I suspect I needn't remind you Dr. Garcia, that without a word of exaggeration this woman should be burned at the stake for what she's done. I include two links to Bob Moran's artwork for your delectation; in the first you'll find Jacinda at the center bottom, far under the angelic Eric Clapton and directly below the slavering Bill Gates; in the second, her departure from New Zealand is commemorated; flying off into the sunrise on her "broom"...

💣 https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/other-work/spiritual-war-original-artwork

💣 https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/other-work/heartbreaker-original-artwork

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Bob's art is something else! Thank you.

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👍 Hopefully we'll see some more of it soon...

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Excellent artwork!!! As for your comment about Jacinda getting burned at the stake, she's disqualified because usually and unfortunately, it's the innocents who get burned at the stake.

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all too true about the innocents ... sigh

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That is true.. but in Jacinda's case -- since she's obviously guilty as sin -- we can plead "extenuating circumstances" 😘

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an excellent idea!

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Let me guess, you didn't hear back from her?

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you must be clairvoyant! :) No, she didn't respond ...

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But she is still running her yap. These people never go away even when they are out of office. She drives me crazy. She simply is not right in the head.


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She's following orders I think and has been rewarded for her fealty to her paymasters.

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Yup, 'Dame' sure about that.....

Title as reward for shafting the people and doing evil's bidding.

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you said it! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment

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Yup, they just rotate them around to different positions. Dan Quayle is the only politician that has ever truly gone away once his service was done, I have a Congressman that did the same. They are the people you know that aren't into playing the game and being servants of the Grand Masters.

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Have been looking around the place. I don't think that she's been paid as much as Michael Baker (& tonto) or Siouxsie Wiles. Baker especially has been very successful in sucking the teat of government. He's probably at about 20m+ so in funding.

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To Emanuel, beautifully done. You have a steady hand.

What a rollercoaster ride.


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Thank you so kindly

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You're welcome

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If I were to be approached by someone who wanted to know why I believe there is something terribly wrong in New Zealand, I would consider including this letter among the ten or a dozen items I would show them.

In reasonable, elegant and simple language an experienced professional expresses concern for the wellbeing of New Zealanders to the public official New Zealanders employ to be primarily responsible for their wellbeing. He offers commonsense solutions endorsed by many scientific studies and long-term successful usage . . . and he doesn't even get a respectful acknowledgement, let alone a reasoned refutation of the basis of his concerns and his suggested remedies.

The fact that this letter just bounced off Ardern and her minders only confirms that we have a government whose priorities are personal and ideological agendas not the welfare of the New Zealand people - that in fact has a fundamental contempt for the people and institutions it is sworn to serve.

I have a guilty secret: while I don't condone illegal actions, I have to admit to a certain satisfaction when I see election billboards for all the main parties that have been trashed. It may be guttering, but a remnant of that Kiwi spirit still lives.

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Thank you so very much for this exceptional comment ... I will add that this letter got me into trouble too and was cited when my practising certificate was suspended when I went to renew it in November of 2021 ...

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That was brazen malfeasance to suspend you for following your Hippocratic Oath.

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That was their Mafia tactic ... go after the few who spoke up so the others would remain silent.

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A Tyrant never lets a good manufactured crisis go to waste...

A guess 30 pieces of sliver equates to millions these days...

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yes, somebody should do the math -- it might be more! Thank you -- your line is quotable!

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You said it all! Great! Thank you!

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and thank you for commenting so kindly and listening

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So brilliantly written, doctor. 🙏💗

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Thank you so much

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You are so welcome 🤗!

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Always remember," said Aderns father, "There are two things that will ensure your success in politics." "What are they said the future tyrant?"

Aderns father replied in a stentorian voice, " #1 Integrity and #2 wisdom."

"Integrity said the future tyrant?"

"That's right. No matter how it may be to your detriment, no matter what your colleagues or the cabal may say, always keep your word once you have given it."

"And wisdom asked the future tyrant?"

"Just ignore #1"

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excellent! well said, thank you

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A clear Coherent and reasoned statement, coupled with a simple common-sense approach and precautionary methods of dealing effectively with

dis- ease, as an alternative to the inclemency as proposed by the dedicated government reaction.

What appears as incoherent and rough- shod overbearing, negative to the point of confrontational behaviours made by Government.

Are in fact totally coherent, well planned and universal in both language , media, and the infrastructure used in the World construct as per Event 201,

In particular in Western Economies, being targeted to render by ' consent of fear" powers to control and erase by the ' emergency ' of necessity, the

implementation of intimidation and coercive dictums, based on the iconology of science, without the scientific requirements of the burden of proof.

I applaud the conduct of the Doctor here, for his fortitude and clear language in the letter, exercising his right as a man to express his views based

on experience. Unfortunately, the deeds were pre- ordained and Ardern as a character portrayed the role on the stage, a soulless automation ,

not a being , but caricature, where vanity is a mirror of the soul..

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You have summed things up eloquently ... the PM was a puppet and the operation was transnational, thank you so much for this.

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A letter of science and other facts ... received by a club member of the ruling WEF & Co. whom have their own Agenda 2030 programme to focus and succeed on. Agenda 2030’is pivotal to achieving sustainability within the finite natural resources of the planet. As part of that programme “you will own nothing and be happy” (Swab, K. 2020) ... and do what you are told and when.

So ‘Pheeeep’ ... line up sheeples ... keep getting your jabs and stay happy !

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what a world ... thank you for commenting

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So articulate!

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Thank you kindly

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Brilliant, Manny!

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Thank you, Tessa!

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Good job. Unfortunately, your undemocratic tyrannical (WEF representative) leader, just like the rest of them, we're actually covertly trying to achieve their depopulation agendas.

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indeed they were, and I am not sure I knew this comprehensively back then ... I will have to check. Thanks for reading/listening and commenting!

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 One World Order in the Making (RKM)

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

--Franklin D. Roosevelt

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."


"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

---David Rockefeller (RKM), June 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden-Baden

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excellent quotations, thank you very much! Yes, indeed ....

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1) 1 minute Video


2) 1991 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List


Participant of interest: Bill D. Clinton, Governor of Arkansas

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NZ is likely the most sleepy of nations.

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well, after seeing River of Freedom, maybe there's hope ... thank you for commenting.

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 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Campaign Is Mass Homicide. Bill Gates Live Testimony.


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excellent article and indeed this campaign of inoculation -- I don't like the word 'vaccination' here -- is just one part of a multi-faceted one to do away with people and/or completely control them. Thank you for this.

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