Brilliant Brilliant Briliant! I’m with you all the way! I’m a leftie of old who recognises how the Deep State Establishment hijacks any entity that stands in its way of Hegemonic power. Donald Trump got my vote after the 2016 election when he took the US out of the TPPA and wanted to do business with Russia rather than go to war. Bravo on articulating my exact thoughts so much more eloquently than I could!!
JFK was the last decent president. He was trying to claw back the federal reserve from private banker’s and had already started minting silver backed coins. He gave speeches leading up to his assassination, saying he intended to disband the CIA, and there was no room in democracies for secret societies. Deep state actually exists.
I hope Trump actually finishes the job JFK wanted to do, to smash the CIA into a million pieces. The Deep State murdered JFK. Now their time is coming, every dog has his day.
The five eyes countries all have spy agencies that cooperate with each other- there’s a bigger ring of lawless thugs. MI 5&6 ASIO Mossad CIA . in 1992 MI 6 were responsible for the gas attacks in Syria.
Back around 2015 I came across an article by someone who had traced the family trees of all US presidents. To that date only two were not related through that research. If you need a video to provide ke deep thought watch a YouTube video called JFK to 9/11. There are other videos on that chanel where they take apart the crimes of various presidents. LBJ. Had around 40 dead people on his climb to the top.
Thank you. May the scales continue to fall from the eyes of all the Trump haters around the world and especially in the US who when pressed cannot say why they hate him so much.
Is this a gee up NZD? Have a read & take a listen. It is what it is & Trump's "stance" on not believing in mandates was a fence sitting strategy, imo. He was in on it & continues to promote this poison. If he was, allegedly, hoodwinked by Birx, Fauci & others well that makes me smarter than the POTUS. If he was that easily "hood winked" he doesn't deserve a second term, in my considered opinion. America is in all sorts of strife with any of these creatures running the show. Sorry okd mate but you are dead set wrong about this one.
I'll have to agree to disagree. I have followed matters exceptionally closely and I'll say one thing. When he dared to mention HCQ the entire Media ridiculed him. That's just one example. He was hemmed in from the very beginning of his presidency, under relentless attack, Russiagate, everything, and how he managed to brush his teeth daily was a miracle.
Agree to disagree,without addressing what I wrote. Gee mate that's what the normies say when I try to give them some information about the ongoing scam. Never mind, we'll see how it all turns out 👍🇦🇺
It would take far too long to address that particular point because of the complexities. He may 'promote' it but his followers -- staunch ones, do not take it. I can cite people like Mike Flynn, for example. There are many layers of compromises in politics. He had to use a jab to get us out, basically, of a planned demolition of society around the world, as I see it.
Come off it cobber, you do realise that the jabs are not vaccines but gene altering therapies that have killed & injured millions & possibly billions & have probably altered the course of mankind forever? Destroy the village to save the village ,as long as Mike Flynn & the staunch ones are safe. Quit while your behind mate, unbelievable.
Nah, you're off target. How much control did T have over the manufacturing process? Things are very complex. We need Trump for our cause, we need help in higher places. Get over your TDS.
Come off it. He spread the propaganda from the very start. He worked hand-in-glove withe DARPA who developed the vaccine. And the people who took the vaccines have little mechanisms in their bodies now that can be activated against their will. Sounds demented because it is. The excessive death rate around the world is nuts (and hidden). NZD, you are intelligent. You need to keep an open mind. Maybe you're right. I doubt it, but maybe. Becoming entrenched in one way of thinking is suicidal. Don't do it. I'll keep an open mind if you will. Hell. I'll keep an open mind even if you won't.
I’m not a Trump fan myself because of a few of his positions eg. Pro Israel to the exclusion of the Palestinians, but I must say the man has been put under enormous pressure for a long time. I’m glad he’s still alive and will live to fight another day. We need this opposition now more than ever. He was unfortunately hijacked by Fauci with his Operation Warp Speed which we know has killed and maimed millions. Trump won’t admit it was a mistake and that he was misled. He still insists it saved lives. This to me is an enormous error in judgement which he could come clean about by admitting he was given bad advice. It would help his popularity. Great article Doc, like always you raise the most important points.
Agree with you, it saddens and surprises me just how many people I thought had a sense of honor capitulate to Zionism. Bribery obviously is extremely effective at shaping opinions.
I was surprised at the time just how quickly an innocuous drug with an impeccable record was vilified so profoundly. The pharmaceutical industry has great strength when protecting its profits.
Like nature we each live and learn. We are vibrations and frequencies. It's not just about the physical realm. It's about soul and energies of evolution and consciousness that we are not equipped to comprehend.
Great piece but my gut is sticking with he is part of one of their most successful psyops. I look no further than his appointments which was a nasty combination of deep state and administrative state. I just get to Bolton and Gottlieb and I'm done thinking about it. I wrestle only with whether he is a knowing part of it or their dupe. I'm voting for Kennedy who has been litigating these corrupt actors for decades and has written endlessly on the corruption. It seems obvious Trump will 'win' so I hope to be proven wrong.
I think it's far more complicated ... he was exposing the field, the Boltons and the like. Remember that they moved to take out Flynn almost immediately after his presidency. Trump didn't listen to Bolton either. We will know in early 2025, and frankly I am hopeful. He's a genuine outsider in my book. RFK Jr failed to attend the last parole hearing for Sirhan Sirhan, citing a dying relative (who is still alive) ...
I believe we are in the midst of a global psychological operation that both sides of this global battle are using. My eternal hope is that we are in the final stages of exposing the rot and corruption the world has been manipulated by for decades so that with grassroots truth, knowledge and understanding we can rebuild our world for the betterment of all people and planet. Everyone of us is necessary in this process. No one person has the ultimate power. The saying goes “A great leader is one who creates the most leaders.” We are all now being given the opportunity to lead with the courage of our voices. Thus, I am very thankful to Dr Emmanuel Garcia for showing us how to speak bravely when it’s not popular to do so.
I hope you are right and my mind is open but I remain doubtful. I was listing 2 of the most obvious appointments but the list is endless. There's also in my mind the obvious likelihood that Trump derangement syndrome was orchestrated over 18 months to set the stage for the entire covid/vaccine criminal debacle. I don't believe people who identify as leftists would have fallen so quickly into totalitarian mindsets without that. I don't believe we have had a democratically elected president in my lifetime. They get in who they want which leaves me asking why. O'bummer was their greatest success in moving their ball forward while keeping the masses asleep. I feel Trump was their greatest success in no longer hiding their intentions. Biden is just the gaslighting that comes after that. I don't think of Kennedy as a savior of any sort and I wasn't aware that he didn't support Sirhan at the parole hearing and lied about a relative. I only know he has dedicated many years of his life to exposing so much of this BS. I hope with all my heart that I am wrong. I am not at all sure it matters though. This fight for truth and decency has to come from the ground up. I am hopeful about that finally. I had an in depth NDE decades ago and as a result I have certainty that as heinous as it all appears we are in a much better place now. Even neoliberal voters in the US are beginning to at least see something is not right. The shedding of light on truth and reality is happening rapidly now. I know divinity is on our side.
Yes totally agree with all you say!! these corrupt people will do anything to keep themselves in power...Thank god he turned his head as I think it was divine providence that he survived. I think the globalists are shitting themselves as the man with nine lives will not fall under their attacks. I think this might also help change Trump to not cave into donors and political operants once he is president. When someone tries to kill you, something must change in the person under attack. I hope that there will not be any further attempts...maybe the next attempt from the deep state would be on Biden orchestrated by an MK Ultra tool . George Christensen from Aus had a theory that they did not pull Biden off candidacy because they hoped between law fare or assassination Trump would not end up on the ballet and they would squeeze him through...there is also thoughts that Biden has stuff on Obama which he could go public with if pushed (not sure about this theory form George Papadopolous). Both strategies have failed, so maybe they will either pull Biden off due to his dementia or organise a something on him, just to get milage against Maga!! It feels like I am watching a very twisty movie with the writers continually changing the script.
Dima of Military Summary channel states that all the ukroNazie channels are disappointed that Trump turned his head and dodged that bullet.
He stated that Joe Biden lost the election after Trump survived , but I believe they are gonna install another candi date to run instead, and she will lose.
I basically agree with your perspective, except I may not vote at all.
But I am wondering, for the American foreign policy president, ought not the rest of the world get at least 3/5ths of a vote upon that foreign policy that affects us all so....?
Rather, I mean, does voting matter at all anymore?
The demoRats put me in jail, after I talked the police officer out of killing me literally....
They refused to check the video that would have given the lie to their charges...
The only time I got arrested, repeatedly at that, was when I ran for mayor against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom.
Will they try to install him as the greasy Joe bidendiaper doll replacement?
He , Gavin, is a child murderer, just saying...with the dammm scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions he promulgated
Quite a few prefer the comforts of slavery to dangerous freedom. But they are the minority, propped up by election fraud, and awareness of the staggering cost to human lives & suffering under enslavement/communism/democrat/fascism whatever you wish to term leftist ideologies, has risen exponentially & given rise to Trump MAGA movement. That is what the slave lovers are afraid of. This video gives some great insight into their fear, " LIVE: Trump's RADICAL Agenda 47 Plan for America "
I appreciate your description of how you transitioned to your current conclusions. I am horrified that once upon a time my bumper sticker was "Women for Mitt" (when he ran for the Presidency)! 2020 changed me--I smelled a rat then and I learned to trust my instincts (and also my research). I'm guessing many of the comments here are from NZ. I went there last year to visit with my brother in his final days. Everyone in the large family was all-in on the c19 Vaxx except for one and he was shunned and laughed at. Several were warriors for the climate change agenda. There is so much of that everywhere, but New Zealand needs a de-tox! Dr. Garcia, are things changing there? I hope some have been inspired by your very reasoned and common-sense decisions!
"What distinguishes a genuine force for good from its opposite is the pudding it makes: peace, over war, freedom over slavery."
I believe that what we just witnessed was Divine Intervention in a real struggle between freedom and slavery.
beautifully put, thank you!
A perfect comment, yes, it was Divine Intervention.
Alacum Salam
Brilliant Brilliant Briliant! I’m with you all the way! I’m a leftie of old who recognises how the Deep State Establishment hijacks any entity that stands in its way of Hegemonic power. Donald Trump got my vote after the 2016 election when he took the US out of the TPPA and wanted to do business with Russia rather than go to war. Bravo on articulating my exact thoughts so much more eloquently than I could!!
Thank you!!!!
Right on!
JFK was the last decent president. He was trying to claw back the federal reserve from private banker’s and had already started minting silver backed coins. He gave speeches leading up to his assassination, saying he intended to disband the CIA, and there was no room in democracies for secret societies. Deep state actually exists.
I hope Trump actually finishes the job JFK wanted to do, to smash the CIA into a million pieces. The Deep State murdered JFK. Now their time is coming, every dog has his day.
The five eyes countries all have spy agencies that cooperate with each other- there’s a bigger ring of lawless thugs. MI 5&6 ASIO Mossad CIA . in 1992 MI 6 were responsible for the gas attacks in Syria.
Back around 2015 I came across an article by someone who had traced the family trees of all US presidents. To that date only two were not related through that research. If you need a video to provide ke deep thought watch a YouTube video called JFK to 9/11. There are other videos on that chanel where they take apart the crimes of various presidents. LBJ. Had around 40 dead people on his climb to the top.
And that is why they had to get rid of him!
He may not mandate new mRNA shots and may look into claims of fraudulent safety and efficacy data and corruption in regulatory bodies is my guess.
It's a minefield, all of it, nothing is simple in the political arena, but I am hoping for good.
Thank you. May the scales continue to fall from the eyes of all the Trump haters around the world and especially in the US who when pressed cannot say why they hate him so much.
Thank u Dr Garcia for your voice of reason. God speed President Trump.
Is this a gee up NZD? Have a read & take a listen. It is what it is & Trump's "stance" on not believing in mandates was a fence sitting strategy, imo. He was in on it & continues to promote this poison. If he was, allegedly, hoodwinked by Birx, Fauci & others well that makes me smarter than the POTUS. If he was that easily "hood winked" he doesn't deserve a second term, in my considered opinion. America is in all sorts of strife with any of these creatures running the show. Sorry okd mate but you are dead set wrong about this one.
I'll have to agree to disagree. I have followed matters exceptionally closely and I'll say one thing. When he dared to mention HCQ the entire Media ridiculed him. That's just one example. He was hemmed in from the very beginning of his presidency, under relentless attack, Russiagate, everything, and how he managed to brush his teeth daily was a miracle.
Agree to disagree,without addressing what I wrote. Gee mate that's what the normies say when I try to give them some information about the ongoing scam. Never mind, we'll see how it all turns out 👍🇦🇺
It would take far too long to address that particular point because of the complexities. He may 'promote' it but his followers -- staunch ones, do not take it. I can cite people like Mike Flynn, for example. There are many layers of compromises in politics. He had to use a jab to get us out, basically, of a planned demolition of society around the world, as I see it.
Come off it cobber, you do realise that the jabs are not vaccines but gene altering therapies that have killed & injured millions & possibly billions & have probably altered the course of mankind forever? Destroy the village to save the village ,as long as Mike Flynn & the staunch ones are safe. Quit while your behind mate, unbelievable.
Nah, you're off target. How much control did T have over the manufacturing process? Things are very complex. We need Trump for our cause, we need help in higher places. Get over your TDS.
Ha ha, the cause, good comeback. Time will tell.
As usual, can't defend their position and resort to petty "I just don't like him" arguments. Wake up, people!
Come off it. He spread the propaganda from the very start. He worked hand-in-glove withe DARPA who developed the vaccine. And the people who took the vaccines have little mechanisms in their bodies now that can be activated against their will. Sounds demented because it is. The excessive death rate around the world is nuts (and hidden). NZD, you are intelligent. You need to keep an open mind. Maybe you're right. I doubt it, but maybe. Becoming entrenched in one way of thinking is suicidal. Don't do it. I'll keep an open mind if you will. Hell. I'll keep an open mind even if you won't.
During his last days in office Trump gave Fauci an award for his performance during Covid.
I’m not a Trump fan myself because of a few of his positions eg. Pro Israel to the exclusion of the Palestinians, but I must say the man has been put under enormous pressure for a long time. I’m glad he’s still alive and will live to fight another day. We need this opposition now more than ever. He was unfortunately hijacked by Fauci with his Operation Warp Speed which we know has killed and maimed millions. Trump won’t admit it was a mistake and that he was misled. He still insists it saved lives. This to me is an enormous error in judgement which he could come clean about by admitting he was given bad advice. It would help his popularity. Great article Doc, like always you raise the most important points.
Agree with you, it saddens and surprises me just how many people I thought had a sense of honor capitulate to Zionism. Bribery obviously is extremely effective at shaping opinions.
I was surprised at the time just how quickly an innocuous drug with an impeccable record was vilified so profoundly. The pharmaceutical industry has great strength when protecting its profits.
Like nature we each live and learn. We are vibrations and frequencies. It's not just about the physical realm. It's about soul and energies of evolution and consciousness that we are not equipped to comprehend.
It's about doing what is right.
Great piece but my gut is sticking with he is part of one of their most successful psyops. I look no further than his appointments which was a nasty combination of deep state and administrative state. I just get to Bolton and Gottlieb and I'm done thinking about it. I wrestle only with whether he is a knowing part of it or their dupe. I'm voting for Kennedy who has been litigating these corrupt actors for decades and has written endlessly on the corruption. It seems obvious Trump will 'win' so I hope to be proven wrong.
I think it's far more complicated ... he was exposing the field, the Boltons and the like. Remember that they moved to take out Flynn almost immediately after his presidency. Trump didn't listen to Bolton either. We will know in early 2025, and frankly I am hopeful. He's a genuine outsider in my book. RFK Jr failed to attend the last parole hearing for Sirhan Sirhan, citing a dying relative (who is still alive) ...
I believe we are in the midst of a global psychological operation that both sides of this global battle are using. My eternal hope is that we are in the final stages of exposing the rot and corruption the world has been manipulated by for decades so that with grassroots truth, knowledge and understanding we can rebuild our world for the betterment of all people and planet. Everyone of us is necessary in this process. No one person has the ultimate power. The saying goes “A great leader is one who creates the most leaders.” We are all now being given the opportunity to lead with the courage of our voices. Thus, I am very thankful to Dr Emmanuel Garcia for showing us how to speak bravely when it’s not popular to do so.
So true
RFK is already in bed with the Zionists. The war in Palestine has enabled the world to see where these Individuals truly stand
I still can’t see clearly. I have thoughts but no certainty. What nstty wrote i think makes sense
I hope you are right and my mind is open but I remain doubtful. I was listing 2 of the most obvious appointments but the list is endless. There's also in my mind the obvious likelihood that Trump derangement syndrome was orchestrated over 18 months to set the stage for the entire covid/vaccine criminal debacle. I don't believe people who identify as leftists would have fallen so quickly into totalitarian mindsets without that. I don't believe we have had a democratically elected president in my lifetime. They get in who they want which leaves me asking why. O'bummer was their greatest success in moving their ball forward while keeping the masses asleep. I feel Trump was their greatest success in no longer hiding their intentions. Biden is just the gaslighting that comes after that. I don't think of Kennedy as a savior of any sort and I wasn't aware that he didn't support Sirhan at the parole hearing and lied about a relative. I only know he has dedicated many years of his life to exposing so much of this BS. I hope with all my heart that I am wrong. I am not at all sure it matters though. This fight for truth and decency has to come from the ground up. I am hopeful about that finally. I had an in depth NDE decades ago and as a result I have certainty that as heinous as it all appears we are in a much better place now. Even neoliberal voters in the US are beginning to at least see something is not right. The shedding of light on truth and reality is happening rapidly now. I know divinity is on our side.
Yup, totally concur
Yes totally agree with all you say!! these corrupt people will do anything to keep themselves in power...Thank god he turned his head as I think it was divine providence that he survived. I think the globalists are shitting themselves as the man with nine lives will not fall under their attacks. I think this might also help change Trump to not cave into donors and political operants once he is president. When someone tries to kill you, something must change in the person under attack. I hope that there will not be any further attempts...maybe the next attempt from the deep state would be on Biden orchestrated by an MK Ultra tool . George Christensen from Aus had a theory that they did not pull Biden off candidacy because they hoped between law fare or assassination Trump would not end up on the ballet and they would squeeze him through...there is also thoughts that Biden has stuff on Obama which he could go public with if pushed (not sure about this theory form George Papadopolous). Both strategies have failed, so maybe they will either pull Biden off due to his dementia or organise a something on him, just to get milage against Maga!! It feels like I am watching a very twisty movie with the writers continually changing the script.
Dima of Military Summary channel states that all the ukroNazie channels are disappointed that Trump turned his head and dodged that bullet.
He stated that Joe Biden lost the election after Trump survived , but I believe they are gonna install another candi date to run instead, and she will lose.
I basically agree with your perspective, except I may not vote at all.
But I am wondering, for the American foreign policy president, ought not the rest of the world get at least 3/5ths of a vote upon that foreign policy that affects us all so....?
Rather, I mean, does voting matter at all anymore?
The demoRats put me in jail, after I talked the police officer out of killing me literally....
They refused to check the video that would have given the lie to their charges...
The only time I got arrested, repeatedly at that, was when I ran for mayor against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom.
Will they try to install him as the greasy Joe bidendiaper doll replacement?
He , Gavin, is a child murderer, just saying...with the dammm scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions he promulgated
Man oh man oh man…they are helping Trump more every day🤣
It’s called I D I O T S!
Beautiful light in and from the dark as ever Dr Manny. Love, gratitude, infinitely. Alan
Thank you most kindly, Alan! Love and gratitude back.
Quite a few prefer the comforts of slavery to dangerous freedom. But they are the minority, propped up by election fraud, and awareness of the staggering cost to human lives & suffering under enslavement/communism/democrat/fascism whatever you wish to term leftist ideologies, has risen exponentially & given rise to Trump MAGA movement. That is what the slave lovers are afraid of. This video gives some great insight into their fear, " LIVE: Trump's RADICAL Agenda 47 Plan for America "
I appreciate your description of how you transitioned to your current conclusions. I am horrified that once upon a time my bumper sticker was "Women for Mitt" (when he ran for the Presidency)! 2020 changed me--I smelled a rat then and I learned to trust my instincts (and also my research). I'm guessing many of the comments here are from NZ. I went there last year to visit with my brother in his final days. Everyone in the large family was all-in on the c19 Vaxx except for one and he was shunned and laughed at. Several were warriors for the climate change agenda. There is so much of that everywhere, but New Zealand needs a de-tox! Dr. Garcia, are things changing there? I hope some have been inspired by your very reasoned and common-sense decisions!
Well written piece.
Well said Kiwi,
thank goodness there are still people who realise the infamy from above.
Thank you so much!