Thank you, Manny, for reminding me of the positive side of crowds: your choral group.
As someone who is unsocial by nature I get nervous when people coagulate into groups. If you were to ask me whether I like people, my answer would be: by and large yes when they are alone, for most people are rational and kind when you get them one-one-one. But when people surrender their personal identity to that of a group they easily turn irrational and unkind. The trouble with humanity is that most of its members most of the time seem to be hell bent on submerging themselves in a crowd of some kind. And even a positive crowd, such as a choral group or a police force, can be infected by some nasty emotion that might be repulsed by an individual but which will spread like wildfire in any crowd.
I think all human crowds are either herds or packs. The mass hysteria created by the government and legacy news media in 2020 created a herd as frightened people huddled together in search of security. But then, because fear (that comes from feeling one is not in control) can easily switch to anger (which creates a semblance of being in control) that national herd began to take on the elements of a pack, hunting the outsiders, the 'lone wolves' that cause any herd to feel threatened. The government and news media, of course, knew this would happen.
Ardern has a degree in communication studies, so Goebbels will be one of her heroes and she would have known exactly what she was doing. I'm still unsure whether she is guilty of criminal negligence leading to the deaths of thousands or malfeasance leading to the deaths of thousands, but either way she understands propaganda.
My wife and I have adopted as one of our current standards the phrase 'know it but don't think it'. In other words, it's essential to know and remember what happened, but it's not a good idea to think too much about it for one tends to get penned into anger, retribution and paranoia.
But it's necessary that some people do think about it on behalf of us all, and keep digging up evidence and finding intelligent ways to help us address our memories and heal ourselves. You are one of those people, Manny, for which I thank you.
Jacintha Ardern like all the rest of them has knowingly, deliberately, participated in crimes against humanity. Like all the the rest of them, she merits the death penalty for what she's done. Her execution must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate.
An excellent commentary for which I am very grateful. And regarding the question of negligence v. malfeasance ... I believe strongly that it is the latter. Thank you.
The bonding hormones that are exided and inhaled among a chorus singing the great works is not the same kind of bond that forms among the deluded and self riteous, thank heavens.
Let’s hope we can start letting some fresh air and truth shine through.
So the victim of the bashing is once again victimised by lack of action towards the bully.
I've been hungry a few times too when money was short and kids were little but I never once thought of whacking someone because I was hangry - my thoughts turned to skills/experience to get out of the situation.
As for the covid fake nonsenses, mob sure rules and I stay well away from people groups because most of them like being told how to live by those in authority and turn on those who don't comply.
So mass manipulation, pack mentality, yes fooled once but eyes must be opened you'd think but no, still hearing individuals, mostly old folks in my case, praising the damn jab, praising damn Ardern. Pack mentality displayed again with the anti-Semitism protests around the world.
A lot of us, none of us being perfect, take responsibility for our own well-being, not paying attention to the so-called psychological mentality or society misfunctioning during man-made crisis because we are able to discern the situation for what it is - malfeasance on the part of those perpetuating the crisis.
The world has changed and seems to have lost its ability of discernment, morality and ethics. We need to be more self-reliant and more dependent on what made western countries great and worth living in back then - biblical truth.
"Second phase of the New Zealand Covid Inquiry" ? = "Whitewash 2.0" 🙄💩
I imagine these books may seem sophomoric to you at best if not totally "Mickey Mouse", still, for your delectation and enjoyment...
💣 "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles McKay, LLD, first published in 1844 and still in print.
💣"A Criminal History of Mankind" by Colin Wilson and
💣"Encylopedia of Crime" by Oliver Cyriax and Colin Wilson
A friend of my wife's remarked during the Fraudemic that the division between the Covidiots and the Red-Pilled was the division between people who watch television and those who don't...🤔
Your last sentence sums up what is really the most important aspect of all of the public response: those who watch TV and those who don't (or MSM however you want to put it). The single most critical way of cutting through the propaganda is not to subject oneself it! Thank you for this and for the book recommendations. I think McKay is the one who spoke about men regaining their wits singly but losing them in droves or all at once. Maybe a good miracle will allow more people to come to their senses quickly ........
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one." 😘
Another curiousity is the (at best) utter mediocrity of the creatures held up to us as examplars of the best of human thought, I'm thinking in particular of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, though Jordan Peterson's comment "Even a blockhead of Sartre's monumental proportions" is apposite as well... A couple of items that may as Gandalf put it "professionally interest" you:
💣 The movie "A Dangerous Method", revolving around Carl Jung's relationship with Sabina Spilrein in which Jung and Freud are both portrayed as a couple of pretentious, posturing, unscrupulous prats... the (brief) scene where Jung is giving Spilrein a good ass-whupping, her naked breasts bobbing in time as she's squealing in ecstasy is quite humourous.
PS, George Hansen's "The Trickster and the Paranormal"... it's dense, it's scholarly, took me 3 tries to get through it; well worth the effort. As I've said, I can think of no time in history that compares to what we've been through since 2020, this book may go some way towards explaining it.🤔
Thank you very much for this. Your insights about the positive side of groups were especially thought-provoking for me.
My general take on all this: There are a lot of things that I do not accept, and it's been helpful for me over these past few years to achieve increasing clarity on what precisely those things are and why they are unacceptable. More benefits: I'm a lot less easily taken by surprise than I once was, and I can spot wolves and sheep a country mile away.
But can you spot a wolf in a sheep's disguise? lol -- thanks for your commentary, I appreciate it very much, as I do your indefatigable work in creating an archive of transcripts for posterity.
Those wolves in sheepskins-- yeah, they can be tricky. But I'd at least go so far as to say, I'm a good ways up the learning curve compared to where I once was.
(quote): “Far too many humans are slaves to their own damaged Egos, resulting in the plethora of poor choices that they regularly make.
GOD designed humans with something unique in the animal kingdom: the freedom and ability to make reasoned, logical, imaginative, intelligent Choices about our thoughts and behavior, and yet so many of our species -- guided by raw emotion and neurotic Ego -- continue to make Dark Choices on a regular basis. Low self-esteem, cowardice, and personal insecurity are the kindling and root instigators of Narcissism and Hubris, which are terminal cancers of our individual human essences. They lead to virtue signaling, self-righteous smugness, cognitive dissonance, intolerance, dishonesty, selfishness, ruthless meanheartedness, and all things Dark and Evil.
Groupthink (temporarily) assuages their deep insecurities (as does bullying, and lynchings, etc.).
Those who scoff at, deride the importance of, or have forgotten that our species is both physical and metaphysical/spiritual are fodder for the Dark forces of the universe, and become unaware (‘woke’) servants of their own Evil-infused Egos.
Of course, the solution to this tsunami of Darkness is obvious and has been right in front of us since our Creation.
We must first recognize and be Grateful for the unique design of our species, then see it in its full context as both a physical and spiritual manifestation of universal energy, and once fully grokked, nurture our Good through Virtuous behavior, subsequently moving our essences upward towards the Light -- Working Together -- As a structured and accountable hive of honeybees -- Or an inspired Choral group and Orchestra (& Composer) during a Joyous feedback loop of performance of Divine musical creation.
Light always dissipates Darkness;
GOD always wins.”
The only question is, and has always been. . .
“How long are Good people willing to suffer before they decide to make the Holy Choice to risk the sacrifice of their earthbound selves and take the Leap of Faith necessary to Unite and overwhelmingly take the Joy and Independence from Life that’s Rightfully theirs away from the cowardly, greedy clutches of the minions of Evil?”
A most beautiful commentary, thank you very much! I often think about the many choices each of us makes daily, each of which has some measure of good or evil in the balance.
Nature seems to place two antithetical groups on a scale as it weighs the struggle between "to live" on one side and "to die" on the other. The struggle is to live in goodness, which helps mankind, or to die reaching for the unethical. The latter diminishes the welfare of mankind. As history has shown, the scale never balances; in fact, it tends to favour the unethical side.
Emanuel, I don't know if what I have written here is a pertinent comment to your essay, but I do know, and I say it with utmost conviction, that your essay is a thing of beauty, unfolding slowly, step by logical step to a conclusion which in itself is also a thing of beauty: to strive for benevolent ideals and to promote good will, good energy and Good Power!
Your observation is excellent ... and your kind words are very welcome. I often wonder why I write essays, should I write essays, when so much of what is taken up is news, news items, keeping people abreast, etc. It is very comforting to know that they reach you, that this form has a place. Thank you so very very much, Ana.
Where have you been Doc? "Boom' ... the World has gone 'insane' ... just check out 'Libs of Tik Tok' ... and 'man in the street' interviews by Mark Dice ... and 'Fleccas Talks' ... both, surprisingly ... still on YouTube ... and I'm absolutely certain ... that that 'collective insanity' ... has it's 'roots' ... firmly in the childhood 'vaccine' schedule ... mandatory to go to school ... and university ... in the US ... now 75 shots up to the age of 18 in the US ... with NZ probably not too far behind (?)
I agree with you about the 'collective mindset' ... and the power of that 'collective' to create something wonderful ... but, for some time ... that 'collective' power ... has been deliberately turned against us ... and is being used to destroy us ...
Over the last couple of years ... I have seen some late 1800's ... early 1900's footage ... some of it colorized ... of cities like Paris, New York, and London ... even Auckland ... and what immediately 'stuck out' ... was a 'civilized serenity' ... a 'collective 'dignity' and 'calmness' ... of long gone eras ... and they highlighted the contrast with today's cities ... particularly all the cities I mentioned above ... and it was sobering ... actually scary ... as to what has happened ... in the 'collectives' we know ... as 'cities'
It was interesting to observe the evil 'collective' of minds known as 'MSM' ... after the Trump/Biden 'debate' ... all pretending they 'had no idea' Biden had dementia ... after deliberately hiding it from the public/lying about it ... for at least four years ... prompting my biggest ever email to PM Christopher Luxon ... with some 'pointers' on the 'Deep State' ... and it's hideous control of America ... my emails to Luxon must be approaching 30 now ... since mid-March ... 'collectively' ... I don't think his hair will be growing back anytime soon ... but MSM is actually giving us a bit of truth ... on a daily basis ... that a lot of Kiwis ... are losing theirs ... even Marama Davidson ... who has blocked my emails for months ... will be wearing a scarf soon ...
excellent and rich commentary ... yes, I know about the jab schedule, which is truly insane, and about the MSM -- we keep hearing about the death of the MSM yet so many people here still hang on their lips ... Thank you.
Thank you, Manny, for reminding me of the positive side of crowds: your choral group.
As someone who is unsocial by nature I get nervous when people coagulate into groups. If you were to ask me whether I like people, my answer would be: by and large yes when they are alone, for most people are rational and kind when you get them one-one-one. But when people surrender their personal identity to that of a group they easily turn irrational and unkind. The trouble with humanity is that most of its members most of the time seem to be hell bent on submerging themselves in a crowd of some kind. And even a positive crowd, such as a choral group or a police force, can be infected by some nasty emotion that might be repulsed by an individual but which will spread like wildfire in any crowd.
I think all human crowds are either herds or packs. The mass hysteria created by the government and legacy news media in 2020 created a herd as frightened people huddled together in search of security. But then, because fear (that comes from feeling one is not in control) can easily switch to anger (which creates a semblance of being in control) that national herd began to take on the elements of a pack, hunting the outsiders, the 'lone wolves' that cause any herd to feel threatened. The government and news media, of course, knew this would happen.
Ardern has a degree in communication studies, so Goebbels will be one of her heroes and she would have known exactly what she was doing. I'm still unsure whether she is guilty of criminal negligence leading to the deaths of thousands or malfeasance leading to the deaths of thousands, but either way she understands propaganda.
My wife and I have adopted as one of our current standards the phrase 'know it but don't think it'. In other words, it's essential to know and remember what happened, but it's not a good idea to think too much about it for one tends to get penned into anger, retribution and paranoia.
But it's necessary that some people do think about it on behalf of us all, and keep digging up evidence and finding intelligent ways to help us address our memories and heal ourselves. You are one of those people, Manny, for which I thank you.
Jacintha Ardern like all the rest of them has knowingly, deliberately, participated in crimes against humanity. Like all the the rest of them, she merits the death penalty for what she's done. Her execution must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate.
An excellent commentary for which I am very grateful. And regarding the question of negligence v. malfeasance ... I believe strongly that it is the latter. Thank you.
Brilliant summarisation of our divided society. Thankyou for posting your viewpoint on groups.
And thank you for your kind words and support!
The bonding hormones that are exided and inhaled among a chorus singing the great works is not the same kind of bond that forms among the deluded and self riteous, thank heavens.
Let’s hope we can start letting some fresh air and truth shine through.
Pardon my typos
nothing to pardon, I make them all the time myself!
Titivillus lives
So the victim of the bashing is once again victimised by lack of action towards the bully.
I've been hungry a few times too when money was short and kids were little but I never once thought of whacking someone because I was hangry - my thoughts turned to skills/experience to get out of the situation.
As for the covid fake nonsenses, mob sure rules and I stay well away from people groups because most of them like being told how to live by those in authority and turn on those who don't comply.
So mass manipulation, pack mentality, yes fooled once but eyes must be opened you'd think but no, still hearing individuals, mostly old folks in my case, praising the damn jab, praising damn Ardern. Pack mentality displayed again with the anti-Semitism protests around the world.
A lot of us, none of us being perfect, take responsibility for our own well-being, not paying attention to the so-called psychological mentality or society misfunctioning during man-made crisis because we are able to discern the situation for what it is - malfeasance on the part of those perpetuating the crisis.
The world has changed and seems to have lost its ability of discernment, morality and ethics. We need to be more self-reliant and more dependent on what made western countries great and worth living in back then - biblical truth.
Excellent observations -- and yes, where has responsibility gone??? Your comments are much appreciated.
Bravo! I agree! So true! Thank you!
thank you!
"Second phase of the New Zealand Covid Inquiry" ? = "Whitewash 2.0" 🙄💩
I imagine these books may seem sophomoric to you at best if not totally "Mickey Mouse", still, for your delectation and enjoyment...
💣 "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles McKay, LLD, first published in 1844 and still in print.
💣"A Criminal History of Mankind" by Colin Wilson and
💣"Encylopedia of Crime" by Oliver Cyriax and Colin Wilson
A friend of my wife's remarked during the Fraudemic that the division between the Covidiots and the Red-Pilled was the division between people who watch television and those who don't...🤔
Your last sentence sums up what is really the most important aspect of all of the public response: those who watch TV and those who don't (or MSM however you want to put it). The single most critical way of cutting through the propaganda is not to subject oneself it! Thank you for this and for the book recommendations. I think McKay is the one who spoke about men regaining their wits singly but losing them in droves or all at once. Maybe a good miracle will allow more people to come to their senses quickly ........
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one." 😘
Another curiousity is the (at best) utter mediocrity of the creatures held up to us as examplars of the best of human thought, I'm thinking in particular of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, though Jordan Peterson's comment "Even a blockhead of Sartre's monumental proportions" is apposite as well... A couple of items that may as Gandalf put it "professionally interest" you:
💣 "The Fraud of Freud" by (I'm pretty sure) Russian Orthodox writer, "The Saker"; he shut down his website and this link doesn't attribute him (you can find some of his stuff on, but not that one 🙄):
💣 The movie "A Dangerous Method", revolving around Carl Jung's relationship with Sabina Spilrein in which Jung and Freud are both portrayed as a couple of pretentious, posturing, unscrupulous prats... the (brief) scene where Jung is giving Spilrein a good ass-whupping, her naked breasts bobbing in time as she's squealing in ecstasy is quite humourous.
PS, George Hansen's "The Trickster and the Paranormal"... it's dense, it's scholarly, took me 3 tries to get through it; well worth the effort. As I've said, I can think of no time in history that compares to what we've been through since 2020, this book may go some way towards explaining it.🤔
Thank you very much for this. Your insights about the positive side of groups were especially thought-provoking for me.
My general take on all this: There are a lot of things that I do not accept, and it's been helpful for me over these past few years to achieve increasing clarity on what precisely those things are and why they are unacceptable. More benefits: I'm a lot less easily taken by surprise than I once was, and I can spot wolves and sheep a country mile away.
But can you spot a wolf in a sheep's disguise? lol -- thanks for your commentary, I appreciate it very much, as I do your indefatigable work in creating an archive of transcripts for posterity.
Those wolves in sheepskins-- yeah, they can be tricky. But I'd at least go so far as to say, I'm a good ways up the learning curve compared to where I once was.
Thanks for your kind words about the transcripts.
(quote): “Far too many humans are slaves to their own damaged Egos, resulting in the plethora of poor choices that they regularly make.
GOD designed humans with something unique in the animal kingdom: the freedom and ability to make reasoned, logical, imaginative, intelligent Choices about our thoughts and behavior, and yet so many of our species -- guided by raw emotion and neurotic Ego -- continue to make Dark Choices on a regular basis. Low self-esteem, cowardice, and personal insecurity are the kindling and root instigators of Narcissism and Hubris, which are terminal cancers of our individual human essences. They lead to virtue signaling, self-righteous smugness, cognitive dissonance, intolerance, dishonesty, selfishness, ruthless meanheartedness, and all things Dark and Evil.
Groupthink (temporarily) assuages their deep insecurities (as does bullying, and lynchings, etc.).
Those who scoff at, deride the importance of, or have forgotten that our species is both physical and metaphysical/spiritual are fodder for the Dark forces of the universe, and become unaware (‘woke’) servants of their own Evil-infused Egos.
Of course, the solution to this tsunami of Darkness is obvious and has been right in front of us since our Creation.
We must first recognize and be Grateful for the unique design of our species, then see it in its full context as both a physical and spiritual manifestation of universal energy, and once fully grokked, nurture our Good through Virtuous behavior, subsequently moving our essences upward towards the Light -- Working Together -- As a structured and accountable hive of honeybees -- Or an inspired Choral group and Orchestra (& Composer) during a Joyous feedback loop of performance of Divine musical creation.
Light always dissipates Darkness;
GOD always wins.”
The only question is, and has always been. . .
“How long are Good people willing to suffer before they decide to make the Holy Choice to risk the sacrifice of their earthbound selves and take the Leap of Faith necessary to Unite and overwhelmingly take the Joy and Independence from Life that’s Rightfully theirs away from the cowardly, greedy clutches of the minions of Evil?”
A most beautiful commentary, thank you very much! I often think about the many choices each of us makes daily, each of which has some measure of good or evil in the balance.
How I envy you singing the Ode to Joy. I can imagine how glorious it must have been.
If you haven't seen this video of a flashmob and the Ode to Joy, it's quite awesome:
It was glorious indeed, thank you, and thanks for the flashmob link!
Nature seems to place two antithetical groups on a scale as it weighs the struggle between "to live" on one side and "to die" on the other. The struggle is to live in goodness, which helps mankind, or to die reaching for the unethical. The latter diminishes the welfare of mankind. As history has shown, the scale never balances; in fact, it tends to favour the unethical side.
Emanuel, I don't know if what I have written here is a pertinent comment to your essay, but I do know, and I say it with utmost conviction, that your essay is a thing of beauty, unfolding slowly, step by logical step to a conclusion which in itself is also a thing of beauty: to strive for benevolent ideals and to promote good will, good energy and Good Power!
Your observation is excellent ... and your kind words are very welcome. I often wonder why I write essays, should I write essays, when so much of what is taken up is news, news items, keeping people abreast, etc. It is very comforting to know that they reach you, that this form has a place. Thank you so very very much, Ana.
Dr Garcia, all writers who truly love their craft have doubts about what they produce. Please keep writing!!!
Where have you been Doc? "Boom' ... the World has gone 'insane' ... just check out 'Libs of Tik Tok' ... and 'man in the street' interviews by Mark Dice ... and 'Fleccas Talks' ... both, surprisingly ... still on YouTube ... and I'm absolutely certain ... that that 'collective insanity' ... has it's 'roots' ... firmly in the childhood 'vaccine' schedule ... mandatory to go to school ... and university ... in the US ... now 75 shots up to the age of 18 in the US ... with NZ probably not too far behind (?)
I agree with you about the 'collective mindset' ... and the power of that 'collective' to create something wonderful ... but, for some time ... that 'collective' power ... has been deliberately turned against us ... and is being used to destroy us ...
Over the last couple of years ... I have seen some late 1800's ... early 1900's footage ... some of it colorized ... of cities like Paris, New York, and London ... even Auckland ... and what immediately 'stuck out' ... was a 'civilized serenity' ... a 'collective 'dignity' and 'calmness' ... of long gone eras ... and they highlighted the contrast with today's cities ... particularly all the cities I mentioned above ... and it was sobering ... actually scary ... as to what has happened ... in the 'collectives' we know ... as 'cities'
It was interesting to observe the evil 'collective' of minds known as 'MSM' ... after the Trump/Biden 'debate' ... all pretending they 'had no idea' Biden had dementia ... after deliberately hiding it from the public/lying about it ... for at least four years ... prompting my biggest ever email to PM Christopher Luxon ... with some 'pointers' on the 'Deep State' ... and it's hideous control of America ... my emails to Luxon must be approaching 30 now ... since mid-March ... 'collectively' ... I don't think his hair will be growing back anytime soon ... but MSM is actually giving us a bit of truth ... on a daily basis ... that a lot of Kiwis ... are losing theirs ... even Marama Davidson ... who has blocked my emails for months ... will be wearing a scarf soon ...
'Skyfall' ... is still coming unfortunately ...
excellent and rich commentary ... yes, I know about the jab schedule, which is truly insane, and about the MSM -- we keep hearing about the death of the MSM yet so many people here still hang on their lips ... Thank you.