Good to have the movement of your mind in mine, the muse is with you.
Your words now early hours 2024, bring Will's words to mind:
“We face again the problem that harassed Socrates: how shall we find a natural ethic to replace the supernatural sanctions that have ceased to influence the behavior of men? Without philosophy, without that total vision which unifies purposes and establishes the hierarchy of desires, we fritter away our social heritage in cynical corruption on the one hand, and in revolutionary madness on the other; we abandon in a moment our pacific idealism and plunge into the cooperative suicide of war; we have a hundred thousand politicians, and but a single statesman. We move about the earth with unprecedented speed, but we do not know, and have not thought, where we are going, or whether we shall find any happiness there for our harassed souls. We are being destroyed by our knowledge, which has made us drunk with our power. And we shall not be saved without wisdom.” The Mansions of Philosophy, Will Durant
Thank you very much for this quote. It surprisingly inspired me. Until now I’d not known of Will Durant. I just downloaded Mansions of Philosophy free from I’ve come to deeper studies and thought late in life, trying not to regret past choices in how I spent my precious time. Better late than never as they say.
Elise, I am pleased the quote woke your interest. Will, and his Soulmate, Ariel, Durant, have been growing me up for many years. I highly recommend all of their works, which are voluminous as well as voluptuous (their writing is sensually intellectual, a rare combination).
Some of my favorite works of theirs along with The Mansions:
The Story of Philosophy
The Lessons of History
The Story of Civilization—11 volumes and available in one digital book
You can find all of these and many more at Z-lib, a rogue site the U.S. criminal government (all governments are criminal) has tried, without success, to shut down. Voluntaryists like me support the site as we do not believe in Intellectual Property rights/rites which are backed by physical force. So go here for a lifetime of learning with the Durants
And as it seems you have in interest in and care about your mind and ideas, I invite you to join our just being born (and borne, whew) “Free Friends Forum” I am currently creating with an Epicurean friend which will be exploring and explicating various ideas, especially those that control minds, and how to get your mind free of them to think its own thoughts rather than being thought by them.
So email me if interested and I will put you on our email out list.
Meanwhile, make it a gentlewhile and get free, then stay free (both of which are difficult and rare, pace Spinoza).
Thank you for your efforts for freedom, and happy new year! May 2024 be a most wonderful year for you and yours, filled with health and joy. (For sure 2024 will be interesting!)
You write ... not as if you 'mean it' ... but as if you know 'what's going on' ... and I'm sure you do ...
I sent a 'presentation' ... probably my last ... to the NZ Police ... by 'courier' ... as I always send them ... on Tuesday 19th Dec 2023 ... following up the nine others I had sent out on the 18th Dec 2023 ... each consisting of two foolscap envelopes, containing a total of about a ream of paper each .... and two 64GB flashdrives of videos/documents .... including a third foolscap envelope of documents I ran out of time/inclination to print .... included on the flashdrives was also the equivalent of three foolscap boxes of documents I had sent the NZ Police since August 2023 ...
The two little Palestinian girls last week ... injured/crying/angry because their lives had been destroyed by Israeli bombs ... both unaware their parents had been killed by the Israelis ... haunt me ...
So does the realization that if the 'idiots that call themselves the NZ Police' ... as I called them in my 'presentation' .... and have called them for two years ... were 'half-decent' Police ... they would have seen through the deception of 'Covid 19' .... they would have seen through the deception of U.S. MSM .... the deception of the 2020 election ... Jan 6th ... the war against the people of America ... the people of the World ...
They would know America is 'captured' ... they would know the EU is 'captured' .... MSM is 'captured' ... and they would be doing something about it ... they would have done something about it a long time ago ... because it is 'not rocket science' to see the evil engulfing us ... and who is doing it ...
So no ... I don't think 2024 will be any better than 2023 ... I think it will be a lot worse ... a lot, lot worse ...
In 2024 I expect us to cross a 'Rubicon' ... of 'no way out' ... no return ... 'no refunds ...
People who play stupid games ... win stupid prizes ... and a lack of 'vigilance' ... for at least the last 120 years or so ... has been ' a very stupid game'
Every antelope know that 'the cost of living' is 'vigilance' ... we have been brainwashed/programmed to blindly delegate that 'cost' to MSM ...
MSM has never paid that 'bill' ... only pretended to ...
I’ve gathered from a number of sources The Globalists apparently have in store for us, The Year from Hell; and as Gandalf the Grey warned, we’re in for all sorts of fun, wherever we go. On the other hand there’s that Zen aphorism I learned from Micheal Crichton: “A wise man can be comfortable in Hell.” Mike Adams may give you an idea; I hope it’s just his usual Doom Porn:
The last three years have seen a degree of evil emanated from the Parasite Class – our self-titled “elites” – that would horrify Satan, and as George Carlin observed: “Nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.” Needless to say, they’ve created an explanation for the rising toll of heart failures and turbo cancers et al; seems the deaths are not due to The Lethal Injection, but the latest “Covid variant”: “JN.1” 🙄💩😱. The Blue-pilled Pinheads that are 95% of humanity will of course, swallow this cowflop whole, and we’re in for another round of hysteria-mongering, orchestrated terror, lockdowns and lockups and cops and and EMTs going door-to-door to forcibly inject everyone with Bill and Tony’s latest excellent noxious potion. I promise, should they arrive at my door, I’ve a 12-gauge waiting for them. Why the entire world is not in open violent bloody revolt against these monsters is astounding. But we’re not. All I can add in conclusion Dr. Garcia, is I hope you’ve got a doomstead somewhere, but where you’re going to hide in a place like New Zealand I can’t imagine. Still, look to your preps, and as Jesus of all people warned of these times: “Arm yourselves. Flee the cities.”
Find bellow my present for the new year. It's a high level geopolitical analysis of the events on the planet since the the Roman Empire by Regis de Castelnau.
The concerns and hope for change has echoed and re-echoed around the world. The main perpetrators are still there to push lies upon lies. Some faces have changed, some offices have changed locations, some murdering criminals are labelled as short sighted but the clown show goes on.
Without more wealth equality, the needs and desires of the many cannot be heard. With concentration of wealth the myopic agendas of the few raise havoc in the lives of the many.
In the past, temporary reprieve of the many was bought with blood. Even if the blood price is paid, reprieve may not result.
We need to remember, how some small amount of voice of the many was won; however, our memories seem so short, so malleable.
Coming to NZ, would like to meet you, really liked your public talk you did last year, my grandson suffered 3 episodes of myocarditis, first one the day after first shot. He was medivacked to hospital each time. He was 17 at the time. And yes, things will substantially change. Shine on.
Well said as always Emanuel....You say, "One of the implications of this overwhelming disparity in wealth is that it has just become a whole lot easier for the rich to purchase the allegiances of their underlings, to bend them to do their bidding — whether it’s buying votes, or buying politicians"...I had not thought of that but yes more Monopoly money to buy the masses except it can't possibly last. Unless the truth is revealed more madness will ensue...Who knows maybe some bits of truth will come out bit by bit, to give us the illusion of a return to justice or maybe not far as I can see is chaos, chaos and chaos...the crimes of corona are being recommitted in the wars in Ukraine and Gaza..the lies, the gaslighting, the mass formation and cancel culture is strongly at work, moulding and shaping the dominant narrative, which is in fact madness...maybe when the frank madness is in everybody's faces then there is an uprising against this control grid..I do hope so. Thanks for all your good work and good writing. Happy new year!
Emanuel, every word is brilliant! Thank you for yet another thought-provoking essay!!! May you have a blessed year ahead!
Happy New Year!
Along with this comment of mine, I am sending a cheery hello. Both are arriving via my laptop's extended distance mail service. You see, I am spending my New Year's holiday on the lunar surface, and what a special treat it is for me! Try it, try it, I recommend it. And yes, no problem, it's always been a routine voyage. I navigated with the use of my good old cell phone and for a transport module I used a soapbox car that happened to be hidden underneath piles of junk I was storing in my garage. It really pays to clean out the garage once in a while! To the bottom of the soapbox car I fastened some metal runners from a snow sled I have but no longer use due to the absence of snow that's itself due to this incredible phenomenon called "global warming." I arrived on the moon in no time. Here, there exists an effervescent yet invigorating breeze that's blowing despite the fact that the lunar surface has no atmosphere to speak of. Breathing is no problem because I ordered a kit from the NASA gift shop that converts the moon's gasses into oxygen. My only complaint is that there isn't a very good view to be had since no stars whatsoever are visible (hint, Michael Collins, Apollo 11, explain yourself, Michael).
I will soon begin my return voyage to earth; I am merely waiting for my cell phone to recharge and homebound I will be! This is how I am spending my holiday, and if you don't believe me then you are not a real patriot which means shame on you, get a vax to set your mind right you unorthodox anti-government thing, you! And don't forget, the government always loves you and that's why it's important that not only your actions but also all your thoughts, the present ones and the ones you may one day have, should be aligned with governmental directives.
I've spent my time contemplating how limited is our ability to speak freely if our opinions don't fall in with the government narrative. We will be laughed at, silenced, harassed, have our credibility attacked, possibly get persecuted and oppressed, and perhaps become destroyed financially by losing our livelihood. Those who keep objecting at the narrative are few. Most people the world over have become inured at the deceptions practised upon them by the powerful and the very rich. As a result, the earth is filled with masses of pawns sacrificed without consequences. Even the most perceptive amongst us compartmentalize information. What people don't realise is that by doing so, they are selling their souls to a hungry, devastating power.
Perhaps in 2024, the Covid playbook will lose some of its evil magic and the truth within its pages will be revealed. One can hope ... or one can join me up here on the moon where I seem to be quite comfortable. Forsooth, I may not return.
Hold on -- first, what a brilliant and entertaining and incisive comment, thank you!!! I am planning to join you on the moon -- as soon as I charge up my cell phone and find a landing module, hopefully with runners like your sled!
Back in her prime, Jean Houston once quipped that “Every brilliant new idea yields a dozen world-eroding problems”. We’re well past the point the troubles can now be managed rationally, and there is no indication such clarity will blossom anytime soon. The push to keep it all deceptive and confused has many powerful participants with unhealthy motives. In addition, the manic quest for techno-immortality reveals a serious misunderstanding about the nature of life on earth and the human experience. Artificial intelligence is an unnecessary red herring laid across the path of authentic development, while real intelligence is often under attack anywhere it now pops up. Who knows what unpleasant surprises await in 2024, but persevere we must.
Thank you always for sharing your insights, that upon reading echo what I am thinking in a succinct way. I eagerly await to see the contract between the government of New Zealand and Pfizer. .
Good to have the movement of your mind in mine, the muse is with you.
Your words now early hours 2024, bring Will's words to mind:
“We face again the problem that harassed Socrates: how shall we find a natural ethic to replace the supernatural sanctions that have ceased to influence the behavior of men? Without philosophy, without that total vision which unifies purposes and establishes the hierarchy of desires, we fritter away our social heritage in cynical corruption on the one hand, and in revolutionary madness on the other; we abandon in a moment our pacific idealism and plunge into the cooperative suicide of war; we have a hundred thousand politicians, and but a single statesman. We move about the earth with unprecedented speed, but we do not know, and have not thought, where we are going, or whether we shall find any happiness there for our harassed souls. We are being destroyed by our knowledge, which has made us drunk with our power. And we shall not be saved without wisdom.” The Mansions of Philosophy, Will Durant
Happy, and more Responsibly Free, New Year
Thank you very much for this quote. It surprisingly inspired me. Until now I’d not known of Will Durant. I just downloaded Mansions of Philosophy free from I’ve come to deeper studies and thought late in life, trying not to regret past choices in how I spent my precious time. Better late than never as they say.
Elise, I am pleased the quote woke your interest. Will, and his Soulmate, Ariel, Durant, have been growing me up for many years. I highly recommend all of their works, which are voluminous as well as voluptuous (their writing is sensually intellectual, a rare combination).
Some of my favorite works of theirs along with The Mansions:
The Story of Philosophy
The Lessons of History
The Story of Civilization—11 volumes and available in one digital book
You can find all of these and many more at Z-lib, a rogue site the U.S. criminal government (all governments are criminal) has tried, without success, to shut down. Voluntaryists like me support the site as we do not believe in Intellectual Property rights/rites which are backed by physical force. So go here for a lifetime of learning with the Durants
And as it seems you have in interest in and care about your mind and ideas, I invite you to join our just being born (and borne, whew) “Free Friends Forum” I am currently creating with an Epicurean friend which will be exploring and explicating various ideas, especially those that control minds, and how to get your mind free of them to think its own thoughts rather than being thought by them.
So email me if interested and I will put you on our email out list.
Meanwhile, make it a gentlewhile and get free, then stay free (both of which are difficult and rare, pace Spinoza).
Jack in New Zealand:
Praying still over here in Florida.
Thank you for your efforts for freedom, and happy new year! May 2024 be a most wonderful year for you and yours, filled with health and joy. (For sure 2024 will be interesting!)
You write ... not as if you 'mean it' ... but as if you know 'what's going on' ... and I'm sure you do ...
I sent a 'presentation' ... probably my last ... to the NZ Police ... by 'courier' ... as I always send them ... on Tuesday 19th Dec 2023 ... following up the nine others I had sent out on the 18th Dec 2023 ... each consisting of two foolscap envelopes, containing a total of about a ream of paper each .... and two 64GB flashdrives of videos/documents .... including a third foolscap envelope of documents I ran out of time/inclination to print .... included on the flashdrives was also the equivalent of three foolscap boxes of documents I had sent the NZ Police since August 2023 ...
The two little Palestinian girls last week ... injured/crying/angry because their lives had been destroyed by Israeli bombs ... both unaware their parents had been killed by the Israelis ... haunt me ...
So does the realization that if the 'idiots that call themselves the NZ Police' ... as I called them in my 'presentation' .... and have called them for two years ... were 'half-decent' Police ... they would have seen through the deception of 'Covid 19' .... they would have seen through the deception of U.S. MSM .... the deception of the 2020 election ... Jan 6th ... the war against the people of America ... the people of the World ...
They would know America is 'captured' ... they would know the EU is 'captured' .... MSM is 'captured' ... and they would be doing something about it ... they would have done something about it a long time ago ... because it is 'not rocket science' to see the evil engulfing us ... and who is doing it ...
So no ... I don't think 2024 will be any better than 2023 ... I think it will be a lot worse ... a lot, lot worse ...
In 2024 I expect us to cross a 'Rubicon' ... of 'no way out' ... no return ... 'no refunds ...
And that is such an 'existential' shame ...
People who play stupid games ... win stupid prizes ... and a lack of 'vigilance' ... for at least the last 120 years or so ... has been ' a very stupid game'
Every antelope know that 'the cost of living' is 'vigilance' ... we have been brainwashed/programmed to blindly delegate that 'cost' to MSM ...
MSM has never paid that 'bill' ... only pretended to ...
That 'bill' has now caught up to us ... bigtime!
I've always thought it was a rather silly holiday. Too much forced jollity.
But I do like Auld Lang Syne. Always makes me cry, even more this year.
Cheers, Doc. To a better year for every living being.
Dear Dr. Garcia:
I’ve gathered from a number of sources The Globalists apparently have in store for us, The Year from Hell; and as Gandalf the Grey warned, we’re in for all sorts of fun, wherever we go. On the other hand there’s that Zen aphorism I learned from Micheal Crichton: “A wise man can be comfortable in Hell.” Mike Adams may give you an idea; I hope it’s just his usual Doom Porn:
“How It Unfolds: 2024 - 2025 Civil War Chaos Plan Based On Recent Intelligence:”
The last three years have seen a degree of evil emanated from the Parasite Class – our self-titled “elites” – that would horrify Satan, and as George Carlin observed: “Nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.” Needless to say, they’ve created an explanation for the rising toll of heart failures and turbo cancers et al; seems the deaths are not due to The Lethal Injection, but the latest “Covid variant”: “JN.1” 🙄💩😱. The Blue-pilled Pinheads that are 95% of humanity will of course, swallow this cowflop whole, and we’re in for another round of hysteria-mongering, orchestrated terror, lockdowns and lockups and cops and and EMTs going door-to-door to forcibly inject everyone with Bill and Tony’s latest excellent noxious potion. I promise, should they arrive at my door, I’ve a 12-gauge waiting for them. Why the entire world is not in open violent bloody revolt against these monsters is astounding. But we’re not. All I can add in conclusion Dr. Garcia, is I hope you’ve got a doomstead somewhere, but where you’re going to hide in a place like New Zealand I can’t imagine. Still, look to your preps, and as Jesus of all people warned of these times: “Arm yourselves. Flee the cities.”
I’ll leave you with this which I’ve just started listening to; Seth Holehouse’s conversation with oncologist Dr. William Makis: “Sudden Deaths Are At An All Time High” - (
Good luck, Best Wishes for the New Year in spite of everything! ... And I sure hope I’m full of shit.
Capt. Roy Harkness
Happy New Year Dr Garcia!
We're still in 2023 in North America!
I used to work remotely with people in Auckland and every year I would get the NY greetings one year ahead!
Find bellow my present for the new year. It's a high level geopolitical analysis of the events on the planet since the the Roman Empire by Regis de Castelnau.
Google Translate:
Original in French:
Brilliant stuff!!! I've only just tasted but I can see that I have much to look forward to, thank you.
The concerns and hope for change has echoed and re-echoed around the world. The main perpetrators are still there to push lies upon lies. Some faces have changed, some offices have changed locations, some murdering criminals are labelled as short sighted but the clown show goes on.
Without more wealth equality, the needs and desires of the many cannot be heard. With concentration of wealth the myopic agendas of the few raise havoc in the lives of the many.
In the past, temporary reprieve of the many was bought with blood. Even if the blood price is paid, reprieve may not result.
We need to remember, how some small amount of voice of the many was won; however, our memories seem so short, so malleable.
Happy New Year!
Arbitrary time division? Hardly!! It's when the big ball drops in Times Square!
We are on our own. The Mother Ship is lost. Let's agree to keep the hope and keep the faith. We shall invent a bright enough future.
Sail on!
Thank you for your hard work. May God bless you always!!
Coming to NZ, would like to meet you, really liked your public talk you did last year, my grandson suffered 3 episodes of myocarditis, first one the day after first shot. He was medivacked to hospital each time. He was 17 at the time. And yes, things will substantially change. Shine on.
I am very sorry to hear about your grandson ... email missingstrad (gmail) to get in touch.
This year we shall bring the criminals in NZ to account. This year they will pay.
The moon landing was faked to make America look great.
America has since sunk to the lowest of the low - all by design.
Well said as always Emanuel....You say, "One of the implications of this overwhelming disparity in wealth is that it has just become a whole lot easier for the rich to purchase the allegiances of their underlings, to bend them to do their bidding — whether it’s buying votes, or buying politicians"...I had not thought of that but yes more Monopoly money to buy the masses except it can't possibly last. Unless the truth is revealed more madness will ensue...Who knows maybe some bits of truth will come out bit by bit, to give us the illusion of a return to justice or maybe not far as I can see is chaos, chaos and chaos...the crimes of corona are being recommitted in the wars in Ukraine and Gaza..the lies, the gaslighting, the mass formation and cancel culture is strongly at work, moulding and shaping the dominant narrative, which is in fact madness...maybe when the frank madness is in everybody's faces then there is an uprising against this control grid..I do hope so. Thanks for all your good work and good writing. Happy new year!
Emanuel, every word is brilliant! Thank you for yet another thought-provoking essay!!! May you have a blessed year ahead!
Happy New Year!
Along with this comment of mine, I am sending a cheery hello. Both are arriving via my laptop's extended distance mail service. You see, I am spending my New Year's holiday on the lunar surface, and what a special treat it is for me! Try it, try it, I recommend it. And yes, no problem, it's always been a routine voyage. I navigated with the use of my good old cell phone and for a transport module I used a soapbox car that happened to be hidden underneath piles of junk I was storing in my garage. It really pays to clean out the garage once in a while! To the bottom of the soapbox car I fastened some metal runners from a snow sled I have but no longer use due to the absence of snow that's itself due to this incredible phenomenon called "global warming." I arrived on the moon in no time. Here, there exists an effervescent yet invigorating breeze that's blowing despite the fact that the lunar surface has no atmosphere to speak of. Breathing is no problem because I ordered a kit from the NASA gift shop that converts the moon's gasses into oxygen. My only complaint is that there isn't a very good view to be had since no stars whatsoever are visible (hint, Michael Collins, Apollo 11, explain yourself, Michael).
I will soon begin my return voyage to earth; I am merely waiting for my cell phone to recharge and homebound I will be! This is how I am spending my holiday, and if you don't believe me then you are not a real patriot which means shame on you, get a vax to set your mind right you unorthodox anti-government thing, you! And don't forget, the government always loves you and that's why it's important that not only your actions but also all your thoughts, the present ones and the ones you may one day have, should be aligned with governmental directives.
I've spent my time contemplating how limited is our ability to speak freely if our opinions don't fall in with the government narrative. We will be laughed at, silenced, harassed, have our credibility attacked, possibly get persecuted and oppressed, and perhaps become destroyed financially by losing our livelihood. Those who keep objecting at the narrative are few. Most people the world over have become inured at the deceptions practised upon them by the powerful and the very rich. As a result, the earth is filled with masses of pawns sacrificed without consequences. Even the most perceptive amongst us compartmentalize information. What people don't realise is that by doing so, they are selling their souls to a hungry, devastating power.
Perhaps in 2024, the Covid playbook will lose some of its evil magic and the truth within its pages will be revealed. One can hope ... or one can join me up here on the moon where I seem to be quite comfortable. Forsooth, I may not return.
Hold on -- first, what a brilliant and entertaining and incisive comment, thank you!!! I am planning to join you on the moon -- as soon as I charge up my cell phone and find a landing module, hopefully with runners like your sled!
Bring an O2 converter. You can find one online at the NASA giftshop.
Back in her prime, Jean Houston once quipped that “Every brilliant new idea yields a dozen world-eroding problems”. We’re well past the point the troubles can now be managed rationally, and there is no indication such clarity will blossom anytime soon. The push to keep it all deceptive and confused has many powerful participants with unhealthy motives. In addition, the manic quest for techno-immortality reveals a serious misunderstanding about the nature of life on earth and the human experience. Artificial intelligence is an unnecessary red herring laid across the path of authentic development, while real intelligence is often under attack anywhere it now pops up. Who knows what unpleasant surprises await in 2024, but persevere we must.
Happy New Year.
Thank you always for sharing your insights, that upon reading echo what I am thinking in a succinct way. I eagerly await to see the contract between the government of New Zealand and Pfizer. .