(This is a slightly edited version of my talk today as part of the “Safe and Effective” Roadshow, which featured presentations at various cities around New Zealand.)
Thanks to Donna Clapham for having organized the Road Show. I regret not having been able to join up at the other venues around the country, but I am very happy to be here today in Wellington.
Look around you for a moment, take each other in. You did it. You survived the greatest global campaign of fear, deception, propaganda and governmental control in history. You survived the ‘origin myth’ of the bat-soup species-hopping virus that became an invisible enemy so lethal that Chinese streets needed to be hosed with chemicals and unfortunate carriers of the ostensible disease needed to be cemented into their flats.
You survived the relentless death counts, case counts and emergency warnings spewed out by every mainstream media organization in the world – and that was just the beginning!
Then came the complete subversion of principles of medicine that took thousands of years to evolve—principles such as ‘first do no harm’, treating the ill early and preventively, fashioning treatment in accordance with individualized needs, and adequately informing people about interventions recommended—what we know as ‘informed consent’.
Principles of vaccinology that stipulated a requirement of sufficient TIME for appropriate assessment of new vaccines.
Principles regarding the uselessness of quarantining healthy people, and of using masks to control a respiratory pathogen smaller than the openings of mask material.
Principles of natural immunity—which soon became a four-letter word ripe for censorship in the ‘new abnormal’. Isn’t that something to behold!
And then came the mandates: masks, distancing, lockdowns, traffic light systems of control, with those silly arrows on the sidewalks and in supermarkets. And a Jab that was unnecessary to begin with and hazardous, because appropriate trials did not occur over the time necessary to ensure safety—and, actually were never properly run or reported upon. Oh, and I forgot to mention the tests for covid, which involved invading the frontal sinuses, or just about, and the deliberate fudging of the definition of a ‘case’. And get this: you could be the carrier of this deadly disease even if you felt perfectly healthy! Only the so-called test could tell—now isn’t that something!
In essence, you survived a myth that had been foisted upon the entire world, and went something like this:
A dangerous pathogen leapt from a bat to a human in China, rapidly travelled around the world killing millions of people because of its lethality, requiring extraordinary measures to save what we could of humanity, which included bringing commerce and education to a standstill, and trampling the few core rights of individuals into the ground ‘for the common good’—a good defined by whoever it was who orchestrated the whole damn thing (and we have some ideas).
In early 2020 we already knew, through the work of John Ioannidis of Stanford University, that covid was even at that time with faulty PCR testing no more lethal than a bad seasonal flu.
But we were told to beware, because the enemy was both everywhere and invisible. We were gaslit in the most comprehensive and coercive ways imaginable. In fact, the clearest sign to me that covid was an ‘operation’ was the active suppression of treatment and the virtual banning of medicines like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the denigration of preventive measures. Doctors here in New Zealand are still in the crosshairs of a witch hunt because they refused to succumb to the overturning of their professional duties and responsibilities and identities.
You, however, knew that something was wrong. You sensed that things just didn’t add up. You felt that depriving people of togetherness didn’t seem right. You realized that the absurd covid dance we were forced to step to was, frankly, stupid; while most of those around you followed the Pied Piper to the blissful river of ignorance. You understood that freedom of speech, open debate, and the sanctity of one’s body should have been inviolable.
But I’m not here today to dwell upon what we already know. I’m here to speak of how important this whole megillah turned out to be. We should be grateful—in one way, at least— that ‘all things covid’ had been thrust upon us, because it lifted the veil that had been hiding the untrustworthiness of government, of public health, of NGOs, and, most important, of the legacy or mainstream media.
The most significant revelations to emerge from this deeply oppressive experience are that the MSM are organs of untruth, and that our governments can be dangerous threats —literally— to life and limb.
For those around us who cannot accept those truths, ‘God’s in his heaven and all’s right with the world’—except that it’s not, and you and I know it. They are in the large majority and they are unlikely to be swayed by reason or by the avalanche of scientific papers—and even the evidence of their own eyes and ears!—proving the covid measures and the Jab to be harmful. I have a special name for these folks: I call them The Superficialists. Whether through willful or purposeful agency they refuse to countenance reality and see the world only in its illusionary surface representation. I will have more to say about this in a forthcoming essay.
Which leads me to the 3rd most essential observation and recommendation, namely, that we have each other and we must make sure to nourish and protect the community we have together formed. In addition to apprising others of the deliberate malfeasance of government and media, we must take pains to strengthen our connections with each other, so that we may support ourselves now and in the future. And we must not be susceptible to fear, the familiar tool of tyrants seeking to manipulate the masses.
For several years I have been saying that we aspirers to freedom and common sense need some help in high places—particularly from America; that we needed a chink, a break, a movement against the global forces preaching falsehood and control. And we, finally, have that opening and that wedge with the election of a populist leader in the States with a track record of opposition to the World Health Organization. A leader, moreover, who, as I have just learned moments ago, has nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services in the United States.
And besides this break, we are getting glimpses of marvelous new vistas for Medicine in the battle against cancer, for example, and in fundamentally novel ways to understand disease and treatment. I feel as if we are poised upon the threshold of a truly beautiful epoch, wherein the meretricious role of Big Pharma will be banished, and centralized global control of our lives will be extirpated—with our ongoing and vigilant help, of course.
As we step into this more promising realm we do so as a small minority. But I believe that many others will follow our lead once they can rip themselves away from the pernicious dependence upon corrupt governmental authority, which can only occur when they rip themselves away from the vapid but potent spell of the legacy media. If there is one single thing I can recommend to bring others along, it is that they turn off the MSM, and turn to their fellow citizens and alternative media for real news.
Do not be discouraged by our numbers—we happy few are just the right people to usher in a happier age, an age characterized by mutual cooperation, rejection of centralized control, and by citizen journalism—out of which a health system completely rejuvenated and recalibrated will undoubtedly emerge.
Our time is now.
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
15 November 2024
Happy to be here . I was so steamed to read the new normal on my banks window at the start of the plandemic . Stupid Simon says foot prints to mark the 6 feet on the sidewalk.
As to the cancer cures seems that it is a parasite that dog wormer can cure .
I for one found out hardening of the arteries is reversible. And 12 years ago I reversed mine after I asked my stint doctor if there was a way to reverse it . He told me the short answer was yes . But he was on a short schedule and that I looked like an intelligent man and if I went on line I could find the info . Well I started with L-Arginine to open my circulation instead of Nitro .
Then I found Serrapeptase to clear any non living organic material (crud) out of my body and then I found EDTA chelation to take the calcium buildup out of my arteries. 90 days of the capsules and on the 30th day I could walk faster than I had in years . Now 12 years without ace inhibitors, statins , or blood pressure meds . No 1/2 a aspirin either. Now just a carnivore and power walking miles after being a decrepit old man those years ago when I had to ride the Walmart power cart
I hope Bobby Kennedy gets Senate approval