
Hey Bill Gates,

When, Anyone, In This Case You,

And A Cadre Of Morons

Attempts To Kill Off

Other Humans (In The Millions)

Rule # 1 Has To Be - And Is

You Have To Succeed On Your First Try.

I Just Can't Emphasize This Enough Young Fella.


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very well put, thank you

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When tyrants tell me to do something

I walk the other way

They can hoard the land

They can hoard the supplies

They can turn man into attack dogs

And dissipate their lies

But they won't buy my soul

Or tempt me to obey

Nor force a price on my liberty

Because I'll never ever pay

It's just not worth it

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I've never really understood this fear of death. How can you fear that which is natural, definite and necessary? If we didn't die, the world really would be overpopulated, centuries ago.

If you're a good person and believe in God, what is there to fear? You go to God.

If you're bad and believe, then maybe fear would be justified. Repent and be good.

If you don't believe in God, then death is just oblivion. Nothing wrong with that. No more suffering and awareness of suffering. Just gone.

If you're unsure, then it's an adventure.

Make sure you have a backup plan for those who rely on you, then be at peace.

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well said, thank you

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Eloquently described. A poem for you

The Revelation Lucia Perillo

I hit Tonopah at sunset,

just when the billboards advertising the legal brothels

turn dun-colored as the sun lies

down behind the strip mine.

And the whores were in the Safeway,

buying frozen foods and Cokes

for the sitters before their evening shifts.

Yes they gave excuses to cut

ahead of me in line, probably wrote bad checks,

but still they were lovely at that hour,

their hair newly washed

and raveling. If you follow

any of the fallen far enough

--the idolaters, the thieves and liars--

you will find that beauty, a cataclysmic

beauty rising off the face of the burning landscape

just before the appearance of the beast, the beauty

that is the flower of our dying into

another life.

Like a Mobius strip: you go round once

and you come out on the other side.

There is no alpha, no omega,

no beginning and no end.

Only the ceaseless swell

and fall of sunlight on those rusted hills.

Watch the way brilliance turns

on darkness. How can any of us be damned.

From “The Oldest Map With the Name America: New and Selected Poems” by Lucia Perillo (Random House: 148 pp., $19.95)


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What a beautiful powerful poem, thank you!

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That sounds a bit like George Orwells writings, and I agree that delusions of power and control are present everywhere. It does seem like unenlightened times like the dark ages are arriving. But the establishment doesnt realize that we are all tribal anarchists at heart, and our co-operation is not guaranteed. Chris Hipkins claim that Covid vaccine was voluntary, shows how much the authorities depend on our co-operation, and how easily we did withdraw co-operation for doing the last census.

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thank you, very well put

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Socrates had an excellent understanding of his purpose. He believed that he should be able to speak freely. He wanted to disturb people's slumber and goad them into action. Was he silenced? His victory and our victory is that ultimately, no, he could not be silenced. In his words (or in those of Plato), spoken on the day of his execution:

If you silence me you won't find another like me. To joke about it, a strong yet sluggish horse needs a horsefly (gadfly) to liven it up. It appears to me that god has stuck me upon the state like a horsefly to a horse so that I can wake you and tease you and convince you. Therefore, all day long, I am busy as a gadfly stinging you here and there.

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a beautiful commentary reminding us of the lasting example of truth, and the immortal Socrates -- thank you!

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Thank you for another wonderful piece!

What is ironic is that the fear of death drove people into sickness and death. Had they refrained from complying they maybe well and healthy. The fact that the average age of people dying from/with covid was 81 years old then those younger compliant folk actually caused harm to themselves and their fear of death and sickness drove them there precisely. As we know many other dynamics were involved eg need for social inclusion, compliance and obedience as a good citizen would do, trust if governments etc. I think courage is the key here...not many of us humans have it and we dress it up in all sort of ways but it was the lack of courage that led to the catastrophe panning out around us. Maybe we develop courage in the face of adversity and those who complied and got hurt then won’t do this again.

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a wonderful commentary and you point to that supreme irony -- how their petty fears drove them into the jaws of harm ... well, courage has to be learned, I guess and I am optimistic. Thank you, and stay strong and courageous!

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Are there organisations or single people who are letting people know how much danger the WHO is going to be if the International Health Regulations amendments will come in force?

They strip nations of their sovereignty, bodily autonomy and freedom.

The government has to let the WHO know that they do not agree with the IHR, if the government keeps silent it is assumed that they agree.

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people are trying here and all over the world, Meryl Nass being a prominent voice among others. But it's an uphill battle ...

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There are lots. James Roguski springs to mind


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Yes I follow James Roguski, but was wondering if there was an organisation here in NZ

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Ty for all you do. Reminded me of this quote: “What fascinates me is hardly anyone is actually wondering what we’re actually doing on this planet. Most have accepted the work-eat-entertainment-sleep cycle as life and have no desire for a deeper understanding of our purpose in this universe.”


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and a wonderful quote, thank you!

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“Let's be clear,

the future is not just happening;

the future is built by us,

a powerful community here in this room.

We (Ubermensch) have the means to impose the state of the world”

-- Clown Schwab, Davos 2022.


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thank you for this

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We must keep on keeping on until the scales fall from enough eyes that we may continue to rebuild or maybe to build, a moral life for our fellow man and creatures. Thank you so much!!

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G'day NZD, don't sell yourself short, you go alright in my book, just watched this today, what a coincidence. https://youtu.be/ZltdPfal5x0?si=RpfjHiLOLX0JgoW3

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In New Zealand, the NZDoc is technically a domestic terrorist. No doubt it hasn't escaped him or his readers that publishing these articles puts him in the firing line for an early death if the current trends continue. I only bring it up to provide the right context for a hearty thankyou.

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you are very welcome! :)

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Missing from the MSM: Native malaria cases have been detected in Texas.

Coincidence? no!

The EPA approved the release of billions of GMO mosquitoes in Texas and Florida by Bill Gates.

What do these mosquitoes carry? Malaria genes for sure since Bill Gates have been working on malaria quackcines for 2 decades. Creating malaria in America out of thin air is a big business for the Big Pharma (GAVI). They are not accountable to anybody and have bought the media and the victims will never know what has happened to their states!

Bill Gates is working on these emerging diseases with the DoD - they tested their mosquitoes in California, Texas, Florida, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, etc.... before the EPA approval.

I am surprised that Global South countries are playing the Russian roulette for the Global Predators.

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excellent, thank you for sharing - yes, I've heard about the GMO mosquitoes and also about some fear-mongering in Florida about leprosy if I remember correctly ... Gates will be stopped and the Uniparty's days are numbered.

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As a collective and as individuals, we approach that biblical Eye of the Needle.

A great reckoning is underway.

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” - Yogi Berra

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a great reckoning indeed, and a narrow Eye, which fork are you taking? thanks for commenting

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Thank you!

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