's "A Guide for the Perplexed."
5 hours of John Taylor Gatto wisdom.
Do you know him Craig?
Gatto? I wish. No, he's American and died a few years ago. But if you have the time do check out this interviews series. Grove did humanity a service getting it.
" They argued, debated, confronted one another, quarreled and settled disputes, or departed the site with ambiguities hanging overhead." Reading this reminded me of something.
Years ago I read an autobiography by a British writer. I forget who. The writer told a story of her (?) working class childhood in the coal mining north. Every Sunday the town would promenade. The men would assemble, the women too, separately. They would do what you describe.
Then TV came along. The above stopped immediately. I doubt those pre-TV men & women would have tolerated covaids. As you say "It’s the brain, you see."
wonderful comment ... yes, yes, yes, what the TV and its electronic descendants have done to human communication is abominable ... Thank you!
This reminds me of the time I took a music recording course in the college of music at the University of Colorado Auraria Campus. I had been told that the tenured professor had been working in recording studios for many decades and knew what he was teaching. Unfortunately, he went on sabbatical about the time I paid my tuition, and he was replaced by a wannabe engineer from the Denver Public School's votech division, who gave my excellent recording of a single voice and single guitar a D+ instead of the A it deserved, because the guitar was put of tune. Once the other students found out that I was working as an on call broadcast engineer, they stopped asking him technical questions, and clamored to have me on their group projects.
Interesting. Remind me that my brains are only part of my mind. The smallest part. When I haven't swam in the bay lately, my whole body is feeling out of mind, and there is intelligence in my beard and the bottom of my feetsies.
Similarly, the physical heart is a pump organ, whereas our spiritual heart is a musical organ.
When folks say to organize, they rarely speak to the mind nor heart, lest they get assassinated.
Elenskies told the US CONgress they we had captured the minds of the people, which is true. That was the ultimate vindictive act of viruganda. Also he meant his mind is captured by cocaine and lies and he has actually lost his mind, and those who believe and follow him lost theirs, in a bad. Smelly. And stinky comedy of failures
our spiritual heart is a musical organ -- positively brilliant!!!
Thankyou Emanuel for your commentary on free will. That is what sets a few of us apart from all the followers and the people living in fear. They dont believe in free will, or even know it exists, because they dont have any. We know that our free will is as real as our self belief, and sets us apart from everyone that is led by the deception and indoctrination of our liar leaders. We need to remember all those free thinkers throughout history. and be inspired by how much free will they actually had that long ago.
I consider myself fiercely independent
With a great portion of my education coming as if by chance
Through second hand books mostly
Old ones, new ones, abused ones and confused ones
And patience
Taking the time to read them one chapter a day
Bit by bit but every day, consistently
And so two roads diverge in a yellowed wood
And I bet you can guess what path I travel by
Unfortunately our scholars, young and impressionable are almost always bent and pushed
Forced down the other path, towards a kind of group think
A collectivism of thought and ideas
Where there is safety in numbers
And careers are dangled like carrots
So if not our academic institutions
Where I wonder is the modern equivalent of Delphi?
Where does one go today, in the real and physical world, to meet, share and express ideas in an open forum?
Or are they all bent and broken
We go here to this stack for starters! Actually, I used to organize a 'salon' where people would gather and do just what you describe ... in person. I am thinking of reviving it. Perhaps we can do a live in person version and an online one? So many brains -- excuse me, I meant minds -- have been destroyed by so-called educators it's ridiculous. Keep reading, Conway.
A place like this sounds like a dream to me
The pubs are subpar
The mall too commercial
Library - too quiet
The closest I have found is the weekend markets
But even those are situational with the right people at the right time
I recently worked renovating a backpackers/hostel
That was also a good place to be open to new ideas and sharing
But now it's finished I find myself day dreaming of a place like Delphi
Or the taverns of the Carribbean where schemes were dreamt up
A place where one can express their intellectual curiosities freely and fluidly
And not be tracked, traced or muted and erased
We are living in the age of the "re-wire" and the "hack."
This is such a rich piece today Doc. I'm going to mull it over today as I pot up my vegetable seedlings. Although I would like to offer thoughtful comment now, I don't want to "react" to what has been written here and do it an injustice.
But I certainly concur that it is a travesty that we think of ourselves (or are incentivized to think of ourselves) as a smattering of reducible components and mechanisms. It is no small wonder that the likes of Klaus Schwab, once having accepted that mind is brain and brain is mechanism, can say without shame or self-awareness that "Zee brain is for constant "upgrading". Worse yet - so many buy in to it. Have we no dignity?
I think I'll go and listen to my roosters crow while I provision for the future on this sunny day!
You only have to listen to Darth Klaus and his minion Yuval Noah Harari for a few minutes to understand that – not only are they irredeemably evil – they are also as just mad as hatters. And they're just two of the incarnate demons creating reality for the rest of us.
I don't know who I am more dismayed by - "them" - or "the rest of us". People don't want to know. They just want ease, convenience and "2 for1". I try not to be a misanthrope but sheeut!
History has proven there is no expedient to which a human being will not resort, to avoid the labour of thinking...
By the way, (and I wouldn't know the difference between an oboe and a bassoon), but here is some pretty creative bassoon work!
Thank you... I was playing an "English horn" -- The alto member of the oboe family... the bassoon is utterly, utterly different...
I am reminded of the late Kurt Vonnegut:
So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.
― Kurt Vonnegut, “Breakfast of Champions” (1973).
Unpretentious and to the point, wouldn't you say?
Further to your article, just finished reading this, am about to read the link to's article:
"Chris Hedges describes the American university today" -
All I can add is... "Yup... " 🤔🙄
Where was Chris Hedges during the Covid debacle? Unless I missed something, I don't recall him speaking out whatsoever. How does one explain that? I've been attentive to his work for years prior to 2020, and I would have thought...? Something about the "Progressive" mindset that prevented so many otherwise astute and intelligent people from seeing the absurdity.
Great question, the same place he was on 911 .......
With respect to above and Dr. Garcia's comment below.. always, there's a pin to burst their bubble. I guess our Mr. Hedges is just more controlled opposition. For example I used to think Noam Chomsky was the greatest thing since sliced bread.. 😱 Then in rapid order I read Barry Zwicker's "Towers of Deception" wherein he recounted Dr. Chomsky's attitudes towards the Kennedy Assassination and 9/11... and then I read Miles J. Mathis' "Noam Chomsky is and always has been a spook" ( Possibly not the most credible of sources, but like Eleanor McBean's problematic "The Poisoned Needle" (, page upon page of attestation begins to make you sit up and pay attention... 🤔
Sounds like you were prepared for Chompy's comments about letting the unjabbed starve to death.
I was absolutely disgusted. But really.. with the benefit of 30+ years of being red-pilled it should have been painfully obvious: The guy was a tenured professor at MIT for crying out loud, the Mainstream Media wouldn't shut up about him; 'course the guy's Controlled Opposition..
But the one that really blew me away was learning Timothy Leary (remember him?) was a CIA asset.. 🤯
I was shocked beyond belief but I felt vindicated because I never quite took to him with his incredibly boring delivery, though, like everyone else, I agreed with the manufacturing of consent without ever reading anything he wrote. He's the very definition of a scumbag, isn't he? He's 'living' proof that only the good die young.
He's my local take on the philosophy of the indiviual and a percentage of the population of any given country.
The budgerigar or budgie in New Zealand is a cage bird, it lives I presume a happy life mostly incarcerated in a nice wire cage completely oblivious to its real outdoor origin with lots of other budgies flying freely in Australia.
We are all in many ways controlled by our environment and where we were born. Are we all free to be budgies and fly as nature intended or just another sausage in the sausage machine of life?
As Pink Floyd put it Another Brick In the Wall.