Seems with the Covid Fraudemic fizzling out and "vaccine hesitancy" (Lord how I despise that term: I am NOT "vaccine hesistant"!!!) finally ramping up... and the bogus war in Ukraine going nowhere... the Globalists have launched their latest terror tactic in Israel with the Hamas False Flag and with the consequent bull-dozing and conflagration of the Gaza Strip Concentration Camp, they may yet have their nuclear confrontation between America and Russia!

That said, I'm glad to learn of people like Aly Cook doing all they can to impart awareness of The Lethal Injections and to wake the Lemmings up!

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40%- 70% of health care workers walked out?? If that would have been the case the whole health care system would have collapsed, also counting in the approx 11000 fraudulent exemptions.

So I put my ? there.

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The antibodies are not important with covid. The T cells are the key to natural immunity. And they are generated by the body's natural immunity process as long as one has not been C-19 vxxd prior to infection. If vxxd, the normal immune responses are impaired.

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