In my most recent article on New Zealand’s Jab mandates and exemptions for healthcare workers (which can be read here and here, and which included source documents and links thereof), and following upon my discussion with lawyer Liz Lambert of the legal processes at issue, I formulated a series of questions.
When the jab mandates for healthcare workers were lifted, were all those healthcare workers who had been terminated for not getting the jab offered their jobs back?
Answer: Another Official Information Act request has been made to address this issue, and a response has been delayed. I know of one physician who, refusing to receive a third jab, was fired from her District Health Board job while on vacation, but rehired upon her return after the mandates had been lifted. I know of another physician in similar circumstances as well.
Were any religious exemptions granted? If so, by whom? How many?
Answer: No, there were none.
Of the temporary medical exemptions (9B) granted, the vast majority were given for those who had an 'active' covid infection. Who made the decisions about the other exemptions for adverse events, for example?
Answer: The Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield made the ultimate decisions along with a Panel of Six up until late July 2022 (please see Appendices One and Two in Source Documents). At this juncture Ayesha Verrall took over that role, and also took over the position of Minister for Covid Response from Chris Hipkins in June of that year. She had control of both medical (9B) and Service Disruption (12A) exemptions.
Were Significant Service Disruption (SSD) exemptions contingent upon medical exemptions having been granted for those who fell under this category?
Answer: No. SSD exemptions were granted to those who did not necessarily have medical exemptions. I know of one physician who remained unjabbed but continued to practice, albeit via telehealth (remotely, not face to face). He did not apply for a medical exemption but he assumes that his administrative chiefs applied for an SSD to cover him. Two of my psychiatric colleagues in Wellington were terminated without having been given the option of telehealth.
Were any permanent medical exemptions granted, and by whom?
Answer: We do not know the length of each of the exemptions granted, medical or service, but all exemptions were considered temporary and not to exceed six months. Furthermore, given the span of the mandate period, from 15 November through 26 September, exemptions (and terminations) may have occurred at various times throughout, e.g., before any of the three jabs imposed.
What was the breakdown of those who received SSD (12A) exemptions, for example, how many were doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, dentists, hospital orderlies, psychologists, social workers, technicians, clerks, allied health personnel, etc.?
Answer: We don’t know, although we are attempting to discover this through further OIA requests.
Were any of those who received SSD (12A) or medical (9B) exemptions placed under a gag order?
Answer: We have no evidence that gag orders were in place.
It is worthwhile now to step back and make our way from the forest of bureaucratic detail into open terrain. We must not lose sight of the fact that mandates represented a depredation of fundamental human rights; furthermore, none of the mandates (lockdowns, masks or inoculation) had any genuinely scientific foundation.
The very notion of ‘exemptions’ undermines any ostensible logic implied in the jab mandates themselves. For example, if an unjabbed person had been assumed to be a grievous risk to others, then NO exemptions would have been warranted. The actual bestowal of Service exemptions undermines the rationale behind the imposition of jab mandates. Medical exemptions, which, even for serious adverse events were granted with criminal rarity, are another story; but an exempted person should have been required not to have contact with patients or personnel IF in fact a healthy unjabbed person truly represented a danger.
None of this makes any sense, and navigating my way through the arcane and deviously labyrinthine orders contrived by a government hell-bent on control and universal inoculation is a challenge. As I have asserted many times before, an agenda had been set and principles of logic, reason and genuine medicine were discarded, deliberately so, and with purposeful force.
Nonetheless, we must keep our wits about ourselves as we expose this corruption. I have heard rumours of blocs of doctors refusing to be inoculated and essentially bargaining for exemptions while keeping mum. I cannot corroborate this in any factual way.
Did people in the upper reaches of the New Zealand government know that the jab was harmful and unnecessary? And did some quietly refuse the intervention they imposed on us all? I’d love to find out, but I’d need to make discovery with irrefutable documentation.
We have been lied to about everything involving covid from the very beginning — the bat soup origins of the pathogen, the thunderous overcrowding of hospitals and morgues, and the ‘safe and effective’ Jab, which had never been adequately tested over time. And all the while doctors who questioned lockdowns and masks, discussed the virtues of natural immunity, insisted upon informed consent, and provided appropriate treatment had their licences suspended and revoked by the Medical Council of New Zealand, itself under orders from the Federation of State Medical Boards, sending a clear message to the profession: keep your mouths shut or you won’t be able to feed yourselves or your families.
I will end by calling attention to the absence of religious exemptions, mostly because I find this exceptionally egregious. The government cannot even have mustered the honour of deferring to the sacrosanct. To them neither body nor soul is inviolable, and in this regard they are completely in harmony with the principles and practices of the short-lived and defunct, though once temporarily powerful, Third Reich.
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
October 2023
I wish to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of lawyer Liz Lambert, and the efforts and assistance of Erika Whittome.
Source documents related to the above article may be found here:
Remember that Medsafe originally refused to authorize use of Covid vaccines, but authorities like WHO told Dr Bloomfield that all options were on the table. I think the elite decided to play safe and not to vaccinate lots of executives and "important" people, but make up for it by getting everyone else vaccinated. I think we are way past integrity.
Is it time for Kiwis to start recognising the idea of God again. Not necessarily the christian god, it doesn't have be a religious version. 'God' can be proved with scientific rationale if one knows where and how to look.
I read the post linked below, literally seconds before opening this one.